5Zone - Advanced Missile System

Tired of the basic GTA V missile system? We got you!
Bringing a new rocket system to FiveM! Guide your missile and completely destroy your enemy! Use many types of detonation: automatic, when you reach the ground or when you are close to a vehicle, or use manual detonation! For server admins, you can set a maximum distance and time to auto detonation.

  • ESX / QB

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Code is accessible Yes (part of it)
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~1500
Requirements in readme file
Support Yes

so this is something like guided missiles right


Enemy AC-130 above.

Hey. i would like to buy the script but my server is based on “standalone” is it posslible to make the script for that?

I’m working on making the 5z-missile script standalone, so it can be used independently without other dependencies. Additionally, I’m planning to create a similar script based on the same concept but with a few adjustments and differences. Everything is currently in development, so stay tuned!