Ace perms and badger discord api wont work

I get 0 F8 errors no console errors
Here is the Configs
API CONFIG.txt (1.4 KB)
ACE PERMS CONFIG.txt (808 Bytes)
The permissions is set to a cfg file, I do have the paid version of API
Someone please help me ive never ran into this issue before.
If i need more information please reply with what i need


So on the API Config you will want to go to line 5 and replace the “Guild_ID” with what you would like it to be.

Guilds = {
		["main"] = "guild_id", -- Replace this with a name, like "main"

For example the following

Guilds = {
		["main"] = "1212222646482243594", -- Replace this with a name, like "main"

For the following The Order of Roles are in the incorrect order giving TMod Owner Permissions.
Line 9 thru to line 17

RoleList = {
		['TMod'] = 1212222646482243601,
		['Mod'] = 1212222646482243602,
		['HeadMod'] = 1212222646482243603,
		['Admin'] = 1212222646498885662,
		['HeadAdmin'] = 1212222646498885663,
		['Management'] = 1212222646498885665,
		['Administrator'] = 1213300994406883368,
		['Coowner'] = 1214225917912547390,
		['owner'] = 1212222646498885669,

Ace Perms Config

First of You need to add all the roles in the Ace perms Config on the API Config.
The API has 9 roles and the Ace perms CFG Has 11 Roles Witch means you are missing a few on either or.

The role list here is fine and shouldnt need to be touched.

roleList = {
		{1212222646482243600, "group.staff"},
		{1212222646482243601, "group.trialmod"},
		{1212222646482243602, "group.mod"},
		{1212222646482243603, "group.headmod"},
		{1212222646498885662, "group.admin"},
		{1212222646498885663, "group.headadmin"},
		{1216138125857001553, "group.acbypass"},
		{778074943824592916, ""}, 
		{1213300994406883368, "group.administrator"}, 
		{1212383994239516703, "group.coowner"}, 
		{1212222646498885669, "group.owner"}, 

Youre extra roles are the following

		{1212222646482243600, "group.staff"},
		{1216138125857001553, "group.acbypass"},


Aslong as these are place withing your Server.cfg these should run fine.

You also need an extra .txt file located in the server’s Container where the cfg is with the following in named
easyadmin_permissions.cfg (only if you are using Easy Admin)

add_ace resource.EasyAdmin command.add_ace allow
add_ace resource.EasyAdmin command.remove_ace allow
add_ace resource.EasyAdmin command.add_principal allow
add_ace resource.EasyAdmin command.remove_principal allow

Hope it helps

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