Before continuing, please make sure that your issue/crash has not been filed before on this forum. If it has, please provide additional information in the existing forum topic by filling out the template there.
To provide valuable feedback for OneSync issues or crashes, please fill out the following template as much as possible.
Using canary? No
Windows version: Windows 10
System specifications: i7 16gb ram 1050ti
Operating system: Windows Server 2016
Artifact version: 1259
IP address:
Resources: 149
System specifications: i7 7700K 64 gb ram
Summary: I wasn’t even playing, server crashed.
Expected behavior: To not crash.
Actual behavior: Crashed
Steps to reproduce:
Server/Client? Server
Files for repro (if any):
Server crashes:
6b6f0455-85e6-491e-906a-e49aa48d5e85.dmp (1.7 MB)
9a7256b7-8834-4f2a-a2b2-cb78f7e023ee.dmp (1.5 MB)
67be4033-8133-47cc-b3d5-314a5226c885.dmp (1.6 MB)
Client crashes: (965.1 KB) (981.9 KB)
Error screenshot (if any):
.dmp files/report IDs:
Any additional info: I hadn’t had a server crash in about 2 weeks.