$1 Sha4ow_GuideBook [STANDALONE]

:tada::rocket: Introducing Sha4ow_GuideBook :rocket::tada:

:star2: I am thrilled to introduce the brand new release of Sha4ow_GuideBook :star2:

:blue_book: Elevate Your Playersโ€™ Experience: Engage your players with a comprehensive guide book interface that provides easy access to vital information, server rules, tutorials, and more!

:rainbow: Intuitive Customization: Personalize every aspect of the guide book with our user-friendly config.lua file. Customize titles, content, icons, and coordinates to match your serverโ€™s style. :art::fountain_pen:

:gear: Effortless Installation: Setting up Sha4ow_GuideBook is a breeze! Simply download the script files and copy the folder into your FiveM serverโ€™s resource directory. :open_file_folder::video_game:

:memo: Seamlessly Informative: Define multiple messages with distinct content to create a rich and informative guide book experience for your players. :scroll::paintbrush:

How to Get Started

  1. Download the latest Sha4ow_GuideBook script files.
  2. Copy the folder into your FiveM serverโ€™s resource directory.
  3. Customize the guide book to your liking using the config.lua file.
  4. Launch the script in your server.cfg with start Sha4ow_GuideBook.
  5. Watch as your players immerse themselves in the enhanced FiveM experience! :video_game::star2:

Tebex - https://sha4ows-custom-development.tebex.io/package/5808884

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Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1500
Requirements Qbcore
Support Yes
1 Like

Looks neat, one of the tags of the post say ESX but the requirement is purely qbcore so its a no for ESX?

it was qbcore but later made into standalone so now it can run on esx too