[16+] Boise State Roleplay | vMenu, Standalone, Realism, Whitelisted | Established 2024

【 Boise State Roleplay 】

:gem: In the heart of the Gem State, where the rugged beauty of the Rocky Mountains meets the tranquil serenity of the Pacific Northwest, lies a city teeming with life, opportunity, and adventure. Welcome to Boise, Idaho. A place where dreams are born, and destinies are forged amidst the hustle and bustle of urban life. But beneath the surface lies a world of intrigue, where every decision carries weight, and every action has consequences. Choose your path wisely, for in Boise State Roleplay, the fate of the city rests in your hands. Embark on an unforgettable journey, where the only limit is your imagination. Boise State Roleplay: Where the adventure begins

【 About Us 】
:evergreen_tree: Boise State Roleplay (BSRP) is a whitelisted, non-lore, and realistic roleplay community, which takes place in Boise, ID (Ada County). Boise State Roleplay uses ND_Core Framework, which gives us a variety of features - but not having to use QB_Core or ESX. Our server and map is growing at a moderate rate, so updates are frequent.

【 Our Departments 】

  • Civilian :smiley:
  • Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) :construction:
    • Ada County Highway District (ACHD) :man_construction_worker:t2:
    • Boise City Works :building_construction:
  • Boise Police Department (BPD) :police_car:
  • Ada County Sheriff’s Office (ACSO) :star:
    • Ada County Dispatch :phone:
    • Court Officials :balance_scale:
  • Idaho State Police (ISP) :oncoming_police_car:
  • Boise Fire Department (BFD) :fire_engine:
  • Ada County Paramedics (ACP) :ambulance:
  • Bureau of Land Management (BLM) :fire:
  • Idaho Department of Fish and Game (IDFG) :fish:

【 Our Features 】

  • Plenty of interiors, landmarks, and locations to explore :moyai:
  • Economy and inventory system :moneybag:
  • Gorgeous forestry, vegetation, and scenery :city_sunset:
  • Real street, town, and city names :placard:
  • Expansive list of custom vehicles, including for all departments :red_car:
  • Custom commands and scripts :scroll:
  • In-game radio :speaking_head:
  • Large variety of emotes to use :man_dancing:
  • Dedicated staff and helpful members :busts_in_silhouette:
  • Discord servers for all departments :globe_with_meridians:
  • Custom and realistic uniforms/clothing :tshirt:
  • 24/7 server access with scheduled patrols :spiral_calendar:
    … and much more to come over time!

【 Requirements 】

  • Must be 16+ for Civilian, Dispatch, ITD, and BFD. 17+ for ISP. 18+ for ACP, ACSO, and BPD.
  • Must have a working microphone and working headphones/earbuds.
  • Must speak fluent English.
  • Must have SonoranCAD installed.
  • Must have a good attitude towards others and be realistic.

Have what it takes? Join now!

[Update - Vehicles]
Larger variety of apparatus for Boise Fire Department and more patrol vehicles for Ada County Sheriff’s Office, as well as Idaho Fish & Game