Add natives for getting lists of available vehicle/ped/weapon names/models

This would list all vehicle models, whether hashed or not, NOT all present entities

i.e GetAllVehicleModels() or something would return all available vehicle models that could be requested and spawned.

This is significantly more preferable to the alternative of dumping entire lists of vehicles into source code.

In the chance its helpful i’ve seen it done in ChaosModV:

ChaosModV/Vehicle.h at ade47832a880b116493222109a8f0870b6f154e3 · gta-chaos-mod/ChaosModV · GitHub for vehicles
ChaosModV/PedModels.h at master · gta-chaos-mod/ChaosModV · GitHub for peds
and ChaosModV/WeaponPool.h at master · gta-chaos-mod/ChaosModV · GitHub for weapons

If i were to try and make a PR for this it’d probably be a mess, and cannot really anyhow.

Some example use cases:

vMenu for example has a very large VehicleData file with all the vehicles, and subsequently falls out of date with new versions because they have to be added to said file.

And really anything that tries to list all vehicles

Peds could be useful for character creators to list all available peds without needing to worry about version differences and new versions

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Regarding vehicles, this has been a thing for the past month!

Guess who made that native :stuck_out_tongue:

Hah, just noticed that now. Nice job!