Hello , i am in need of help trying to find out how to add items such as armor and medkits inside of grocery stores on esx server i just know learned how to install my own item as far as eating but is usable items for health the same ?
hi, depending on what script you are using (i will provide you with an example with the default esx_shops resource) you need to add the item to the config.lua file so it should look like this:
RobsLiquor = {
Items = {
name = “bread”,
label = “bread”,
price = 100
name = “water”,
label = “water”,
price = 100
Pos = {
vector3(1135.8, -982.2, 45.4),
vector3(-1222.9, -906.9, 11.3),
vector3(-1487.5, -379.1, 39.1),
vector3(-2968.2, 390.9, 14.0),
vector3(1166.0, 2708.9, 37.1),
vector3(1392.5, 3604.6, 33.9),
vector3(127.8, -1284.7, 28.2), --StripClub
vector3(-1393.4, -606.6, 29.3), --Tequila la
vector3(-559.9, 287.0, 81.1) --Bahamamas
Size = 1.0,
Type = 59,
Color = 25,
ShowBlip = true,
ShowMarker = true
you just need to expand the “items” table inside with the items you want to have inside a specific shop. if you still need any help let me know
While using ox-inventory you simply need to open ox-inventory/data/shops.lua and then add the item to the desired shop loc.
Liquor = {
name = 'Liquor Store',
blip = {
id = 93, colour = 69, scale = 0.8
}, inventory = {
{ name = 'water', price = 10 },
{ name = 'cola', price = 10 },
{ name = 'burger', price = 15 },
{ name = 'NEW-ITEM', price = 15 }, -- NEW ITEM
}, locations = {
vec3(1135.808, -982.281, 46.415),
vec3(-1393.409, -606.624, 30.319)
}, targets = {
{ loc = vec3(1134.9, -982.34, 46.41), length = 0.5, width = 0.5, heading = 96.0, minZ = 46.4, maxZ = 46.8, distance = 1.5 },
{ loc = vec3(1393.0, 3605.95, 35.11), length = 0.6, width = 0.6, heading = 200.0, minZ = 35.0, maxZ = 35.4, distance = 1.5 }
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