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[ 3469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ Done creating backbuffer. [ 3641] [FiveM_ROSLaunc] 14832/ SC JS message: SetGameLaunchState -> {"launchState":"running","message":"","titleName":"gta5"} [ 7438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patch2023_01_G9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 7438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patch2023_01CRC:/content.xml [ 7438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay28G9ECNGCRC:/content.xml [ 7438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay28NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay27G9ECNGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay27NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDayG9ECNGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay26NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay25NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay24NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay23NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay22NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay21NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay20NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY19NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY18NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY17NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY16NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY15NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY14NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY13NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY12NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY11NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY10NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchday9NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY8NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay7NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay6NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay5NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay4NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay3NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay2bNGCRC:/content.xml [ 7485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay2NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay1NGCRC:/content.xml [ 7485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpPatchesNGCRC:/content.xml [ 7860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ NullInitializeGraphics [ 8079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^2Opening \\.\pipe\GTAVLauncher_Pipe, waiting for launcher to load... [ 8079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^2Launcher gave all-clear - waiting for pipe. [ 8079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^2Launcher is fine, continuing to initialize! [ 8110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_CORE init functions [ 9297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (55 total) [ 9297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking InitSystem INIT_CORE init (1 out of 55) [ 9297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderLib INIT_CORE init (2 out of 55) [ 9485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_CORE init (3 out of 55) [ 9516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_CORE init (4 out of 55) [ 9516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_CORE init (5 out of 55) [ 9563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xa0f39fb6 INIT_CORE init (6 out of 55) [ 9563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 55) [ 9563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_CORE init (8 out of 55) [ 9563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_CORE init (9 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_CORE init (10 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_CORE init (11 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCullZones INIT_CORE init (12 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExpensiveProcessDistributer INIT_CORE init (13 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_CORE init (14 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xaa19234e INIT_CORE init (15 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CutSceneManagerWrapper INIT_CORE init (16 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAnimSceneManager INIT_CORE init (17 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortalTracker INIT_CORE init (18 out of 55) [ 9782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_CORE init (19 out of 55) [ 9891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_CORE init (20 out of 55) [ 9891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_CORE init (21 out of 55) [ 9891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPlantMgr INIT_CORE init (22 out of 55) [ 9985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderHairSort INIT_CORE init (23 out of 55) [ 9985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_CORE init (24 out of 55) [ 9985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_CORE init (25 out of 55) [ 9985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_CORE init (26 out of 55) [ 10391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayMgr INIT_CORE init (27 out of 55) [ 10407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoRecording INIT_CORE init (28 out of 55) [ 10407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlayback INIT_CORE init (29 out of 55) [ 10407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlaybackThumbnailManager INIT_CORE init (30 out of 55) [ 10407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x8930d2f7 INIT_CORE init (31 out of 55) [ 10407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (32 out of 55) [ 10672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFrontendStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (33 out of 55) [ 10672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControllerLabelMgr INIT_CORE init (34 out of 55) [ 10672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_CORE init (35 out of 55) [ 10672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_CORE init (36 out of 55) [ 11110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_CORE init (37 out of 55) [ 11110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_CORE init (38 out of 55) [ 11110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_CORE init (39 out of 55) [ 11125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_CORE init (40 out of 55) [ 11125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_CORE init (41 out of 55) [ 11125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWaypointRecording INIT_CORE init (42 out of 55) [ 11125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_CORE init (43 out of 55) [ 11125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskClassInfoManager INIT_CORE init (44 out of 55) [ 11125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTuningManager INIT_CORE init (45 out of 55) [ 11141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAppDataMgr INIT_CORE init (46 out of 55) [ 11141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetRespawnMgr INIT_CORE init (47 out of 55) [ 11141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAgitatedManager INIT_CORE init (48 out of 55) [ 11157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioActionManager INIT_CORE init (49 out of 55) [ 11157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_CORE init (50 out of 55) [ 11157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPostScan INIT_CORE init (51 out of 55) [ 11157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr INIT_CORE init (52 out of 55) [ 11157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_CORE init (53 out of 55) [ 11157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CIplCullBox INIT_CORE init (54 out of 55) [ 11157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking perfClearingHouse INIT_CORE init (55 out of 55) [ 11157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (11 total) [ 11157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScene INIT_CORE init (1 out of 11) [ 11594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_CORE init (2 out of 11) [ 11594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_CORE init (3 out of 11) [ 11829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInit INIT_CORE init (4 out of 11) [ 11829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_CORE init (5 out of 11) [ 11829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 11) [ 11829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLightManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 11) [ 11829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLights INIT_CORE init (8 out of 11) [ 11829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AmbientLights INIT_CORE init (9 out of 11) [ 11844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_CORE init (10 out of 11) [ 11844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_CORE init (11 out of 11) [ 11844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (20 total) [ 11844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_CORE init (1 out of 20) [ 11844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA menuAud:/x64/audio/dlcTuner_sounds.dat. [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading menuAud:/x64/audio/dlcTuner_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK menuaud:/x64/audio/sfx/dlc_Tuner_Music. [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading menuaud:/x64/audio/sfx/dlc_Tuner_Music in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking cStoreScreenMgr INIT_CORE init (2 out of 20) [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVideoEditorUI INIT_CORE init (3 out of 20) [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WatermarkRenderer INIT_CORE init (4 out of 20) [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMousePointer INIT_CORE init (5 out of 20) [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTextInputBox INIT_CORE init (6 out of 20) [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x602ee6e2 INIT_CORE init (7 out of 20) [ 11860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_CORE init (8 out of 20) [ 11875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_CORE init (9 out of 20) [ 11875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4bfbfa2c INIT_CORE init (10 out of 20) [ 11875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WarningScreen INIT_CORE init (11 out of 20) [ 11875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_CORE init (12 out of 20) [ 11875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_CORE init (13 out of 20) [ 11875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDLCScript INIT_CORE init (14 out of 20) [ 11875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameStreamMgr INIT_CORE init (15 out of 20) [ 11891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4d167300 INIT_CORE init (16 out of 20) [ 11891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMetaDataStore INIT_CORE init (17 out of 20) [ 11891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayCoordinator INIT_CORE init (18 out of 20) [ 11891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVideoEditorInterface INIT_CORE init (19 out of 20) [ 11891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking UI3DDrawManager INIT_CORE init (20 out of 20) [ 11891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_CORE init functions! [ 19360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server variables... [ 19657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting authentication ticket... [ 19891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: tcp0/ OnConnectionProgress: Handshaking with server... [ 19985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: sadoj-whitelist: Deferring connection... [ 19985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 20016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: sadoj-whitelist: Votre identifiant Discord est en cours de vérification... [ 20016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 21235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server endpoints... [ 21344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server permissions... [ 21704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server feature policy... [ 22079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: httpClient/ Server feature policy is [aurum][color_server_names][mumble_voice_prerelease][new_interior_hash][onesync][onesync_medium][subdir_file_mapping] [ 22125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 26308/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content [ 22141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest... [ 22344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (69.89 kB) [ 22469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (206.32 kB) [ 22610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (306.46 kB) [ 22672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (312.26 kB) [ 22735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (412.40 kB) [ 22797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (515.44 kB) [ 22875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (516.89 kB) [ 22938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (621.39 kB) [ 22985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (648.96 kB) [ 23047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (734.59 kB) [ 23125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (844.88 kB) [ 23188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (902.93 kB) [ 23250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (963.89 kB) [ 23313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1078.54 kB) [ 23391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1172.88 kB) [ 23454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1200.45 kB) [ 23516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1319.46 kB) [ 23594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1442.81 kB) [ 23657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1445.72 kB) [ 23719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1568.25 kB) [ 23782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1693.06 kB) [ 23860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1697.41 kB) [ 23922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1820.77 kB) [ 23985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1949.93 kB) [ 24047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1952.84 kB) [ 24125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2083.45 kB) [ 24188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2212.62 kB) [ 24250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2215.52 kB) [ 24313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2349.04 kB) [ 24391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2478.20 kB) [ 24454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2488.37 kB) [ 24516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2617.53 kB) [ 24563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2749.60 kB) [ 24641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2752.50 kB) [ 24704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2886.02 kB) [ 24766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3023.89 kB) [ 24844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3026.80 kB) [ 24907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3163.21 kB) [ 24969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3301.09 kB) [ 25110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3440.42 kB) [ 25172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3581.19 kB) [ 25235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3589.89 kB) [ 25297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3721.96 kB) [ 25375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3862.74 kB) [ 25438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (3901.92 kB) [ 25500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4003.51 kB) [ 25563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4145.74 kB) [ 25641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4219.76 kB) [ 25704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4287.97 kB) [ 25766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4430.19 kB) [ 25844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4534.69 kB) [ 25907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4572.42 kB) [ 25954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4714.65 kB) [ 26016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4726.26 kB) [ 26094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (4856.87 kB) [ 26157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5000.55 kB) [ 26266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5144.23 kB) [ 26344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5277.74 kB) [ 26407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5287.91 kB) [ 26469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5431.58 kB) [ 26532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5573.81 kB) [ 26594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5575.26 kB) [ 26657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5717.49 kB) [ 26704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5723.29 kB) [ 26766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (5861.17 kB) [ 26844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (6004.84 kB) [ 26907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (6036.77 kB) [ 26969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (6147.07 kB) [ 27032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (6290.75 kB) [ 27110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (6338.64 kB) [ 27172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (6434.43 kB) [ 27219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (6576.65 kB) [ 27360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (6720.33 kB) [ 27422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Loading content manifest... [ 32610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] UV loop: httpClient/ Required resources: sessionmanager monitor sadoj-eups sadoj-pedseup AddonsMotos AddonsVehicles AddonsVehicles2 AddonsVehicles3 AddonsVehicles4 AddonsVehicles5 AddonsGTA4 AddonsBateaux AddonsVIP bfsurferpack vhEntreprises vhEntreprises_commun vhLoisirs vhPehainjy vhPompier vhSAHP vhSAPD sadoj-policevehiclespack vhsantrans vhMilitaire vhPublic vhServicescommun vhClub vhWheels vhBCSO Trailers LiveriesReplace VehiculeWeaponReplace PoliceReplace fichiers_communs mapbuilder RoadSigns sadoj-addonprops sheriff_paletobay bureauarchi ImmobilierMap JobsMap PermanentMap Logo3DPacific ImmoIPLDuplicate paletomedical paleto247 paleto_liquor zancudo_shop mlooffice 806MadWayneThunderDrive ForumDriveFamilies 13ForumDrive MaisonGrooveStreetArene shelbys_paletohomes gabz_pillbox_hospital gabz_pinkcage gabz_harmony MissionRow_seizureParking LS_Airport Union_Depository 6180EclipseBoulevard custom_int_placement_xm3_dlc_int_02 int_italy cour camerapdm flouvers flouversdoor Redneck 1105BaycityAvenue 550miltonroad pdmracing matus_highwaypatrol gcom_highway 3761DelPerroFreeway 174WildOatsDrive 2838PicturePerfectDrive 6086MarloweDrive 12procopiodrive 350VespucciBoulevard CountryNewsSandy SanPulse 1163VespucciBoulevard MotelFleecaVinewood 205LakeVinewoodDrive nightrunner 3545MiltonRoad gabz_lost 224KimbleHillDrive 1084ThugStreet 1026RichmanStreet escaliercustom 675RockfordDrive 924LasLagunas 2735EastJoshuaRoad 1129PicturePerfectDrive 1565AmericanoWay 1008Rockforddrivenorth AeroSpace 1189GreenwichPlace LaFuenteBlancaPerreraMotel yellowjack brownprison prison_interior PacificBankPlage as_rex_diner map4all-ss-hospital-compatible map4all-ss-sheriff-compatible as_bobcat as_tequilala smokeonthewater_hawick uj_VESP_v2 uj_vesp_ipl 115ProcopioDrive 51PaletoBoulevard 416ProcopioDrive OfficeBuilding 2886HillcrestAvenue 825PortolaDrive 1010NorthRockfordDrive PacificBankMap 2260SenoraFreeway Pacific_Cottage 888CaesarsPlace pdmboat BureauGouvernement BeLegend grotticlub Barsandyshore airsoftLS pdmpaleto pdmhangarpaleto CayoMap 1201NormandyDrive 104LakeVinewoodEstate int_carmeet BureauWeazel cfx-gabz-tuners Belegend_Binco 2015GrapeseedMainStreet 1523SenoraFreeway santrans_hqdocks 10056ChupacabraStreet 1473SamAustinDrive garageWSracing WorkShopLS WorkShopSandy as_coroner FAA EclipseTowerMC ClassicCarClubMarinaDrive 1897RockfordDriveNorth DevilDogs Paletobay_Bridge DevilDogsHangar cfx_gn_collection cfx_gn_bc_firestation sadoj-charchingstation-stream AmmunationDavis Belegend_Paleto SAFDCaserne cfx-gabz-bowling 1157GomaStreet as_luxpdm as_hayes_auto_hub cfx-gabz-impound gabz_house_08_1 gabz_house_10_1 breze_mirrorpark lb_mirrorpark morgan_house FleecaBankDelPerro casino_cinema as_autoexotic+ds kiiya_autoshop as_mirhouse rfc_motoclub_mlo weazelnews_int brofx_mansion_17 sadoj-nodes-stream ModernHouse sadoj-roadworks-stream blocagevendeursarmes grangeillegal bm_gunshop1 CokeLab Marabunta 56ElginAvenue 3566DidionDrive 762PopularStreet gunstore gunstore2 sadoj-fleecaheist-stream mariage_lewis_yacht trainingfieldtemp pnwsigns trafficdisplayprops sadoj-sirens-stream sadoj-rescueprops sadoj-customweapon emotes sadoj-chameleonpaints EnhancedTrafficExperience sadoj-weedplanting-stream ManifPancarte mapmanager spawnmanager sadoj-gamemode hardcap oxmysql loadscreen sadoj-rageui sadoj-callbacks sadoj-inventory sadoj-binoculars sadoj-carrypeople function_global httphandler job_functions NpcControl NpcFixes PolyZone ox_lib ox_target SitLaySystem sadoj-snowballs Towing wheelchair xsound httpmanager sadoj-intercom sadoj-weapon sadoj-peds sadoj-pets sadoj-tackle sadoj-vape pma-voice sadoj-core sadoj-ui sadoj-characters sadoj-keyboard sadoj-cayoperico sadoj-medical bloodyscreen sadoj-misc sadoj-clothesdata sadoj-drop Infos_Joueur sadoj-radio sadoj-dispatch sadoj-particles sadoj-missions sadoj-handcuffs sadoj-modelhide sadoj-licenses sadoj-sound sadoj-emotes sadoj-doors sadoj-complexanimations sadoj-ropes sadoj-decals sadoj-metabolism sadoj-times loaf_lib lb-phoneprop lb-phone lb-payphone sadoj-phone sadoj-dark sadoj-turfwars sadoj-drugsell RobberySystem sadoj-slashtires TakeHostage sadoj-illegalvehicleresale sadoj-informants sadoj-heistloots sadoj-fleecaheist sadoj-weedplanting mhacking minigame_bruteforce minigame_datacrack minigame_drilling minigame_fingerprint minigame_lockpicking minigame_safecracking minigame_keypackhack sadoj-minigame-voltlab AlarmeSilencieuse sadoj-hunting sadoj-metaldetector sadoj-motiondetector sadoj-placeableprops SAP securitycams sadoj-variablemessagesigns sadoj-persistentprops sadoj-itemsprops sadoj-megaphone tp_pl_code sadoj-blips sadoj-elevators fleeca2 pacific2 mazebank2 ipl log sadoj-logs sadoj-persistentvehicles sadoj-garages sadoj-vehicle sadoj-anchorboat AntiShuffle sadoj-vehiclelock sadoj-fuels sadoj-vehiclecustom GetInTrunk heli_transport sadoj-helicam marcus_smartveh sadoj-sirens sadoj-vehiclespotlight sadoj-vehiclepush forkliftsystem sadoj-vehicleindicator sadoj-vehiclemanagement sadoj-helirappel sadoj-vehicletags sadoj-seatbelt sadoj-als sadoj-flightinstruments kq_carlift kq_realoffroad Carwash sadoj-tattoos sadoj-hairdresser ShopAeroSpace ShopDevilDogs ShopMyFly ShopPDM ShopVapid ShopWalkerMotors MessageEntreprise TrafficControl Concessionnaire_commun tabletteautoexotic tabletteflouvers tablettepdm veh_occaz Convoyer_commun Depanneur_commun stretcher sadoj-stretchers EMSCalls Journaliste_commun ElectronicTagging mdt_function sadoj-shield sadoj-police Spikes wk_wars2x sadoj-policemdt sadoj-policestationvespucci sadoj-mugshot AllumFeu hose Pompier_commun SAFD DanceMinigame sadoj-hookers rcore_arm_wrestling rcore_pool rcore_tennis rcore_darts rcore_airhockey rcore_bowling pmms rahe-racing rahe-driftcounter rahe-drifting casino_stream casino casinoslots sadoj-casinoblackjack sadoj-casinoluckywheel roulette poker sadoj-insidetrack sadoj-radialmenu GUI F7 MenuClothes MenuPDMShop MenuPDMBoatShop MenuVapidShop MenuLocation MenuCarwash MenuDevilDogsShop MenuMyFlyShop MenuWalkerMotorsShop MenuAeroSpaceShop sw-nitro ScaleformUI_Assets ScaleformUI CopyCoords sadoj-devtools uj_vesp_optimaze sadoj-map [ 32672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted monitor (2 of 407) [ 33500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying sadoj-eups (2 of 407 - 0.41/1.08 MiB) [ 33563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted AddonsMotos (5 of 407) [ 33641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles (5 of 407 - 10.44/37.21 MiB) [ 33704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles (5 of 407 - 26.99/37.21 MiB) [ 33766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted AddonsVehicles (6 of 407) [ 33891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles2 (6 of 407 - 12.99/56.32 MiB) [ 33954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles2 (6 of 407 - 29.55/56.32 MiB) [ 34000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles2 (6 of 407 - 42.02/56.32 MiB) [ 34063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted AddonsVehicles2 (7 of 407) [ 34141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles3 (7 of 407 - 6.07/23.95 MiB) [ 34204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles3 (7 of 407 - 22.55/23.95 MiB) [ 34266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted AddonsVehicles3 (8 of 407) [ 34329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles4 (8 of 407 - 14.79/79.14 MiB) [ 34407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles4 (8 of 407 - 31.50/79.14 MiB) [ 34469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles4 (8 of 407 - 47.83/79.14 MiB) [ 34532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles4 (8 of 407 - 64.38/79.14 MiB) [ 34610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying AddonsVehicles5 (9 of 407 - 0.34/12.38 MiB) [ 34672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying bfsurferpack (13 of 407 - 0.71/0.71 MiB) [ 34735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying vhSAHP (19 of 407 - 2.02/2.87 MiB) [ 34797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying vhClub (26 of 407 - 6.26/76.64 MiB) [ 34875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying vhClub (26 of 407 - 22.85/76.64 MiB) [ 34938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying vhClub (26 of 407 - 39.68/76.64 MiB) [ 35000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying vhClub (26 of 407 - 56.44/76.64 MiB) [ 35063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying vhClub (26 of 407 - 72.77/76.64 MiB) [ 35141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying Trailers (29 of 407 - 0.01/0.01 MiB) [ 35204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying matus_highwaypatrol (71 of 407 - 0.01/0.01 MiB) [ 35266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted as_bobcat (108 of 407) [ 35344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted WorkShopSandy (146 of 407) [ 35407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted grangeillegal (183 of 407) [ 35469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying oxmysql (208 of 407 - 0.29/0.29 MiB) [ 35532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying loadscreen (209 of 407 - 16.38/18.81 MiB) [ 35610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying sadoj-vape (234 of 407 - 0.01/0.01 MiB) [ 35672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying sadoj-times (261 of 407 - 5.17/13.83 MiB) [ 35735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying lb-phone (264 of 407 - 5.59/58.60 MiB) [ 35797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying lb-phone (264 of 407 - 20.62/58.60 MiB) [ 35875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying lb-phone (264 of 407 - 36.95/58.60 MiB) [ 35938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying lb-phone (264 of 407 - 53.65/58.60 MiB) [ 36000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying minigame_fingerprint (282 of 407 - 6.12/29.65 MiB) [ 36063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying minigame_fingerprint (282 of 407 - 22.43/29.65 MiB) [ 36141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying sadoj-minigame-voltlab (286 of 407 - 0.92/3.20 MiB) [ 36204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying mazebank2 (303 of 407 - 2.48/2.93 MiB) [ 36250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying sadoj-hairdresser (334 of 407 - 0.17/0.17 MiB) [ 36313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying rcore_airhockey (373 of 407 - 0.72/0.75 MiB) [ 36391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying MenuPDMShop (391 of 407 - 0.02/0.13 MiB) [ 37454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted sadoj-map (407 of 407) [ 37454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading completed [ 37516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Fetching info from server... [ 37641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Connecting to server... [ 37954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ ^2Received connectOK: ServerID 72, SlotID 128, HostID 65535 [ 38016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] Render/ ^2Network connected, triggering initial game load... [ 38313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Unrecognized feature: 'web-share'. (https://www.youtube.com/s/player/2923e6f1/www-widgetapi.vflset/www-widgetapi.js:1244) [ 38391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Error with Permissions-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: 'ch-ua-form-factor'. (:0) [ 38438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions [ 38438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading default meta overrides (total: 0) [ 38438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Done loading default meta overrides! [ 38438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (31 total) [ 38438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 31) [ 38438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 31) [ 38454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 31) [ 38454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 254 handling entries from commoncrc:/data/handling.meta [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking INSTANCESTORE INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMapTypesStore INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CModelInfo INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPatrolRoutes INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 31) [ 38469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTVPlaylistManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 31) [ 38485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientModelSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 31) [ 38485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLadderMetadataManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 31) [ 38485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 31) [ 38532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CConditionalAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 31) [ 38547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleMetadataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 31) [ 38579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRandomEventManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 31) [ 38579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCrimeInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 31) [ 38579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWitnessInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 31) [ 38579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortal INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 31) [ 38579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking LightEntityMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 31) [ 38579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AnimBlackboard INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (30 out of 31) [ 38579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitBeforeMapLoaded INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (31 out of 31) [ 39516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions! [ 39891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140ded390 (2) took 266msec [ 40250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140905114 (53) took 358msec [ 41407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x1407f1f08 (56) took 1161msec [ 41579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140931574 (33) took 117msec [ 41641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140e4c494 (38) took 57msec [ 41719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140933e24 (45) took 69msec [ 41735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions [ 41735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (29 total) [ 41735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 29) [ 41735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 29) [ 41735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CEventDataManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 29) [ 41735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 29) [ 41735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 29) [ 41735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 29) [ 41735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 29) [ 41750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 29) [ 41750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 29) [ 41750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 29) [ 41750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 29) [ 41750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 29) [ 41750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 29) [ 41750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 29) [ 41750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 29) [ 41907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 29) [ 41907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 29) [ 41922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldHeightMap INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 29) [ 41922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldWaterHeight INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 29) [ 41922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAnimationManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 29) [ 41922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAudioManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 29) [ 41922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 29) [ 41922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 29) [ 42047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 29) [ 42063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 29) [ 42063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 29) [ 42063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CThePopMultiplierAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 29) [ 42063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 29) [ 42063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProceduralInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 29) [ 42079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (2 total) [ 42079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 2) [ 42157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 2) [ 42157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions! [ 42172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_SESSION init functions [ 55079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/uj_VESP_v2/vesp_doors.dat151.nametable: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 55079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/uj_VESP_v2/vesp_doors_game.dat151.rel: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 55813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/vhSAPD/jmbearcat_ramhydraulic_on.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 56610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (5 total) [ 56610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 5) [ 56610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreaming INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 5) [ 56610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFocusEntityMgr INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 5) [ 56625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 5) [ 56625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 5) [ 56625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (84 total) [ 56625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CModelInfo::Init INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 84) [ 56625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CInstanceListAssetLoader::Init INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 84) [ 56844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 84) [ 56844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioPointManagerInitSession INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 84) [ 56844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderPhaseCascadeShadowsInterface INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 84) [ 56844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 84) [ 56844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 84) [ 56844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 84) [ 56844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 84) [ 56844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskRecover INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 84) [ 56860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAssistedMovementRouteStore INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBuses INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControlMgr INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_SESSION init (18 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_SESSION init (19 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CJunctions INIT_SESSION init (20 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathZoneManager INIT_SESSION init (21 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMessages INIT_SESSION init (22 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_SESSION init (23 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_SESSION init (24 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathFind INIT_SESSION init (25 out of 84) [ 56875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_SESSION init (26 out of 84) [ 56891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_SESSION init (27 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedPopulation INIT_SESSION init (28 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPerformance INIT_SESSION init (29 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (30 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (31 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_SESSION init (32 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_SESSION init (33 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_SESSION init (34 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupManager INIT_SESSION init (35 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_SESSION init (36 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_SESSION init (37 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProcObjectMan INIT_SESSION init (38 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayMgr INIT_SESSION init (39 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRestart INIT_SESSION init (40 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScaleformMgr INIT_SESSION init (41 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSlownessZonesManager INIT_SESSION init (42 out of 84) [ 56907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_SESSION init (43 out of 84) [ 56922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_SESSION init (44 out of 84) [ 56922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CActionManager INIT_SESSION init (45 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderTargetMgr INIT_SESSION init (46 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_SESSION init (47 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_SESSION init (48 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptCars INIT_SESSION init (49 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPeds INIT_SESSION init (50 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptEntities INIT_SESSION init (51 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_SESSION init (52 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_SESSION init (53 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_SESSION init (54 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_SESSION init (55 out of 84) [ 56938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_SESSION init (56 out of 84) [ 56954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CUserDisplay INIT_SESSION init (57 out of 84) [ 56954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_SESSION init (58 out of 84) [ 56954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_SESSION init (59 out of 84) [ 57094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDispatchData INIT_SESSION init (60 out of 84) [ 57094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRoadBlock INIT_SESSION init (61 out of 84) [ 57094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWeaponManager INIT_SESSION init (62 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptedGunTaskMetadataMgr INIT_SESSION init (63 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleCombatAvoidanceArea INIT_SESSION init (64 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatInfoMgr INIT_SESSION init (65 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatDirector INIT_SESSION init (66 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (67 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBoatChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (68 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTacticalAnalysis INIT_SESSION init (69 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCoverFinder INIT_SESSION init (70 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWorldPoints INIT_SESSION init (71 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwTimer INIT_SESSION init (72 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_SESSION init (73 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_SESSION init (74 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInitLevel INIT_SESSION init (75 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameSituation INIT_SESSION init (76 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetRequestManager INIT_SESSION init (77 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (78 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSituationalClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (79 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClipDictionaryStoreInterface INIT_SESSION init (80 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRiots INIT_SESSION init (81 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCover INIT_SESSION init (82 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr::ClassInit INIT_SESSION init (83 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_SESSION init (84 out of 84) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (18 total) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CText INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 18) [ 57266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 18) [ 57297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4bfbfa2c INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMultiplayerChat INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExplosionManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupDataManager INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreaming INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDecoratorInterface INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGestureManager INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTexLod INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitSession INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 18) [ 57313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraContentWrapper INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 18) [ 57329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPBeachCRC:/content.xml [ 57344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMPBeachCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmasCRC:/content.xml [ 57360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPValentinesCRC:/content.xml [ 57375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlcMPValentinesCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPBusinessCRC:/content.xml [ 57422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMPBusinessCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpBusiness2CRC:/content.xml [ 57469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpBusiness2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPHipsterCRC:/content.xml [ 57516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 7 handling entries from dlcMPHipsterCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpIndependenceCRC:/content.xml [ 57579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpIndependenceCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPPilotCRC:/content.xml [ 57610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMpPilotCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPLTSCRC:/content.xml [ 57672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from dlcMPLTSCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmas2CRC:/content.xml [ 57719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPHeistCRC:/content.xml [ 57813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 16 handling entries from dlcMPHeistCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLuxeCRC:/content.xml [ 57954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLuxeCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLuxe2CRC:/content.xml [ 58032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLuxe2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpReplayCRC:/content.xml [ 58063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLowriderCRC:/content.xml [ 58125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLowriderCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPHalloweenCRC:/content.xml [ 58204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from dlcMPHalloweenCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpApartmentCRC:/content.xml [ 58282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpApartmentCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpxmas_604490CRC:/content.xml [ 58360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpxmas_604490CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpJanuary2016CRC:/content.xml [ 58391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from dlc_mpJanuary2016CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpValentines2CRC:/content.xml [ 58438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpValentines2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLowrider2CRC:/content.xml [ 58485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 7 handling entries from dlc_mpLowrider2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpExecutiveCRC:/content.xml [ 58594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 14 handling entries from dlc_mpExecutiveCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpStuntCRC:/content.xml [ 58704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 15 handling entries from dlc_mpStuntCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpBikerCRC:/content.xml [ 58860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 21 handling entries from dlc_mpBikerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 58985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpImportExportCRC:/content.xml [ 59063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 23 handling entries from dlc_mpImportExportCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 59157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSpecialRacesCRC:/content.xml [ 59188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpSpecialRacesCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 59219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpGunRunningCRC:/content.xml [ 59329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpGunRunningCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 59610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpAirRacesCRC:/content.xml [ 59657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSmugglerCRC:/content.xml [ 59735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 19 handling entries from dlc_mpSmugglerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 59938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmas2017CRC:/content.xml [ 60079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 29 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2017CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 60375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpAssaultCRC:/content.xml [ 60407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 16 handling entries from dlc_mpassaultCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 60485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpBattleCRC:/content.xml [ 60579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 14 handling entries from dlc_mpBattleCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 60766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmas2018CRC:/content.xml [ 61016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 33 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2018CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 61391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpVinewoodCRC:/content.xml [ 61532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 22 handling entries from dlc_mpVinewoodCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 61750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpHeist3CRC:/content.xml [ 61922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 20 handling entries from dlc_mpHeist3CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 62188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSumCRC:/content.xml [ 62250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 15 handling entries from dlc_mpSumCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 62500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpHeist4CRC:/content.xml [ 62688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 20 handling entries from dlc_mpHeist4CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 62954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpTunerCRC:/content.xml [ 63063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 17 handling entries from dlc_mpTunerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 63282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSecurityCRC:/content.xml [ 63469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 16 handling entries from dlc_mpSecurityCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 63704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpG9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 63750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MPSUM2CRC:/content.xml [ 63938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpSum2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 64204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MPSUM2_G9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 64219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MPCHRISTMAS3CRC:/content.xml [ 64375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 13 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas3CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 64704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MPCHRISTMAS3_G9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 64719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MP2023_01CRC:/content.xml [ 64860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 14 handling entries from dlc_mp2023_01CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 65125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_MP2023_01_G9ECCRC:/content.xml [ 65125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcSPUpgradeCRC:/content.xml [ 65172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 12 handling entries from dlcSPUpgrade:/common/data/handling.meta [ 68532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDLCScript INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 18) [ 68532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngineDLC INIT_SESSION init (18 out of 18) [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading mounted data files (total: 1659) [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[akumac]/handling.meta. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[akumac]/handling.meta [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[akumac]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati901]/handling.meta. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati901]/handling.meta [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati901]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bf900]/handling.meta. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bf900]/handling.meta [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bf900]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[blazer6]/handling.meta. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[blazer6]/handling.meta [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[blazer6]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[enduromk2]/handling.meta. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[enduromk2]/handling.meta [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[enduromk2]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kampfer]/handling.meta. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kampfer]/handling.meta [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kampfer]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtfrakas]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtfrakas]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtfrakas]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtsh]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtsh]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtsh]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mosquito]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mosquito]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mosquito]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[nightbladec]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[nightbladec]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[nightbladec]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[opressor3]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[opressor3]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[opressor3]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[scorcher21]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[scorcher21]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[scorcher21]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sg1150]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sg1150]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sg1150]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[slave]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[slave]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[slave]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[spirit]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[spirit]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[spirit]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sumosanchez]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sumosanchez]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sumosanchez]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[supersanchez]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[supersanchez]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[supersanchez]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[templar]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[templar]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[templar]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[ventoso]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[ventoso]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[ventoso]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[warframe]/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[warframe]/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[warframe]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/vehiclelayouts_zr380rhd.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/vehiclelayouts_zr380rhd.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/handling.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 102 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/handling.meta [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_buffalosx.meta. [ 69485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_buffalosx.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_caracara.meta. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_caracara.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_coachrv.meta. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_coachrv.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_guardian.meta. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_guardian.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_rh7rhd.meta. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_rh7rhd.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_roadrunnerciv.meta. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehiclelayouts_roadrunnerciv.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/handling.meta. [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 91 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/handling.meta [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/vehiclelayouts_hurricane.meta. [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/vehiclelayouts_hurricane.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/handling.meta. [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 58 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/handling.meta [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caddyxl]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caddyxl]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/vehiclelayouts_svstre.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/vehiclelayouts_svstre.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/vehiclelayouts_rhd.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/vehiclelayouts_rhd.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[accolade]/handling.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[accolade]/handling.meta [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[accolade]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[admiral]/handling.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[admiral]/handling.meta [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[admiral]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[asteropers]/handling.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[asteropers]/handling.meta [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[asteropers]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[berreta]/handling.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[berreta]/handling.meta [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[berreta]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[boorc]/handling.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[boorc]/handling.meta [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[boorc]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[brisket]/handling.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[brisket]/handling.meta [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[brisket]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[callista]/handling.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[callista]/handling.meta [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[callista]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caracaran]/handling.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caracaran]/handling.meta [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caracaran]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[celeste]/handling.meta. [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[celeste]/handling.meta [ 69610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[celeste]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cheetahfel]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cheetahfel]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cheetahfel]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[coqvice]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[coqvice]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[coqvice]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cwagon]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cwagon]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cwagon]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[deimos]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[deimos]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[deimos]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyheritage]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyheritage]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyheritage]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyx]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyx]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyx]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[espexecutive]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[espexecutive]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[espexecutive]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[estancia]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[estancia]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[estancia]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[expression]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[expression]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[expression]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[fagaloac]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[fagaloac]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[fagaloac]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[flivver]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[flivver]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[flivver]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gaulle]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gaulle]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gaulle]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gspeedster]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gspeedster]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gspeedster]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[idaho]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[idaho]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[idaho]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[imperial]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[imperial]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[imperial]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ingotc]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ingotc]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ingotc]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jb700s]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jb700s]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jb700s]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jdvigero]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jdvigero]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jdvigero]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[kawaii]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[kawaii]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[kawaii]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[l35rets]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[l35rets]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[l35rets]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[matador]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[matador]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[matador]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[milord]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[milord]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[milord]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/handling.meta. [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/handling.meta [ 69625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[monroer]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[monroer]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[monroer]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nsandstorm]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nsandstorm]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nsandstorm]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nscout]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nscout]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nscout]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[oceanic]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[oceanic]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[oceanic]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[paragono]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[paragono]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[paragono]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[playboy]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[playboy]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[playboy]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[raidenz]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[raidenz]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[raidenz]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remustwo]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remustwo]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remustwo]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remusvert]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remusvert]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remusvert]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[romtuner]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[romtuner]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[romtuner]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sandstorm]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sandstorm]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sandstorm]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[schlagenstr]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[schlagenstr]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[schlagenstr]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[serena]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[serena]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[serena]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma2]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma2]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma2]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma3]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma3]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma3]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stallionc]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stallionc]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stallionc]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stanier93]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stanier93]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stanier93]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[starlett]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[starlett]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[starlett]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sultan2c]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sultan2c]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sultan2c]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[trailw]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[trailw]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[trailw]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[tulip2S]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[tulip2S]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[tulip2S]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismo2lm]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismo2lm]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismo2lm]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismorr]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismorr]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismorr]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[vulture]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[vulture]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[vulture]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ziongtc]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ziongtc]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ziongtc]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[zionv10]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[zionv10]/handling.meta [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[zionv10]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ariant]/handling.meta. [ 69641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ariant]/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ariant]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[dom645]/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[dom645]/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[dom645]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[majimagt]/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[majimagt]/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[majimagt]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ncavalcade]/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ncavalcade]/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ncavalcade]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsGTA4/data/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 33 handling entries from resources:/AddonsGTA4/data/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsGTA4/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/vehiclelayouts_catamaran.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/vehiclelayouts_catamaran.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/vehiclelayouts_catamaran.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/vehiclelayouts_catamaran.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[vortex]/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[vortex]/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[vortex]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AddonsVIP/common/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVIP/common/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AddonsVIP/common/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 11 handling entries from resources:/AddonsVIP/common/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVIP/common/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/bfsurferpack/data/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from resources:/bfsurferpack/data/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/bfsurferpack/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehiclelayouts_newsvan.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehiclelayouts_newsvan.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehiclelayouts_sandkingdds.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehiclelayouts_sandkingdds.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehiclelayouts_srums.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehiclelayouts_srums.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[aesandstorm]/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[aesandstorm]/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[aesandstorm]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[assafetycar]/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[assafetycar]/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[assafetycar]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/handling.meta. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 20 handling entries from resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/handling.meta [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutc]/handling.meta. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutc]/handling.meta [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutc]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutvalor]/handling.meta. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutvalor]/handling.meta [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutvalor]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/handling.meta. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/handling.meta [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/handling.meta. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/handling.meta [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[valkyriecommun]/handling.meta. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 0 handling entries from resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[valkyriecommun]/handling.meta [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[valkyriecommun]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/handling.meta. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 29 handling entries from resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/handling.meta [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[r255]/handling.meta. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[r255]/handling.meta [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[r255]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/handling.meta. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhLoisirs/data/handling.meta [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhPehainjy/data/handling.meta. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhPehainjy/data/handling.meta [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPehainjy/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhPompier/data/handling.meta. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 21 handling entries from resources:/vhPompier/data/handling.meta [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPompier/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhPompier/data/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPompier/data/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhPompier/data/vehiclelayouts_mtlengine.meta. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPompier/data/vehiclelayouts_mtlengine.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehiclelayouts_gouvheli.meta. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehiclelayouts_gouvheli.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehiclelayouts_police.meta. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehiclelayouts_police.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpnalamoumk]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpnalamoumk]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpnalamoumk]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpthrust]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpthrust]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpthrust]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 24 handling entries from resources:/vhSAHP/data/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehiclelayouts_as332.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehiclelayouts_as332.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehiclelayouts_bcat.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehiclelayouts_bcat.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehiclelayouts_jmbearcat.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehiclelayouts_jmbearcat.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhSAPD/data/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 20 handling entries from resources:/vhSAPD/data/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAPD/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/vehiclelayouts_blazer.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/vehiclelayouts_blazer.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[esdyos2]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[esdyos2]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[esdyos2]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[lspdbri]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[lspdbri]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[lspdbri]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polgreenwd]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polgreenwd]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polgreenwd]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polthrust]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polthrust]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polthrust]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdnscoutum]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdnscoutum]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdnscoutum]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdoutlaw]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdoutlaw]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdoutlaw]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdraiden]/handling.meta. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdraiden]/handling.meta [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdraiden]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdscout]/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdscout]/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdscout]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdvigero]/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdvigero]/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdvigero]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhsantrans/data/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 5 handling entries from resources:/vhsantrans/data/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhsantrans/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhMilitaire/data/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from resources:/vhMilitaire/data/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhMilitaire/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhMilitaire/data/vehiclelayouts_squaddie2.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhMilitaire/data/vehiclelayouts_squaddie2.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhMilitaire/data/vehicleweapons_squaddie2.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhMilitaire/data/vehicleweapons_squaddie2.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhPublic/data/vehiclelayouts_coroner.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPublic/data/vehiclelayouts_coroner.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhPublic/data/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from resources:/vhPublic/data/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPublic/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[poldinghy]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[poldinghy]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[evocbuffalo]/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[evocbuffalo]/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[evocbuffalo]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/vhClub/data/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/data/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141b1b718. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhClub/data/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 22 handling entries from resources:/vhClub/data/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/data/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/vhBCSO/common/handling.meta. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loading 11 handling entries from resources:/vhBCSO/common/handling.meta [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhBCSO/common/handling.meta in data file mounter 0x141b19d60. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack7:/. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack7:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack8:/. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack8:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack9:/. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack9:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_sandy_palms:/x64/nve_sandy_palms.ityp. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_sandy_palms:/x64/nve_sandy_palms.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack10:/. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack10:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_props:/x64/nve_v_utility.ityp. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_props:/x64/nve_v_utility.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack11:/. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack11:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_northernlights:/x64/nve_northern_lights.ityp. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_northernlights:/x64/nve_northern_lights.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack12:/. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack12:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack13:/. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack13:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack14:/. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack14:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack15:/. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack15:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack16:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack16:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack17:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack17:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack18:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack18:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack19:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack19:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack20:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack20:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack21:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack21:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack22:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack22:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack24:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack24:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack26:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack26:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack27:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack27:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack28:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack28:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack29:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack29:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack30:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack30:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack31:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack31:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack32:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack32:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack33:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack33:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack34:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack34:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack36:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack36:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack37:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack37:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack38:/. [ 69797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack38:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack39:/. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack39:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack40:/. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack40:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/akan_signs.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/akan_signs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/ammu_sign.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/ammu_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/arena_meta.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/arena_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/bahama_drink.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/bahama_drink.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/bahama_logo.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/bahama_logo.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/bahama_neons.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/bahama_neons.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/bahama_windows_neon.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/bahama_windows_neon.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/barber_signs.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/barber_signs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/bishop_ufo.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/bishop_ufo.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/boathouse_sign.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/boathouse_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/burger_sign_burger.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/burger_sign_burger.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/burger_sign_neons.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/burger_sign_neons.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/carwash_arrowsign_bulbs.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/carwash_arrowsign_bulbs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/carwash_sign_handson.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/carwash_sign_handson.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/carwash_slopes.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/carwash_slopes.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/casino_animation.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/casino_animation.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/casino_meta.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/casino_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/chopshop_sign_24auto.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/chopshop_sign_24auto.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/chopshop_sign_24auto_cs.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/chopshop_sign_24auto_cs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/chopshop_sign_bulbs.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/chopshop_sign_bulbs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/chopshop_sign_lcs.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/chopshop_sign_lcs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/cin_1_anim.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/cin_1_anim.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/city_anim.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/city_anim.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/city_lights.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/city_lights.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/city_props.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/city_props.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/cockatoos_sign.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/cockatoos_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_247.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_247.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_atm.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_atm.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_barber.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_barber.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_coffee.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_coffee.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_logger.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_logger.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_open.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_open.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_open2.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_open2.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_open3.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_open3.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_pizza.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_pizza.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_tattoo.ityp. [ 69813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_tattoo.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_tattoo_neon.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/common_tattoo_neon.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/cs4_10_bar_sign.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/cs4_10_bar_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/cs4_10_bar_sign_night.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/cs4_10_bar_sign_night.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/dashhound_animation.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/dashhound_animation.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/dashhound_meta.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/dashhound_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/diam_anim.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/diam_anim.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/dinerupnatom_meta.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/dinerupnatom_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/dionysia_animation.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/dionysia_animation.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/dionysia_meta.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/dionysia_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/dt1_05_detailanim.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/dt1_05_detailanim.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/garage_neons.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/garage_neons.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/hood_sign.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/hood_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/hood_sign_animation.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/hood_sign_animation.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/hookies_animation.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/hookies_animation.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/hookies_meta.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/hookies_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/hospital_mtz_sign.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/hospital_mtz_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/hw1_motel_neons.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/hw1_motel_neons.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/kt_247_neons.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/kt_247_neons.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/laserlight.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/laserlight.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/letons_neons.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/letons_neons.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_blaine_bulbs.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_blaine_bulbs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_blaine_sign.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_blaine_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_boxes.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_boxes.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_boxes_overlay.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_boxes_overlay.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_fwy.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_fwy.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_letters.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_letters.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_open.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_open.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_text.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/liquor_sign_text.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/lp_atlas2x1.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/lp_atlas2x1.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/luckypluck_bulbs.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/luckypluck_bulbs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/luckypluck_bulbs2.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/luckypluck_bulbs2.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/mall_animation.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/mall_animation.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/mall_meta.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/mall_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/maze_cityhall_meta.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/maze_cityhall_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/metro_neons.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/metro_neons.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/nve_volumecaster.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/nve_volumecaster.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/paletobar_lights.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/paletobar_lights.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/paletomotel_sign.ityp. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/paletomotel_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/paletosign_bulbs.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/paletosign_bulbs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/pawn_neons.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/pawn_neons.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/sc1_14_sign.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/sc1_14_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/spitroasters.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/spitroasters.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/sstorage_animation.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/sstorage_animation.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/sstorage_meta.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/sstorage_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/taco_anim.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/taco_anim.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/traffic_arrowboard.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/traffic_arrowboard.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/traffic_messageboard.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/traffic_messageboard.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/traffic_signs.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/traffic_signs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/upnatom_sign.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/upnatom_sign.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/vtattoo_signs.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/vtattoo_signs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/vu_sign_bulbs.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/vu_sign_bulbs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/vu_sign_girls.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/vu_sign_girls.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/vu_sign_open.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/vu_sign_open.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/vu_sign_unicorn.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/vu_sign_unicorn.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/vvideo.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/vvideo.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/watertest.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/watertest.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/wax_bulbs.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/wax_bulbs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedlights:/x64/wind_ads.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedlights:/x64/wind_ads.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack41:/. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack41:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack42:/. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack42:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack43:/. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack43:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack44:/. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack44:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack45:/. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack45:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack46:/. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack46:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack47:/. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack47:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack48:/. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack48:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack49:/. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack49:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/nve_volumecaster.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/nve_volumecaster.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/xerogas_ref_proxies.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/xerogas_ref_proxies.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/xerogas_sign_neon.ityp. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/xerogas_sign_neon.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/ltdgrove_meta.ityp. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/ltdgrove_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/ktgas_meta.ityp. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/ktgas_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/bhgas_signs.ityp. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/bhgas_signs.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/rongas_highway_meta.ityp. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/rongas_highway_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/rongas_hood_meta.ityp. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/rongas_hood_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/milgas_meta.ityp. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/milgas_meta.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/truckgas_neon.ityp. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_animatedgasstations:/x64/truckgas_neon.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack51:/. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack51:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack52:/. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack52:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading EXPLOSIONFX_FILE nve:/common/data/effects/explosionfx.dat. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve:/common/data/effects/explosionfx.dat in data file mounter 0x141af7f30. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST nve:/x64/nve_proppatches.ityp. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve:/x64/nve_proppatches.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE faux_pack65:/. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading faux_pack65:/ in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbeach/carcols.meta. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbeach/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbiker/carcols.meta. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbiker/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbusiness/carcols.meta. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbusiness/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbusiness2/carcols.meta. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbusiness2/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpexecutive/carcols.meta. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpexecutive/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpgunrunning/carcols.meta. [ 69907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpgunrunning/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpheist/carcols.meta. [ 69907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpheist/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mphipster/carcols.meta. [ 69907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mphipster/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpimportexport/carcols.meta. [ 69954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpimportexport/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpluxe2/carcols.meta. [ 69969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpluxe2/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mppilot/carcols.meta. [ 69969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mppilot/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpsmuggler/carcols.meta. [ 69985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpsmuggler/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpspecialraces/carcols.meta. [ 69985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpspecialraces/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 69985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpstunt/carcols.meta. [ 70000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpstunt/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpchristmas2017/carcols.meta. [ 70063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpchristmas2017/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpassault/carcols.meta. [ 70094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpassault/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpapartment/carcols.meta. [ 70110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpapartment/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpbattle/carcols.meta. [ 70125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpbattle/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpchristmas2018/carcols.meta. [ 70204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpchristmas2018/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpvalentines2/carcols.meta. [ 70204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpvalentines2/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpvinewood/carcols.meta. [ 70266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpvinewood/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE nve_carcols:/data/mpheist3/carcols.meta. [ 70313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nve_carcols:/data/mpheist3/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading SHOP_PED_APPAREL_META_FILE resources:/sadoj-eups/mp_m_freemode_01_mp_m_sadoj_01.meta. [ 70313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-eups/mp_m_freemode_01_mp_m_sadoj_01.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b0d8. [ 70313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading SHOP_PED_APPAREL_META_FILE resources:/sadoj-eups/mp_f_freemode_01_mp_f_sadoj_01.meta. [ 70329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-eups/mp_f_freemode_01_mp_f_sadoj_01.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b0d8. [ 70329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading ALTERNATE_VARIATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-eups/pedalternatevariations.meta. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-eups/pedalternatevariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a52a80. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-pedseup/peds.meta. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-pedseup/peds.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[akumac]/vehicles.meta. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[akumac]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati701]/vehicles.meta. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati701]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati901]/vehicles.meta. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati901]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bf900]/vehicles.meta. [ 70360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bf900]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[blazer6]/vehicles.meta. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[blazer6]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[enduromk2]/vehicles.meta. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[enduromk2]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[fmx]/vehicles.meta. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[fmx]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kampfer]/vehicles.meta. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kampfer]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kusa]/vehicles.meta. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kusa]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[manchezbw]/vehicles.meta. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[manchezbw]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtfrakas]/vehicles.meta. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtfrakas]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtsh]/vehicles.meta. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtsh]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mosquito]/vehicles.meta. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mosquito]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[nightbladec]/vehicles.meta. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[nightbladec]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[opressor3]/vehicles.meta. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[opressor3]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[scorcher21]/vehicles.meta. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[scorcher21]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sg1150]/vehicles.meta. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sg1150]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[slave]/vehicles.meta. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[slave]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[spirit]/vehicles.meta. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[spirit]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sumosanchez]/vehicles.meta. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sumosanchez]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[supersanchez]/vehicles.meta. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[supersanchez]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[templar]/vehicles.meta. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[templar]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[ventoso]/vehicles.meta. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[ventoso]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[warframe]/vehicles.meta. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[warframe]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[wintergreen]/vehicles.meta. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[wintergreen]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati701]/carcols.meta. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati701]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati901]/carcols.meta. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati901]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[fmx]/carcols.meta. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[fmx]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kusa]/carcols.meta. [ 70422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kusa]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtfrakas]/carcols.meta. [ 70422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtfrakas]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtsh]/carcols.meta. [ 70422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtsh]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[spirit]/carcols.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[spirit]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sumosanchez]/carcols.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sumosanchez]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[ventoso]/carcols.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[ventoso]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[warframe]/carcols.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[warframe]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[akumac]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[akumac]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati701]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati701]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati901]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bati901]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bf900]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[bf900]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[blazer6]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[blazer6]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[enduromk2]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[enduromk2]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[fmx]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[fmx]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kampfer]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kampfer]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kusa]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[kusa]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[manchezbw]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[manchezbw]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtfrakas]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtfrakas]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtsh]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mmtsh]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mosquito]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[mosquito]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[nightbladec]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[nightbladec]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[opressor3]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[opressor3]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[scorcher21]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[scorcher21]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sg1150]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sg1150]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[slave]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[slave]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[spirit]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[spirit]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sumosanchez]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[sumosanchez]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[supersanchez]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[supersanchez]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[templar]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[templar]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[ventoso]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[ventoso]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[warframe]/carvariations.meta. [ 70438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[warframe]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[wintergreen]/carvariations.meta. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/data/[wintergreen]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/sfxmosquito_game.dat. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/sfxmosquito_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/sfxmosquito_sounds.dat. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/sfxmosquito_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/sfx/dlc_mosquito. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/sfx/dlc_mosquito in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/ventoso_game.dat. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/ventoso_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/ventoso_sounds.dat. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/ventoso_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/bati901_game.dat. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/bati901_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/bati901_sounds.dat. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/bati901_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/sfx/dlc_bati901. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsMotos/audio/sfx/dlc_bati901 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/vehicles.meta. [ 70500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/carcols.meta. [ 70719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 70719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/carvariations.meta. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sentinelsg4_game.dat. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sentinelsg4_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sentinelsg4_sounds.dat. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sentinelsg4_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_sentinelsg4. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_sentinelsg4 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/spritzer_game.dat. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/spritzer_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/spritzer_sounds.dat. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/spritzer_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_spritzer. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_spritzer in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/vorstand_game.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/vorstand_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/vorstand_sounds.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/vorstand_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_vorstand. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_vorstand in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/executioner_game.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/executioner_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/executioner_sounds.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/executioner_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/tampar_game.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/tampar_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/tampar_sounds.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/tampar_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_tampar. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_tampar in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/vesper_game.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/vesper_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/vesper_sounds.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/vesper_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_vesper. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_vesper in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/hachura_game.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/hachura_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/hachura_sounds.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/hachura_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_hachura. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_hachura in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/majimalm_game.dat. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/majimalm_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/majimalm_sounds.dat. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/majimalm_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_majimagt. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_majimagt in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/meteor_game.dat. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/meteor_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/meteor_sounds.dat. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/meteor_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_meteor. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/sfx/dlc_meteor in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SYNTHDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/meteor_amp.dat. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles/audio/meteor_amp.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE AddonsVehicles. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading AddonsVehicles in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 70766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehicles.meta. [ 70813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 70813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/carcols.meta. [ 71094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/carvariations.meta. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sancy_game.dat. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sancy_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sancy_sounds.dat. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sancy_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_sancy. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_sancy in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/rh4_game.dat. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/rh4_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/rh4_sounds.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/rh4_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_rh4elegy. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_rh4elegy in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/apollo_game.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/apollo_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/apollo_sounds.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/apollo_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_apollo. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_apollo in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/elegyrh7_game.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/elegyrh7_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/elegyrh7_sounds.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/elegyrh7_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_rh7elegy. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_rh7elegy in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/mark1_game.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/mark1_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/mark1_sounds.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/mark1_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_mark1. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_mark1 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/roxanne_game.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/roxanne_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/roxanne_sounds.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/roxanne_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_roxanne. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_roxanne in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sunrise_game.dat. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sunrise_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sunrise_sounds.dat. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sunrise_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_sunrise. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_sunrise in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/argento_game.dat. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/argento_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/argento_sounds.dat. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/argento_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_argento. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_argento in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/turismoc_game.dat. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/turismoc_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/turismoc_sounds.dat. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/turismoc_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_turismoc. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_turismoc in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/zr250_game.dat. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/zr250_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/zr250_sounds.dat. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/zr250_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_zr250. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_zr250 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/wibvelox_game.dat. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/wibvelox_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/wibvelox_sounds.dat. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/wibvelox_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_velox. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_velox in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/severo_game.dat. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/severo_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/severo_sounds.dat. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/severo_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_severo. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_severo in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/kriegerc_game.dat. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/kriegerc_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/kriegerc_sounds.dat. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/kriegerc_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_kriegerc. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_kriegerc in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/zodiac_game.dat. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/zodiac_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/zodiac_sounds.dat. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/zodiac_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_zodiac. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_zodiac in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/castella_game.dat. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/castella_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/castella_sounds.dat. [ 71157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/castella_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_castella. [ 71172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles2/audio/sfx/dlc_castella in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE AddonsVehicles2. [ 71172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading AddonsVehicles2 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 71172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/vehicles.meta. [ 71204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/carcols.meta. [ 71422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/carvariations.meta. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/panorama_game.dat. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/panorama_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/panorama_sounds.dat. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/panorama_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_panorama. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_panorama in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sultanrsv8_game.dat. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sultanrsv8_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sultanrsv8_sounds.dat. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sultanrsv8_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_v8sultanrs. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_v8sultanrs in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/spritzerdtm_game.dat. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/spritzerdtm_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/spritzerdtm_sounds.dat. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/spritzerdtm_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_spritzer. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_spritzer in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/stardust_game.dat. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/stardust_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/stardust_sounds.dat. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/stardust_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_stardust. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_stardust in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/coquette4c_game.dat. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/coquette4c_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/coquette4c_sounds.dat. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/coquette4c_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_coquette4c. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_coquette4c in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/patriots_game.dat. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/patriots_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/patriots_sounds.dat. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/patriots_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_patriots. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles3/audio/sfx/dlc_patriots in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE AddonsVehicles3. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading AddonsVehicles3 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 71454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[accolade]/vehicles.meta. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[accolade]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[admiral]/vehicles.meta. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[admiral]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[asteropers]/vehicles.meta. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[asteropers]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[berreta]/vehicles.meta. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[berreta]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[boorc]/vehicles.meta. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[boorc]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[brisket]/vehicles.meta. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[brisket]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caddyxl]/vehicles.meta. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caddyxl]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[callista]/vehicles.meta. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[callista]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caracaran]/vehicles.meta. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caracaran]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[celeste]/vehicles.meta. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[celeste]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cheetahfel]/vehicles.meta. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cheetahfel]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[coqvice]/vehicles.meta. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[coqvice]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cwagon]/vehicles.meta. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cwagon]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/vehicles.meta. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[deimos]/vehicles.meta. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[deimos]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/vehicles.meta. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyheritage]/vehicles.meta. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyheritage]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyx]/vehicles.meta. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyx]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[espexecutive]/vehicles.meta. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[espexecutive]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[estancia]/vehicles.meta. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[estancia]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[expression]/vehicles.meta. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[expression]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[fagaloac]/vehicles.meta. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[fagaloac]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[flivver]/vehicles.meta. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[flivver]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gaulle]/vehicles.meta. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gaulle]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gspeedster]/vehicles.meta. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gspeedster]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[idaho]/vehicles.meta. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[idaho]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[imperial]/vehicles.meta. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[imperial]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/vehicles.meta. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ingotc]/vehicles.meta. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ingotc]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/vehicles.meta. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jb700s]/vehicles.meta. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jb700s]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jdvigero]/vehicles.meta. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jdvigero]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[kawaii]/vehicles.meta. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[kawaii]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[l35rets]/vehicles.meta. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[l35rets]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[matador]/vehicles.meta. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[matador]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/vehicles.meta. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[milord]/vehicles.meta. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[milord]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/vehicles.meta. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[monroer]/vehicles.meta. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[monroer]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nsandstorm]/vehicles.meta. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nsandstorm]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nscout]/vehicles.meta. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nscout]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[oceanic]/vehicles.meta. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[oceanic]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[paragono]/vehicles.meta. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[paragono]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[playboy]/vehicles.meta. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[playboy]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[raidenz]/vehicles.meta. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[raidenz]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remustwo]/vehicles.meta. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remustwo]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remusvert]/vehicles.meta. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remusvert]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[romtuner]/vehicles.meta. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[romtuner]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sandstorm]/vehicles.meta. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sandstorm]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/vehicles.meta. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[schlagenstr]/vehicles.meta. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[schlagenstr]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[serena]/vehicles.meta. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[serena]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma2]/vehicles.meta. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma2]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma3]/vehicles.meta. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma3]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stallionc]/vehicles.meta. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stallionc]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stanier93]/vehicles.meta. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stanier93]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[starlett]/vehicles.meta. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[starlett]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sultan2c]/vehicles.meta. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sultan2c]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[trailw]/vehicles.meta. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[trailw]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[tulip2S]/vehicles.meta. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[tulip2S]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismo2lm]/vehicles.meta. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismo2lm]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismorr]/vehicles.meta. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismorr]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/vehicles.meta. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[vulture]/vehicles.meta. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[vulture]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ziongtc]/vehicles.meta. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ziongtc]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[zionv10]/vehicles.meta. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[zionv10]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[accolade]/carcols.meta. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[accolade]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[admiral]/carcols.meta. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[admiral]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[asteropers]/carcols.meta. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[asteropers]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[berreta]/carcols.meta. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[berreta]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[boorc]/carcols.meta. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[boorc]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[brisket]/carcols.meta. [ 71610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[brisket]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[callista]/carcols.meta. [ 71610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[callista]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caracaran]/carcols.meta. [ 71610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caracaran]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[celeste]/carcols.meta. [ 71657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[celeste]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cheetahfel]/carcols.meta. [ 71657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cheetahfel]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[coqvice]/carcols.meta. [ 71657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[coqvice]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cwagon]/carcols.meta. [ 71657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cwagon]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/carcols.meta. [ 71672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[deimos]/carcols.meta. [ 71672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[deimos]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/carcols.meta. [ 71672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyheritage]/carcols.meta. [ 71672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyheritage]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyx]/carcols.meta. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyx]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[estancia]/carcols.meta. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[estancia]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[expression]/carcols.meta. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[expression]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[fagaloac]/carcols.meta. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[fagaloac]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gspeedster]/carcols.meta. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gspeedster]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[idaho]/carcols.meta. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[idaho]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[imperial]/carcols.meta. [ 71719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[imperial]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/carcols.meta. [ 71719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ingotc]/carcols.meta. [ 71719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ingotc]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/carcols.meta. [ 71735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jb700s]/carcols.meta. [ 71735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jb700s]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jdvigero]/carcols.meta. [ 71735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jdvigero]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[kawaii]/carcols.meta. [ 71735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[kawaii]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[l35rets]/carcols.meta. [ 71750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[l35rets]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/carcols.meta. [ 71750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[milord]/carcols.meta. [ 71750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[milord]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/carcols.meta. [ 71766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[monroer]/carcols.meta. [ 71766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[monroer]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nsandstorm]/carcols.meta. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nsandstorm]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[oceanic]/carcols.meta. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[oceanic]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[paragono]/carcols.meta. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[paragono]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[playboy]/carcols.meta. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[playboy]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remustwo]/carcols.meta. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remustwo]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remusvert]/carcols.meta. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remusvert]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[romtuner]/carcols.meta. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[romtuner]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sandstorm]/carcols.meta. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sandstorm]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/carcols.meta. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[schlagenstr]/carcols.meta. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[schlagenstr]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[serena]/carcols.meta. [ 71860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[serena]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma3]/carcols.meta. [ 71860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma3]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stallionc]/carcols.meta. [ 71860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stallionc]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sultan2c]/carcols.meta. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sultan2c]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[trailw]/carcols.meta. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[trailw]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[tulip2S]/carcols.meta. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[tulip2S]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismo2lm]/carcols.meta. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismo2lm]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismorr]/carcols.meta. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismorr]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/carcols.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[vulture]/carcols.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[vulture]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ziongtc]/carcols.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ziongtc]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[zionv10]/carcols.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[zionv10]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[accolade]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[accolade]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[admiral]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[admiral]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[asteropers]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[asteropers]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[berreta]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[berreta]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[boorc]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[boorc]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[brisket]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[brisket]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caddyxl]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caddyxl]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[callista]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[callista]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caracaran]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[caracaran]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[celeste]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[celeste]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cheetahfel]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cheetahfel]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[coqvice]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[coqvice]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cwagon]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cwagon]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[cyphart]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[deimos]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[deimos]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[dproto]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyheritage]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyheritage]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyx]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[elegyx]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[espexecutive]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[espexecutive]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[estancia]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[estancia]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[expression]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[expression]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[fagaloac]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[fagaloac]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[flivver]/carvariations.meta. [ 71907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[flivver]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gaulle]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gaulle]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gspeedster]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[gspeedster]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[idaho]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[idaho]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[imperial]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[imperial]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[indiana]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ingotc]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ingotc]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[issi8s]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jb700s]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jb700s]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jdvigero]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[jdvigero]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[kawaii]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[kawaii]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[l35rets]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[l35rets]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[matador]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[matador]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[mesaxl]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[milord]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[milord]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[molecule]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[monroer]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[monroer]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nsandstorm]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nsandstorm]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nscout]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[nscout]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[oceanic]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[oceanic]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[paragono]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[paragono]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[playboy]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[playboy]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[raidenz]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[raidenz]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remustwo]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remustwo]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remusvert]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[remusvert]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[romtuner]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[romtuner]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sandstorm]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sandstorm]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[savestrare]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[schlagenstr]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[schlagenstr]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[serena]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[serena]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma2]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma2]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma3]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sigma3]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stallionc]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stallionc]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stanier93]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[stanier93]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[starlett]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[starlett]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sultan2c]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[sultan2c]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[trailw]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[trailw]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[tulip2S]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[tulip2S]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismo2lm]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismo2lm]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismorr]/carvariations.meta. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[turismorr]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/carvariations.meta. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[urban]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[vulture]/carvariations.meta. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[vulture]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ziongtc]/carvariations.meta. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[ziongtc]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[zionv10]/carvariations.meta. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/data/[zionv10]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/deimos_game.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/deimos_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/deimos_sounds.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/deimos_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_deimos. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_deimos in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/vulture_game.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/vulture_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/vulture_sounds.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/vulture_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_vulture. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_vulture in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/turismo2lm_game.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/turismo2lm_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/turismo2lm_sounds.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/turismo2lm_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_turismo2lm. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_turismo2lm in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/urban_game.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/urban_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/urban_sounds.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/urban_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_urban. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_urban in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/gspeedster_game.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/gspeedster_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sultan2c_game.dat. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sultan2c_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sultan2c_sounds.dat. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sultan2c_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_sultan2c. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_sultan2c in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/kawaii_game.dat. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/kawaii_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/kawaii_sounds.dat. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/kawaii_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_kawaii. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_kawaii in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/dlcstallion4_game.dat. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/dlcstallion4_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/dlcstallion4_sounds.dat. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/dlcstallion4_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_stallion4. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_stallion4 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/boorc_game.dat. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/boorc_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/boorc_sounds.dat. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/boorc_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_boorc. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_boorc in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/zionv10_game.dat. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/zionv10_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/zionv10_sounds.dat. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/zionv10_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_wibzionv10. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_wibzionv10 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfxflivver_game.dat. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfxflivver_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfxflivver_sounds.dat. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfxflivver_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_flivver. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_flivver in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sigma3_game.dat. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sigma3_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sigma3_sounds.dat. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sigma3_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_sigma3. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_sigma3 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/brisket_game.dat. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/brisket_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/brisket_sounds.dat. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/brisket_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_brisket. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_brisket in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/callista_game.dat. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/callista_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/callista_sounds.dat. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/callista_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_callista. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_callista in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/matador_game.dat. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/matador_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/matador_sounds.dat. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/matador_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_matador. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_matador in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 71985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sentgtr_game.dat. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sentgtr_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sentgtr_sounds.dat. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sentgtr_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_gtrsent. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_gtrsent in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/asteropers_game.dat. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/asteropers_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/asteropers_sounds.dat. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/asteropers_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_asteropers. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_asteropers in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/coquettev_game.dat. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/coquettev_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/coquettev_sounds.dat. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/coquettev_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_coquettev. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_coquettev in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/gaulle2_game.dat. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/gaulle2_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/gaulle2_sounds.dat. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/gaulle2_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_gaulle2. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_gaulle2 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/elegyx_game.dat. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/elegyx_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/elegyx_sounds.dat. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/elegyx_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_elegyx. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_elegyx in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/nsandstorm_game.dat. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/nsandstorm_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SYNTHDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/remustwo_amp.dat. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/remustwo_amp.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/remustwo_game.dat. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/remustwo_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/remustwo_sounds.dat. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/remustwo_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_remustwo. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles4/audio/sfx/dlc_remustwo in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE AddonsVehicles4. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading AddonsVehicles4 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ariant]/vehicles.meta. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ariant]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[dom645]/vehicles.meta. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[dom645]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[majimagt]/vehicles.meta. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[majimagt]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ncavalcade]/vehicles.meta. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ncavalcade]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ariant]/carcols.meta. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ariant]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[dom645]/carcols.meta. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[dom645]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ncavalcade]/carcols.meta. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ncavalcade]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ariant]/carvariations.meta. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ariant]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[dom645]/carvariations.meta. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[dom645]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[majimagt]/carvariations.meta. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[majimagt]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ncavalcade]/carvariations.meta. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/data/[ncavalcade]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/dom645_game.dat. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/dom645_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/dom645_sounds.dat. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/dom645_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/sfx/dlc_dom645. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/sfx/dlc_dom645 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/ariant_game.dat. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/ariant_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/ariant_sounds.dat. [ 72047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/ariant_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/sfx/dlc_ariant. [ 72063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/sfx/dlc_ariant in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/majimagt_game.dat. [ 72063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/majimagt_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/majimagt_sounds.dat. [ 72063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/majimagt_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/sfx/dlc_majimagt. [ 72063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVehicles5/audio/sfx/dlc_majimagt in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsGTA4/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsGTA4/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsGTA4/data/carcols.meta. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsGTA4/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsGTA4/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsGTA4/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/vehicles.meta. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[predator2]/vehicles.meta. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[predator2]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[vortex]/vehicles.meta. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[vortex]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/carvariations.meta. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[catamaran]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[predator2]/carvariations.meta. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[predator2]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[vortex]/carvariations.meta. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsBateaux/data/[vortex]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AddonsVIP/common/vehicles.meta. [ 72157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVIP/common/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AddonsVIP/common/carcols.meta. [ 72157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVIP/common/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AddonsVIP/common/carvariations.meta. [ 72157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AddonsVIP/common/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/bfsurferpack/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/bfsurferpack/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/bfsurferpack/data/carcols.meta. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/bfsurferpack/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/bfsurferpack/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/bfsurferpack/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/weapon_dish.meta. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/weapon_dish.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[aesandstorm]/vehicles.meta. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[aesandstorm]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[assafetycar]/vehicles.meta. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[assafetycar]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[emscomet]/vehicles.meta. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[emscomet]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehicles.meta. [ 72219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[foodtruck]/vehicles.meta. [ 72219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[foodtruck]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[romerocoro]/vehicles.meta. [ 72235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[romerocoro]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[aesandstorm]/carcols.meta. [ 72235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[aesandstorm]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[assafetycar]/carcols.meta. [ 72266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[assafetycar]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[emscomet]/carcols.meta. [ 72266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[emscomet]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/carcols.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[romerocoro]/carcols.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[romerocoro]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[aesandstorm]/carvariations.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[aesandstorm]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[assafetycar]/carvariations.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[assafetycar]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[emscomet]/carvariations.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[emscomet]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/carvariations.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[entreprises]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[foodtruck]/carvariations.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[foodtruck]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[romerocoro]/carvariations.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises/data/[romerocoro]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nsandstormcommun]/vehicles.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nsandstormcommun]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutc]/vehicles.meta. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutc]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutvalor]/vehicles.meta. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutvalor]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/vehicles.meta. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[sandstormcommun]/vehicles.meta. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[sandstormcommun]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/vehicles.meta. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[valkyriecommun]/vehicles.meta. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[valkyriecommun]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nsandstormcommun]/carcols.meta. [ 72360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nsandstormcommun]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutc]/carcols.meta. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutc]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutvalor]/carcols.meta. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutvalor]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/carcols.meta. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[sandstormcommun]/carcols.meta. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[sandstormcommun]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/carcols.meta. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/carcols.meta. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nsandstormcommun]/carvariations.meta. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nsandstormcommun]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutc]/carvariations.meta. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutc]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutvalor]/carvariations.meta. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[nscoutvalor]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/carvariations.meta. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[patriotcommun]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[sandstormcommun]/carvariations.meta. [ 72438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[sandstormcommun]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/carvariations.meta. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[secucom]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[valkyriecommun]/carvariations.meta. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/[valkyriecommun]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/audio/buffalosc_game.dat. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/audio/buffalosc_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/audio/buffalosc_sounds.dat. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhEntreprises_commun/audio/buffalosc_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE vhEntreprises_commun. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading vhEntreprises_commun in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[openwheel2c]/vehicles.meta. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[openwheel2c]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[r255]/vehicles.meta. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[r255]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[openwheel2c]/carcols.meta. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[openwheel2c]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[r255]/carcols.meta. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[r255]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/carcols.meta. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[openwheel2c]/carvariations.meta. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[openwheel2c]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[r255]/carvariations.meta. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/[r255]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhLoisirs/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhLoisirs/audio/r255_game.dat. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/audio/r255_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhLoisirs/audio/r255_sounds.dat. [ 72532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/audio/r255_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhLoisirs/audio/sfx/dlc_r255. [ 72532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhLoisirs/audio/sfx/dlc_r255 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhPehainjy/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPehainjy/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhPehainjy/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPehainjy/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhPompier/data/carcols.meta. [ 72579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPompier/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhPompier/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPompier/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhPompier/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPompier/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/vehicles.meta. [ 72594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpnalamoumk]/vehicles.meta. [ 72594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpnalamoumk]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpthrust]/vehicles.meta. [ 72594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpthrust]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/carcols.meta. [ 72610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpnalamoumk]/carcols.meta. [ 72610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpnalamoumk]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpthrust]/carcols.meta. [ 72610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpthrust]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/carcols.meta. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/carvariations.meta. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpgresley]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpnalamoumk]/carvariations.meta. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpnalamoumk]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpthrust]/carvariations.meta. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/[sahpthrust]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehicleweapons_sahpradar.meta. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/data/vehicleweapons_sahpradar.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhSAHP/audio/nscout_game.dat. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/audio/nscout_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhSAHP/audio/nscout_sounds.dat. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/audio/nscout_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhSAHP/audio/sahpinsurgent_game.dat. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/audio/sahpinsurgent_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhSAHP/audio/sahpinsurgent_sounds.dat. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAHP/audio/sahpinsurgent_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAPD/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhSAPD/data/carcols.meta. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAPD/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhSAPD/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAPD/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhSAPD/audio/jmbearcat_game.dat. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhSAPD/audio/jmbearcat_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[esdyos2]/vehicles.meta. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[esdyos2]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[lspdbri]/vehicles.meta. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[lspdbri]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polgreenwd]/vehicles.meta. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polgreenwd]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polstanier]/vehicles.meta. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polstanier]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polthrust]/vehicles.meta. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polthrust]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/vehicles.meta. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdnscoutum]/vehicles.meta. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdnscoutum]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdoutlaw]/vehicles.meta. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdoutlaw]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdraiden]/vehicles.meta. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdraiden]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdscout]/vehicles.meta. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdscout]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdvigero]/vehicles.meta. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdvigero]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[esdyos2]/carcols.meta. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[esdyos2]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[lspdbri]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[lspdbri]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polgreenwd]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polgreenwd]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polstanier]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polstanier]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polthrust]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polthrust]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdnscoutum]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdnscoutum]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdoutlaw]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdoutlaw]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdraiden]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdraiden]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdscout]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdscout]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdvigero]/carcols.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdvigero]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[esdyos2]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[esdyos2]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[lspdbri]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[lspdbri]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polgreenwd]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polgreenwd]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polstanier]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polstanier]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polthrust]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[polthrust]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdblazer]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdnscoutum]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdnscoutum]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdoutlaw]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdoutlaw]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdraiden]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdraiden]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdscout]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdscout]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdvigero]/carvariations.meta. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/data/[sapdvigero]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/audio/nscout_game.dat. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/audio/nscout_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/audio/nscout_sounds.dat. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/sadoj-policevehiclespack/audio/nscout_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE sadoj-policevehiclespack. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading sadoj-policevehiclespack in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 72766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhsantrans/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhsantrans/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhsantrans/data/carcols.meta. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhsantrans/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhsantrans/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhsantrans/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhMilitaire/data/carcols.meta. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhMilitaire/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhMilitaire/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhMilitaire/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhMilitaire/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhMilitaire/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhPublic/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPublic/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhPublic/data/carcols.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPublic/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhPublic/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhPublic/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/vehicles.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[evocbuffalo]/vehicles.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[evocbuffalo]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[poldinghy]/vehicles.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[poldinghy]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/vehicles.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/carcols.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[evocbuffalo]/carcols.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[evocbuffalo]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[poldinghy]/carcols.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[poldinghy]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/carcols.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/carvariations.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[emsswift]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[evocbuffalo]/carvariations.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[evocbuffalo]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[poldinghy]/carvariations.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[poldinghy]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/carvariations.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/data/[sandbulance]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhServicescommun/audio/sandbulance_game.dat. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhServicescommun/audio/sandbulance_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhClub/data/[pantherepol]/vehicles.meta. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/data/[pantherepol]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhClub/data/vehicles.meta. [ 72813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 72813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhClub/data/[pantherepol]/carcols.meta. [ 72813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/data/[pantherepol]/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhClub/data/carcols.meta. [ 72907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 72907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhClub/data/[pantherepol]/carvariations.meta. [ 72907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/data/[pantherepol]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhClub/data/carvariations.meta. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/toysupmk4_game.dat. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/toysupmk4_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/toysupmk4_sounds.dat. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/toysupmk4_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_toysupmk4. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_toysupmk4 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SYNTHDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rb26dett_amp.dat. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rb26dett_amp.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rb26dett_game.dat. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rb26dett_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rb26dett_sounds.dat. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rb26dett_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_rb26dett. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_rb26dett in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rotary7_game.dat. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rotary7_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rotary7_sounds.dat. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/rotary7_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_rotary7. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_rotary7 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SYNTHDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/z33u2_amp.dat. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/z33u2_amp.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/z33u2_game.dat. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/z33u2_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/z33u2_sounds.dat. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/z33u2_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_z33u2. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_z33u2 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/ta011mit4g63_game.dat. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/ta011mit4g63_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/ta011mit4g63_sounds.dat. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/ta011mit4g63_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_ta011mit4g63. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_ta011mit4g63 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SYNTHDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/nsr2teng_amp.dat. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/nsr2teng_amp.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/nsr2teng_game.dat. [ 72938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/nsr2teng_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/nsr2teng_sounds.dat. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/nsr2teng_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_nsr2teng. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_nsr2teng in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SYNTHDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/bnr34ffeng_amp.dat. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/bnr34ffeng_amp.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/bnr34ffeng_game.dat. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/bnr34ffeng_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/bnr34ffeng_sounds.dat. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/bnr34ffeng_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_bnr34ffeng. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_bnr34ffeng in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/sentineldm_game.dat. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/sentineldm_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/sentineldm_sounds.dat. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/sentineldm_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_sentinelsg4. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_sentinelsg4 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/predatorv8_game.dat. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/predatorv8_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/predatorv8_sounds.dat. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/predatorv8_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_predatorv8. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_predatorv8 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/cammedcharger_game.dat. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/cammedcharger_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/cammedcharger_sounds.dat. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/cammedcharger_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_cammedcharger. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_cammedcharger in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/cvpiv8_game.dat. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/cvpiv8_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/cvpiv8_sounds.dat. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/cvpiv8_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_cvpiv8. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_cvpiv8 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SYNTHDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/4age_amp.dat. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/4age_amp.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/4age_game.dat. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/4age_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/4age_sounds.dat. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/4age_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_4age. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_4age in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/ea825_game.dat. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/ea825_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/ea825_sounds.dat. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/ea825_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_ea825. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_ea825 in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/npolchar_game.dat. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/npolchar_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 72985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/npolchar_sounds.dat. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/npolchar_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_npolchar. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_npolchar in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/aq10nisvr38dett_game.dat. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/aq10nisvr38dett_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/aq10nisvr38dett_sounds.dat. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/aq10nisvr38dett_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_aq10nisvr38dett. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_aq10nisvr38dett in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SYNTHDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/f50gteng_amp.dat. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/f50gteng_amp.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/f50gteng_game.dat. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/f50gteng_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/f50gteng_sounds.dat. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/audioconfig/f50gteng_sounds.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_f50gteng. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhClub/sfx/dlc_f50gteng in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 73000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_sports.meta. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_sports.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_musclecars.meta. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_musclecars.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_lowriders.meta. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_lowriders.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_suvs.meta. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_suvs.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_offroads.meta. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_offroads.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_tuners.meta. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_tuners.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_hiends.meta. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhWheels/data/carcols_hiends.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 73016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/vhBCSO/common/vehicles.meta. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhBCSO/common/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/vhBCSO/common/carcols.meta. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhBCSO/common/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/vhBCSO/common/carvariations.meta. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/vhBCSO/common/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/Trailers/data/carvariations.meta. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Trailers/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LiveriesReplace/data/carcols.meta. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LiveriesReplace/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LiveriesReplace/data/carvariations.meta. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LiveriesReplace/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 73032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/VehiculeWeaponReplace/data/vehicles.meta. [ 73047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/VehiculeWeaponReplace/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 73047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[police2]/vehicles.meta. [ 73047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[police2]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 73047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[police3]/vehicles.meta. [ 73047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[police3]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 73047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[policeb]/vehicles.meta. [ 73047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[policeb]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 73047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[sheriff2]/vehicles.meta. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[sheriff2]/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[police2]/carvariations.meta. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[police2]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[police3]/carvariations.meta. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[police3]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[policeb]/carvariations.meta. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[policeb]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[sheriff2]/carvariations.meta. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PoliceReplace/meta/[sheriff2]/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 73063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading SCENARIO_POINTS_OVERRIDE_PSO_FILE resources:/fichiers_communs/sp_manifest.ymt. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/fichiers_communs/sp_manifest.ymt in data file mounter 0x141ada018. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/mapbuilder/stream/builderdefaddons.ytyp. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/mapbuilder/stream/builderdefaddons.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE mapbuilder. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading mapbuilder in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE RoadSigns. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RoadSigns in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/addonprops.ytyp. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/addonprops.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[airbag]/prop_car_airbag.ytyp. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[airbag]/prop_car_airbag.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/BzzziProps/bzzz_props.ytyp. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/BzzziProps/bzzz_props.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/BzzziProps/bzzz_camp_props.ytyp. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/BzzziProps/bzzz_camp_props.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/TayMcKenzieNZ/taymckenzienz_rpemotes.ytyp. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/TayMcKenzieNZ/taymckenzienz_rpemotes.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/PataMods/pata_props.ytyp. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/PataMods/pata_props.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/KayKayMods/kaykaymods_props.ytyp. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[emotes]/KayKayMods/kaykaymods_props.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[bodybag]/coroner_bodybag.ytyp. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-addonprops/stream/[bodybag]/coroner_bodybag.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/sheriff_paletobay/audio/cs1_16_paleto_shell_col_game.dat. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sheriff_paletobay/audio/cs1_16_paleto_shell_col_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_DYNAMIXDATA resources:/sheriff_paletobay/audio/cs1_16_paleto_shell_col_mix.dat. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sheriff_paletobay/audio/cs1_16_paleto_shell_col_mix.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE sheriff_paletobay. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading sheriff_paletobay in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/bureauarchi/stream/v_int_65.ytyp. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/bureauarchi/stream/v_int_65.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/bureauarchi/stream/proparchi.ytyp. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/bureauarchi/stream/proparchi.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE bureauarchi. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading bureauarchi in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ImmobilierMap. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading ImmobilierMap in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/JobsMap/stream/WorkShopPB/int_industrial.ytyp. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/JobsMap/stream/WorkShopPB/int_industrial.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/JobsMap/stream/pdmmap/def_pdm.ytyp. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/JobsMap/stream/pdmmap/def_pdm.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE JobsMap. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading JobsMap in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/PermanentMap/stream/SAHP/sahplsexterieur/def_sahp.ytyp. [ 73110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PermanentMap/stream/SAHP/sahplsexterieur/def_sahp.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/PermanentMap/stream/SAHP/sahppaleto/def_sahpp.ytyp. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PermanentMap/stream/SAHP/sahppaleto/def_sahpp.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/PermanentMap/stream/hypodrome/def_new.ytyp. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PermanentMap/stream/hypodrome/def_new.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE PermanentMap. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading PermanentMap in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/Logo3DPacific/stream/custom_gigz_rancho.ytyp. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Logo3DPacific/stream/custom_gigz_rancho.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Logo3DPacific. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading Logo3DPacific in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ImmoIPLDuplicate. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading ImmoIPLDuplicate in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE paletomedical. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading paletomedical in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE paleto247. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading paleto247 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE paleto_liquor. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading paleto_liquor in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE zancudo_shop. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading zancudo_shop in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE mlooffice. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading mlooffice in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 806MadWayneThunderDrive. [ 73141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 806MadWayneThunderDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ForumDriveFamilies. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading ForumDriveFamilies in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 13ForumDrive. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 13ForumDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE MaisonGrooveStreetArene. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading MaisonGrooveStreetArene in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE shelbys_paletohomes. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading shelbys_paletohomes in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading TIMECYCLEMOD_FILE resources:/gabz_pillbox_hospital/gabztimecyclemods.xml. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gabz_pillbox_hospital/gabztimecyclemods.xml in data file mounter 0x141afb8b8. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gabz_pillbox_hospital. [ 73157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading gabz_pillbox_hospital in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gabz_pinkcage. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading gabz_pinkcage in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading TIMECYCLEMOD_FILE resources:/gabz_harmony/gabzharmony.xml. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gabz_harmony/gabzharmony.xml in data file mounter 0x141afb8b8. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gabz_harmony. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading gabz_harmony in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE MissionRow_seizureParking. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading MissionRow_seizureParking in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Union_Depository. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading Union_Depository in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 6180EclipseBoulevard. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 6180EclipseBoulevard in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE custom_int_placement_xm3_dlc_int_02. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading custom_int_placement_xm3_dlc_int_02 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE int_italy. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading int_italy in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE cour. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading cour in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE flouvers. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading flouvers in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE flouversdoor. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading flouversdoor in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1105BaycityAvenue. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1105BaycityAvenue in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/550miltonroad/stream/550miltonroad.ytyp. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/550miltonroad/stream/550miltonroad.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 550miltonroad. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 550miltonroad in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE pdmracing. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading pdmracing in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE matus_highwaypatrol. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading matus_highwaypatrol in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/gcom_highway/gc_hp_int_shell_col_game.dat. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gcom_highway/gc_hp_int_shell_col_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading INTERIOR_PROXY_ORDER_FILE resources:/gcom_highway/interiorproxies.meta. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gcom_highway/interiorproxies.meta in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9db7e0. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gcom_highway. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading gcom_highway in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 3761DelPerroFreeway. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 3761DelPerroFreeway in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 174WildOatsDrive. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 174WildOatsDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 2838PicturePerfectDrive. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 2838PicturePerfectDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 6086MarloweDrive. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 6086MarloweDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 12procopiodrive. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 12procopiodrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 350VespucciBoulevard. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 350VespucciBoulevard in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/CountryNewsSandy/stream/def_country.ytyp. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CountryNewsSandy/stream/def_country.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE CountryNewsSandy. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading CountryNewsSandy in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE SanPulse. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading SanPulse in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1163VespucciBoulevard. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1163VespucciBoulevard in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading INTERIOR_PROXY_ORDER_FILE resources:/MotelFleecaVinewood/interiorproxies.meta. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MotelFleecaVinewood/interiorproxies.meta in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9db7e0. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE MotelFleecaVinewood. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading MotelFleecaVinewood in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 205LakeVinewoodDrive. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 205LakeVinewoodDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/nightrunner/x64/levels/gta5/interiors/vagos/v_43_int_new.ityp. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/nightrunner/x64/levels/gta5/interiors/vagos/v_43_int_new.ityp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading INTERIOR_PROXY_ORDER_FILE resources:/nightrunner/interiorproxies.meta. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/nightrunner/interiorproxies.meta in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9db7e0. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE nightrunner. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading nightrunner in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 3545MiltonRoad. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 3545MiltonRoad in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gabz_lost. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading gabz_lost in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 224KimbleHillDrive. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 224KimbleHillDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1084ThugStreet. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1084ThugStreet in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1026RichmanStreet. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1026RichmanStreet in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE escaliercustom. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading escaliercustom in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 675RockfordDrive. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 675RockfordDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 924LasLagunas. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 924LasLagunas in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 2735EastJoshuaRoad. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 2735EastJoshuaRoad in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1129PicturePerfectDrive. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1129PicturePerfectDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1565AmericanoWay. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1565AmericanoWay in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1008Rockforddrivenorth. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1008Rockforddrivenorth in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/AeroSpace/stream/aerospace.ytyp. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AeroSpace/stream/aerospace.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE AeroSpace. [ 73282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Fixing manifest-required #typ dependency for dummy/aerospace.ityp [ 73297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading AeroSpace in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/1189GreenwichPlace/stream/int_cartel.ytyp. [ 73297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/1189GreenwichPlace/stream/int_cartel.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1189GreenwichPlace. [ 73313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Fixing manifest-required #typ dependency for dummy/int_cartel.ityp [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1189GreenwichPlace in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE LaFuenteBlancaPerreraMotel. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading LaFuenteBlancaPerreraMotel in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE yellowjack. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading yellowjack in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE brownprison. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading brownprison in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE prison_interior. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading prison_interior in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/PacificBankPlage/stream/custom_gigz_rancho.ytyp. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PacificBankPlage/stream/custom_gigz_rancho.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE PacificBankPlage. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading PacificBankPlage in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/as_rex_diner/audio/as_rex_diner_game.dat. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/as_rex_diner/audio/as_rex_diner_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/as_rex_diner/audio/as_rex_garage_game.dat. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/as_rex_diner/audio/as_rex_garage_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE as_rex_diner. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading as_rex_diner in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE map4all-ss-sheriff-compatible. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading map4all-ss-sheriff-compatible in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE map4all-ss-hospital-compatible. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading map4all-ss-hospital-compatible in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/as_bobcat/audio/as_bobcat_game.dat. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/as_bobcat/audio/as_bobcat_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE as_bobcat. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading as_bobcat in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE as_tequilala. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading as_tequilala in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/smokeonthewater_hawick/md_weedshop_mlo.ytyp. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/smokeonthewater_hawick/md_weedshop_mlo.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE smokeonthewater_hawick. [ 73360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Fixing manifest-required #typ dependency for dummy/md_weedshop_mlo.ityp [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading smokeonthewater_hawick in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/uj_VESP_v2/stream/uj_vesp_props.ytyp. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/uj_VESP_v2/stream/uj_vesp_props.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/uj_VESP_v2/stream/vesp_doors_game.dat. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/uj_VESP_v2/stream/vesp_doors_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE uj_VESP_v2. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading uj_VESP_v2 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 115ProcopioDrive. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 115ProcopioDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 51PaletoBoulevard. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 51PaletoBoulevard in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 416ProcopioDrive. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 416ProcopioDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE OfficeBuilding. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading OfficeBuilding in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 2886HillcrestAvenue. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 2886HillcrestAvenue in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 825PortolaDrive. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 825PortolaDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1010NorthRockfordDrive. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1010NorthRockfordDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE PacificBankMap. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading PacificBankMap in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 2260SenoraFreeway. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 2260SenoraFreeway in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Pacific_Cottage. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading Pacific_Cottage in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 888CaesarsPlace. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 888CaesarsPlace in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/pdmboat/stream/def_pdmb.ytyp. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/pdmboat/stream/def_pdmb.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE pdmboat. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading pdmboat in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE BureauGouvernement. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading BureauGouvernement in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE BeLegend. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading BeLegend in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE grotticlub. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading grotticlub in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Barsandyshore. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading Barsandyshore in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE airsoftLS. [ 73422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading airsoftLS in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/pdmpaleto/abrisgaz.ytyp. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/pdmpaleto/abrisgaz.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/pdmpaleto/lavagevl.ytyp. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/pdmpaleto/lavagevl.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/pdmpaleto/int_corporate.ytyp. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/pdmpaleto/int_corporate.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE pdmpaleto. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading pdmpaleto in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/pdmhangarpaleto/stream/mecano_ytyp.ytyp. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/pdmhangarpaleto/stream/mecano_ytyp.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/pdmhangarpaleto/stream/imp_impexp_intwaremed.ytyp. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/pdmhangarpaleto/stream/imp_impexp_intwaremed.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE pdmhangarpaleto. [ 73438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Fixing manifest-required #typ dependency for dummy/mecano_ytyp.ityp [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading pdmhangarpaleto in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE CayoMap. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading CayoMap in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1201NormandyDrive. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1201NormandyDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 104LakeVinewoodEstate. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 104LakeVinewoodEstate in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE int_carmeet. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading int_carmeet in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE BureauWeazel. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading BureauWeazel in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading TIMECYCLEMOD_FILE resources:/cfx-gabz-tuners/gabz_timecycle_tuners.xml. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/cfx-gabz-tuners/gabz_timecycle_tuners.xml in data file mounter 0x141afb8b8. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE cfx-gabz-tuners. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading cfx-gabz-tuners in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Belegend_Binco. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading Belegend_Binco in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 2015GrapeseedMainStreet. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 2015GrapeseedMainStreet in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1523SenoraFreeway. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1523SenoraFreeway in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE santrans_hqdocks. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading santrans_hqdocks in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 10056ChupacabraStreet. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 10056ChupacabraStreet in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1473SamAustinDrive. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1473SamAustinDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE garageWSracing. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading garageWSracing in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/portels_1a.ytyp. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/portels_1a.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/portels_2a.ytyp. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/portels_2a.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/portels_3a.ytyp. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/portels_3a.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/portels_4a.ytyp. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/portels_4a.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/ls_custom_carcer_way.ytyp. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/WorkShopLS/stream/ls_custom_carcer_way.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE WorkShopLS. [ 73516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Fixing manifest-required #typ dependency for dummy/ls_custom_carcer_way.ityp [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading WorkShopLS in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE as_coroner. [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading as_coroner in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_DYNAMIXDATA resources:/EclipseTowerMC/audio/shmann_audio_mix.dat. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/EclipseTowerMC/audio/shmann_audio_mix.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/EclipseTowerMC/audio/shmann_audio_game.dat. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/EclipseTowerMC/audio/shmann_audio_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE EclipseTowerMC. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading EclipseTowerMC in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/ClassicCarClubMarinaDrive/stream/classic_sandy_garage.ytyp.ytyp. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/ClassicCarClubMarinaDrive/stream/classic_sandy_garage.ytyp.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/ClassicCarClubMarinaDrive/stream/otto_sandy_garage_ytyp.ytyp. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/ClassicCarClubMarinaDrive/stream/otto_sandy_garage_ytyp.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ClassicCarClubMarinaDrive. [ 73547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Fixing manifest-required #typ dependency for dummy/otto_sandy_garage_ytyp.ityp [ 73563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading ClassicCarClubMarinaDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1897RockfordDriveNorth. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1897RockfordDriveNorth in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE DevilDogs. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading DevilDogs in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Paletobay_Bridge. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading Paletobay_Bridge in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE DevilDogsHangar. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading DevilDogsHangar in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading INTERIOR_PROXY_ORDER_FILE resources:/cfx_gn_collection/interiorproxies.meta. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/cfx_gn_collection/interiorproxies.meta in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9db7e0. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/cfx_gn_bc_firestation/audio/audio_firestation_game.dat. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/cfx_gn_bc_firestation/audio/audio_firestation_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/cfx_gn_bc_firestation/audio/int_firestation_game.dat. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/cfx_gn_bc_firestation/audio/int_firestation_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading TIMECYCLEMOD_FILE resources:/cfx_gn_bc_firestation/gn_fire_timecycle.xml. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/cfx_gn_bc_firestation/gn_fire_timecycle.xml in data file mounter 0x141afb8b8. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE cfx_gn_bc_firestation. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading cfx_gn_bc_firestation in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-charchingstation-stream/stream/prop_chargingstation.ytyp. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-charchingstation-stream/stream/prop_chargingstation.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE AmmunationDavis. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading AmmunationDavis in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading INTERIOR_PROXY_ORDER_FILE resources:/SAFDCaserne/interiorproxies.meta. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SAFDCaserne/interiorproxies.meta in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9db7e0. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE SAFDCaserne. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading SAFDCaserne in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE cfx-gabz-bowling. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading cfx-gabz-bowling in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 1157GomaStreet. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 1157GomaStreet in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/as_luxpdm/audio/as_garpdm_game.dat. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/as_luxpdm/audio/as_garpdm_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/as_luxpdm/audio/as_luxpdm_game.dat. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/as_luxpdm/audio/as_luxpdm_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE as_luxpdm. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading as_luxpdm in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE as_hayes_auto_hub. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading as_hayes_auto_hub in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading TIMECYCLEMOD_FILE resources:/cfx-gabz-impound/gabz_impound_timecycle.xml. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/cfx-gabz-impound/gabz_impound_timecycle.xml in data file mounter 0x141afb8b8. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE cfx-gabz-impound. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading cfx-gabz-impound in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gabz_house_08_1. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading gabz_house_08_1 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gabz_house_10_1. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading gabz_house_10_1 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE breze_mirrorpark. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading breze_mirrorpark in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE lb_mirrorpark. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading lb_mirrorpark in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE morgan_house. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading morgan_house in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE FleecaBankDelPerro. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading FleecaBankDelPerro in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/casino_cinema/stream/props/casino_cinema_props.ytyp. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/casino_cinema/stream/props/casino_cinema_props.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/casino_cinema/stream/casino_cinema.ytyp. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/casino_cinema/stream/casino_cinema.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE casino_cinema. [ 73657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Fixing manifest-required #typ dependency for dummy/casino_cinema.ityp [ 73672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading casino_cinema in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/as_autoexotic+ds/audio/as_autoexotic_game.dat. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/as_autoexotic+ds/audio/as_autoexotic_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/as_autoexotic+ds/audio/as_dealership_interior_game.dat. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/as_autoexotic+ds/audio/as_dealership_interior_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/as_autoexotic+ds/audio/as_showroom_game.dat. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ failed loading resources:/as_autoexotic+ds/audio/as_showroom_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE as_autoexotic+ds. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading as_autoexotic+ds in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading TIMECYCLEMOD_FILE resources:/kiiya_autoshop/kiiya_timecycle.xml. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/kiiya_autoshop/kiiya_timecycle.xml in data file mounter 0x141afb8b8. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/kiiya_autoshop/autoshop_game.dat. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/kiiya_autoshop/autoshop_game.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE kiiya_autoshop. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading kiiya_autoshop in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE as_mirhouse. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading as_mirhouse in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE rfc_motoclub_mlo. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading rfc_motoclub_mlo in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE weazelnews_int. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading weazelnews_int in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE brofx_mansion_17. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading brofx_mansion_17 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ModernHouse. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading ModernHouse in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE blocagevendeursarmes. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading blocagevendeursarmes in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE bm_gunshop1. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading bm_gunshop1 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE CokeLab. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading CokeLab in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Marabunta. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading Marabunta in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 56ElginAvenue. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 56ElginAvenue in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 3566DidionDrive. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 3566DidionDrive in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE 762PopularStreet. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading 762PopularStreet in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gunstore. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading gunstore in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gunstore2. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading gunstore2 in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-fleecaheist-stream/stream/props/hei_props_fleecaheist.ytyp. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-fleecaheist-stream/stream/props/hei_props_fleecaheist.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE sadoj-fleecaheist-stream. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading sadoj-fleecaheist-stream in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE mariage_lewis_yacht. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading mariage_lewis_yacht in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE trainingfieldtemp. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading trainingfieldtemp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/pnwsigns/stream/pnwsigns.ytyp. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/pnwsigns/stream/pnwsigns.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/trafficdisplayprops/stream/trafficdisplayprops.ytyp. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/trafficdisplayprops/stream/trafficdisplayprops.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/sadoj-sirens-stream/dlc_sadojsirensstream. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-sirens-stream/dlc_sadojsirensstream in data file mounter 0x141a15060. [ 73766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA resources:/sadoj-sirens-stream/data/sadojsirensstream.dat. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-sirens-stream/data/sadojsirensstream.dat in data file mounter 0x141a13a18. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-rescueprops/stream/rescueprops.ytyp. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-rescueprops/stream/rescueprops.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_WEAPON_PICKUPS resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/pickups.meta. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/pickups.meta in data file mounter 0x141a55de8. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CONTENT_UNLOCKING_META_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/contentunlocks.meta. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/contentunlocks.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CONTENT_UNLOCKING_META_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Megaphone]/contentunlocks.meta. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Megaphone]/contentunlocks.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 73782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CONTENT_UNLOCKING_META_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[PepperSpray]/contentunlocks.meta. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[PepperSpray]/contentunlocks.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CONTENT_UNLOCKING_META_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/contentunlocks.meta. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/contentunlocks.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_SHOP_INFO_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/shop_weapon.meta. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/shop_weapon.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b0d8. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_SHOP_INFO_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/shop_weapon.meta. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/shop_weapon.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b0d8. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[electricknukle]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[electricknukle]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[homemadeknife]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[homemadeknife]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[lucillebat]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[lucillebat]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[perforator]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[perforator]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[prisonshiv]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[prisonshiv]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[sledgehammer]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[sledgehammer]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[utilityknife]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[utilityknife]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Megaphone]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Megaphone]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[PepperSpray]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[PepperSpray]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[RadarGun]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[RadarGun]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Shotgun_Lesslethal]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Shotgun_Lesslethal]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Telescopic]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Telescopic]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireAxe]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireAxe]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireHook]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireHook]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Halligan]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Halligan]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Hose]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Hose]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 73844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/components/COMPONENT_ASCARBINE_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/components/COMPONENT_ASCARBINE_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/components/COMPONENT_ASPISTOL_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/components/COMPONENT_ASPISTOL_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/components/COMPONENT_ASSNIPER_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/components/COMPONENT_ASSNIPER_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/components/COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE_ASSNIPER/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/components/COMPONENT_AT_SCOPE_LARGE_ASSNIPER/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/components/COMPONENT_ASTEC9_MAG2/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/components/COMPONENT_ASTEC9_MAG2/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/components/COMPONENT_ASAIRSOFT_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/components/COMPONENT_ASAIRSOFT_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/components/COMPONENT_DP9_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/components/COMPONENT_DP9_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/components/COMPONENT_DP9_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/components/COMPONENT_DP9_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/components/COMPONENT_DUTYPISTOL_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/components/COMPONENT_DUTYPISTOL_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/components/COMPONENT_DUTYPISTOL_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/components/COMPONENT_DUTYPISTOL_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/components/COMPONENT_HW1911_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/components/COMPONENT_HW1911_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/components/COMPONENT_HW1911_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/components/COMPONENT_HW1911_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/components/COMPONENT_PISTOL_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/components/COMPONENT_SBENDURANCE_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/components/COMPONENT_SBENDURANCE_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/components/COMPONENT_SBENDURANCE_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/components/COMPONENT_SBENDURANCE_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP4/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_AT_PI_SUPP4/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_VFC_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_VFC_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_VFC_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/components/COMPONENT_VFC_CLIP_02/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Grenade_Launcher]/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Grenade_Launcher]/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/components/COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/components/COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/components/COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/components/COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/components/COMPONENT_PUMPSHOTGUN_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/components/COMPONENT_PUMPSHOTGUN_CLIP_01/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/components/COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/components/COMPONENT_AT_AR_FLSH/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/components/COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/components/COMPONENT_AT_SR_SUPP/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20380. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[electricknukle]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[electricknukle]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[homemadeknife]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[homemadeknife]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[lucillebat]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[lucillebat]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[perforator]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[perforator]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[prisonshiv]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[prisonshiv]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[sledgehammer]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[sledgehammer]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[utilityknife]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[utilityknife]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[misc]/[weaponanim]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[misc]/[weaponanim]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Megaphone]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Megaphone]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[PepperSpray]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[PepperSpray]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[RadarGun]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[RadarGun]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Shotgun_Lesslethal]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Shotgun_Lesslethal]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 73985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Telescopic]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 74000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Telescopic]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 74000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireAxe]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 74000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireAxe]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 74000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireHook]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 74000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireHook]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 74000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Halligan]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 74000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Halligan]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 74000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Hose]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Hose]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/weaponanimations.meta. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[electricknukle]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[electricknukle]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[homemadeknife]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[homemadeknife]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[lucillebat]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[lucillebat]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[perforator]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[perforator]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[prisonshiv]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[prisonshiv]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[sledgehammer]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[sledgehammer]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[utilityknife]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[utilityknife]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[RadarGun]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[RadarGun]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Shotgun_Lesslethal]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Shotgun_Lesslethal]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Telescopic]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Telescopic]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireAxe]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireAxe]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireHook]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireHook]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Halligan]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Halligan]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Hose]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Hose]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/weapons.meta. [ 74141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASCARBINE]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/weapons.meta. [ 74141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASPISTOL]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/weapons.meta. [ 74141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASSNIPER]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/weapons.meta. [ 74141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[airsoft]/[ASTEC9]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[autre]/[snowball]/weapons.meta. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[autre]/[snowball]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/weapons.meta. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[electricknukle]/weapons.meta. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[electricknukle]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[homemadeknife]/weapons.meta. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[homemadeknife]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[lucillebat]/weapons.meta. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[lucillebat]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[perforator]/weapons.meta. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[perforator]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[prisonshiv]/weapons.meta. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[prisonshiv]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[sledgehammer]/weapons.meta. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[sledgehammer]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[utilityknife]/weapons.meta. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[utilityknife]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/weapons.meta. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dp9pistol]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/weapons.meta. [ 74188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[dutypistol]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/weapons.meta. [ 74188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[hw1911]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/weapons.meta. [ 74188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[langleypistol]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/weapons.meta. [ 74188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[sbendurance]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/weapons.meta. [ 74204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pistolet]/[vfcpistol]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Grenade_Launcher]/weapons.meta. [ 74204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Grenade_Launcher]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Megaphone]/weapons.meta. [ 74204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Megaphone]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[PepperSpray]/weapons.meta. [ 74204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[PepperSpray]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[RadarGun]/weapons.meta. [ 74219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[RadarGun]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Shotgun_Lesslethal]/weapons.meta. [ 74219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Shotgun_Lesslethal]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Telescopic]/weapons.meta. [ 74219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[police]/[Telescopic]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireAxe]/weapons.meta. [ 74219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireAxe]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireHook]/weapons.meta. [ 74235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[FireHook]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Halligan]/weapons.meta. [ 74235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Halligan]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Hose]/weapons.meta. [ 74235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[pompier]/[Hose]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/weapons.meta. [ 74235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[riotshotgun]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/weapons.meta. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgun]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/weapons.meta. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[shotgun]/[sentinelshotgunbeanbag]/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CLIP_SETS_FILE resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/clip_sets.xml. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-customweapon/meta/[melee]/[batontelescopic]/clip_sets.xml in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_GEN9_FILE resources:/sadoj-chameleonpaints/carcols_gen9.meta. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-chameleonpaints/carcols_gen9.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARMODCOLS_GEN9_FILE resources:/sadoj-chameleonpaints/carmodcols_gen9.meta. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-chameleonpaints/carmodcols_gen9.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 74250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading FIVEM_LOVES_YOU_341B23A2F0E0F131 resources:/EnhancedTrafficExperience/popgroups.ymt. [ 74266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/EnhancedTrafficExperience/popgroups.ymt in data file mounter 0x141a5ae00. [ 74266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading POPSCHED_FILE resources:/EnhancedTrafficExperience/popcycle.dat. [ 74297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/EnhancedTrafficExperience/popcycle.dat in data file mounter 0x141a5ae00. [ 74297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading LOADOUTS_FILE resources:/EnhancedTrafficExperience/loadouts.meta. [ 74297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/EnhancedTrafficExperience/loadouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 74297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading AMBIENT_VEHICLE_MODEL_SET_FILE resources:/EnhancedTrafficExperience/vehiclemodelsets.meta. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/EnhancedTrafficExperience/vehiclemodelsets.meta in data file mounter 0x141a0e5a8. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-weedplanting-stream/stream/props_weedplanting.ytyp. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-weedplanting-stream/stream/props_weedplanting.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-inventory/stream/safe_addon.ytyp. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-inventory/stream/safe_addon.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE sadoj-cayoperico. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading sadoj-cayoperico in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/lb-phoneprop/lbphone_props.ytyp. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/lb-phoneprop/lbphone_props.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-placeableprops/stream/placeableprops_addon.ytyp. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-placeableprops/stream/placeableprops_addon.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/kq_carlift/stream/imp_prop_kq_lift.ytyp. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/kq_carlift/stream/imp_prop_kq_lift.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 74329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/stretcher/vehicles.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/stretcher/vehicles.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9c8. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/stretcher/carcols.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/stretcher/carcols.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9f8. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/stretcher/carvariations.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/stretcher/carvariations.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b9e0. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/sadoj-shield/stream/shield.ytyp. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/sadoj-shield/stream/shield.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/hose/hose/weapons.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/hose/hose/weapons.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20678. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/hose/hose/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/hose/hose/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8b130. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_SHOP_INFO resources:/hose/hose/shop_weapon.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Could not add data_file resources:/hose/hose/shop_weapon.meta - invalid type WEAPON_SHOP_INFO. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/hose/hose/weaponanimations.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/hose/hose/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter 0x141b20478. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CONTENT_UNLOCKING_META_FILE resources:/hose/hose/contentunlocks.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/hose/hose/contentunlocks.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading LOADOUTS_FILE resources:/hose/hose/loadouts.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/hose/hose/loadouts.meta in data file mounter 0x141a8ae10. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/hose/hose/pedpersonality.meta. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/hose/hose/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter 0x141a4b828. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/casino_stream/stream/casino_ytyp_fix.ytyp. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/casino_stream/stream/casino_ytyp_fix.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0fc0. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE casino_stream. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading casino_stream in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e0ff8. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/poker/stream/pokertable.ytyp. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/poker/stream/pokertable.ytyp in data file mounter 0x7ffa8b9e12a0. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Performing deferred RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded aerospace_col.ybn (id 14404) [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ch2_05c_3.ybn (id 10755) [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ch2_07b_0.ybn (id 10759) [ 74344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ch2_07b_1.ybn (id 10760) [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ch2_08_2.ybn (id 10766) [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ch2_09b_0.ybn (id 10771) [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ss1_11_0.ybn (id 10029) [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_v_mp_h_02.ybn (id 10847) [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset apa_ss1_11_0.ybn. [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65428, when there are only 2250 vertices. [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset apa_ss1_11_0.ybn. [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1913, when there are only 1358 vertices. [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_autoexotic.ybn (id 14449) [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_autoexotic_showroom.ybn (id 14450) [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_bobcat.ybn (id 14452) [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_bobcat_build_col.ybn (id 14453) [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_bobcat.ybn. [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1373, when there are only 1274 vertices. [ 74375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_bobcat_build_col.ybn. [ 74375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 20610, when there are only 11563 vertices. [ 74407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_coro_col.ybn (id 14455) [ 74407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_corog_col.ybn (id 14456) [ 74407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_dealership_interior.ybn (id 14451) [ 74407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_garpdm_col.ybn (id 14458) [ 74422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_hayes_auto.ybn (id 14457) [ 74422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_luxpdm_col.ybn (id 14459) [ 74422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_mirhouse.ybn (id 14460) [ 74422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_mlo_garagem_sp.ybn (id 14399) [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_rex_diner.ybn (id 14461) [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_rex_garage_col.ybn (id 14462) [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded as_villa01.ybn (id 14368) [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ballas_gang.ybn (id 14423) [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_rex_diner.ybn. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 41 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 54183, when there are only 9023 vertices. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_rex_garage_col.ybn. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 147 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65482, when there are only 1431 vertices. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_rex_garage_col.ybn. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64965, when there are only 2634 vertices. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_rex_garage_col.ybn. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 842, when there are only 797 vertices. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_rex_garage_col.ybn. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 589 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2015, when there are only 1950 vertices. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_rex_garage_col.ybn. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 767 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 10313, when there are only 10121 vertices. [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bayviewrec_col.ybn (id 14487) [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded best_motel_collision.ybn (id 14431) [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded best_perera_collision.ybn (id 14421) [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_05_0.ybn (id 1364) [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_06_0.ybn (id 1367) [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_13_0.ybn (id 1388) [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_15_0.ybn (id 1394) [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_21_0.ybn (id 1411) [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_06_0.ybn. [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65385, when there are only 658 vertices. [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_06_0.ybn. [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65264, when there are only 1266 vertices. [ 74469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_30_0.ybn (id 1419) [ 74469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_31_0.ybn (id 1426) [ 74469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_32_0.ybn (id 1431) [ 74469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_46_0.ybn (id 1499) [ 74469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_47_0.ybn (id 1503) [ 74469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_rd_10.ybn (id 1521) [ 74469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_rd_11.ybn (id 1522) [ 74469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_rd_23.ybn (id 1535) [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_rd_8.ybn (id 1543) [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bkr_bi_id1_23_door_1.ybn (id 9796) [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bkr_biker_dlc_int_02.ybn (id 12529) [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bm_gunshop1_col.ybn (id 14463) [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_rd_8.ybn. [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64833, when there are only 1983 vertices. [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_rd_8.ybn. [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4073, when there are only 1775 vertices. [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded breze_paintball_col.ybn (id 14448) [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brofx_01_collision.ybn (id 14386) [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brofx_06_collision.ybn (id 14362) [ 74485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brofx_07_collision.ybn (id 14378) [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3138, when there are only 2227 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 9, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65431, when there are only 110 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 14916, when there are only 6917 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63511, when there are only 1714 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 10641, when there are only 4266 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65130, when there are only 535 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64198, when there are only 1972 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64150, when there are only 3306 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brofx_farmbarn_02_collision.ybn (id 14364) [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brofx_farmhouse_02_collision.ybn (id 14365) [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brofx_mansion03_collision.ybn (id 14353) [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65450, when there are only 120 vertices. [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brofx_mansion17_collision.ybn (id 14464) [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brofx_villa04_collision.ybn (id 14379) [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brofx_villa05_collision.ybn (id 14356) [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brown_office_col.ybn (id 14503) [ 74500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brown_paletomedical_col.ybn (id 14507) [ 74516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded brown_prison_col.ybn (id 14465) [ 74516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded bt1_02_0.ybn (id 934) [ 74516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded c_cntry_col.ybn (id 14369) [ 74516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded casino_cinema_col.ybn (id 14467) [ 74516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_04_8.ybn (id 6205) [ 74516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_06_01_shell_col.ybn (id 14350) [ 74516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_06_2.ybn (id 6346) [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_06b_4.ybn (id 6356) [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06_01_shell_col.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6988, when there are only 6165 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06_2.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 557 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64952, when there are only 3168 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06_2.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65497, when there are only 678 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06_2.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64380, when there are only 1103 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06_2.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 243 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06_2.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65027, when there are only 2400 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06_2.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65514, when there are only 1536 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06b_4.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 526 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06b_4.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62562, when there are only 4019 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06b_4.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65459, when there are only 1957 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06b_4.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65518, when there are only 22 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06b_4.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 14, when there are only 14 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_06d_1.ybn (id 6365) [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06b_4.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 40, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_06f_0.ybn (id 6389) [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06f_0.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 38 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2535, when there are only 1304 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_06f_2.ybn (id 6391) [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_06f_0.ybn. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 51 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65486, when there are only 550 vertices. [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_06f_4.ybn (id 6393) [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_09_0.ybn (id 6434) [ 74532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_09_7.ybn (id 6450) [ 74547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_09b_12.ybn (id 6468) [ 74547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_03c_0.ybn (id 6878) [ 74547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_03c_2.ybn (id 6880) [ 74547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_05b_0.ybn (id 6948) [ 74547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_05c_3.ybn (id 6955) [ 74547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_05d_0.ybn (id 6959) [ 74563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_05f_0.ybn (id 6966) [ 74563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_05f_2.ybn (id 6968) [ 74563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_05f_3.ybn (id 6969) [ 74563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_06_0.ybn (id 6977) [ 74563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_06_2.ybn (id 6979) [ 74563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_06_5.ybn (id 6982) [ 74563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_06_6.ybn (id 6983) [ 74563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_07d_0.ybn (id 7007) [ 74563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_06_5.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 38 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62987, when there are only 3179 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_06_5.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1347, when there are only 916 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_06_5.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65313, when there are only 1968 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_06_5.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2664, when there are only 2309 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_06_5.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65395, when there are only 1416 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_06_5.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65470, when there are only 1580 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_06_5.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_06_5.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1349, when there are only 913 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_06_5.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 137, when there are only 112 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65267, when there are only 4390 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 215 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 4208 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65271, when there are only 4877 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63794, when there are only 4678 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2667, when there are only 2317 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 294, when there are only 132 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_08_2.ybn (id 7012) [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_09_1.ybn (id 7022) [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_11b_1.ybn (id 7072) [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 95 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_roadsa_0.ybn (id 7120) [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_09_1.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65384, when there are only 3216 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_09_1.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1329 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1240, when there are only 1143 vertices. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_09_1.ybn. [ 74579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64917, when there are only 3704 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_roadsa_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65475, when there are only 3139 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_roadsa_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65428, when there are only 845 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_roadsa_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 21 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64611, when there are only 1596 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch3_01_5.ybn (id 7304) [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch3_03_0.ybn (id 7362) [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch3_10_0.ybn (id 7702) [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_roadsa_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65506, when there are only 582 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch3_11_6.ybn (id 7743) [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 600, when there are only 457 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 51 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65507, when there are only 2768 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 937, when there are only 611 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65374, when there are only 950 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1179, when there are only 831 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1811, when there are only 1007 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64979, when there are only 1528 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_03_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 700, when there are only 621 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_10_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65513, when there are only 42 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_10_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65464, when there are only 410 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_10_0.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 34 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1549, when there are only 1343 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_11_6.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 278 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65519, when there are only 1007 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_11_6.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65421, when there are only 779 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_11_6.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63677, when there are only 1607 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_11_6.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62409, when there are only 2439 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_11_6.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64086, when there are only 1100 vertices. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_11_6.ybn. [ 74594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1791, when there are only 1432 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_01_5.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 33 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3118, when there are only 2109 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_01_5.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 13560, when there are only 4985 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_01_5.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65149, when there are only 2074 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_01_5.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64733, when there are only 1272 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ch_mph3_add_4.ybn (id 12772) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded clubhouse_collision.ybn (id 14514) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded crm_garage_col.ybn (id 14359) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_01_0.ybn (id 2226) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_02_1.ybn (id 2259) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch3_01_5.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4942, when there are only 2391 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_03_1.ybn (id 2267) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch_mph3_add_4.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 163, when there are only 140 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_03_3.ybn (id 2269) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset crm_garage_col.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 52 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64986, when there are only 1230 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_05_0.ybn (id 2286) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64226, when there are only 3299 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 209 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 2275 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4398, when there are only 1947 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1038, when there are only 1013 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_05_1.ybn (id 2287) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_05_2.ybn (id 2288) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_05_3.ybn (id 2289) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_07_0.ybn (id 2301) [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_05_3.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 148 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_05_3.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65255, when there are only 1215 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_05_3.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64696, when there are only 911 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_05_1.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 116 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 392 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_05_1.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64106, when there are only 1167 vertices. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_05_1.ybn. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 527 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65493, when there are only 1377 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_07_1.ybn (id 2302) [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_07_14.ybn (id 2307) [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_07_9.ybn (id 2318) [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_16_0.ybn (id 3583) [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_1.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2593, when there are only 2189 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_1.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 22 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_1.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65377, when there are only 2476 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_1.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65240, when there are only 202 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_1.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 422 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_14.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1551, when there are only 1117 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_14.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1513, when there are only 1430 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_14.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65101, when there are only 2487 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_14.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2523, when there are only 1068 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_14.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64359, when there are only 2242 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_07_14.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65506, when there are only 23 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64463, when there are only 2054 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_16_1.ybn (id 3584) [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1258, when there are only 1069 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 843 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1874, when there are only 1768 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_16_4.ybn (id 3587) [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1247 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65416, when there are only 1039 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_16_paleto_shell_col.ybn (id 14515) [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_paleto_shell_col.ybn. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64249, when there are only 3146 vertices. [ 74625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_roads_pb_4.ybn (id 3663) [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 2791 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65453, when there are only 1327 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1228, when there are only 1213 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1764, when there are only 1555 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1791 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65515, when there are only 1326 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 38 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2253, when there are only 2196 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 137 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65454, when there are only 309 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_1.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 122 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64366, when there are only 970 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_1.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 23 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 2514 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_1.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1316, when there are only 786 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_1.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1519, when there are only 1471 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_1.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 121 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65410, when there are only 1282 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_1.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 13929, when there are only 5710 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs2_01_4.ybn (id 3684) [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs2_04_0.ybn (id 3792) [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs2_04_5.ybn (id 3800) [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_1.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65320, when there are only 275 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs2_04_7.ybn (id 3802) [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_02_2.ybn (id 5324) [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_03_13.ybn (id 5392) [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_05_0.ybn (id 5435) [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_11_0.ybn (id 5466) [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_03_13.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65464, when there are only 1513 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_03_13.ybn. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65122, when there are only 522 vertices. [ 74641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_03_13.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65361, when there are only 1979 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_02_2.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65197, when there are only 2572 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_02_2.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65247, when there are only 2558 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_02_2.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62753, when there are only 1774 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_05_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65511, when there are only 769 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_05_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 160 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_05_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64371, when there are only 2930 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_05_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 84 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2505, when there are only 2496 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_05_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2584, when there are only 2494 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_05_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64858, when there are only 1862 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 42 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64831, when there are only 1374 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 443 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 66 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4665, when there are only 2051 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 46 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2533, when there are only 2508 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 200 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1753, when there are only 1483 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_0.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2486, when there are only 2374 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_11_20.ybn (id 5479) [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_14_0.ybn (id 5559) [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn (id 14537) [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_roads_2.ybn (id 5611) [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65526, when there are only 34 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65466, when there are only 115 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 13, when there are only 13 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_tmp_trlr_002_col.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 19, when there are only 14 vertices. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_20.ybn. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 2199 vertices. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_20.ybn. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 600 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 1801 vertices. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_20.ybn. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65190, when there are only 2281 vertices. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_20.ybn. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 500, when there are only 382 vertices. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_11_20.ybn. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65399, when there are only 229 vertices. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_0.ybn. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 92 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65225, when there are only 1040 vertices. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs6_04_1.ybn (id 8064) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs6_05_7.ybn (id 8107) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs6_05_8.ybn (id 8108) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_14_0.ybn. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 109, when there are only 76 vertices. [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cs6_roads_11.ybn (id 8381) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded cshousecol.ybn (id 14370) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded denis3d_bowling_alley.ybn (id 14468) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded denis3d_office.ybn (id 14470) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded denis3d_tunershop.ybn (id 14471) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dons_pbh_1a_col.ybn (id 14385) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dons_rh2_col.ybn (id 14351) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dons_vbch1_col.ybn (id 14358) [ 74672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dons_vwh1_col.ybn (id 14367) [ 74688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dons_rh2_col.ybn. [ 74688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 24285, when there are only 15644 vertices. [ 74688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_05_0.ybn (id 411) [ 74688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_05_carpark.ybn (id 412) [ 74688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_05_woffm_1.ybn (id 418) [ 74688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_06_0.ybn (id 425) [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_09_0.ybn (id 438) [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_18_0.ybn (id 465) [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_24_0.ybn (id 485) [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_rd1_0.ybn (id 493) [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_09_0.ybn. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65479, when there are only 124 vertices. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_09_0.ybn. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3313, when there are only 1707 vertices. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_09_0.ybn. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62672, when there are only 2490 vertices. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_09_0.ybn. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65221, when there are only 669 vertices. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_18_0.ybn. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64234, when there are only 1951 vertices. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_rd1_4.ybn (id 497) [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_rd1_6.ybn (id 499) [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ed_richman01_col.ybn (id 14363) [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ed_rockfordh02_col.ybn (id 14401) [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 76 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65383, when there are only 2281 vertices. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 927 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65471, when there are only 1555 vertices. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ed_richman01_col.ybn. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 23 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65189, when there are only 14516 vertices. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ed_richman01_col.ybn. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 51 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64986, when there are only 1464 vertices. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ed_rockfordh02_col.ybn. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 57862, when there are only 32271 vertices. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ed_rockfordh02_col.ybn. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4755, when there are only 3948 vertices. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ed_rockfordh02_garage_col.ybn (id 14402) [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ed_whitemansion_col.ybn (id 14403) [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded elo_carshow_col.ybn (id 14387) [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded families_gang.ybn (id 14417) [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ed_whitemansion_col.ybn. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1030 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 42817, when there are only 25157 vertices. [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded fluorine4305_vinewood1134_col.ybn (id 14380) [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded fluorine4305_vinewood1134_int_col.ybn (id 14381) [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded fwy_04_0.ybn (id 377) [ 74719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded garagecons_col.ybn (id 14510) [ 74735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset fluorine4305_vinewood1134_col.ybn. [ 74735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65484, when there are only 50 vertices. [ 74735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset fluorine4305_vinewood1134_int_col.ybn. [ 74735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1608, when there are only 1183 vertices. [ 74735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset garagecons_col.ybn. [ 74735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 10271, when there are only 7838 vertices. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset garagecons_col.ybn. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 28 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 6034 vertices. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset garagecons_col.ybn. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 784 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1353, when there are only 1332 vertices. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset garagecons_col.ybn. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 172 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2758, when there are only 1192 vertices. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset garagecons_col.ybn. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 270 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65319, when there are only 2163 vertices. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset garagecons_col.ybn. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 328 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56655, when there are only 21913 vertices. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset garagecons_col.ybn. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3364 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59994, when there are only 14537 vertices. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset garagecons_col.ybn. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64028, when there are only 14537 vertices. [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded garagel_ballas_gang.ybn (id 14424) [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded gc_hp_ext_col.ybn (id 14484) [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded gc_hp_garage_int_shell_col.ybn (id 14485) [ 74750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded gc_hp_int_shell_col.ybn (id 14486) [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded gigz_dynasty_garage_col.ybn (id 14440) [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded gigz_int_office_dynasty_shell_col.ybn (id 14441) [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded gigz_shell_weapon_room_col.ybn (id 14491) [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded gn_bc_firestation_0.ybn (id 14472) [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_dynasty_garage_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1641, when there are only 1160 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_shell_weapon_room_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63837, when there are only 1167 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_int_office_dynasty_shell_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65515, when there are only 26 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded gunstore_col.ybn (id 14490) [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn (id 13760) [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded h4_islandairstrip_doorsclosed_1.ybn (id 13537) [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_int_office_dynasty_shell_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65288, when there are only 3177 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded h4_islandairstrip_doorsopen_1.ybn (id 13538) [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gunstore_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 26, when there are only 25 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gunstore_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1505, when there are only 1490 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gunstore_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gunstore_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 11288, when there are only 3832 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gunstore_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65452, when there are only 384 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gunstore_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61822, when there are only 3292 vertices. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gunstore_col.ybn. [ 74766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 46 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 14179, when there are only 9492 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2592, when there are only 2587 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 738, when there are only 723 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 68 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 2587 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 64 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2902, when there are only 2541 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1460, when there are only 854 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 95 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65356, when there are only 287 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3408, when there are only 2490 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1673, when there are only 1064 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65354, when there are only 398 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65128, when there are only 547 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3315, when there are only 1370 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1958, when there are only 988 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65028, when there are only 384 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 49 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 196 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1835, when there are only 1152 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1333, when there are only 605 vertices. [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded h4_islandx_1.ybn (id 12786) [ 74782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65315, when there are only 168 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ap1_01_a_1.ybn (id 10053) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset h4_dlc_int_02_h4.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 85, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ap1_01_a_3.ybn (id 10055) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ap1_04_0.ybn (id 14443) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_bh1_05_0.ybn (id 10118) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_bh1_13_0.ybn (id 10133) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_bh1_rd_11.ybn (id 10166) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ap1_01_a_3.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 21 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_14.ybn (id 11235) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ap1_01_a_3.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 29 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65206, when there are only 936 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_15.ybn (id 11236) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ap1_01_a_1.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65502, when there are only 519 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_16.ybn (id 11237) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ap1_01_a_1.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65196, when there are only 519 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_18.ybn (id 11239) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ap1_01_a_1.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65485, when there are only 178 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_20.ybn (id 11242) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_cs1_02_1.ybn (id 11430) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn (id 11786) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_cs2_05_11.ybn (id 11990) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_cs2_05_2.ybn (id 11991) [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64226, when there are only 3299 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 209 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 2275 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4398, when there are only 1947 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1038, when there are only 1013 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_02_1.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65409, when there are only 2162 vertices. [ 74797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2647, when there are only 2620 vertices. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64154, when there are only 2261 vertices. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 87 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63999, when there are only 2230 vertices. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 72 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 2927 vertices. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_cs2_05_7.ybn (id 11996) [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_cs2_05_9.ybn (id 11998) [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_cs6_04_1.ybn (id 14466) [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_dt1_22_0.ybn (id 9587) [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 28 vertices. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65457, when there are only 3839 vertices. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_gta_milo_bar.ybn (id 9548) [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_hw1_13_0.ybn (id 9677) [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64531, when there are only 2343 vertices. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_hw1_rd_10.ybn (id 9688) [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 477, when there are only 407 vertices. [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_hw1_rd_2.ybn (id 9689) [ 74813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_hw1_13_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 97 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64977, when there are only 1776 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_hw1_13_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_hw1_13_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65494, when there are only 1967 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_hw1_13_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63403, when there are only 2024 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_hw1_13_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65480, when there are only 36 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_hw1_13_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1087 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64110, when there are only 10913 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_hw1_rd_3.ybn (id 9690) [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_po1_03_3.ybn (id 9873) [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_po1_06_0.ybn (id 9883) [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_po1_06_1.ybn (id 9884) [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_06_1.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 180 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 1231 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_06_1.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64299, when there are only 4061 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_03_3.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 438 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65126, when there are only 1844 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_03_3.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 117 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_03_3.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65294, when there are only 2576 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_03_3.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2543, when there are only 1347 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_06_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 64 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 1192 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_06_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 3628 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_06_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 28 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64495, when there are only 1213 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_sc1_23_0.ybn (id 14436) [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_06_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 925 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_sm_14_0.ybn (id 10275) [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_06_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65372, when there are only 1217 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_sm_15_0.ybn (id 10278) [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_po1_06_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65265, when there are only 1237 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_15_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 68 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65471, when there are only 1032 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_15_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1305, when there are only 893 vertices. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_15_0.ybn. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 30, when there are only 26 vertices. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_15_0.ybn. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 68, when there are only 42 vertices. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_sm_15_carpark.ybn (id 10279) [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_sm_16_0.ybn (id 10282) [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_sm_18_0.ybn (id 10285) [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_vb_34_2.ybn (id 10330) [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_15_0.ybn. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 88, when there are only 36 vertices. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_vb_44_0.ybn (id 10342) [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_16_0.ybn. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 823, when there are only 817 vertices. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_16_0.ybn. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61400, when there are only 3114 vertices. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_16_0.ybn. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_16_0.ybn. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 41, when there are only 38 vertices. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@apa_ch2_07b_0.ybn (id 10763) [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@apa_ch2_08_0.ybn (id 10769) [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@apa_ch2_09b_0.ybn (id 10775) [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@apa_ss1_11_0.ybn (id 10030) [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@apa_ss1_11_0.ybn. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 21 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64775, when there are only 8090 vertices. [ 74860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@as_bobcat.ybn (id 14454) [ 74860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ballas_gang.ybn (id 14425) [ 74860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_05_0.ybn (id 1365) [ 74860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_06_0.ybn (id 1370) [ 74860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_13_0.ybn (id 1389) [ 74860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_15_0.ybn (id 1395) [ 74860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_21_0.ybn (id 1412) [ 74860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_30_0.ybn (id 1420) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_30_4.ybn (id 1424) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_31_3.ybn (id 1430) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_32_0.ybn (id 1432) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_46_0.ybn (id 1500) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_30_4.ybn. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 30 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65265, when there are only 7255 vertices. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_30_4.ybn. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 362 vertices. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_47_0.ybn (id 1508) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bt1_02_0.ybn (id 935) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_04_1.ybn (id 6208) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_06_0.ybn (id 6348) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_06_0.ybn. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65157, when there are only 7801 vertices. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_06_0.ybn. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65382, when there are only 423 vertices. [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_06b_4.ybn (id 6361) [ 74875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_06f_4.ybn (id 6400) [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_06f_5.ybn (id 6401) [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_09_0.ybn (id 6453) [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_06b_4.ybn. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 185 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65472, when there are only 5816 vertices. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_06f_4.ybn. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 25 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65519, when there are only 3314 vertices. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_06f_4.ybn. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2620 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65304, when there are only 2373 vertices. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_06f_5.ybn. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64021, when there are only 3588 vertices. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_06f_5.ybn. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 304 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3169, when there are only 3168 vertices. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_06f_5.ybn. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 249 vertices. [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_09b_0.ybn (id 6484) [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_09b_4.ybn (id 6488) [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_03c_0.ybn (id 6881) [ 74891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_05b_0.ybn (id 6951) [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_05d_0.ybn (id 6963) [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_05f_0.ybn (id 6970) [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_05f_2.ybn (id 6972) [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_05f_5.ybn (id 6975) [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_05d_0.ybn. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4608, when there are only 3471 vertices. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_05d_0.ybn. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65483, when there are only 3937 vertices. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_05d_0.ybn. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 526 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64478, when there are only 8400 vertices. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_05d_0.ybn. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 74 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65423, when there are only 2383 vertices. [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_05f_6.ybn (id 6976) [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_06_4.ybn (id 6988) [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_07d_0.ybn (id 7008) [ 74907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_08_0.ybn (id 7015) [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64991, when there are only 2906 vertices. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63119, when there are only 2989 vertices. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1398 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65486, when there are only 11943 vertices. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_09_1.ybn (id 7025) [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch2_11b_0.ybn (id 7074) [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch3_01_22.ybn (id 7325) [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_07d_0.ybn. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 865 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65489, when there are only 3855 vertices. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch3_03_15.ybn. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 85 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65352, when there are only 4846 vertices. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch3_03_15.ybn. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 166, when there are only 158 vertices. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch3_03_15.ybn (id 7399) [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_09_1.ybn. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 480 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65507, when there are only 4221 vertices. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch2_09_1.ybn. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1936 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65510, when there are only 2925 vertices. [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch3_10_3.ybn (id 7716) [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch3_11_3.ybn (id 7752) [ 74922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_01_5.ybn (id 2254) [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_02_0.ybn (id 2263) [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch3_11_3.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 694 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63602, when there are only 7490 vertices. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch3_11_3.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 184 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65428, when there are only 3125 vertices. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch3_10_3.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4388, when there are only 4302 vertices. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch3_10_3.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 54 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 1218 vertices. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_02_0.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64941, when there are only 6595 vertices. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_02_0.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3376, when there are only 3266 vertices. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_02_0.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65327, when there are only 3844 vertices. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_02_0.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 705, when there are only 482 vertices. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_03_0.ybn (id 2270) [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_03_3.ybn (id 2273) [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_05_1.ybn (id 2291) [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_05_2.ybn (id 2292) [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_05_2.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62963, when there are only 5922 vertices. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_05_2.ybn. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 642, when there are only 500 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_05_3.ybn (id 2293) [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_07_10.ybn (id 2321) [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_07_2.ybn (id 2324) [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_16_0.ybn (id 3593) [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_05_3.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64723, when there are only 3678 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_05_3.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 66, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_05_3.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 72, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_05_3.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 66, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_05_3.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 68, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6261, when there are only 3353 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1929, when there are only 1529 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 138, when there are only 117 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_07_10.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 298 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65170, when there are only 4890 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_07_10.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65217, when there are only 284 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_07_10.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2579, when there are only 2387 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_16_4.ybn (id 3600) [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_16_7.ybn (id 3603) [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs2_01_6.ybn (id 3699) [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs2_01_7.ybn (id 3700) [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65060, when there are only 7343 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2446 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 1675 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 370 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 737, when there are only 611 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_7.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65190, when there are only 6172 vertices. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_7.ybn. [ 74954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 56 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2936, when there are only 2891 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_7.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 447 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3119, when there are only 2326 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs2_04_0.ybn (id 3805) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs2_04_18.ybn (id 3815) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs4_02_3.ybn (id 5379) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs4_03_5.ybn (id 5410) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_02_3.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61969, when there are only 3769 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_02_3.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63367, when there are only 2055 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_03_5.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63959, when there are only 4517 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_03_5.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62329, when there are only 2910 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_03_5.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2931, when there are only 2695 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_03_5.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65509, when there are only 490 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs4_05_0.ybn (id 5437) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs4_09_0 .ybn (id 14496) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs4_11_1.ybn (id 5501) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs4_11_12.ybn (id 5504) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_11_12.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2394, when there are only 1892 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_11_12.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 122 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 708, when there are only 692 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_11_1.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2805, when there are only 2163 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_05_0.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 107 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65411, when there are only 5846 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_05_0.ybn. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 389 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63866, when there are only 1757 vertices. [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs4_14_0.ybn (id 5575) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs4_roads_3.ybn (id 5618) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs6_05_18.ybn (id 8120) [ 74969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@denis3d_bowling_alley.ybn (id 14469) [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs4_14_0.ybn. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 67 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63851, when there are only 4748 vertices. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@dt1_06_0.ybn (id 426) [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@dt1_18_0.ybn (id 466) [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@dt1_24_0.ybn (id 486) [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@families_gang.ybn (id 14418) [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@dt1_18_0.ybn. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2342 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64998, when there are only 12296 vertices. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@dt1_18_0.ybn. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2558, when there are only 2321 vertices. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@dt1_18_0.ybn. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 23 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65346, when there are only 968 vertices. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@fwy_04_1.ybn (id 383) [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@gigz_int_office_dynasty_shell_col.ybn (id 14442) [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@gigz_shell_weapon_room_col.ybn (id 14492) [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@gn_bc_firestation_0.ybn (id 14473) [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@gigz_shell_weapon_room_col.ybn. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@gigz_shell_weapon_room_col.ybn. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@gigz_shell_weapon_room_col.ybn. [ 74985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@gigz_shell_weapon_room_col.ybn. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@gigz_int_office_dynasty_shell_col.ybn. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_ap1_01_a_1.ybn (id 10061) [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_ap1_01_a_3.ybn (id 10063) [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_ap1_04_0.ybn (id 14444) [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_bh1_05_0.ybn (id 10119) [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_ap1_01_a_1.ybn. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65316, when there are only 4196 vertices. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_ap1_01_a_3.ybn. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 105 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65377, when there are only 4765 vertices. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_bh1_13_0.ybn (id 10134) [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_cs1_02_0.ybn (id 11432) [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn (id 11836) [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_cs1_11b_3.ybn (id 11859) [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_02_0.ybn. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64941, when there are only 6595 vertices. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_02_0.ybn. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3376, when there are only 3266 vertices. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_02_0.ybn. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65327, when there are only 3844 vertices. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_02_0.ybn. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 705, when there are only 482 vertices. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 75000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 177 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2940, when there are only 2912 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 774, when there are only 417 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4113, when there are only 2571 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5054, when there are only 2730 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 205, when there are only 196 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_11b_3.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 146 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65518, when there are only 3328 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_cs1_11b_3.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1752, when there are only 1733 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn (id 9588) [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_hw1_13_0.ybn (id 9678) [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_hw1_rd_3.ybn (id 9701) [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_hw1_rd_5.ybn (id 9703) [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1368 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65081, when there are only 12128 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61384, when there are only 4251 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65300, when there are only 511 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_hw1_13_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2063 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 10499 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_hw1_13_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 24 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65205, when there are only 1006 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_hw1_13_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1087 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64110, when there are only 10913 vertices. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_po1_03_0.ybn (id 9876) [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_po1_06_0.ybn (id 9899) [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_sc1_23_0.ybn (id 14437) [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_sm_15_0.ybn (id 10280) [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_po1_06_0.ybn. [ 75016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64728, when there are only 3838 vertices. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_po1_03_0.ybn. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64638, when there are only 6256 vertices. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_po1_03_0.ybn. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65143, when there are only 1084 vertices. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_sm_18_0.ybn (id 10286) [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_sm_18_1.ybn (id 10287) [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_vb_44_0.ybn (id 10343) [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hw1_03_0.ybn (id 526) [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hw1_12_0.ybn (id 549) [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hw1_16_0.ybn (id 561) [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hw1_18_0.ybn (id 567) [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hw1_23_0.ybn (id 578) [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hw1_12_0.ybn. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 354 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65297, when there are only 3311 vertices. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hw1_23_0.ybn. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1384 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63466, when there are only 9595 vertices. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hw1_23_0.ybn. [ 75032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1215 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63429, when there are only 9689 vertices. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hw1_23_0.ybn. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 506 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65453, when there are only 5367 vertices. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id1_05_0.ybn (id 639) [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id1_13_0.ybn (id 675) [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id1_18_0.ybn (id 692) [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id1_33_0.ybn (id 730) [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id1_13_0.ybn. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65342, when there are only 7037 vertices. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id1_05_0.ybn. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1061 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64765, when there are only 11439 vertices. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id1_05_0.ybn. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65495, when there are only 3311 vertices. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_01_0.ybn (id 780) [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_07_0.ybn (id 792) [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_18_2.ybn (id 827) [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_21_0.ybn (id 840) [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_01_0.ybn. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 117 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 203, when there are only 196 vertices. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_0.ybn. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1083 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65294, when there are only 8612 vertices. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_0.ybn. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 246 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65298, when there are only 8689 vertices. [ 75047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_21_a_0.ybn (id 845) [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_21_c_0.ybn (id 867) [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_21_d_0.ybn (id 870) [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_0.ybn. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 279 vertices. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_21_f_0.ybn (id 882) [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_a_0.ybn. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 207 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65313, when there are only 8013 vertices. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_a_0.ybn. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 188 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65426, when there are only 6713 vertices. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_a_0.ybn. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 747 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65410, when there are only 6111 vertices. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_c_0.ybn. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 361 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65495, when there are only 10302 vertices. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_c_0.ybn. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64435, when there are only 9816 vertices. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_c_0.ybn. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65430, when there are only 318 vertices. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_c_0.ybn. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4110, when there are only 3212 vertices. [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_21_g_0.ybn (id 884) [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_rd_2.ybn (id 891) [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@int_gn_bc_firestation.ybn (id 14474) [ 75063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@int_gn_mazebank_west.ybn (id 14415) [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_g_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 864 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64227, when there are only 5868 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_g_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 238 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65450, when there are only 6908 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_g_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 260 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64965, when there are only 7215 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_21_g_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 872 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64905, when there are only 5011 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@kt1_06_0.ybn (id 1591) [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@kt1_08_0.ybn (id 1597) [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@kt1_09_0.ybn (id 1600) [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@kt1_12_0.ybn (id 1614) [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1180 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 10550 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 161 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64160, when there are only 1838 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 96 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65326, when there are only 4409 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 162, when there are only 162 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 57 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65258, when there are only 9262 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_cs4_02_4.ybn (id 12205) [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_cs4_09_0.ybn (id 12272) [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 325, when there are only 325 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_cs4_10_0.ybn (id 12277) [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64940, when there are only 389 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_cs6_03_1.ybn (id 12321) [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs4_02_4.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61975, when there are only 3757 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs4_02_4.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63367, when there are only 2055 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs6_03_1.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 67 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62584, when there are only 2672 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs6_03_1.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 372, when there are only 371 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs6_03_1.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65179, when there are only 2836 vertices. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs6_03_1.ybn. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 826, when there are only 822 vertices. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64422, when there are only 3821 vertices. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 65 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65520, when there are only 7627 vertices. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62968, when there are only 1929 vertices. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_cs6_04_1.ybn (id 12337) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn (id 9986) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_sc1_23_0.ybn (id 9995) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ls_custom_carcer_way.ybn (id 14445) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs6_04_1.ybn. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 37 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64724, when there are only 4418 vertices. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64291, when there are only 7452 vertices. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 58 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3371, when there are only 3328 vertices. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2438, when there are only 1763 vertices. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@map4all_ss_sheriff_int.ybn (id 14499) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@marabunta_gang.ybn (id 14428) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@mwh_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn (id 14388) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@po1_08_2.ybn (id 1280) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@marabunta_gang.ybn. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5852, when there are only 4737 vertices. [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@po1_08_3.ybn (id 1281) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sc1_00e_0.ybn (id 156) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sc1_06_0.ybn (id 180) [ 75094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sc1_07_0.ybn (id 184) [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 199 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65392, when there are only 9818 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 132 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65208, when there are only 2388 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65404, when there are only 4050 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 25 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65488, when there are only 151 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64196, when there are only 3882 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64804, when there are only 2779 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sc1_17_0.ybn (id 225) [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sc1_18_0.ybn (id 228) [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1225 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1365, when there are only 1363 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sc1_23_0.ybn (id 251) [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 29, when there are only 27 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sc1_27_0.ybn (id 260) [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 471 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65249, when there are only 4096 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64917, when there are only 360 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2200 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65239, when there are only 12729 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62544, when there are only 4159 vertices. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 75110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2307, when there are only 1759 vertices. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3933, when there are only 3484 vertices. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 198, when there are only 133 vertices. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sm_16_0.ybn (id 1753) [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sm_18_0.ybn (id 1759) [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sm_18_1.ybn (id 1760) [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 980 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 11801 vertices. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sm_22_0.ybn (id 1783) [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sm_22_0.ybn. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 20 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3424, when there are only 3412 vertices. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sm_22_0.ybn. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 30, when there are only 20 vertices. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sm_26_0.ybn (id 1801) [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sp1_11_0.ybn (id 1682) [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ss1_06b_0.ybn (id 971) [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ss1_08_0.ybn (id 980) [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sp1_11_0.ybn. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 46 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65450, when there are only 2739 vertices. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ss1_08_0.ybn. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 98 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64958, when there are only 9212 vertices. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ss1_08_0.ybn. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 19 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65081, when there are only 1589 vertices. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4213, when there are only 2877 vertices. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 299 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64196, when there are only 8645 vertices. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63936, when there are only 1646 vertices. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ss1_10_0.ybn (id 986) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ss1_14_0.ybn (id 998) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_carmod.ybn (id 8556) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_carmod3.ybn (id 8557) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ss1_10_0.ybn. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 42 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65355, when there are only 2306 vertices. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ss1_14_0.ybn. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 53 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65184, when there are only 11351 vertices. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ss1_14_0.ybn. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 60 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 236, when there are only 186 vertices. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ss1_14_0.ybn. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7601, when there are only 3780 vertices. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ss1_14_0.ybn. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65432, when there are only 413 vertices. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_carmod4.ybn (id 14505) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_chopshop.ybn (id 8554) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_clotheslo.ybn (id 8570) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_clothesmid.ybn (id 8572) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_firedept.ybn (id 8432) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_gun.ybn (id 8441) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_lockup.ybn (id 8602) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_psycheoffice.ybn (id 8596) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_rockclub.ybn (id 8594) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@vb_04_0.ybn (id 1844) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@vb_05_0.ybn (id 1847) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@vb_05_3.ybn (id 1850) [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_04_0.ybn. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 592, when there are only 503 vertices. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@vb_31_0.ybn (id 1909) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@vb_33_0.ybn (id 1914) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@vb_38_2.ybn (id 1999) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@vb_rd_11.ybn (id 2201) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 245 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65323, when there are only 8506 vertices. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 759 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64110, when there are only 2676 vertices. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63049, when there are only 3736 vertices. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1260, when there are only 562 vertices. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hidt1_rd1_9.ybn (id 14348) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hills_shell_col.ybn (id 14361) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded house_2_lks_col.ybn (id 14375) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded house_lokas_col.ybn (id 14419) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 690 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64654, when there are only 11510 vertices. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 645 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63705, when there are only 9127 vertices. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 167 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60804, when there are only 4497 vertices. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 48 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65452, when there are only 480 vertices. [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hw1_03_0.ybn (id 527) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hw1_12_0.ybn (id 550) [ 75157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hw1_16_0.ybn (id 562) [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hills_shell_col.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 37, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hw1_18_0.ybn (id 568) [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_12_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1692 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65059, when there are only 1259 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_12_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 867 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_03_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 255 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65456, when there are only 1463 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_03_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2190, when there are only 2055 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_03_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 53 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65149, when there are only 2478 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_03_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65515, when there are only 16 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded hw1_23_0.ybn (id 579) [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id1_05_0.ybn (id 640) [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id1_13_0.ybn (id 676) [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id1_18_0.ybn (id 693) [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_13_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 276 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65455, when there are only 1094 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_13_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65519, when there are only 2898 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_13_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65295, when there are only 573 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_05_0.ybn. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 60 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65330, when there are only 5131 vertices. [ 75172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_05_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64816, when there are only 3162 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_05_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3516, when there are only 3432 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_05_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55, when there are only 36 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id1_33_0.ybn (id 731) [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_01_0.ybn (id 781) [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_07_0.ybn (id 793) [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_05_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 30, when there are only 14 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_01_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65434, when there are only 884 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_18_0.ybn (id 829) [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_07_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 204 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65517, when there are only 2190 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_07_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 275 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 2143 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_0.ybn (id 841) [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_1.ybn (id 842) [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_2.ybn (id 843) [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_a_0.ybn (id 851) [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_1.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65486, when there are only 1201 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_1.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2690, when there are only 2530 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_a_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65146, when there are only 2932 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_a_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1115 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65261, when there are only 2235 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_2.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 23 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65383, when there are only 683 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_2.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1818, when there are only 1200 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 418 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2278, when there are only 2182 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 746 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 964, when there are only 761 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 461 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2239, when there are only 1869 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_0.ybn. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 146 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65445, when there are only 4372 vertices. [ 75188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_a_3.ybn (id 854) [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_c_0.ybn (id 868) [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_d_0.ybn (id 871) [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_d_2.ybn (id 873) [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_a_3.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1312, when there are only 894 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_a_3.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3205, when there are only 2624 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_a_3.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65510, when there are only 182 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_c_0.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 162 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65526, when there are only 3853 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_c_0.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64463, when there are only 5865 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_c_0.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 42 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5116, when there are only 2563 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_c_0.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1456 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2289, when there are only 1355 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_d_0.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65521, when there are only 2184 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_d_0.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63473, when there are only 2530 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_d_0.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2921, when there are only 2741 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_d_0.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65301, when there are only 484 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_d_2.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 145 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65467, when there are only 3997 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_d_2.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64988, when there are only 1016 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_d_3.ybn (id 874) [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_f_0.ybn (id 883) [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_d_2.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64060, when there are only 1570 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_g_2.ybn (id 887) [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_d_2.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65444, when there are only 606 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_21_g_3.ybn (id 888) [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_g_3.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65520, when there are only 974 vertices. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_g_3.ybn. [ 75204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6405, when there are only 4262 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_g_2.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64973, when there are only 1194 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_g_2.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65355, when there are only 2992 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_g_2.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65483, when there are only 2908 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_d_3.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 24 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63688, when there are only 3861 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_f_0.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 46, when there are only 44 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_f_0.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 27 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63923, when there are only 3833 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_f_0.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65405, when there are only 2388 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_f_0.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2806, when there are only 1283 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_f_0.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2724, when there are only 2085 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_f_0.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1748, when there are only 1079 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_rd_4.ybn (id 899) [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_bank.ybn (id 14433) [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_f_0.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64200, when there are only 1565 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_beachcon.ybn (id 14355) [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_21_f_0.ybn. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 210, when there are only 152 vertices. [ 75219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_cityhall.ybn (id 14407) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_gn_bc_firestation.ybn (id 14475) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_gn_mazebank_west.ybn (id 14416) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_hickbartop.ybn (id 14538) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_hicktop.ybn (id 14539) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_hickbartop.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 56 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_hickbartop.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 82 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1356, when there are only 1345 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_hicktop.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 56 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_hicktop.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 24 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64353, when there are only 1425 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_gn_mazebank_west.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63322, when there are only 1446 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_gn_mazebank_west.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 948, when there are only 644 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_gn_mazebank_west.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65513, when there are only 34 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_gn_mazebank_west.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65403, when there are only 280 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_italy2.ybn (id 14493) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_gn_mazebank_west.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 24, when there are only 16 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_gn_mazebank_west.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65223, when there are only 1108 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_gn_mazebank_west.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1129, when there are only 1018 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_luxury.ybn (id 14400) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_rebelrad.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65377, when there are only 104 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_mphouse01.ybn (id 14495) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_mphouse01.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 95 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63679, when there are only 2494 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_rebelrad.ybn (id 14411) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_rebelserv.ybn (id 14412) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded int_wnews.ybn (id 14536) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded kiiya_autoshop_col.ybn (id 14494) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded kt1_06_0.ybn (id 1592) [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65520, when there are only 1066 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65388, when there are only 1969 vertices. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_wnews.ybn. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 45 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5924, when there are only 5089 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded kt1_08_0.ybn (id 1598) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded kt1_09_0.ybn (id 1602) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded kt1_12_0.ybn (id 1615) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded life_garage_shell_col.ybn (id 14408) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 75, when there are only 32 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3636, when there are only 3135 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_08_0.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 2488 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65461, when there are only 3125 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 764 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 3298 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2114, when there are only 1584 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lks_pr_house_col.ybn (id 14352) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lks_sunrise_hs_col.ybn (id 14376) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_09_0.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65516, when there are only 108 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs4_02_12.ybn (id 12215) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset life_garage_shell_col.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65133, when there are only 2309 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs4_09_0.ybn (id 12273) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_02_12.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65178, when there are only 2534 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_02_12.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62753, when there are only 1774 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_02_12.ybn. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65397, when there are only 2556 vertices. [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs4_09_1.ybn (id 12274) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs4_10_0.ybn (id 12278) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs4_10_1.ybn (id 12279) [ 75250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs6_03_0.ybn (id 12329) [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 64 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65253, when there are only 2342 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65359, when there are only 2822 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3020, when there are only 2980 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 67, when there are only 42 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs6_03_1.ybn (id 12330) [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs6_04_0.ybn (id 12346) [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs6_04_1.ybn (id 12347) [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_sc1_11_0.ybn (id 9987) [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs6_04_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 55 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65415, when there are only 4247 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs6_04_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1767 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1800, when there are only 1496 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs6_04_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65496, when there are only 2819 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs6_04_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 83 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 138 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 81, when there are only 66 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 101 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3499, when there are only 3458 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 34 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 627 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65075, when there are only 2661 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65027, when there are only 2940 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63872, when there are only 1032 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65519, when there are only 96 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 461 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65297, when there are only 6459 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 12, when there are only 12 vertices. [ 75266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs6_03_1.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63898, when there are only 26464 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs6_03_1.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65428, when there are only 2181 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs6_03_1.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2448, when there are only 1763 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs6_03_1.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 652, when there are only 645 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_sc1_23_0.ybn (id 9996) [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn (id 9961) [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_supermod_int.ybn (id 9999) [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ls_custom_airport.ybn (id 14446) [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ls_custom_airport.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65504, when there are only 1305 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65388, when there are only 1090 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 67 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 85 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 3781 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 219 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65434, when there are only 1000 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 307 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1693, when there are only 780 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2222, when there are only 1726 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65459, when there are only 1633 vertices. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 75282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 904, when there are only 797 vertices. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ls_custom_carcer_way.ybn (id 14447) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ma@hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn (id 11891) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ma@hei_po1_06_0.ybn (id 9914) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 94 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 1217 vertices. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ma@sc1_00e_0.ybn (id 157) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ma@hei_cs1_11b_0.ybn. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 453, when there are only 435 vertices. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ma@hei_po1_06_0.ybn. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6490, when there are only 5202 vertices. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ma@ss1_14_0.ybn (id 999) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ma@hei_po1_06_0.ybn. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65318, when there are only 432 vertices. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded map4all_sh_col.ybn (id 14497) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ls_custom_carcer_way.ybn. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 212 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63238, when there are only 2207 vertices. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded map4all_sh_terrain01_col.ybn (id 14498) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ma@ss1_14_0.ybn. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2746, when there are only 2181 vertices. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded map4all_ss_sheriff_int.ybn (id 14500) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded marabunta_gang.ybn (id 14429) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded md_weedshop_col.ybn (id 14516) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mecan_mainshell_col.ybn (id 14509) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mlo_baszawes_col.ybn (id 14366) [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mlo_baszawes_col.ybn. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 776 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56708, when there are only 8739 vertices. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mecan_mainshell_col.ybn. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1362 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61611, when there are only 8530 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mecan_mainshell_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 125 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 185, when there are only 128 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mecan_mainshell_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 112 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1532, when there are only 1494 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mecan_mainshell_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 20 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mecan_mainshell_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 43 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65007, when there are only 3409 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mecan_mainshell_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 297 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 809, when there are only 809 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mecan_mainshell_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 673 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65058, when there are only 4935 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mecan_mainshell_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2008, when there are only 1776 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mecan_mainshell_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 149 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 9322, when there are only 9103 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded modern-tp-col.ybn (id 14430) [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded morgan_house_col.ybn (id 14504) [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mwh_building_basic_1a_pt1_collision.ybn (id 14389) [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mwh_building_basic_1a_pt2_collision.ybn (id 14390) [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_building_basic_1a_pt2_collision.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4371, when there are only 3955 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_building_basic_1a_pt1_collision.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 58750, when there are only 5729 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60863, when there are only 2481 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 41 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64997, when there are only 1286 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 18 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 77, when there are only 67 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 665, when there are only 628 vertices. [ 75313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6844, when there are only 5318 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64041, when there are only 1422 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 176 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1270, when there are only 1141 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65257, when there are only 1483 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mwh_building_ceiling_spotlights_1a_collision.ybn (id 14391) [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65519, when there are only 8027 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mwh_building_detl_01_1a_collision.ybn (id 14392) [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6601, when there are only 2863 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset morgan_house_col.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65517, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mwh_building_glass_rail_1a_collision.ybn (id 14393) [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_building_detl_01_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 88 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64222, when there are only 2534 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_building_glass_rail_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7089, when there are only 4488 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mwh_building_hedges_01_1a_collision.ybn (id 14394) [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mwh_building_wood_panels_1a_collision.ybn (id 14395) [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mwh_garage_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn (id 14396) [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded mwh_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn (id 14397) [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded office_col.ybn (id 14432) [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_garage_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1725, when there are only 1684 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_garage_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64655, when there are only 1756 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_garage_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 715, when there are only 494 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 70 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 58703, when there are only 10364 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1260, when there are only 1165 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 33 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1674, when there are only 1464 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_shell_01_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65294, when there are only 310 vertices. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset mwh_building_wood_panels_1a_collision.ybn. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59314, when there are only 9423 vertices. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded otto_sandy_garage_col.ybn (id 14409) [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded paletomotel_col.ybn (id 14488) [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded paletorest_col.ybn (id 14489) [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded parasha_flat_col.ybn (id 14398) [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset otto_sandy_garage_col.ybn. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65483, when there are only 358 vertices. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset parasha_flat_col.ybn. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1095, when there are only 824 vertices. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset paletorest_col.ybn. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 17095, when there are only 9720 vertices. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn (id 14508) [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded patoche_donk_col.ybn (id 14477) [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded patoche_stock_col.ybn (id 14413) [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded po1_02_1.ybn (id 1173) [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_stock_col.ybn. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 353 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65250, when there are only 1825 vertices. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 188 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3312, when there are only 2571 vertices. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 69 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 75344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 56 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 460 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 704, when there are only 641 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1752 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2944, when there are only 2258 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded po1_08_2.ybn (id 1293) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded po1_08_3.ybn (id 1294) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded port_garage_col.ybn (id 14349) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded prison_rec.ybn (id 14512) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset port_garage_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64815, when there are only 960 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset port_garage_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65483, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset port_garage_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1121, when there are only 467 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset port_garage_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 32 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded qnx_jud.ybn (id 14476) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded rancho_gate_collision.ybn (id 14422) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset port_garage_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 52 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63786, when there are only 2480 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prison_rec.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 16 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset rfc_mcbikers_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 613, when there are only 488 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded rfc_mcbikers_col.ybn (id 14513) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset rfc_mcbikers_col.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 14 vertices. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_00e_0.ybn (id 158) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_06_0.ybn (id 182) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_07_0.ybn (id 186) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_17_0.ybn (id 227) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_18_0.ybn (id 230) [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 75360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65467, when there are only 1198 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 118 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1028, when there are only 730 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 179 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65129, when there are only 1903 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2908, when there are only 2849 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 527 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 2676 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 142, when there are only 108 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 189, when there are only 179 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 73, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 209, when there are only 166 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65443, when there are only 4278 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4922, when there are only 4005 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63683, when there are only 2721 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65404, when there are only 4053 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 25 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65488, when there are only 151 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64196, when there are only 3882 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_23_0.ybn (id 253) [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64804, when there are only 2779 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1225 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1365, when there are only 1363 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_27_0.ybn (id 262) [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_06_0.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 29, when there are only 27 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_rd_17.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 2648 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_rd_17.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65510, when there are only 954 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_rd_17.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65317, when there are only 771 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_rd_17.ybn (id 315) [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_rd_17.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64319, when there are only 2045 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_rd_17.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 218 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65508, when there are only 925 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_rd_17.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65338, when there are only 175 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shitholesave.ybn. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 11871, when there are only 7813 vertices. [ 75375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded shitholesave.ybn (id 14377) [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2969, when there are only 2403 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3388, when there are only 1905 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1557, when there are only 1327 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 609, when there are only 348 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3933, when there are only 3484 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 198, when there are only 133 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded shmann_ehos_col.ybn (id 14414) [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded siixsten_cokelab_col.ybn (id 14410) [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded siixsten_sandy_col.ybn (id 14374) [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset siixsten_sandy_col.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 694, when there are only 370 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset siixsten_sandy_col.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65526, when there are only 16 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset siixsten_cokelab_col.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 922, when there are only 666 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded slth_vw_house_col.ybn (id 14371) [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_ehos_col.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 569 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2144, when there are only 1916 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_ehos_col.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 96 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_ehos_col.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 132 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65120, when there are only 958 vertices. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset slth_vw_house_col.ybn. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63902, when there are only 26404 vertices. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sm_16_0.ybn (id 1755) [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sm_18_0.ybn (id 1763) [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sm_26_0.ybn (id 1803) [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sm_27_0.ybn (id 1809) [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5701, when there are only 2975 vertices. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65374, when there are only 663 vertices. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63656, when there are only 1759 vertices. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64564, when there are only 1889 vertices. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 830 vertices. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64777, when there are only 5657 vertices. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sm_rd_3.ybn (id 1826) [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 679, when there are only 305 vertices. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded sp1_11_0.ybn (id 1684) [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65, when there are only 45 vertices. [ 75407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ss1_06b_0.ybn (id 973) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_26_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65321, when there are only 3018 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_08_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 220 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65464, when there are only 3565 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_08_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65168, when there are only 241 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_08_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1643, when there are only 1616 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_08_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sp1_11_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 310, when there are only 279 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sp1_11_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5776, when there are only 3068 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ss1_08_0.ybn (id 982) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ss1_10_0.ybn (id 988) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ss1_14_0.ybn (id 1000) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ss1_rd1_0.ybn (id 1015) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sp1_11_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3898, when there are only 2146 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 19 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1023, when there are only 1014 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_0.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 34 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1897, when there are only 1791 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6917, when there are only 2816 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ss1_rd1_4.ybn (id 1022) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 417, when there are only 299 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ss1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64644, when there are only 1483 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded tor_cartel_col.ybn (id 14360) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded tr_tuner_car_meet.ybn (id 14235) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded tuner_shop_shell_col.ybn (id 14511) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded turktwostory_col.ybn (id 14420) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset tor_cartel_col.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62001, when there are only 3724 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset tr_tuner_car_meet.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64674, when there are only 5434 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset tr_tuner_car_meet.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64847, when there are only 4556 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ug_mirrorhouse_col.ybn (id 14478) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_01_1.ybn (id 14517) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_01_2.ybn (id 14518) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_02_1.ybn (id 14519) [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_02_1.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65520, when there are only 334 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_01_2.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65521, when there are only 1768 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_01_2.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 30 vertices. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_01_1.ybn. [ 75422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 47 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65506, when there are only 2324 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ug_mirrorhouse_col.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 27579, when there are only 16645 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ug_mirrorhouse_col.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65148, when there are only 443 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ug_mirrorhouse_col.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_02_2.ybn (id 14520) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ug_mirrorhouse_col.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ug_mirrorhouse_col.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65513, when there are only 80 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_03_1.ybn (id 14521) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ug_mirrorhouse_col.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 51, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_03_2.ybn (id 14522) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_1_1.ybn (id 14523) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_1_2.ybn (id 14524) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_03_1.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1618, when there are only 1103 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_02_2.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65489, when there are only 193 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_1_1.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65472, when there are only 507 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_2_1.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 113 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65086, when there are only 953 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_2_1.ybn (id 14525) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_3_1.ybn (id 14526) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_3_2.ybn (id 14527) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_1_2.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65184, when there are only 939 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_1_2.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 41, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_3_2.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 661, when there are only 317 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_3_1.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 20 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65344, when there are only 711 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_4_2.ybn (id 14528) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_5_2.ybn (id 14529) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_6_2.ybn (id 14530) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_4_2.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 47 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 412, when there are only 402 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_6_2.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64969, when there are only 400 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_5_2.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65448, when there are only 403 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_bs.ybn (id 14531) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_lb.ybn (id 14532) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_ls.ybn (id 14533) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_ss.ybn (id 14534) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_vesp_toilet.ybn (id 14535) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_bs.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 18051, when there are only 6704 vertices. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ult-firedept_1_col.ybn (id 14438) [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_bs.ybn. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65459, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded ult-firedept_2_col.ybn (id 14439) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_toilet.ybn. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65506, when there are only 34 vertices. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_carmod.ybn (id 8558) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_ss.ybn. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64988, when there are only 1098 vertices. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_carmod3.ybn (id 8559) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_carmod4.ybn (id 14506) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_carshowroom.ybn (id 8456) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_chopshop.ybn (id 8555) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_clotheslo.ybn (id 8571) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_clotheslo.ybn. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 195 vertices. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_chopshop.ybn. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 48 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65519, when there are only 607 vertices. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_carshowroom.ybn. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 124 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64549, when there are only 1419 vertices. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_clothesmid.ybn (id 8573) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_comedy.ybn (id 8466) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_coroner.ybn (id 8435) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_carmod4.ybn. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65518, when there are only 968 vertices. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_faceoffice.ybn (id 8446) [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63399, when there are only 1556 vertices. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 2076 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65364, when there are only 2042 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65150, when there are only 897 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63139, when there are only 5921 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65509, when there are only 150 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 114 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64921, when there are only 392 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65115, when there are only 342 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65359, when there are only 476 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1041, when there are only 1013 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_faceoffice.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1343, when there are only 898 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_coroner.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 13 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4212, when there are only 4210 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_coroner.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64264, when there are only 20216 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_coroner.ybn. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65517, when there are only 14 vertices. [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_fib01.ybn (id 8613) [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_fib04.ybn (id 8614) [ 75469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_firedept.ybn (id 8433) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_gabz_house_08_1_.ybn (id 14479) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_fib04.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65363, when there are only 1523 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_fib04.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_fib01.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64611, when there are only 1044 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_fib01.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63117, when there are only 4085 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_gabz_mp_house_10_1_.ybn (id 14480) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_gabz_pillbox.ybn (id 14481) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_gabz_pillbox_dlc.ybn (id 14482) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_gabz_pinkcage1.ybn (id 14483) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_gun.ybn (id 8442) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_hicksbar.ybn (id 8521) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_janitor.ybn (id 8436) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_lockup.ybn (id 8604) [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_lockup.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65295, when there are only 1968 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_gun.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 503 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63132, when there are only 1922 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_gun.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 358 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2051, when there are only 1679 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_gun.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 218 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_hicksbar.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 59 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 332 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_hicksbar.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65455, when there are only 3337 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_hicksbar.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2844, when there are only 1352 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_hicksbar.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 236 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 903 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_hicksbar.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6755, when there are only 6012 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_janitor.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64993, when there are only 896 vertices. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_janitor.ybn. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 180 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56549, when there are only 27032 vertices. [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_matus_chp.ybn (id 14501) [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_matus_chp_basement.ybn (id 14502) [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_psycheoffice.ybn (id 8597) [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_ranch.ybn (id 8579) [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_rockclub.ybn (id 8595) [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_sheriff.ybn (id 8562) [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_sheriff2.ybn (id 8563) [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_smokey_highwayfarm_shell.ybn (id 14373) [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_smokey_highwayfarm_shell.ybn. [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65207, when there are only 295 vertices. [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_rockclub.ybn. [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 46512, when there are only 16600 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_smokey_irishpub_shell.ybn (id 14405) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_smokey_irishpubap_shell.ybn (id 14406) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_smokey_manorchatky1_shell.ybn (id 14434) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_smokey_manorchatky_shell.ybn (id 14435) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_smokey_manorchatky_shell.ybn. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65377, when there are only 306 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_smokey_irishpub_shell.ybn. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65518, when there are only 956 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_smokey_paletobarak3_shell.ybn (id 14357) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_smokey_paletobarak4_shell.ybn (id 14384) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_smokey_manorchatky1_shell.ybn. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65085, when there are only 286 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_smokey_irishpubap_shell.ybn. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 447, when there are only 268 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_smokey_vila_shell.ybn (id 14372) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded v_strip3.ybn (id 8463) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_04_0.ybn (id 1846) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_05_0.ybn (id 1852) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_05_2.ybn (id 1854) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_smokey_paletobarak4_shell.ybn. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1229, when there are only 544 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_30_0.ybn. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65511, when there are only 2309 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_30_0.ybn. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 582, when there are only 422 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_30_0.ybn. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 623 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 2141 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_30_0.ybn. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_30_0.ybn (id 1907) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_31_0.ybn (id 1911) [ 75516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_04_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 31 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 4730 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_31_build1_col.ybn (id 14354) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_04_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 806 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1730, when there are only 1424 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_33_0.ybn (id 1921) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_04_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65491, when there are only 1140 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_34_2.ybn (id 1935) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_34_7.ybn (id 1940) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_35_0.ybn (id 1950) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_36_1.ybn (id 1993) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_38_1.ybn (id 2002) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 67 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65490, when there are only 708 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 55, when there are only 44 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64688, when there are only 3076 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2991, when there are only 2202 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 144, when there are only 136 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_34_7.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 44 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 61 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 957 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2242, when there are only 2237 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4593, when there are only 2109 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65417, when there are only 1705 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3375, when there are only 1542 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 125, when there are only 110 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_rd_4.ybn (id 2222) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_35_0.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 18 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vbh_building_col.ybn (id 14382) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_38_1.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 80 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64578, when there are only 2174 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vbh_shell_col.ybn (id 14383) [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_38_1.ybn. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2586, when there are only 2001 vertices. [ 75532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded vw_dlc_casino_main.ybn (id 12717) [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vw_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 142 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5098, when there are only 4700 vertices. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vw_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 575 vertices. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vw_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63472, when there are only 2976 vertices. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vw_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65287, when there are only 3768 vertices. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vw_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65515, when there are only 156 vertices. [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded warehouse_one_ballas_gang.ybn (id 14426) [ 75547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded warehouse_two_ballas_gang.ybn (id 14427) [ 75844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Mounted gtxd parenting data resources:/pnwsigns/data/gtxd.meta [ 75860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_SESSION init functions! [ 75922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^2Game finished loading! [ 76000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_IDLE to HS_LOADED [ 76063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_LOADED to HS_START_HOSTING [ 76172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_START_HOSTING to HS_HOSTING [ 76204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_HOSTING to HS_HOSTING_NET_GAME [ 76922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_HOSTING_NET_GAME to HS_HOSTED [ 76938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sessionmanager [ 76938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for monitor [ 76954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 76969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AddonsMotos [ 76969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AddonsVehicles [ 76985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AddonsVehicles2 [ 76985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AddonsVehicles3 [ 77016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AddonsVehicles4 [ 77016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AddonsVehicles5 [ 77047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AddonsGTA4 [ 77047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for vhEntreprises_commun [ 77063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for vhLoisirs [ 77079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for vhSAHP [ 77079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for vhSAPD [ 77094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for vhsantrans [ 77110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for vhServicescommun [ 77110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for vhWheels [ 77125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for ImmobilierMap [ 77141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for JobsMap [ 77157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for gabz_pillbox_hospital [ 77188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for custom_int_placement_xm3_dlc_int_02 [ 77188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for gabz_lost [ 77188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for as_rex_diner [ 77219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for uj_vesp_ipl [ 77219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for pdmboat [ 77235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for cfx-gabz-tuners [ 77250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Paletobay_Bridge [ 77250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Failed to load script @Badger-Anticheat/acloader.lua. [ 77250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for kiiya_autoshop [ 77266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-chameleonpaints [ 77282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for mapmanager [ 77297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for spawnmanager [ 77313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-gamemode [ 77329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for hardcap [ 77329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for oxmysql [ 77360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for loadscreen [ 77360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-rageui [ 77391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-callbacks [ 77391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-inventory [ 77454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-binoculars [ 77485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-carrypeople [ 77485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for function_global [ 77500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for job_functions [ 77516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for NpcControl [ 77516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for NpcFixes [ 77532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for PolyZone [ 77547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for ox_lib [ 77563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for ox_target [ 77594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ ^3Warning: Texture script_rt_dials_race (in txd vehicles_race_generic.ytd) was set to a compressed texture format, but 'script_rt' textures should always be uncompressed. [ 77594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This file was likely processed by a bad tool. To improve load performance and reduce the risk of it crashing, fix or update the tool used.^7 [ 77594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SitLaySystem [ 77610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-snowballs [ 77625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Towing [ 77641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for wheelchair [ 77657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for xsound [ 77672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-intercom [ 77672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-weapon [ 77704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-peds [ 77719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-pets [ 77750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-tackle [ 77782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-vape [ 77782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for pma-voice [ 77797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-core [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded shared>functions>player module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded shared>functions>debug module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded shared>functions>misc module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>functions>object module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>functions>entity module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>functions>ped module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>functions>player module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>functions>streaming module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>functions>vehicle module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>functions>misc module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>events>player module. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>stateBagChangeHandler>object. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>stateBagChangeHandler>entity. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded client>stateBagChangeHandler>ped. [ 77860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-ui [ 77922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-characters [ 77969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 77985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-keyboard [ 77985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-cayoperico [ 78000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-medical [ 78032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for bloodyscreen [ 78047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-misc [ 78079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-clothesdata [ 78079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded >RadialMenu manager [ 78079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>GasMask [ 78079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>BulletproofVest [ 78079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>BallisticHelmet [ 78079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>NightVision [ 78079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>WaterProofs [ 78079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>Weight [ 78079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>Holster [ 78094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>FaceFeatureClear [ 78094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>Actions [ 78094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>Gloves [ 78094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>Overlay [ 78094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>Light [ 78094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Loaded module>Radio [ 78094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-drop [ 78110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Infos_Joueur [ 78125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-radio [ 78157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-dispatch [ 78157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-particles [ 78188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-missions [ 78204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-handcuffs [ 78235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-modelhide [ 78235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-licenses [ 78266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-sound [ 78282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-emotes [ 78313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-doors [ 78360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-complexanimations [ 78391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-ropes [ 78407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-decals [ 78422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-metabolism [ 78438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-times [ 78469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for loaf_lib [ 78485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for lb-phone [ 78516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ font file font_lib_editor loaded - adding to GFxFontLib [ 78532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ font file font_lib_heist4 loaded - adding to GFxFontLib [ 78532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ font file font_lib_org loaded - adding to GFxFontLib [ 78532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ font file font_lib_sc loaded - adding to GFxFontLib [ 78532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ font file font_lib_taxi loaded - adding to GFxFontLib [ 78547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ font file font_lib_typewriter loaded - adding to GFxFontLib [ 78547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for lb-payphone [ 78547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-phone [ 78563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-dark [ 78594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-turfwars [ 78594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-drugsell [ 78625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for RobberySystem [ 78641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-slashtires [ 78672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for TakeHostage [ 78672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-illegalvehicleresale [ 78688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-informants [ 78704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-heistloots [ 78704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-fleecaheist [ 78735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-weedplanting [ 78735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for mhacking [ 78766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for minigame_bruteforce [ 78782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for minigame_datacrack [ 78782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for minigame_drilling [ 78797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for minigame_fingerprint [ 78813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for minigame_lockpicking [ 78829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for minigame_safecracking [ 78844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for minigame_keypackhack [ 78844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-minigame-voltlab [ 78860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AlarmeSilencieuse [ 78875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-hunting [ 78891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-metaldetector [ 78907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-motiondetector [ 78922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-placeableprops [ 78954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SAP [ 78954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for securitycams [ 78969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 78969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-variablemessagesigns [ 78985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-persistentprops [ 78985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-itemsprops [ 79016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-megaphone [ 79016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for tp_pl_code [ 79047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-blips [ 79063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-elevators [ 79079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for fleeca2 [ 79094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for pacific2 [ 79110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for mazebank2 [ 79125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for ipl [ 79141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for log [ 79172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-logs [ 79172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-persistentvehicles [ 79172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-garages [ 79204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-vehicle [ 79235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-anchorboat [ 79235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AntiShuffle [ 79266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-vehiclelock [ 79282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-fuels [ 79313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-vehiclecustom [ 79344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for GetInTrunk [ 79360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for heli_transport [ 79375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-helicam [ 79375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for marcus_smartveh [ 79454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-sirens [ 79469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-vehiclespotlight [ 79469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-vehiclepush [ 79500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for forkliftsystem [ 79516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-vehicleindicator [ 79516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-vehiclemanagement [ 79547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-helirappel [ 79547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-vehicletags [ 79579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-seatbelt [ 79579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-als [ 79610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-flightinstruments [ 79625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for kq_carlift [ 79625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for kq_realoffroad [ 79657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Carwash [ 79657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-tattoos [ 79688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-hairdresser [ 79704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MessageEntreprise [ 79735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for TrafficControl [ 79750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Concessionnaire_commun [ 79766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for tabletteautoexotic [ 79766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for tabletteflouvers [ 79782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for tablettepdm [ 79797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for veh_occaz [ 79797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Convoyer_commun [ 79829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Depanneur_commun [ 79844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-stretchers [ 79860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^4RageUI - https://github.com/iTexZoz/RageUI - OpenSource Advanced UI Api^0 [ 79860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for EMSCalls [ 79875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Journaliste_commun [ 79891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for ElectronicTagging [ 79907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for mdt_function [ 79907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-shield [ 79922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-police [ 79938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Spikes [ 79938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for wk_wars2x [ 79969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-policemdt [ 79969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 79985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-policestationvespucci [ 80000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-mugshot [ 80016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AllumFeu [ 80032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for hose [ 80063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Pompier_commun [ 80063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SAFD [ 80079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for DanceMinigame [ 80094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-hookers [ 80110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rcore_arm_wrestling [ 80125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rcore_pool [ 80141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rcore_tennis [ 80172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rcore_darts [ 80188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Refused to display 'https://autoexotics.sadoj-rp.fr/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'. (chrome-error://chromewebdata/:0) [ 80188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rcore_airhockey [ 80204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Refused to display 'https://pdm.sadoj-rp.fr/' in a frame because it set 'X-Frame-Options' to 'sameorigin'. (chrome-error://chromewebdata/:0) [ 80204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rcore_bowling [ 80219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for pmms [ 80235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rahe-racing [ 80250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rahe-driftcounter [ 80266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rahe-drifting [ 80266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for casino [ 80313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for casinoslots [ 80344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-casinoblackjack [ 80360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-casinoluckywheel [ 80375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for roulette [ 80391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^4RageUI - https://github.com/iTexZoz/RageUI - OpenSource Advanced UI Api^0 [ 80407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for poker [ 80422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-insidetrack [ 80438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-radialmenu [ 80469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for GUI [ 80469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for F7 [ 80500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuClothes [ 80594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuPDMShop [ 80610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuPDMBoatShop [ 80625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuVapidShop [ 80657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuLocation [ 80657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^4RageUI - https://github.com/iTexZoz/RageUI - OpenSource Advanced UI Api^0 [ 80672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuCarwash [ 80688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuDevilDogsShop [ 80688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuMyFlyShop [ 80704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuWalkerMotorsShop [ 80719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MenuAeroSpaceShop [ 80719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sw-nitro [ 80750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for ScaleformUI [ 80766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for CopyCoords [ 80797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sadoj-devtools [ 80813] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 80829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for uj_vesp_optimaze [ 80860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Starting script initialization [ 80891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Dropping duplicate player for netID 72 (slotID 128). [ 80922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Static emitter enabled [ 80922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^5[GABZ]^7 Interiors datas loaded. [ 80938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ HideAllHud loadscreen [ 80938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ bloodyscreen.accute initialized! [ 80938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ bloodyscreen.applyeffects initialized! [ 80938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ bloodyscreen.staticindicator initialized! [ 80938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Initializing module done [ 81032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ [Wraith ARS 2X]: Attempting to load saved operator menu data. [ 81032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ [Wraith ARS 2X]: Saved operator menu data loaded! [ 81032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3Warning: Replacing existing target option 'AllumFeu:pickup'. ^0(^5@ox_target/client/api.lua^7:131)^7 [ 81032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3Warning: Replacing existing target option 'AllumFeu:pickup'. ^0(^5@ox_target/client/api.lua^7:131)^7 [ 81032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3Warning: Replacing existing target option 'AllumFeu:pickup'. ^0(^5@ox_target/client/api.lua^7:131)^7 [ 81110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Script initialization finished. [ 81125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ bloodyscreen fully initialized! [ 81610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Returning device Haut-parleurs (Realtek(R) Audio) for GUID {75070E8D-C017-4D0C-984B-6698B48A9A51} [ 82079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] [Mumble] Audio Input/ Returning device Microphone (Voicemod Virtual Audio Device (WDM)) for GUID {CB964CDC-1E58-4106-B9C5-BC09904C066B} [ 82079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] [Mumble] Audio Input/ MumbleAudioInput::InitializeAudioDevice: Initialized audio capture device. [ 82188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Connecting to mumble, setting targets. [ 82235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ [Wraith ARS 2X]: Registering radar commands and key binds. [ 82250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ [Wraith ARS 2X]: Attempting to load saved UI settings data. [ 82250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ [Wraith ARS 2X]: Saved UI settings data loaded! [ 82360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_bush_lrg_04b.ydr. [ 82360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 82360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65132, when there are only 800 vertices. [ 82704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Finished connection logic [ 83438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_runlight_y.ydr. [ 83438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 344, when there are only 266 vertices. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 28 vertices. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65457, when there are only 3839 vertices. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64531, when there are only 2343 vertices. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 477, when there are only 407 vertices. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1693, when there are only 780 vertices. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2222, when there are only 1726 vertices. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65459, when there are only 1633 vertices. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 904, when there are only 797 vertices. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 94 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 1217 vertices. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_carshowroom.ybn. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 83657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 124 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64549, when there are only 1419 vertices. [ 84532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_tree_birch_03b.ydr. [ 84532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65517, when there are only 116 vertices. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 76 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65383, when there are only 2281 vertices. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 927 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65471, when there are only 1555 vertices. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 690 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64654, when there are only 11510 vertices. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 645 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63705, when there are only 9127 vertices. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 167 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60804, when there are only 4497 vertices. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 48 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65452, when there are only 480 vertices. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1368 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65081, when there are only 12128 vertices. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61384, when there are only 4251 vertices. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65300, when there are only 511 vertices. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_gun.ybn. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 503 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63132, when there are only 1922 vertices. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_gun.ybn. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 358 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2051, when there are only 1679 vertices. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_gun.ybn. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 84750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 218 vertices. [ 85188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset test_tree_cedar_trunk_001.ydr. [ 85188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 85188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65267, when there are only 1414 vertices. [ 85469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_bdoor.ydr. [ 85469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 85469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65239, when there are only 346 vertices. [ 85469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_board.ydr. [ 85469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 85469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65127, when there are only 914 vertices. [ 85532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_workspace.ydr. [ 85532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 85532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60375, when there are only 2682 vertices. [ 85532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_break.ydr. [ 85532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 85532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 406, when there are only 340 vertices. [ 85579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_toyo.ydr. [ 85579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 85579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 50291, when there are only 26920 vertices. [ 85610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_break2.ydr. [ 85610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 85610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 70, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 85610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_emdoor.ydr. [ 85610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 85610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 27 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1056, when there are only 824 vertices. [ 85641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_ingate.ydr. [ 85641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 85641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 58 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 900, when there are only 686 vertices. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_box.ydr. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_tree_lficus_05.ydr. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65506, when there are only 105 vertices. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_gunwallr.ydr. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65491, when there are only 152 vertices. [ 86141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_bord.ydr. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 995, when there are only 608 vertices. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_gtable.ydr. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65309, when there are only 426 vertices. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sw_potol.ydr. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 586, when there are only 296 vertices. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset inv_light_long_wide_orange.ydr. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 86766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_tree_lficus_06.ydr. [ 86766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 145, when there are only 105 vertices. [ 86797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset inv_light_short_pinkishred_novolum.ydr. [ 86797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 86829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset inv_light_purple.ydr. [ 86829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 86829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 87172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_wide_yellow_low.ydr. [ 87172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 87172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 87500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset inv_light_red_wide.ydr. [ 87500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 87500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 40 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65446, when there are only 195 vertices. [ 88141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_busstop_2.ydr. [ 88141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 88141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 88391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_busstop_3.ydr. [ 88391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 88391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 88391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 88391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 88391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 88391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 88391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 88391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 88547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset long_purple_pool_pb.ydr. [ 88547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 88547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 88782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_tree_lficus_02.ydr. [ 88782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 88782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 20 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 104, when there are only 98 vertices. [ 88954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_coro_fizzb.ydr. [ 88954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 88954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64533, when there are only 1552 vertices. [ 89032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_09.ydr. [ 89032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 89032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 316, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 89079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset inv_light_long_orange.ydr. [ 89079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 89079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset laserlight_arena.ydr. [ 91500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 91500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset inv_light_long_pinkishred.ydr. [ 91500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_wide_yellow_doubled.ydr. [ 91500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset long_blue_pool.ydr. [ 91516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset long_green_pool_2.ydr. [ 91516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_lsc.ydr. [ 91579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_cnt.ydr. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_5.ydr. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_7.ydr. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset long_blue_pool_2.ydr. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_long_blue_caps_pb.ydr. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_4.ydr. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_6.ydr. [ 91594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_8.ydr. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_kiffl.ydr. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_kiffl_2.ydr. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset long_blue_pool_6.ydr. [ 91704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset long_pink_pool_2.ydr. [ 91719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset long_pink_pool.ydr. [ 91829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_wiz.ydr. [ 91860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 91860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 91875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ [Status] Initializing metabolism handlers... [ 92391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ [Status] Initializing status modules... [ 95500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset laserlight_off.ydr. [ 95500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 95500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 97282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ShowAllHud loadscreen [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_short_blue_caps.ydr. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_short_blue_caps_2.ydr. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_short_pink_caps.ydr. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_wide_white_small.ydr. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset laserlight_arena_off.ydr. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 97329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 9, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 97344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_wide_blue_caps_2.ydr. [ 97344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 97344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 97344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_wide_yellow_small.ydr. [ 97344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 97344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 97344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset long_purple_pool_2.ydr. [ 97344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 97344] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 98907] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'focus') (@game/ui/root.html:108) [ 108172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Error with Permissions-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: 'ch-ua-form-factor'. (:0) [ 108204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Error with Permissions-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: 'ch-ua-form-factor'. (:0) [ 109032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_radiomast02.ydr. [ 109032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 109032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65228, when there are only 220 vertices. [ 109094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_18_0.ybn. [ 109094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 109094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64234, when there are only 1951 vertices. [ 110375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_fib01.ybn. [ 110375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 110375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64611, when there are only 1044 vertices. [ 110375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_fib01.ybn. [ 110375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 110375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63117, when there are only 4085 vertices. [ 115454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Initialisation terminée. [ 469313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^1SCRIPT ERROR: @pmms/client.lua:778: attempt to index a nil value (field 'options')^7 [ 469313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3> sendMediaMessage^7 (^5@pmms/client.lua^7:778) [ 469313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3> handler^7 (^5@pmms/client.lua^7:1343) [ 656094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ https://kibook.github.io/pmms-dui?resourceName=pmms [ 656204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'interest-cohort'. (:0) [ 656500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Unrecognized feature: 'web-share'. (https://www.youtube.com/s/player/2923e6f1/www-widgetapi.vflset/www-widgetapi.js:1244) [ 656625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Error with Permissions-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: 'ch-ua-form-factor'. (:0) [ 667516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 31952/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:a59110f6d3ed17b7d623f9b87a4e8128b2a09219 to the index cache. [ 767657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset pdm_cintre1.ydr. [ 767657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 767657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 28118, when there are only 12059 vertices. [ 767938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_07.ydr. [ 767938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 767938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65457, when there are only 254 vertices. [ 769454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_bah.ydr. [ 769454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 769454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1032782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Bulletproof vest set to 25 [ 1033922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Bulletproof vest set to 50 [ 1035079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Bulletproof vest set to 0 [ 1036219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Bulletproof vest set to 25 [ 1038516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ Bulletproof vest set to 0 [ 1095735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 28992/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:515716105d9071c988cc2bd8d1bef2c62595ff84 to the index cache. [ 1095766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 28992/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:1d79c175c67db7b9699c3b5857a538c8e5b03399 to the index cache. [ 1096375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 21164/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:a491c4af91b533afa8392a5b0761534ab1865916 to the index cache. [ 1096782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 28992/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:0f9919bf4fb9ab25b6647e632e852aa6ec3e3d1c to the index cache. [ 1098719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 28992/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:b59fff9afb08e01fa691b4c32b112ecf611a3682 to the index cache. [ 1099313] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 21164/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:09d05c46759cb3917b38bd33cc239c11ea035e02 to the index cache. [ 1100625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 28992/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:2b45c9b9a9a455c28c62c11aad2ad00819dd3423 to the index cache. [ 1210829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_18_0.ybn. [ 1210829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1210829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64234, when there are only 1951 vertices. [ 1217047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_box.ydr. [ 1217047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217047] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1217063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_gtable.ydr. [ 1217063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65309, when there are only 426 vertices. [ 1217079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_gunwallr.ydr. [ 1217079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65491, when there are only 152 vertices. [ 1217079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_bord.ydr. [ 1217079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 995, when there are only 608 vertices. [ 1217079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sw_potol.ydr. [ 1217079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 586, when there are only 296 vertices. [ 1217094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_break2.ydr. [ 1217094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 70, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 1217094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_toyo.ydr. [ 1217094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 50291, when there are only 26920 vertices. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_bdoor.ydr. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65239, when there are only 346 vertices. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_board.ydr. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65127, when there are only 914 vertices. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_break.ydr. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 406, when there are only 340 vertices. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_emdoor.ydr. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 27 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1056, when there are only 824 vertices. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_ingate.ydr. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 58 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 900, when there are only 686 vertices. [ 1217219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_workspace.ydr. [ 1217219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1217219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60375, when there are only 2682 vertices. [ 1257469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset pdm_cintre1.ydr. [ 1257469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1257469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 28118, when there are only 12059 vertices. [ 1261766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_bah.ydr. [ 1261766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1261766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1264547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_01.ydr. [ 1264547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1264547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 292, when there are only 272 vertices. [ 1286469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_fence.ydr. [ 1286469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1286469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 947, when there are only 640 vertices. [ 1286469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_fence_door.ydr. [ 1286469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1286469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 217, when there are only 214 vertices. [ 1287532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_busstop_3.ydr. [ 1287532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1287532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1290954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset int_wnews.ybn. [ 1290954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1290954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 45 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5924, when there are only 5089 vertices. [ 1297704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_38_1.ybn. [ 1297704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1297704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 80 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64578, when there are only 2174 vertices. [ 1297704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_38_1.ybn. [ 1297704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1297704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2586, when there are only 2001 vertices. [ 1300360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_rock_1_d.ydr. [ 1300360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1300360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 76 vertices. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 245 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65323, when there are only 8506 vertices. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 759 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64110, when there are only 2676 vertices. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63049, when there are only 3736 vertices. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1302016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1260, when there are only 562 vertices. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 188 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3312, when there are only 2571 vertices. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 69 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 56 vertices. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 460 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 704, when there are only 641 vertices. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1303922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1752 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2944, when there are only 2258 vertices. [ 1306360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_clotheslo.ybn. [ 1306360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1306360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 195 vertices. [ 1307422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vbh_building_decals.ydr. [ 1307422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1307422] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5113, when there are only 2880 vertices. [ 1310766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_stop.ydr. [ 1310766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1310766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 597, when there are only 353 vertices. [ 1312579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_bureau.ydr. [ 1312579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1312579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3144 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 42341, when there are only 28002 vertices. [ 1312625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_shoes_box1.ydr. [ 1312625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1312625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 922, when there are only 504 vertices. [ 1312625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_shoes_box3.ydr. [ 1312625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1312625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 922, when there are only 504 vertices. [ 1312641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_shoes_box4.ydr. [ 1312641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1312641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 806, when there are only 504 vertices. [ 1312719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_affiche_adidas.ydr. [ 1312719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1312719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 31 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2572, when there are only 1602 vertices. [ 1312719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_shoes_box2.ydr. [ 1312719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1312719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 806, when there are only 504 vertices. [ 1312766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_exposition.ydr. [ 1312766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1312766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65431, when there are only 602 vertices. [ 1312782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_mannequin.ydr. [ 1312782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1312782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 10, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1318454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_03.ydr. [ 1318454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1318454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65485, when there are only 201 vertices. [ 1327860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_goma_stairs.ydr. [ 1327860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1327860] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 44 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 624 vertices. [ 1336594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_ranch_logo_sign.ydr. [ 1336594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1336594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65456, when there are only 816 vertices. [ 1336610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_logo_pacific.ydr. [ 1336610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1336625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1107, when there are only 858 vertices. [ 1336844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_logo_bank.ydr. [ 1336844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1336844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1033, when there are only 530 vertices. [ 1337282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_logo_immo.ydr. [ 1337282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1337282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 479, when there are only 332 vertices. [ 1337360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_busstop_2.ydr. [ 1337360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1337360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1338204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_06.ydr. [ 1338204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1338204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 1338204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_06.ydr. [ 1338204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1338204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 461, when there are only 353 vertices. [ 1340469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 1340469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1340469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 189, when there are only 172 vertices. [ 1340469] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 1340485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1340485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 299, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 1343782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_04_0.ybn. [ 1343782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1343782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 31 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 4730 vertices. [ 1343782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_04_0.ybn. [ 1343782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1343782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 806 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1730, when there are only 1424 vertices. [ 1343782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_04_0.ybn. [ 1343782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1343782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65491, when there are only 1140 vertices. [ 1349438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_01_2.ybn. [ 1349438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1349438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65521, when there are only 1768 vertices. [ 1349438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_01_2.ybn. [ 1349438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1349438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 30 vertices. [ 1349594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_03_1.ybn. [ 1349594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1349594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1618, when there are only 1103 vertices. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_1_2.ybn. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65184, when there are only 939 vertices. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_1_2.ybn. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 41, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_3_2.ybn. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 661, when there are only 317 vertices. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_4_2.ybn. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1349922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 47 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 412, when there are only 402 vertices. [ 1349938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_5_2.ybn. [ 1349938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1349938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65448, when there are only 403 vertices. [ 1350219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_1_1.ybn. [ 1350219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1350219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65472, when there are only 507 vertices. [ 1350282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_02_2.ybn. [ 1350282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1350282] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65489, when there are only 193 vertices. [ 1351485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_2_1.ybn. [ 1351500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1351500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 113 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65086, when there are only 953 vertices. [ 1351594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_3_1.ybn. [ 1351594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1351594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 20 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65344, when there are only 711 vertices. [ 1351657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_bs.ybn. [ 1351657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1351657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 18051, when there are only 6704 vertices. [ 1351657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_bs.ybn. [ 1351657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1351657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65459, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 1352141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_01_1.ybn. [ 1352141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1352141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 47 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65506, when there are only 2324 vertices. [ 1352141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_02_1.ybn. [ 1352141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1352141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65520, when there are only 334 vertices. [ 1352375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_04_0.ybn. [ 1352375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1352375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 592, when there are only 503 vertices. [ 1352766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_toilet.ybn. [ 1352766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1352766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65506, when there are only 34 vertices. [ 1364266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_ss.ybn. [ 1364266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1364266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64988, when there are only 1098 vertices. [ 1364438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_6_2.ybn. [ 1364438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1364438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64969, when there are only 400 vertices. [ 1367500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 1367500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1367500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65520, when there are only 1066 vertices. [ 1367500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 1367500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1367500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65388, when there are only 1969 vertices. [ 1374188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_win_03_1.ydr. [ 1374188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1374188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 140 vertices. [ 1377188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_win_03_2.ydr. [ 1377188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1377188] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 42 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65506, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 1378407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_win_1_1.ydr. [ 1378407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1378407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 91 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2151, when there are only 1335 vertices. [ 1379563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ls_custom_carcer_way_wall_ext_2.ydr. [ 1379563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1379563] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 80 vertices. [ 1381250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_win_2_1.ydr. [ 1381250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1381250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64020, when there are only 1428 vertices. [ 1381391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_win_3_1.ydr. [ 1381391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1381391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64020, when there are only 1428 vertices. [ 1385657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3Warning: [entity] NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no such entity (script ID 3103751)^7 [ 1385657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3Warning: [entity] NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no such entity (script ID 3103751)^7 [ 1385657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3Warning: [entity] NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no such entity (script ID 3103751)^7 [ 1385657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3Warning: [entity] NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no such entity (script ID 3103751)^7 [ 1385672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ^3Warning: [entity] NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no such entity (script ID 3103751)^7 [ 1386391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ed_richman01_terrace_prop.ydr. [ 1386391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1386391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2887, when there are only 2596 vertices. [ 1386735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_09.ydr. [ 1386735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1386735] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 316, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 1387094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_tree_lficus_02.ydr. [ 1387094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1387094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 20 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 104, when there are only 98 vertices. [ 1387329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vbh_rooftop_ext.ydr. [ 1387329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1387329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63428, when there are only 3627 vertices. [ 1387610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_theatre.ydr. [ 1387610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1387610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1405625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ HideRadar sadoj-inventory [ 1405625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ HideStatus sadoj-inventory [ 1405625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ HideStreet sadoj-inventory [ 1436110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ShowRadar sadoj-inventory [ 1436110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ShowStatus sadoj-inventory [ 1436110] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ ShowStreet sadoj-inventory [ 1457547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_logo_bank.ydr. [ 1457547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1457547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1033, when there are only 530 vertices. [ 1457547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_logo_pacific.ydr. [ 1457547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1457547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1107, when there are only 858 vertices. [ 1457547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_ranch_logo_sign.ydr. [ 1457547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1457547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65456, when there are only 816 vertices. [ 1457641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_stop.ydr. [ 1457641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1457641] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 597, when there are only 353 vertices. [ 1457875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gigz_logo_immo.ydr. [ 1457875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1457875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 479, when there are only 332 vertices. [ 1458391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_cnt.ydr. [ 1458391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1458391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1458875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_vesp_win_2_1.ydr. [ 1458875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1458875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64020, when there are only 1428 vertices. [ 1507657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_fence.ydr. [ 1507657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1507657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 947, when there are only 640 vertices. [ 1517297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_rock_1_d.ydr. [ 1517297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1517297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 76 vertices. [ 1552297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_busstop_2.ydr. [ 1552297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1552297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1552672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_fence_door.ydr. [ 1552672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1552672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 217, when there are only 214 vertices. [ 1558750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_clotheslo.ybn. [ 1558750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1558750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 195 vertices. [ 1558766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_38_1.ybn. [ 1558766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1558766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 80 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64578, when there are only 2174 vertices. [ 1558766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vb_38_1.ybn. [ 1558766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1558766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2586, when there are only 2001 vertices. [ 1559375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_goma_stairs.ydr. [ 1559375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1559375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 44 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 624 vertices. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 188 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3312, when there are only 2571 vertices. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 69 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 56 vertices. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 460 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 704, when there are only 641 vertices. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset patoche_boatdealer_col.ybn. [ 1559985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1560000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1752 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2944, when there are only 2258 vertices. [ 1580375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 1580375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 245 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65323, when there are only 8506 vertices. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 759 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64110, when there are only 2676 vertices. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63049, when there are only 3736 vertices. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@vb_38_2.ybn. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1580391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1260, when there are only 562 vertices. [ 1585172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_01.ydr. [ 1585172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1585172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 292, when there are only 272 vertices. [ 1607782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] MainThrd/ https://kibook.github.io/pmms-dui?resourceName=pmms [ 1607891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Error with Permissions-Policy header: Origin trial controlled feature not enabled: 'interest-cohort'. (:0) [ 1608063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Unrecognized feature: 'web-share'. (https://www.youtube.com/s/player/2923e6f1/www-widgetapi.vflset/www-widgetapi.js:1244) [ 1608172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] CrBrowserMain/ Error with Permissions-Policy header: Unrecognized feature: 'ch-ua-form-factor'. (:0) [ 1628922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_09.ydr. [ 1628922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1628922] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 316, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 1631172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_07.ydr. [ 1631172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1631172] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65457, when there are only 254 vertices. [ 1643610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_06.ydr. [ 1643610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1643610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 1643610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_06.ydr. [ 1643610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1643610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 461, when there are only 353 vertices. [ 1658797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_lsc.ydr. [ 1658797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1658797] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1659297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_kiffl.ydr. [ 1659297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1659297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1659297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_kiffl_2.ydr. [ 1659297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1659297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 81, when there are only 66 vertices. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 101 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3499, when there are only 3458 vertices. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 34 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 627 vertices. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65075, when there are only 2661 vertices. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65027, when there are only 2940 vertices. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63872, when there are only 1032 vertices. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65519, when there are only 96 vertices. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 461 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65297, when there are only 6459 vertices. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 12, when there are only 12 vertices. [ 1660672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_4.ydr. [ 1660672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1660672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_5.ydr. [ 1660672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_6.ydr. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_7.ydr. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_8.ydr. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1660688] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 209, when there are only 166 vertices. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65443, when there are only 4278 vertices. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4922, when there are only 4005 vertices. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1661016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63683, when there are only 2721 vertices. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1693, when there are only 780 vertices. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2222, when there are only 1726 vertices. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65459, when there are only 1633 vertices. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 904, when there are only 797 vertices. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1662329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 94 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 1217 vertices. [ 1664063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1664063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64291, when there are only 7452 vertices. [ 1664063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1664063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 58 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3371, when there are only 3328 vertices. [ 1664063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 1664063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2438, when there are only 1763 vertices. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 10 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65388, when there are only 1090 vertices. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 67 vertices. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 85 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 3781 vertices. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 219 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65434, when there are only 1000 vertices. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 307 vertices. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_supermod_int.ybn. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1664391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1670407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_tree_lficus_06.ydr. [ 1670407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1670407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 145, when there are only 105 vertices. [ 1670454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 1670454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1670454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2200 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65239, when there are only 12729 vertices. [ 1670454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 1670454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1670454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62544, when there are only 4159 vertices. [ 1670454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 1670454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1670454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2307, when there are only 1759 vertices. [ 1673250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_tree_lficus_02.ydr. [ 1673250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1673250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 20 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 104, when there are only 98 vertices. [ 1673875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_gang_door_02.ydr. [ 1673875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1673875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65455, when there are only 334 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3138, when there are only 2227 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 9, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65431, when there are only 110 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 14916, when there are only 6917 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63511, when there are only 1714 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 10641, when there are only 4266 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65130, when there are only 535 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64198, when there are only 1972 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64150, when there are only 3306 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65450, when there are only 120 vertices. [ 1674375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 1674375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65467, when there are only 1198 vertices. [ 1674375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 1674375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1674375] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 118 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1028, when there are only 730 vertices. [ 1677235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 1677235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1677235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 471 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65249, when there are only 4096 vertices. [ 1677235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 1677235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1677235] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64917, when there are only 360 vertices. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2969, when there are only 2403 vertices. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3388, when there are only 1905 vertices. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1557, when there are only 1327 vertices. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 609, when there are only 348 vertices. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3933, when there are only 3484 vertices. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1683766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 198, when there are only 133 vertices. [ 1684094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ult-firedept_1_locker-uniform.ydr. [ 1684094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1684094] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 16 vertices. [ 1686985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_park_ticket_01.ydr. [ 1686985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1686985] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 1692204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_coro_fizzb.ydr. [ 1692204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1692204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64533, when there are only 1552 vertices. [ 1699829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 1699829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1699829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3933, when there are only 3484 vertices. [ 1699844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 1699844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1699844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 198, when there are only 133 vertices. [ 1699844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_27_0.ybn. [ 1699844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1699844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 980 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 11801 vertices. [ 1700032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sp1_11_0.ybn. [ 1700032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1700032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 310, when there are only 279 vertices. [ 1700032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sp1_11_0.ybn. [ 1700032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1700032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5776, when there are only 3068 vertices. [ 1700032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sp1_11_0.ybn. [ 1700032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1700032] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3898, when there are only 2146 vertices. [ 1706672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_pile_dirt_04.ydr. [ 1706672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1706672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 135, when there are only 104 vertices. [ 1706672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_pile_dirt_04.ydr. [ 1706672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1706672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 103, when there are only 91 vertices. [ 1731297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 1731297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1731297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 471 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65249, when there are only 4096 vertices. [ 1731297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 1731297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1731297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64917, when there are only 360 vertices. [ 1900610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ult-firedept_1_locker-uniform.ydr. [ 1900610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 1900610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 16 vertices. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 209, when there are only 166 vertices. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65443, when there are only 4278 vertices. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4922, when there are only 4005 vertices. [ 2587938] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2587954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2587954] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63683, when there are only 2721 vertices. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 81, when there are only 66 vertices. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 101 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3499, when there are only 3458 vertices. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 34 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 627 vertices. [ 2602704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65075, when there are only 2661 vertices. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65027, when there are only 2940 vertices. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63872, when there are only 1032 vertices. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65519, when there are only 96 vertices. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 461 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65297, when there are only 6459 vertices. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2602719] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 12, when there are only 12 vertices. [ 2963063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_lsc.ydr. [ 2963063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2963063] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2963844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_kiffl.ydr. [ 2963844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2963844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2963844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_kiffl_2.ydr. [ 2963844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2963844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2965000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2965000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2965000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2200 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65239, when there are only 12729 vertices. [ 2965000] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2965016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2965016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62544, when there are only 4159 vertices. [ 2965016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2965016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2965016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2307, when there are only 1759 vertices. [ 2965500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_bah.ydr. [ 2965500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2965516] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_4.ydr. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_5.ydr. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_6.ydr. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_7.ydr. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_wind_cast_8.ydr. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3138, when there are only 2227 vertices. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 9, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65431, when there are only 110 vertices. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 14916, when there are only 6917 vertices. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63511, when there are only 1714 vertices. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 10641, when there are only 4266 vertices. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65130, when there are only 535 vertices. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64198, when there are only 1972 vertices. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64150, when there are only 3306 vertices. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset brofx_06_collision.ybn. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2966782] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65450, when there are only 120 vertices. [ 2967579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_corog_door01.ydr. [ 2967579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2967579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65515, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 2967579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_corog_door02.ydr. [ 2967579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2967579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1576, when there are only 676 vertices. [ 2968891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2968891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2968891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64291, when there are only 7452 vertices. [ 2968891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2968891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2968891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 58 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3371, when there are only 3328 vertices. [ 2968891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_11_0.ybn. [ 2968891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2968891] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2438, when there are only 1763 vertices. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1693, when there are only 780 vertices. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2222, when there are only 1726 vertices. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65459, when there are only 1633 vertices. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 904, when there are only 797 vertices. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_rd_20.ybn. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970079] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 94 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 1217 vertices. [ 2970266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_clotheslo.ybn. [ 2970266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970266] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 195 vertices. [ 2970594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 2970594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 179 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65129, when there are only 1903 vertices. [ 2970594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 2970594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2908, when there are only 2849 vertices. [ 2970594] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 527 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 2676 vertices. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 142, when there are only 108 vertices. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 189, when there are only 179 vertices. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2970610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 73, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 2972141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_coroner.ybn. [ 2972141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2972141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 13 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4212, when there are only 4210 vertices. [ 2972141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_coroner.ybn. [ 2972141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2972141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64264, when there are only 20216 vertices. [ 2972157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_coroner.ybn. [ 2972157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2972157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65517, when there are only 14 vertices. [ 2973625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 2973625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2973625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 199 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65392, when there are only 9818 vertices. [ 2973625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_07_0.ybn. [ 2973625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2973625] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 132 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65208, when there are only 2388 vertices. [ 2973844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_affiche_adidas.ydr. [ 2973844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2973844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 31 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2572, when there are only 1602 vertices. [ 2973844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nx_shoes_box3.ydr. [ 2973844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2973844] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 922, when there are only 504 vertices. [ 2973875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset as_coro_door01.ydr. [ 2973875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2973875] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 160, when there are only 160 vertices. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 209, when there are only 166 vertices. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 35 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65443, when there are only 4278 vertices. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4922, when there are only 4005 vertices. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_17_0.ybn. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2978829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63683, when there are only 2721 vertices. [ 2979657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 2979657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2979657] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 690 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64654, when there are only 11510 vertices. [ 2979672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 2979672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2979672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 645 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63705, when there are only 9127 vertices. [ 2979672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 2979672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2979672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 167 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60804, when there are only 4497 vertices. [ 2979672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hidt1_rd1_9.ybn. [ 2979672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2979672] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 48 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65452, when there are only 480 vertices. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 28 vertices. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65457, when there are only 3839 vertices. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64531, when there are only 2343 vertices. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2980219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 477, when there are only 407 vertices. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_gun.ybn. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 503 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63132, when there are only 1922 vertices. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_gun.ybn. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 358 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2051, when there are only 1679 vertices. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_gun.ybn. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 218 vertices. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_carshowroom.ybn. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2980579] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 124 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64549, when there are only 1419 vertices. [ 2983157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 2983157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2983157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1368 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65081, when there are only 12128 vertices. [ 2983157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 2983157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2983157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61384, when there are only 4251 vertices. [ 2983157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_22_0.ybn. [ 2983157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2983157] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65300, when there are only 511 vertices. [ 2986219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_bord.ydr. [ 2986219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 995, when there are only 608 vertices. [ 2986250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sw_potol.ydr. [ 2986250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986250] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 586, when there are only 296 vertices. [ 2986329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_board.ydr. [ 2986329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986329] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65127, when there are only 914 vertices. [ 2986391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 2986391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 76 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65383, when there are only 2281 vertices. [ 2986391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_rd1_4.ybn. [ 2986391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986391] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 927 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65471, when there are only 1555 vertices. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_bdoor.ydr. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65239, when there are only 346 vertices. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_box.ydr. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_break.ydr. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 406, when there are only 340 vertices. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_break2.ydr. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 70, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 2986454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_toyo.ydr. [ 2986454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986454] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 50291, when there are only 26920 vertices. [ 2986485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_gtable.ydr. [ 2986485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65309, when there are only 426 vertices. [ 2986485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_gunwallr.ydr. [ 2986485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65491, when there are only 152 vertices. [ 2986500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_emdoor.ydr. [ 2986500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 27 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1056, when there are only 824 vertices. [ 2986500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_ingate.ydr. [ 2986500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 58 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 900, when there are only 686 vertices. [ 2986500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cw_workspace.ydr. [ 2986500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986500] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60375, when there are only 2682 vertices. [ 2986969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_busstop_2.ydr. [ 2986969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2986969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lamp_busstop_3.ydr. [ 2986969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2986969] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 2995610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_radiomast02.ydr. [ 2995610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 2995610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65228, when there are only 220 vertices. [ 3065141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_18_0.ybn. [ 3065141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3065141] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64234, when there are only 1951 vertices. [ 3120532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset traffic_messageboard.ydr. [ 3120532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3120532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 10092, when there are only 5819 vertices. [ 3121829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_watertower01.ydr. [ 3121829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3121829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 157 vertices. [ 3121829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_watertower01.ydr. [ 3121829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3121829] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65518, when there are only 49 vertices. [ 3122704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ls_custom_carcer_way_wall_ext_2.ydr. [ 3122704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3122704] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 14 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 80 vertices. [ 3124485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_fib04.ybn. [ 3124485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3124485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65363, when there are only 1523 vertices. [ 3124485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_fib04.ybn. [ 3124485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3124485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 3160016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset light_cast_theatre.ydr. [ 3160016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3160016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 44, when there are only 40 vertices. [ 3162610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_rock_1_d.ydr. [ 3162610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3162610] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 76 vertices. [ 3165407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 3165407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3165407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 189, when there are only 172 vertices. [ 3165407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_02.ydr. [ 3165407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3165407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 299, when there are only 290 vertices. [ 3165485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_park_ticket_01.ydr. [ 3165485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3165485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 3166750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_helipad_02.ydr. [ 3166750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3166750] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 73 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 412, when there are only 388 vertices. [ 3170485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_runlight_b.ydr. [ 3170485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3170485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 344, when there are only 266 vertices. [ 3170485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_01.ydr. [ 3170485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3170485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 292, when there are only 272 vertices. [ 3171297] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 16060/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:33d82cc321989fb89c87ca9e459eb9088b8902e4 to the index cache. [ 3171407] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 16060/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:9de261622b41cf030ffce2ca41a98da58023c1f0 to the index cache. [ 3171438] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 20688/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:6f43fb5fc4de67ed6b06d9afcc116439b0af5584 to the index cache. [ 3171485] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 16060/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:16b606ad0fc8bfc1d66a68d775099136ab1bd03a to the index cache. [ 3171532] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 16060/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:291a4de16c20fa666e9ffc7e68627600537ba274 to the index cache. [ 3171547] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 16060/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:ee03b1bb31a18f0e1d6a2bd607521217291a47d6 to the index cache. [ 3172204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 20688/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:a81b73d024c6fffeb54613ce0cb01f485b01c88d to the index cache. [ 3174360] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 18284/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:d66110b27d899077479bc6c2398ec4fa93caacfa to the index cache. [ 3176016] [FiveM_b2944_GT] 18708/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:1cef69fb559cd9bba794324e8446ae7060dd6c31 to the index cache. [ 3188766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_radiomast02.ydr. [ 3188766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3188766] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65228, when there are only 220 vertices. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_1.ydr. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 489, when there are only 261 vertices. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_2.ydr. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65070, when there are only 1008 vertices. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_4.ydr. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 243, when there are only 126 vertices. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_8.ydr. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189125] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64632, when there are only 1782 vertices. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_0.ydr. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2083, when there are only 1080 vertices. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_3.ydr. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63528, when there are only 1485 vertices. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_5.ydr. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1369, when there are only 873 vertices. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_6.ydr. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2932, when there are only 1467 vertices. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_9.ydr. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189204] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4095, when there are only 1530 vertices. [ 3189219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset gz_num_7.ydr. [ 3189219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3189219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65459, when there are only 369 vertices. [ 3208219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 3208219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3208219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 64 vertices. [ 3208219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset prop_billboard_05.ydr. [ 3208219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 3208219] [FiveM_b2944_GT] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 217 vertices. [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ Process crash captured. Crash dialog content: [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ GTA5_b2944.exe!sub_1405888A4 (0x316) [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ Une erreur à GTA5_b2944.exe!sub_1405888A4 (0x316) a provoqué l'arrêt de FiveM. Un rapport de crash est en cours de téléchargement vers les développeurs FiveM. [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ Héritage du hash de crash : tennis-montana-paris [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ Stack trace: [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ GTA5_b2944.exe!sub_1405888A4 (0x316) [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ GTA5_b2944.exe!sub_140E117A8 (0x39) [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ GTA5_b2944.exe!sub_141666B64 (0x9c) [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ GTA5_b2944.exe!sub_141666A60 (0xbd) [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ GTA5_b2944.exe!sub_141641358 (0x6c) [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ GTA5_b2944.exe!sub_141641D3C (0x25) [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ GTA5_b2944.exe!sub_14164A93C (0x159) [ 3221329] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ [ 3231985] [FiveM_b2944_Du] 32568/ Crash report service returned si-a82b8a12f191414197f9621c98dbac67