A detailed fxmanifest.lua file for FiveM server owners

I’m not sure if anyone needs this, but it helps me when converting single player modded cars to FiveM ready cars.

I’ve taken the liberty of creating a fxmanifest.lua file that outlines in great detail what to do in order to make your cars work in your FiveM server.

I realize that there are some posts already on HOW TO DO IT YOURSELF, however this is a file that you can learn from and literally just plug it into your car folder, restart the server and spawn the car, given you know how to rename everything required.

Fixed an error. File is useable now.

fxmanifest.lua (2.7 KB)

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At least switch it to an fxmanifest instead :smiley:
While the __resource.lua still works, it has been deprecated for ages now.
Check here for more: Resource manifest - Cfx.re Docs

Will do! I just figured people could write 2 lines and remove one. However, it does make sense to just do it for them so it’s easier.

Done! The updated file is posted.

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