Add "heading" to the coords in config for markers

Hi i want to add heading for the coordinates for my marker. But when i add it in the config nothing changes. I want the circle to be laying in the ground. I would really appreciate if someone could help me out here:)


The 8th, 9th and 10th arguments in the DrawMarker native changes the X, Y and Z rotation. Also ensure you are using floating point numbers, i.e. 1.0 not just 1

None of the coordinates seems to change it the right way.
I want the circle to be laying on the ground like this:

I think that is (h) “heading coordinates” or am i wrong?

I’m not sure what your config options are, but like I say it would be either an X or Z rotation of 90 degrees that would give you what you’re expecting

i changed them but that changed the whole location of the marker,
I changed one at the time and both changed the location

What are the options you’re changing?

first i changed X and that changed the location, then i changed Y and that changed the location aswell

Do you have full access to the DrawMarker function? If not I can’t imagine you can do this

yes i have full access, i think i need to change the heading (h) coords of the marker. but when i add h to the coords nothing changes. i added h = 50.0 but still nothing changes

It won’t be the heading, as said it will be the rotation. Please show me what the variables you can edit are


So that will be for coordinates, not rotation. You need to find rotation values.

oh okay my bad
So in my client.lua this is the marker setting:

is it something here i should change?

Yes, so DrawMarker(v.Type, v.Pos.x, v.Pos.y, v.Pos.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, rotX, rotY, rotZ, ...) edit the rotX/Y/Z values to what you require

i changed it to 50.0, 0.0, 0.0:

  local coords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1))

  for k,v in pairs(Config.Zones) do
    if(v.Type ~= -1 and GetDistanceBetweenCoords(coords, v.Pos.x, v.Pos.y, v.Pos.z, true) < Config.DrawDistance) then
      DrawMarker(v.Type, v.Pos.x, v.Pos.y, v.Pos.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0, v.Color.r, v.Color.g, v.Color.b, 100, false, true, 2, false, false, false, false)


but all the markers are invisible now

You removed your v.Size variables

should i put the rotaion variables in the config like size and coords?

Make it DrawMarker(v.Type, v.Pos.x, v.Pos.y, v.Pos.z, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 50.0, 0.0, 0.0, v.Size.x, v.Size.y, v.Size.z, v.Color.r, v.Color.g, v.Color.b, 100, false, true, 2, false, false, false, false)

Now it works, i just need to find the right rotation coords:) Thank you for the help!

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