Just trying to add a wanted level to the player after they hold up a store. I’m not exactly sure what the code would look like for that, can anyone help me? (Working in esx with the esx_holdup and esx_advancedholdup)
Sort of got it working. It doesn’t set the level when you commit the robbery but if you commit a small crime it immediately goes up to 3 (which is what I specified in the code)
SetPlayerWantedLevel(xPlayer.source, 3, false)
SetPlayerWantedLevelNow(xPlayer.source, false)
So basically the first line works but the second doesn’t. I get this error:
[ script:esx_holdup] SCRIPT ERROR: @esx_holdup/server/main.lua:52: attempt to call a nil value (global 'SetPlayerWantedLevelNow')
Have you tried using
SetFakeWantedLevel( fakeWantedLevel --[[ integer ]] )
This sets the Wanted level just visually. I’m guessing thats what you want to achieve here.
Native Reference: SetFakeWantedLevel - FiveM Natives @ Cfx.re Docs
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Thanks for the response
I’m actually trying to do the real wanted level with AI police since my human police force is lacking right now lol
You are calling the natives from a server side resource, which does not have access to the SetPlayerWantedLevelNow native