Active ymaps limit? + "global" water level native

Hey, so I’m doing a little research where are limits for mapping.

There was said a limit for loaded ymaps/IPLs. I’m experimenting now with a resource that simply loads/unloads IPLs based on your position on the map. This should eliminate the issue described in the topic below.

  • But I want to ask something little else. As I work (and still plan to add more) with exterior maps, I wonder if it worth it to not make all ymaps to be loaded normally when the client joins, but as IPLs as well and then just request them on a go where needed. When oversimplified this way, it makes sense to me, but correct me, if I missed some hidden logic why not to do it that way.

  • Also, is there an easy way to see how many ymaps are loaded in the session I’m in?

  • When there’s many ymaps loaded completely elsewhere (let’s say x = 16000, majority of them well out of their drawing distance), does this still means problems for R* editor when booting up the scene?

  • When requesting slod IPLs and deleting their children from further distance (HD version, tested with Cayo terrain ymaps), the whole chain gets deleted. If there a way how to do this properly?

  • BONUS question

  • I was trying to utilize LoadGlobalWaterType native elsewhere then Cayo Perico island and it didn’t work. Is there a way to normalize water level outside of regular map boundaries?


These natives do the job
