[ADDON] 12 Roleplay/Funny Animations by Divined

This is a set of custom add-on animations. There’s a file included which adds these animations to DPEmotes (you copy and paste it into your DPEmotes AnimationList.lua or just replace it).


Q: Has it been tested in live environments?
A: Yes and it is optimized, tested in servers with 500-600 player peak times.

Q: Animation flickering?
A: This is currently an issue with quaternization when converting the animation from Max over to FiveM with AnimKit, I have discussed this with disquse and hopefully soon it will be fixed. We have done our best to keep flickering to an absolute minimum and it’s something you will not have a problem with, with this pack.

Where can you download this?

Visit this link to download - https://tritons-store.tebex.io/package/4985547 - after checking out (put 0.00) your animations will be tied to your CFX account and ready to use. Animations are encrypted, manifest and animationlist.lua is not.


perfect :slight_smile:

Thx guys