✨[18+] Unwritten RP | WHITELISTED | Serious RP | Crafting/Gathering Economy | Player Owned Businesses | Custom Gangs | PD/EMS/FIRE | Customizable Housing | unwrittenrp.com


Unwritten RP Whitelisted experienced roleplay community launching a new server on 4/19/24!
Join our discord server and apply today!

Unwritten RP is an actively developed whitelisted server that has been in development since 2020. Boasting a large number of features for all different playstyles that aims to give players a familiar feel whilst being unique to keep it feeling fresh.

With a big focus on driving roleplay and character stories, there are some great quality of life features that will aid players in creating their story lines. The server is actively staffed by a great team, with a goal of high quality roleplay. We focus on giving the players the tools they need to bring high quality roleplay experiences. Come join our whitelisted server and write your next chapter with us!

Reasons to choose our community

youtube_icon Experienced Dedicated Developer - Been working on this server project since 2020.
youtube_icon Experienced and Professional Staff - We take our customer service seriously.
youtube_icon Friendly, Positive community - We take a hard stance against negativity and hostility.
youtube_icon Focus on Roleplay Quality - We want to provide the best environment for high quality roleplay.
youtube_icon Seeking experienced roleplayers only!


youtube_icon Player driven economy with gathering and crafting
youtube_icon Progression Systems to enhance the feeling of story driven roleplay
youtube_icon Player Owned Businesses accessible to everyone
youtube_icon Custom Gang System accessible to everyone
youtube_icon Custom live anywhere housing with furniture system. (Think “The Sims” in FiveM)
youtube_icon Lore Friendly addon vehicles
youtube_icon Custom Clothing & Addon Faces for a fresh take on character creation


We understand at Unwritten RP that it can’t be all work and no play, what use is money if you have no way to spend it and enjoy it?! Here are a few of the ways you can enjoy your hard earnings in the city and make great memories with great people!

:video_game: | RC Car Racing - Head up to an abandoned build site half way between Sandy Shore and the city, here you will find an RC car enthusiast who will allow you to rent some RC cars! Create a race course and challenge friends for high scores!

:small_airplane: | Microlight Rentals - Up North away from the busy bustling city the air gets cleaner and the scenery improves ten fold, grab some microlights from the airfield and cruise around with friends looking at the area below, just be warned they are GPS tracked and if you go too far the engine cuts out!

:speedboat: | Jetski Rentals - On the beautiful lake of Sandy Shores, there is a small town business owner with some Jetski’s to rent, take them out on the lake and have a :whale: of a time!

:dancer: | Night Clubs - Maybe you aren’t all about high octane sporting activities, maybe you have a groove in your step and like a good beat within your daily life. Scattered across the city is a variety of clubs when open provide one hell of a beat!

:game_die: | Casino - Well we all know that sometimes gambling can just tickle the right itch, whether you want to hide away some dirty money or fancy trying to hit it big, the casino will sort you right out with huge improvements on the way too!

:video_game: | Working Arcades - Head on down to one of two working arcades and play games. There are solo games and even multiplayer games you can get into with friends!

:ferris_wheel: | Del Perro Pier - Ferris Wheel, Roller Coaster, and Dropper rides are available to experience with your friends or solo. While you are there also check out the billiards hall or play some putt putt golf!

:gun: | Laser Tag | Want to blow off some steam? Complete with up to 20 people in a team based game of laser tag in one of FOUR custom arenas!

:tennis: :8ball: | Tennis and Pool also available! We really have a TON of activities to help keep you busy and give you things to do with your friends in ROLEPLAY!


It’s no secret that there are certain roles a city needs to function, from police all the way through to real estate, these roles take great responsibility and the right people to perform at their best. In terms of development and progression, the leadership team allow department leads to run their departments how they see best fit. With minimal interference it allows for the creativity of individuals to show through and allows them to put their stamp on the department.

For this section we asked for inspiration from the departmental leads, so here is what they had to say about their departments!


Our Unified Police Department is highly focused on making great roleplay a priority, we prefer our officers to be relaxed and fun to be around, worrying less about perfection but making the situation enjoyable for all. To me I think this makes the Unwritten RP Police a unique place to be, a department that’s striving for a crime free city, whilst liaising with multiple departments forming one big team.

We highly encourage anyone who has an interest in roleplaying as an officer to join the UPD. You’ll have great fun, create awesome stories and help us continue our legacy of being a unique police department. So whether you’re experienced or inexperienced, if your passion fits everything above, come apply for the Unwritten RP UPD.


EMS Logo

At LSMS we are more than just a government job, internally we help our employees be the best they can be helping them grow and progress. Externally we help our citizens with health related needs as well as donating to fundraisers, hosting fundraisers and giving back to the city.

At LSMS you’ll meet people from all different walks of life, we don’t discriminate within this job so professionalism is a high standard, from treating the worst of the worst to our brothers and sisters in the police departments, this job will bring out the best in yourself and your peers.

We are looking for fun-loving, patient and level-headed people who really value teamwork, experience is always preferred but not required. All of our trainers will support you and give you the tools required to be an outstanding EMT, if you strive for growth we have plenty of opportunities to provide hard working individuals and a competitive salary.

Remember, everyone stops bleeding eventually.


Dynasty 8 LOGO

Dynasty 8 is the go to team for anything housing related, with a group of well rounded staff that compliment each others strengths. Dedicated to our customer service we highlight and focus our efforts into ensuring a happy customer rather than caring about money and profit. Our goal is to have a roof over every citizens head and one that you’d be proud of owning.

At D8 we offer something rarely seen anywhere else, the ability to customize your own interior! Start out with a blank shell, downsize an old home, upsize to a bigger home or even just renovate an existing home and flip it for profit. With 150+ interior shells and 2000+ items buyable for your interior you can really make your home the way YOU want!


Thanks for taking the time to look over this post, any feedback in the comments is welcome as well as any questions!


Simply the best. :smiley:


Great server, great staff, great content :ok_hand:


Jesus! You guys offer a lot of content! This will be awesome for my Twitch audience!


Awesome server, been apart of it from the beginning and the progress made in 10 months is insane and sets a precedent for where it can be in another 10 months time!


Whitelist applications are currently being reviewed and responded to within 24 hours!

Come apply today and take advantage of our :christmas_tree: 12 Days of Christmas Giveaways :christmas_tree:
Also… claim your :gift:EXCLUSIVE, one time, Christmas Gift:gift: starting Monday! These will only be available to claim during the week of Christmas so get in now!


Its blowing up. :sunglasses:


Amazing server and commuity for the serious role player, lots of fun and improving daily. If you want to be part of something great I suggest NCRP. :smiley:


Amazing server, 10/10 would seriously recommend this to anyone looking for a new and upcoming server with amazing content for everyone to enjoy. The staff team is also the absolute best!


By far the best community I have been apart of, been with New Chance for a very long time now and have loved watching this community grow! This sever and community / family is a 10/10!


Loving the christmas gifts, nothing more funky than driving around in a quirky lego car!


Thanks for all the support and kind words about our community! Our holiday giveaway is almost over but there’s still time to claim your Christmas gift if you join before the end of the year!

We’re looking for real role players that understand the value to taking time to develop story lines for your characters. Head on over to our discord to start the application process today!


best server ever, I have never wanted to not go outside until i saw this server, LOVE IT


Amazing server, great people, fantastic staff (they actually help and listen), looking forward to many great RP adventures within this community.


Honestly, after leaving my previous city and not having any will to RP anymore, I was invited by my friend Carrie to join this city so I’ve decided to give it a try one more time. Best. Decision. Ever! The RP is outta this world, the people are amazing, lots of content and also WIP content that I’m excited about! I wouldn’t say this is just another good server where I met some amazing people, here I found a second family, 99% of the people here are so welcoming and easy to RP and talk to. I’m so glad to be a part of this community and family. Cheers!


I’m going to be sharing my own experience with this server.

The amount of care that the leaders have towards all players is unseen elsewhere.
They want YOU the player to roleplay exactly as you want and will even provide features and mechanics to the server to help you better roleplay your story as long as it benefits everyone else.
I joined their discord mid-march this year and it’s been a blast for me seeing this server develop so far under the relatively short time the project was created.

How nice and accepting the community is and how charming, understanding and helpful the staff team is.
I recommend this server to everyone and be sure that your progress in this city won’t go unrecognized.



I would honestly recommend this city to everyone who is ready for some quality RP and semi-serious RP , also the staff team is simply amazing they are super duper active and professional :slight_smile:


This is by far the best server I’ve been to. Back in July, I joined this server while it was still an open server. It had signs of great potential. Good staff, friendly people, and overall amazing ideas. However, I left for a few months. When I came back, there were a lot more people and a lot of general growth. It was refreshing to see such kind-hearted people, especially considering the last server I was in was really bad. The founders listen to ideas from the community, there are a lot of events and honestly, I cannot see myself in any other server anymore. It feels nice to be able to actually interact with people who actually take RP seriously.


Out of the 4, maybe 5 servers I’ve tried and actually put time into, this is easily one of the best & by far the best community and staff team. 10000% recommended


Plenty of content here but still new enough to provide you that rare opportunity to shape the future. They’ve also taken great care with the server rules to prevent admin abuse or favoritism (no powergaming PD “cousin gangs” here.) Development is very player interest-driven & constantly being enhanced from user feedback. You’d be hard pressed to find a more approachable & laid back dev/admin group but at the same time, extremely hardworking & engaged. They do not suffer shitlords & trolls - they will not last long here. Overall a heavy focus on community and providing RP opportunities for all kinds of different characters & ideas.