A way to find slow resources

This is what I consider high.

If you go to call tree you can see which lines of code in which resources are glomping your processor time. Also, check your memory usage if you can. If it’s not CPU it could be RAM.

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everything is low in the call tree and the ram never maxes out

Define “low” and “maxes out”

ill send you a screenshot wait

this is a client side profiler call tree

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Client doesn’t matter if you’re server hitching. Have your ran and viewed a server profile?

U: Certain client resources can cause server resource hitches. See: esx_Status. No idea why your banking script is competing with vMenu for clock cycles either.

ok ill run it server-side just a sec. Any idea how . Does the txAdmin profiler run server side or client side

txAdmin is server side. Same syntax. You’ll have to download the json from the link it provides and load it up in chrome like you did the client.

Just runed it server side and i found my issue . Thank you very much . I had fucked up an Event


One last question what is the difrence between SelfTime and Total TIme

I could be wrong, but as far as I can tell, self time is time it took to execute it’s own code, and total time is time it took to execute overhead (C#), natives, code that doesn’t “belong” to that resource per se.

ok thx. Real MVP man