[Abandoned] [FREE] ESX Real Parking v1.4 | Real Life Parking | Parking Anywhere | Optimized

@Akkariin can someone explain how to setup global iv done as said but its not working.

how would i add trailers for parking ?

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having trouble with this parking and locking the cars. Seems even if a player owns the car they cant unlock it. Any advice?

same here it would be nice

has anyone figured out how to make work across the whole map with out making a ton of them ?

Change the parking size to 10000 or any size you want.

it can’t. because you cannot sit on the trailer.

I added seats not visible but my guy does sit on the front triangle frame of all trailers

You going to make one for qbcores ?

Hello, I’m on ESX, the script works well but after a while I can’t get a vehicle out of the parking lot

I’m going crazy, I can’t solve this problem, do you have any idea?

Which database software and version you’re using? I tested on MariaDB 10.4, and it is working fine.

I CANT JOIn how do i join

i use HeidiSQL 11.2

can you park literally anywhere or is it only in parking lots?

i have some problems with it

I have a problem, I can park the car, but when I try to park it, the screen goes black and I can’t continue

ive changed the size to 10000.0 but it doesnt cover the whole area, even upping it to 100000 doesnt work, any ideas?

You may have another parking override your global parking, you can try to remove others.

I only have your parking script and esx eden garage 2, nothing else for global parking

20 FPS. Rather not use it :slight_smile: