Adding more cars to normal traffic?

Hello. Is there any way to add addon cars to the traffic? Or at least add police cars roaming the city as well? I have seen on one RP server that they have added police cars to the traffic and I wonder how is that possible.

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Likely they replaced the default police vehicles with their add-on police vehicles, as opposed to adding them as true add-on vehicles. The same applies for civ vehicles; this is the only way I know of personally to replace default traffic



see popgroups metadata


I wouldn’t even know where to begin to look for that, but thanks for the insight :mascot:

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Thanks for all replies guys :smiley: Also, I found this link: which explains everything.

Where i can find popgroups metadata?

Check the link I have posted above.

Ok, but that works for GTA V offline… I am trying to have the same on Fivem on my server, so that paople connecting will see replaced traffic

You just need to stream it the same way as you stream other addons, like vehicles for example. There are some guides on the forum how to do that.

Hello again, can you point me to a good example somewhere? I think I already did what is needed, but as this does not work I would like to review all the steps…
Thanks a lot