ActiveGaming Release

Today marks the new release of ActiveGaming. It took some preparation to be able to say ActiveGaming is ready for the public. ActiveGaming welcomes all regardless of age,nationality, It must be mentioned to all people, ActiveGaming requires your roleplay performance to be mature so please do not perform any (Childish Scenarios). Here at ActiveGaming requires real life roleplay if it can not happen in real life it can’t happen here at ActiveGaming.

Everything you see will be custom !!! Some things may not. However that’s ok as ActiveGaming looks to grow and keeps growing as a community. There is no end cite goal here so whether you had a long day with work,school or personnel matters. ActiveGaming is here for you to escape your daily reality. Escape to the Virtual Reality and come have fun, enjoy yourself with others with the in-game V.R. world around you. If any kind of issues are acquired within ActiveGaming community please know it’s in ActiveGaming best interest to resolve the issues to the best of ActiveGaming ability.

Here at ActiveGaming it is a well thought out process, with in depth thoughts and ideas to make it as real as possible within ActiveGaming Community. Everything and everyone is accountable for long term goals, meaning there is no short term ideas or thoughts. Here will only accept long term goals with a purpose behind it. So it’s within the best interest of the community and the growth of ActiveGaming.

There is an owner of ActiveGaming, It’s a small corporation that involves the love of gaming. The Board of Trustees is the owner of ActiveGaming. As ActiveGaming is for all players that wish to join the ActiveGaming community. Yes there’s person(s), people, tech support, behind the scenes providing you with ActiveGaming experience. However that is not important nor do you need to know who he/she or them, they, us are. Just take part and see for yourself what ActiveGaming has to offer you as ActiveGaming member. It will be like no other community you have been apart of before and that may be a bold statement, but ActiveGaming aims to be different from the rest of the communities. To take out the drama, nonsense,complaining, B.S roleplay,the bad players along with the power hungry people and played as it’s meant to be a game, a creation of an idea.

Open Positions
BCSO Assistant Sheriff
BCSO Chief Deputy
BCSO Captain
BCSO Lieutenant
BCSO Sergeant
BCSO Corporal
BCSO Deputy II
BCSO Deputy
BCSO Cadet
Once positions are filled other departments will be released.
Future Departments
San Andreas Highway Patrol
Los Santos Police Department
and more!

Sincerely, ActiveGaming

ActiveGaming Server
Further information go here:Discord`or

300+ Civilian Vehicles ranging from 1950s to 2020, Also Custom Gruppe 6 Designs more departments in the near future

All new EMS/FIRE AND RESCUE Vehicles now Available,Many extras come with all vehicles and new custum designs for all vehicles in the near future.
Also a stretcher is now available features includes

Pushes Stretcher
Get onto the Stretcher
Toggle Stretcher into and out of the car in front of you
opens the back two doors of an ambulance
Medic System is Also Now available with many options.

Open Positions
BCSO Assistant Sheriff
BCSO Chief Deputy
BCSO Captain
BCSO Lieutenant
BCSO Sergeant
BCSO Corporal
BCSO Deputy II
BCSO Deputy
BCSO Cadet
Once positions are filled other departments will be released.
Future Departments
San Andreas Highway Patrol
Los Santos Police Department
San Andreas Park Ranger
and more!

Still in working progress, Just a little tease on what’s to come.

New Park Ranger Design All Ready For Release Of Park Ranger In The Future.