San Andreas Roleplay
Est. July 2017
→ Discord: San Andreas Roleplay™
About us:
Today, I introduce SARP! San Andreas Roleplay was established in 2017 by Director Dylan W. To this day, SARP still strives to be better than it was yesterday. Here at SARP, we have strict rules with little tolerance for ignorance and stupidity. At SARP, we maintain our professionalism to a high standard. Here is what we have to offer!
Family Experience:
San Andreas Roleplay provides you with a family that you can always look up to and believe in, or even ask for advice at times of trouble. Unlike many roleplay communities, we interact with community members while roleplay is inactive, so that we can know each other a little better… If there is any fear that this family experience is going away for you, you can fill out an Internal Affairs Complaint form, that will look into resolving the problem.
Roleplay Experience:
Your experience of roleplay in this community will be great. At the rare occasion that something goes wrong, you can fill out an IA Complaint form on that person.
All Internal Affairs Complaints of SARP are kept secret between directors only and will not be released to anyone else. SARP also has daily patrols in our Teamspeak3 server.
Server Development:
If you are worried about the server not being well created, or developed, not to fear. 1) It has many great features, vehicles, peds, scripts, etc. that extensively build on your experience. 2) Any member, staff, administration, can input suggestions directly to someone, where it will be looked over extensively, before approval or denial
Many Departments:
There is a diversity of departments to choose from in SARP!
Los Santos Police Department
Blaine County Sheriff’s Office
San Andreas Highway Patrol
Los Santos Fire Department
San Andreas Communications
Civilian Operations
New Opportunities:
As you may see we have many departments to choose from. We’re looking for more players to fill up all of our spots. Were looking to gain members daily. I highly encourage you to join as many opportunities are still open. We’ve been a public server since the opening of SARP but is looking into becoming whitelisted. This can only happen if we gain more and more members. We have around 200+ members, and still growing. Promotions are handed out by evaluation from Command Staff, and internal affairs. To top it off we have lots of ranks to work for. So what do you say? Come on over, and have the best role playing experience ever!
A Word From The Director:
Director - Dylan W.: Hello, my name is Dylan Wright, and I’ve been playing FiveM for about 3 years now. I began just like everyone else. I downloaded Fivem, I got into a server, and just started playing. I started at the rank of Deputy I in my first ever community, StilesCode3Roleplay, which no longer exists. Soon after, I became well known in that community and began to move up the ranks. The first big rank that I got was the role of admin. Later, I was given the highest rank of founder. At this rank it was my job to make sure everything was running smooth and that everything was perfect. After my time there, I moved on and made another community of my own. It started as a small “noob” community. That community did not work out for me so I decided to go back to StilesCode3Roleplay after I had left losing everything. I was accepted back into the community but soon after I left… again. I know that at this point you would think that I’m all over the place. Here’s where I started to settle myself down. Myself and a friends decided to make our own community… again. We bought our server and got it running and we were a huge success. About 6 months into being the Deputy Director there, the decision was made to remove me from the community. Your probably thinking this… if he was banned from a community why would I want to join his now? Just hear me out for a second. I was removed because I was supposed not good enough for them yet I created the community. Pretty dumb right, yea I know. About 3 months later I decided to make my own community… again…again (if that makes sense). Now we are in present day. I make this community named San Andreas Roleplay. Now you’re probably thinking that if I have given up for screwed up so many times, why should I join you? Just listen for a second. Myself and some more friends, (I have a lot of friends, I know) decided to start SARP. We have gotten so far and I’m not going to let this one slip out of my hands this time. I run a very well educated and strict community. We all have flaws and we have them sometimes too. Just give me an opportunity to allow you to have fun in my community.!