[ABANDONED] FeedM - Customisable native feed notifications

I have this erros when I get paid my salary.
you know why?

Are you using es_extended?

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Yes, at the moment I only have that error when you get paid, the other notifications work well

Did you edit the ESX.ShowNotification() and ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification() methods in es_extended/client/functions.lua to use FeedM instead?

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its posible to move the notification only when minimap its open. Like the native gta notifications ?

i make it with a new position in config Positionscar and this code.
if (not IsPedInAnyVehicle(PlayerPedId(), false) )then
POSITION = Config.Positions[Config.Position]
POSITION = Config.Positionscar[Config.Position]

Does anyone know the icon name for Weazel news? I’ve seen it around several times in images but can’t find the name of it in a list anywhere.

Also, does anyone know how to use custom images or do they have to be something from the list?

If you reply to this message and want to customize the icons to your liking, let me know and I can upload a video to youtube explaining step by step so that you have access to custom images and can put (for example) WEAZEL NEWS

I would love to learn how to use custom icons in the notifications! If you could upload a video, I would greatly appreciate it!

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Tomorrow I will upload the detailed video so that you can edit not only that image, but any texture. I’ll let you know :slight_smile:

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Video Tutorial Icons esx_advancednotification & Textures

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Thank you!! I had wondered if it was just a matter of replacing the old ones but had no idea where to actually find them. I really appreciate that video!!!

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Can you somehow remove this strange outline?

how can i make the showing duration longer for the advanced notifications?

thanks in advance

What would be the correct format?

I have added to the functions.lua in es_extended but not sure where to go next.

ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)

ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification = function(title, subject, msg, icon, iconType)
exports.FeedM:ShowAdvancedNotification(title, subject, msg, icon)


Or? And yes I am a noob :sweat_smile:

Next all ur ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification’s and ESX.ShowNotification r replaced … no need to add the FeedM blabla for esx notifications. It’s better to work from now on with original ESX.ShowNotification(msg, flash, saveToBrief, hudColorIndex) for the case u wanna replace the notificationsystem in future with a beautiful one

Hi there

So I would like to replace all


in es_extended/server/main.lua

How would be the best way?

So if I would do this with the server/functions.lua how would that be done? Not realy sure.

es_extended / client / funtions.lua - line 47 or sth. in this area should look’s like this

ESX.ShowNotification = function(msg)

ESX.ShowAdvancedNotification = function(sender, subject, msg, textureDict, iconType, flash, saveToBrief, hudColorIndex)
	if saveToBrief == nil then saveToBrief = true end
	AddTextEntry('esxAdvancedNotification', msg)
	if hudColorIndex then ThefeedNextPostBackgroundColor(hudColorIndex) end
	EndTextCommandThefeedPostMessagetext(textureDict, textureDict, false, iconType, sender, subject)
	EndTextCommandThefeedPostTicker(flash or false, saveToBrief)
	exports.FeedM:ShowAdvancedNotification(sender, subject, msg, textureDict, iconType, flash, saveToBrief, hudColorIndex)

Anyone know why I’m getting this? I’m trying to use information from our CAD in wraithv2.

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