Addon Vehicle Not Spawning or giving Errors

Hello. So basically i tried to install this car mod on my server ( ) as an Add-On. So i converted it like any other normal add-on vehicle and i put it in my resource folder, added it in server.cfg and started the server. When i tried to spawn it it didnt spawn, give an error or anything. Since i really like this car i would be very happy if someone more experienced than me could help me with this issue.

The car folder:

please post your .meta files and your folder setup


the file elegy5_livery8.yft is over 16mb so that may be causing the issue. You can try and remove it.

When i removed it the car spawned but it spawned me out of the car and when i tried to enter it my game crashed instantly.

check the layout in the vehicles.meta. set it to LAYOUT_STANDARD

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It works now thanks alot man! :smiley:

im confused on how to add it.

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I have the same problem, my car spawn in my esx server but in my qbcore server does not. Why?