18 new atm important area

This script will add 18 new ATM’s locations in serious area for RolePlaying.

You just have to copy the script folder into your server ressources.

Then you must start the script with start atm_shop_clotheshop_weaponshop or whatever the name you choose.

atm_shop_clothshop_weaponshop.zip (2.1 KB)
location_atm_shop_clothshop_weaponshop.zip (67.5 MB)


I tried this but it does not show anything on the map, and does this work with ESX.

Can you please tell us all the locations of the ATMs?

Place the folder atm_shop_clothshop_weaponshop in your server-data/resources 2020-05-14 13_46_01-Window
and add the line “start atm_shop_clothshop_weaponshop” in your file resources_cfg2020-05-14 13_45_37-Window2020-05-14 13_54_55-Window 2020-05-14 13_45_12-Window

indication available now :slight_smile:

Can you add location markers on the map in-game?

Does the atm actually have any functionality, its not working for me.

Why do you need markers ?

No, these are only props

I thought they were real atm, that’s why I suggested marker.

For atm to work, just use an atm script and update area

hi, sorry for the waiting time.

The answer is yes and no, a mlo will have priority but not a ymap if I’m not mistaken.