Ace permissions are not working!

Hello, I saw recently that ace permissions weren’t working anymore. So I did some research apparently I’m not the only one having this issue. So me being more curious about why it isn’t working looked thru more forums and multiple video comments. My question at that time was that maybe Fivem got a new update and that’s why Ace isn’t working. But servers still use Ace without having any issue. So I tried using Ace in different things such as vMenu, Easy Admin, Faxes AOP, etc. At that point, I was thinking I did something wrong I followed tutorials step by step and it still didn’t work. I looked in the comments for answers and saw that other people said that it wasn’t working. I got confused so I looked into more forums and saw problems that dated back to 2018. I am still confused and have no idea what happened to Ace permissions.

Note: I made this a discussion cause I want people to respond and maybe help to find the issue, With either Fivem or Ace maybe even a user issue.

Same here man I’m having issue’s with it too. I spent 3 hours yesterday trying to get VMenu to allow Mumble to control server side voice settings.

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I fixed it BTW… i decided to remove vMenu as really its not that great. depending on your server Framework, I’m QBus so i just set myself as god in MySQL database. no need for vMenu now TBH.

Good luck to you!

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Thank you, I think I will look more further into vMenu

My fix was switching over to Zap-Hosting.

thats not a fix lot of guys have Root / Dedicatet Server show us the cfg what changed before and after