1 ammo_pistol is full reloading the clip

Hello guys!

Can someone help me pls? When i use 1 ‘ammo_pistol’ my clip is fully loading, and i dont know where can i change this. This is happening on default and custom weapons…


qb has this as a default thing and its not very easily changeable

qb-weapons > server > main.lua

QBCore.Functions.CreateUseableItem('pistol_ammo', function(source, item)
    TriggerClientEvent('weapons:client:AddAmmo', source, 'AMMO_PISTOL', 12, item)

The 12 in this is how much ammo it would give when you reload. You can change it to 1 to reload 1 bullet at a time.

You could also make custom ammo boxes that give you the ammo as well using this, and then for example it would give you 30 pistol ammo or something to use to reload :).

Ty very much bro.

But now, when i use 2 ammo_pisol it reloads just 1 bullet xD

can you by chance show a picture of what you mean? You want 1 pistol ammo to put 1 ammo in the mag correct?

Yeah, exatcly!! Thats exatcly what i mean. I know i can make a ‘new_pistol_ammo’ and exports to make the reaload, but im new in lua and i dont know all about to make it.
If u know it and can teach me… I’ll be very thankfull xD

so right now it is only letting you have 1 bullet in the mag?

If i use pistol_ammo 3 times, its reload 3 bullets.
Can i send u a video on Discord?

lcoelho_b is my discord

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