Add Groups in es_extended

As we all know es_extended dosent support es_admin2. I want to add usergroups to my server like moderator, supporter, etc. i thougt i figured out that i have to write “add_ace group.moderator”, but then i figured out that you can put litterly anything after „setgroup id“ and it will set it as your usergroup.
So i am back at the beginning on what i want to do.

I know, that „superadmin“ isnt a basic group anymore, since idk when. But if you try to set it manually (no matter if you defined it in server cfg or not) it will set you as admin.

Old Group: testgroup
setgroup id superadmin
New Group: admin

Why is it blocked?

My question:
How to create new Groups in es_extended and how to give them permissions witout writing for every group abd command

add_ace group.yourgrouo command.commandyouwant allow/deny

And i really want group superadmin to bring my aduty to work and seperate admins from owners without owner group