Here part of the code I used for my script for multiple locations
Locations = {
vector3(473.36, -1023.25, 28.13), --MissionRow behind station
vector3(1870.43, 3704.32, 33.22), --SandyShores Sheriff next to station under trees
vector3(-454.91, 5984.63, 31.31), --Paleto Bay behind station in corner of the heli pad
vector3(529.98, -28.98, 70.63), --VinewoodPD - in the left garage
vector3(832.34, -1405.19, 26.16), --PD on Popular behind back building by red tank
vector3(374.74, -1610.86, 29.29), --Davis Sheriff Station parking lot, no parking zone
vector3(-1113.37, -833.89, 13.34), --Vespucci PD in the top level garage
vector3(-1637.77, -1013.63, 12.73), --Del Perro PD under the del perro sign
vector3(-1473.99, -1013.96, 6.32), --Life Guard Station by the sign
vector3(-1330.7, -1519.96, 3.99), --Park Office on the Beach on the right side of the main window
vector3(-1177.05, -1774.93, 3.85), --The Main Life Guard Station on the end of the beach
vector3(364.32, 792.82, 187.49), --Ranger Station next to outhouse
while true do
local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
local coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)
for k,v in ipairs(Locations) do
-- get player location
local distance = #(coords.xy - v.xy)
if distance < 8.0 then
DrawMarker(36, v.x, v.y, v.z , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0, 255, 255, 50, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
-- if you are closer than 2, you are considered in the marker
if distance < 2.0 then
isInMarker = true
elseif distance > 3.0 then
HasAlreadyGotMessage = false
isInMarker = false
If you want to see my whole thing its here