Add Multiple Locations to Script (Vector3)

Hey there guys,

We have Core Evidence in our server. By default it seems to only allow one location using Vector3 Coords, which can be set via the Config. I have reached out in their Discord, but figured I’d check here as well.

In general, how can I go about adding multiple locations to go analyze evidence? I am being told there have to be things added to Client Main, and Server Main… but I am not sure what that coding would look like.

Appreciate the help in advance

Here part of the code I used for my script for multiple locations

Locations = {
	vector3(473.36, -1023.25, 28.13),	 --MissionRow behind station
	vector3(1870.43, 3704.32, 33.22),	 --SandyShores Sheriff next to station under trees
	vector3(-454.91, 5984.63, 31.31),	 --Paleto Bay behind station in corner of the heli pad
	vector3(529.98, -28.98, 70.63),	 	 --VinewoodPD - in the left garage
	vector3(832.34, -1405.19, 26.16),	 --PD on Popular behind back building by red tank
	vector3(374.74, -1610.86, 29.29),	 --Davis Sheriff Station parking lot, no parking zone
	vector3(-1113.37, -833.89, 13.34),	 --Vespucci PD in the top level garage
	vector3(-1637.77, -1013.63, 12.73),	 --Del Perro PD under the del perro sign
	vector3(-1473.99, -1013.96, 6.32),	 --Life Guard Station by the sign
	vector3(-1330.7, -1519.96, 3.99),	 --Park Office on the Beach on the right side of the main window
	vector3(-1177.05, -1774.93, 3.85),	 --The Main Life Guard Station on the end of the beach
	vector3(364.32, 792.82, 187.49),	 --Ranger Station next to outhouse

	while true do
		local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)
		local coords = GetEntityCoords(ped)

		for k,v in ipairs(Locations) do
			-- get player location
			local distance = #(coords.xy - v.xy)
			if distance < 8.0  then
				DrawMarker(36, v.x, v.y, v.z , 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 0, 255, 255, 50, false, false, 2, true, nil, nil, false)
				-- if you are closer than 2, you are considered in the marker	

				if distance < 2.0 then
					isInMarker = true
				elseif distance > 3.0 then
					HasAlreadyGotMessage = false
					isInMarker = false

If you want to see my whole thing its here