Addon props - fivem.exe+15F42E4

So, I am using the CreateObject native to create an addon prop which i’m streaming. The prop spawns, however when I restart the resource I crash with the following error: fivem.exe+15F42E4 (Legacy Error: bravo-fix-avocado).

You should provide a snippet of your code and the addon prop it crashes with so it’s easier to reproduce for the developers.

The prop: stream.rar (12.3 KB)
The code:

RegisterCommand('co', function()

AddEventHandler('createobj', function()
   local playercoords = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId())
   local hookprophash = GetHashKey("prop_small_rope_hook")
   local hookpropspawned = CreateObject(hookprophash, playercoords.x, playercoords.y, playercoords.z, true, true, true)
end, false)