⭐ 556 Roleplay | Serious RP | PD & EMS | Player Owned Businesses | Realistic Economy

:wave: Welcome to 556 Roleplay!

556 Roleplay is a new and upcoming roleplay server that supports quality roleplay and opportunity.

What we offer:

  • Realistic Economy
  • Discord Whitelisted
  • Quality Roleplay
  • Custom Imported Vehicles
  • Player Owned Businesses
  • And much more!

:briefcase: Whitelisted Government Jobs:

  • PD
  • EMS
  • DoJ / Lawyer

:boy: Non Whitelisted Civilian Jobs:

  • Mining
  • Gold Panning
  • Garbage Collector
  • Taxi
  • Bus Driver
  • Tow Truck
  • News Reporter
  • Hot Dog Stand
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
    and more!

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/556rp


My goal is to fully release the server this month. There are a few things I am working on that are minor that has be finished before fully releasing the server.

More features have been added to the city, tebex store setup, and more civilian and criminal activities.

The server release has been delayed for multiple reasons, one of them being that I am putting a lot of effort into the server and so I am going to keep adding a lot of cool features that other servers don’t have as I want to make sure the server is enjoyable for everyone and that there is a lot of things to do in the server.

Yesterday I added a good amount of changes, some of them including the following:

Car wipes will happen every so often.
Minor changes and bug fixes.
Fixed crafting for certain locations.
Added another robbery that can be done, so far there are over 6 places that can be robbed.
An anti-cheat that works but still needs a bit of tuning.
First-person mechanic when ADSing and shooting from inside a vehicle.


I’ve added a good amount of things today some of them including:

  • Rule changes - Can be seen in the rules channel in the discord server (556 RP)
  • A firearms license is required to buy guns from gun stores. a firearm license can be purchased at the police station.
  • Added a new motocross/race track which is located at the Redwood Lights Track
Redwood Lights Track

  • mrf_hookers
  • 10+ New import cars - Can be seen in the current-imports channel in the discord server (556 RP)
  • Rental vehicles are fully fixed, better than before and have more vehicle options.
  • Added a new item inside one of the stores/shops
  • A hunting job has been added to the server and requires a hunting license to legally hunt.
  • A fishing job has been added to the server. Simple and easy job to do to make some money.
  • More jobs are also coming soon.

I always will focus on adding more great content every day while also changing up stuff that I already have to improve on things and make it better. Everyone is welcome to join the community and give suggestions on things I could add and I will look into it. Currently, one of the things I am really focused on is a good and fun economy, I want the economy to be enjoyable and a grind but I do not want it to feel like it has to be a full-time job just to get things inside the server as it takes away from the fun and possible roleplay scenes that could instead be happening. This takes a lot of tuning and adjusting each script to make it the way I want. Overtime Ill see how people get money and how much money people get in the time they put into working to see how I could make it better and the way I want it.

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Fishing has been added and sell prices have been set up to the current economy. Sell prices will be adjusted overtime to make it better.

Hunting is being worked on and should be added by tomorrow (Wednesday).

We’re looking for members to join the community and help us grow, we need all roles including civilians and criminals, government jobs like Police and EMS, business owners and workers for the businesses already in the city, and more. Join today! 556 RP

  • Fishing and mining’s payout has fully changed and seems to be a lot better for the economy I am going for.

  • Logs have been set up, they will used for multiple things like data loss, rulebreakers, and anything that needs to be logged.

  • I have also boosted the server 2 more times and now has a total of 3 boosts so hopefully that helps with the server growing.


  • Custom Recoil for most guns
  • Custom melee weapons were added
  • Weapons will appear on your back
  • Coffee Container (Located at Legion Square)
  • GoKart Track (Located near the Arena)
  • Dynasty8 Building (Marked on the map)
  • 2 New custom imports

Our server now has enough boosts where we unlocked vanity links. Our new join link is 556 RP