2018 Chevrolet Silverado Lifted | Addon | Template

Hello FiveM community! Today I have made a truck for ya’ll which I hope you guys like it! Anyways here’s the rest of the details.


Installation instructions in the download.


Model - StraightGlitcheZ#2663
Lift Kit - ethan#5903
Wheels - iSMACKZi#8701
Putting everything together - Me!



Working doors
Template included


No Engine

Please let me know if there is any other bugs!


Version 1.0

Download link is fixed now. Thanks Scentral.

Just wanna let you know, the model isn’t StraightGlitchezz it’s Hurks which he leaked. No rights are allowed to re-release this.

Model is not owned by Straight, TheHurk made this before he quit. Flagged ya post

https://gyazo.com/c961863f2a520c288fbb2dd9237f882b @J.Manlet @OfficialV I can change it to the hurk but right now he’s letting me release it.

Even if TheHurk gave him permission, which he didn’t, that doesnt automatically give you permission mate. Just take it down - its not your work and you do not have perm to upload

Then how do you know if the Hurk didnt give him permission?

I know who made that lol

cool thanks good job

what do you mean, is the engine broke?

Hurk doesn’t model anymore, and the vehicle isn’t even released publicly unless Straight leaked it, which he did. Straight’s release doesn’t give you perms to release.

Stop with the in-topic discussion. If you believe it’s not by this “Straight” guy, flag the topic and provide PROOF and not just claims.

Thank you d0p3t.

There’s literally no engine in it.

Looks nice is there a police version?

It does say ‘BUGS
No Engine’

No sorry, currently I am learning how to make police models but no there is no police version.