A.I. and Vehicle issues with newer FiveM/Server files

Were these screenshots taken with those flags set at all? It’d be very odd for Infinity being enabled to be why these issues normally don’t occur, namely. :confused:

Damn, it broke my gcphone doing legacy and onesync on lol.

set onesync_enabled 1
set onesync_workaround763185 true
set onesync_forceMigration true

Those are a direct copy from my server right now and those screen shots were taken yesterday.

After extensive testing, we realized that it disabled onesync completely. No onesync policy search or anything, Shows 64slots but onesync is completely disabled with

onesync_legacy and onesync on

I’m about to test using onesync on, forcemigration true, and the workaround true also…will check if this still happens.

Tell me if i you fix yours issues

@BTNGaming thank you for the mention regarding my previous post. I’m going to look into this, since this is exactly what we’re experiencing.

I got the “fall to the map” for the first time today, on 2775, canary and “OneSync on” and no convar
With 2 players online (me with cl2), the server is the same computer.
I don’t use any population reduction.
It happened when I did teleported to my other player, all cars was falling/floating (without disappearing) in the ground. Soon as entered into one, I really felt under the ground but get back on the road and all cars had collision again. It was a very quick issue for me

I was not able to repro


Do people not even have a tendency to execute or understand basic instructions anymore nowadays, or at least check if the * is showing up? I get that this can be confusing, but these new variables were literally meant to be foolproof

… in the end, I was already confused at the fact that your ‘scoreboard’ did work fine.

Unless you have lots of RAM+VRAM this is likely expected for a cl2 setup. It’s also offtopic.

I tried running these:
Things work so-so, but things like mumble-voip and rp-radio have become messed up, our gcphone stops working as well.

For mumble-voip, things work “so-so” meaning, 3daudio does not work any longer for us, and rp-radio only works in RANGE, if i’m in Paleto, at the police station, and my other department officers are at the gas station in paleto, the radio doesn’t work because distance.

Phone errors out, could be issues on my end to be honest.

The npc issue has not been TOO bad if at all with these settings though.

An attempted fix should be available in server build 2784, which should finish building in ~15 minutes from this post. If you don’t see the build appear on the artifacts page yourself by then, try adding ?jkogsnjukilobgnhfjulognf or some other random gibberish to the artifacts page URL.

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2784 is what I am testing on now and the first thing i noticed was a LOT of these parked all over

What are you using for onesync settings?

@nta - Just wanted to let you know (As I assume nobody really ever says shit aside of complain) That we all appreciate all the work you’re doing to fix any and all issues you/we come across. It is amazing that you’re still doing it after all the conflict that has been around for so long. We do appreciate you though!


For sure what he said. This is very helpful and appreciate all your hard work. I did have to turn on the one sync option in txAdmin which gives me the depreciated warning and if i dont turn it on it limits the city to 32.

What exactly is this an attempt to fix?

rp-radio aka mumble radio’s you can hear clicks from across the map, but no voices.

Right - since the topic became about many things: the original issue with driverless vehicles and leftover driver peds near their former vehicles (and the ensuing weirdness in many cases) that would happen during ownership changes of these vehicles.

After reading some game code I noticed the game does a few odd checks in this case which weren’t replicated before, and a quick confirmation showed this kind of issues did not happen as early anymore as they did without the changes made in 2784 (with 3 players and none of the OneSync add-on variables set).

GTA’s always been like that regarding parked vehicles. You’d usually take ages trying to find a specific vehicle, and then the same one would show up everywhere - it’s a bit of odd memory optimization.

I have been using 2784 on my test server and it seems to be working pretty well but i still seem to have random planes and helicopters just fall out of the sky and explode. Along with vehicle vanishing after leaving and coming back to them twice.

Hm - any specific places and player positions you can cause such broken blimps and such?

The latter, the vehicles vanishing - is this about script-spawned vehicles or random AI population?

the spawning is both Ai and script spawned vehicles.

Helicopters are crashing near pillbox in the freeway and planes are crashing in random places in sandy so far from what ive seen