Add a option in Radial menu

I want add a script “renzuzu vehicle control” at my qb-radialmenu.

Can you help me ?

I want open renzuzu menu with radial menu,
I want add this script at radial menu:

id = ‘renzu_controller’, <---- ?
title = ‘Menu du véhicule’,
icon = ‘link’,
type = ‘client’, <---- ?
event = ‘renzu_controller:client:showui’, <---- ?
shouldClose = true
} ,

Thabk’s !


In your script client

add this

RegisterNetEvent(‘qb-radialmenu:client:onRadialmenuOpen’, function()
if MenuItemId ~= nil then
MenuItemId = nil
MenuItemId = exports[‘qb-radialmenu’]:AddOption(
id = ‘renzu_controller’,
title = ‘Menu du véhicule’,
icon = ‘link’,
type = ‘client’,
event = ‘name_event’, ← Event name that opens the menu
shouldClose = true

Sorry for my bad english i’m french ^^

ok ! thank’s but i am frensh too frérot !

Tu aurais discord ?

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