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command line: "C:\Users\sebas\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\data\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe" -steamparent:8292 [ 6141] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent. [ 6172] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent: Steam's running. [ 6250] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent: Initializing presence. [ 6250] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent: Attempting to run processes. [ 6407] [ ROSLauncher] 1212/ SC JS message: SetGameLaunchState -> {"launchState":"running","message":"","titleName":"gta5"} [ 7375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Replacing function table list entry 0x7ff651af2000 with 0x7ff651af2000 [ 7375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component fx [ 7391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:allocator:five [ 7391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component net:base [ 7391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component net:tcp-server [ 7391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component vfs:core [ 7391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:resources:core [ 7391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:scripting:five [ 7422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component scripting:gta [ 7422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component conhost:v2 [ 7438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component http-client [ 7438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:core [ 7438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:v8client [ 7438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component steam [ 7453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:resources:client [ 7453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:device:five [ 7453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:nutsnbolts:five [ 7453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Skipping XAudio2 patches - XAudio 2.7 is present. [ 7453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:input:five [ 7453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:graphics:five [ 7453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:core:five [ 7500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:game:five [ 7500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:mission-cleanup:five [ 7516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:formats:x [ 7516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:streaming:five [ 7516] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "C:\Users\sebas\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\data\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe" -steamchild:13120 [ 7516] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ game parent PID: 13120 [ 7516] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ waiting for process to exit... [ 7532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ >16 GiB of system RAM, increasing streaming allocator size to 2 GiB [ 7547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:level-loader:five [ 7547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component profiles [ 7547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component net [ 7547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component scrbind:base [ 7547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component voip:mumble [ 7547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:net:five [ 8157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nickname: visn.space - costa [ 8172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:resources:gta [ 8172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component font-renderer [ 8172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [FontRenderer] Initializing DirectWrite. [ 8172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:core [ 8172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:resources [ 8172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component net:http-server [ 8172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component devcon [ 8172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component ros-patches:five [ 8282] [b2545_GTAProce] [Mumble] Audio Input/ MumbleAudioInput::InitializeAudioDevice: Initialized audio capture device. [ 9203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:legacy-net:resources [ 9203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component debug:net [ 9203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:game:ipc [ 9203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:game:main [ 9203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component asi:five [ 9203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component scripthookv [ 9203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component extra-natives:five [ 9344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component lovely-script [ 9344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component vfs:impl:rage [ 9344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component glue [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component loading-screens:five [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:lua [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component handling-loader:five [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:gsclient [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:devtools [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:mono [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:profiles [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component tool:formats [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:mod-loader:five [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:resources:metadata:lua [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:v8node [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component fxdk:main [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:playernames:five [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:lua54 [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component discord [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component devtools:five [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component tool:vehrec [ 9360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component adhesive [ 15641] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ Creating backbuffer. [ 15641] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ Done creating backbuffer. [ 21157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay26NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay25NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay24NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay22NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay21NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay20NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY19NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY18NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY17NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY16NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY15NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY14NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY13NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY12NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY11NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY10NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchday9NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY8NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay7NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay6NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay5NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay4NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay3NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay2bNGCRC:/content.xml [ 21203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay2NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay1NGCRC:/content.xml [ 21203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpPatchesNGCRC:/content.xml [ 22125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NullInitializeGraphics [ 22563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Opening \\.\pipe\GTAVLauncher_Pipe, waiting for launcher to load... [ 22563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Launcher gave all-clear - waiting for pipe. [ 22563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Launcher is fine, continuing to initialize! [ 22657] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_CORE init functions [ 22657] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (53 total) [ 22657] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking InitSystem INIT_CORE init (1 out of 53) [ 22657] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderLib INIT_CORE init (2 out of 53) [ 22766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_CORE init (3 out of 53) [ 22782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_CORE init (4 out of 53) [ 22782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_CORE init (5 out of 53) [ 22891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 53) [ 22907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 53) [ 22907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_CORE init (8 out of 53) [ 23344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_CORE init (9 out of 53) [ 23344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_CORE init (10 out of 53) [ 23344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCullZones INIT_CORE init (11 out of 53) [ 23344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExpensiveProcessDistributer INIT_CORE init (12 out of 53) [ 23344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_CORE init (13 out of 53) [ 23344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CutSceneManagerWrapper INIT_CORE init (14 out of 53) [ 23344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAnimSceneManager INIT_CORE init (15 out of 53) [ 23344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortalTracker INIT_CORE init (16 out of 53) [ 23344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_CORE init (17 out of 53) [ 23782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_CORE init (18 out of 53) [ 23782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_CORE init (19 out of 53) [ 23782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPlantMgr INIT_CORE init (20 out of 53) [ 24000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderHairSort INIT_CORE init (21 out of 53) [ 24000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_CORE init (22 out of 53) [ 24000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_CORE init (23 out of 53) [ 24000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_CORE init (24 out of 53) [ 24625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayMgr INIT_CORE init (25 out of 53) [ 24625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoRecording INIT_CORE init (26 out of 53) [ 24625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlayback INIT_CORE init (27 out of 53) [ 24625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlaybackThumbnailManager INIT_CORE init (28 out of 53) [ 24625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x8930d2f7 INIT_CORE init (29 out of 53) [ 24625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (30 out of 53) [ 25125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFrontendStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (31 out of 53) [ 25125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControllerLabelMgr INIT_CORE init (32 out of 53) [ 25125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_CORE init (33 out of 53) [ 25141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_CORE init (34 out of 53) [ 25766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_CORE init (35 out of 53) [ 25766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_CORE init (36 out of 53) [ 25766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_CORE init (37 out of 53) [ 25782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_CORE init (38 out of 53) [ 25782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_CORE init (39 out of 53) [ 25782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWaypointRecording INIT_CORE init (40 out of 53) [ 25782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_CORE init (41 out of 53) [ 25782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskClassInfoManager INIT_CORE init (42 out of 53) [ 25782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTuningManager INIT_CORE init (43 out of 53) [ 25844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAppDataMgr INIT_CORE init (44 out of 53) [ 25844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetRespawnMgr INIT_CORE init (45 out of 53) [ 25844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAgitatedManager INIT_CORE init (46 out of 53) [ 25844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioActionManager INIT_CORE init (47 out of 53) [ 25860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_CORE init (48 out of 53) [ 25860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPostScan INIT_CORE init (49 out of 53) [ 25860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr INIT_CORE init (50 out of 53) [ 25860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_CORE init (51 out of 53) [ 25860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CIplCullBox INIT_CORE init (52 out of 53) [ 25860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking perfClearingHouse INIT_CORE init (53 out of 53) [ 25860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (11 total) [ 25860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScene INIT_CORE init (1 out of 11) [ 26516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_CORE init (2 out of 11) [ 26516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_CORE init (3 out of 11) [ 26813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInit INIT_CORE init (4 out of 11) [ 26813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_CORE init (5 out of 11) [ 26813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 11) [ 26813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLightManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 11) [ 26813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLights INIT_CORE init (8 out of 11) [ 26828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AmbientLights INIT_CORE init (9 out of 11) [ 26828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_CORE init (10 out of 11) [ 26828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_CORE init (11 out of 11) [ 26828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (22 total) [ 26828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_CORE init (1 out of 22) [ 26844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA menuAud:/x64/audio/dlcTuner_sounds.dat. [ 26860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading menuAud:/x64/audio/dlcTuner_sounds.dat in data file mounter class audMetadataDataFileMounter. [ 26860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK menuaud:/x64/audio/sfx/dlc_Tuner_Music. [ 26860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading menuaud:/x64/audio/sfx/dlc_Tuner_Music in data file mounter class `private: static void __cdecl audNorthAudioEngine::RegisterDataFileMounters(void)'::`2'::audWavePackDataFileMounter. [ 26860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking cStoreScreenMgr INIT_CORE init (2 out of 22) [ 26860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVideoEditorUI INIT_CORE init (3 out of 22) [ 26860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WatermarkRenderer INIT_CORE init (4 out of 22) [ 26860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMousePointer INIT_CORE init (5 out of 22) [ 26860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTextInputBox INIT_CORE init (6 out of 22) [ 26875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x602ee6e2 INIT_CORE init (7 out of 22) [ 26875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_CORE init (8 out of 22) [ 26875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_CORE init (9 out of 22) [ 26875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4bfbfa2c INIT_CORE init (10 out of 22) [ 26875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WarningScreen INIT_CORE init (11 out of 22) [ 26875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_CORE init (12 out of 22) [ 26875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_CORE init (13 out of 22) [ 26875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDLCScript INIT_CORE init (14 out of 22) [ 26875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameStreamMgr INIT_CORE init (15 out of 22) [ 26938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4d167300 INIT_CORE init (16 out of 22) [ 26938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMetaDataStore INIT_CORE init (17 out of 22) [ 26938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayCoordinator INIT_CORE init (18 out of 22) [ 26938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVideoEditorInterface INIT_CORE init (19 out of 22) [ 26938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking UI3DDrawManager INIT_CORE init (20 out of 22) [ 26938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4f916676 INIT_CORE init (21 out of 22) [ 26938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCreditsText INIT_CORE init (22 out of 22) [ 26953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_CORE init functions! [ 40141] [b2545_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server variables... [ 40188] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting authentication ticket... [ 40328] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: tcp0/ Getting auth ticket for pipe appID 218 - should be 218. [ 40328] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: tcp0/ OnConnectionProgress: Obtaining Steam ticket... [ 40625] [b2545_GTAProce] Steam Worker Thread/ OnConnectionProgress: Handshaking with server... [ 41047] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: DiscordWhitelist: Deferring connection... [ 41047] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ fivepd: Deferring connection... [ 41047] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ framework: Checking Discord Permissions... [ 41047] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ monitor: Deferring connection... [ 41047] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 41063] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: DiscordWhitelist: Deferring connection... [ 41063] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ framework: Checking Discord Permissions... [ 41063] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ monitor: Deferring connection... [ 41063] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 41063] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: DiscordWhitelist: visn.space - costa deine Discord ID wird mit der Whitelist abgeglichen [ 41063] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ framework: Checking Discord Permissions... [ 41063] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ monitor: Deferring connection... [ 41063] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 41125] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: DiscordWhitelist: visn.space - costa deine Discord ID wird mit der Whitelist abgeglichen [ 41125] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ framework: Checking Discord Permissions... [ 41125] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ monitor: [txAdmin] Checking banlist/whitelist... (1/10) [ 41125] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 41157] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: DiscordWhitelist: visn.space - costa deine Discord ID wird mit der Whitelist abgeglichen [ 41157] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ framework: Checking Discord Permissions... [ 41157] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 41282] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: framework: Checking Discord Permissions... [ 41282] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ [ 41625] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server endpoints... [ 41641] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server permissions... [ 41844] [b2545_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server feature policy... [ 41969] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ Server feature policy is [argentum][color_server_names][mumble_voice_prerelease][new_interior_hash][onesync][subdir_file_mapping] [ 41969] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content [ 42063] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest... [ 42125] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (95.98 kB) [ 42188] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (402.23 kB) [ 42266] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (667.56 kB) [ 42328] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1026.03 kB) [ 42391] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1311.11 kB) [ 42453] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1617.37 kB) [ 42532] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (1934.91 kB) [ 42594] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2229.87 kB) [ 42657] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2530.48 kB) [ 42719] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading content manifest (2849.44 kB) [ 42797] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Loading content manifest... [ 45407] [b2545_GTAProce] UV loop: httpClient/ Required resources: sessionmanager monitor mapmanager chat spawnmanager basic-gamemode hardcap rconlog oxmysql fivepd fivepdaudio vMenu visn_are framework show_id Badger_Discord_API yarn discordroles pma-voice rp-radio scully_radio2 phone webpack screenshot-basic eup-stream eup-ui NativeUI LegacyFuel refuelingnozzle refuelingscript NPC-Creator dpEmotes dpClothing NearestPostal PlayerHUD PlaneHUD InteractSound ESC-MAP AFK 3dme Binoculars TakeHostage PanicButton AntiShuffle SmartTaser TaserEffect RealisticDamages VehicleDeformation RealisticVehicleFailure RealisticAirControl WeaponOnCest HolsterWeapon HolsterSounds Unholster WeaponRecoil WeaponInferno RCPAxonCamera DisableCombatroll AntiBunnyHop ChairBedSystem PoliceShield ShotSpotter NightVision Flashbang GasMask K9 Elevator SupplyLine HoseLS FireTools FireScript FireBadger FiveEMS InteractionMenu SmartCuffs Headbag SpikeStrips PlayerTag PoliceGrappler SemArmasReward CarryPeople LoadingScreen RageUI lvc RS9000 HelicopterCam HelicamHUD SpotLight RemoveNPCArea VehicleSeat null_offroad AITraffic Blips CarRepairStation Casino Halloween RockfordHillsPoliceStation MissonRowPoliceStation MirrorParkFireStation DavisFireStation DavisSheriffStation HighwayPoliceStation HighwayPoliceStation2 LaMesaHighwayPatrol JusticeBuilding Forest SandyShoresHelipad SandyShoresCity SandyShoresPoliceStation GrapseedSheriffStation ParkRanger SandyShoresGasStation SandyShoresFireStation PaletoBaySheriffStation PaletoBayFireStation SWAT SWAT_IPL ElcipseMedicalTower OceanMedicalcenter bob74_ipl AS332 AS350 BELL412 BH-Caprice BH-Tahoe BMW-R1200T Bearcat CHP-Demon CHP-Mustang CHP-Pack CHP-Pitbull LAFD-Pack1 LAFD-Pack10 LAFD-Pack11 LAFD-Pack12 LAFD-Pack13 LAFD-Pack14 LAFD-Pack15 LAFD-Pack16 LAFD-Pack17 LAFD-Pack18 LAFD-Pack19 LAFD-Pack2 LAFD-Pack20 LAFD-Pack3 LAFD-Pack4 LAFD-Pack5 LAFD-Pack6 LAFD-Pack7 LAFD-Pack8 LAFD-Pack9 LAPD-Harley-Davidson LAPD-LASD-10Charger LAPD-LASD-13Explorer LAPD-LASD-14Tahor LAPD-LASD-16Explorer LAPD-LASD-18Charger LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe LAPD-LASD-CHP-Bike LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro LAPD-LASD-CHP-as350 LAPD-LASD-Pack LAPD-Riot LASD-QUAD LASD-Suzuki MobileCommand UM-Charger2014 UM-Explorer2020 UM-F150 UM-Fpis UM-Impala UM-Pack UM-SWATCharger UM-SWATTahoe UM-Tahoe2018 UM-Tahoe2021 UM-Taxi UM-Van gov1 gov2 gov3 gov4 marshal1 marshal2 marshal3 marshal4 usheli1 usheli2 usheli3 usms1 usms2 usms3 usms4 usms5 usms6 usms7 Pausenmenu MotorolaRadio CaliforniaLicensePlates CaliforniaRemastered CaliforniaStreetName PostalMap LA_Revo_cities LA_Revo_cities2 LA_Revo_Updates LA_Revo_In LA_Revo_In2 WeaponSounds K9Ped CarGenEdit menuv weapons-menu Glock17 Glock19 X26 MP5 SmokeLauncher M870 Lesslethal NSR9 AR15 M4A1 MK18 M82 SniperScope fivem-map-hipster [ 45438] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying chat (3 of 226 - 0.26/0.26 MiB) [ 45500] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying oxmysql (8 of 226 - 3.39/3.77 MiB) [ 45563] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying vMenu (11 of 226 - 1.09/1.76 MiB) [ 45625] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying scully_radio2 (20 of 226 - 2.11/4.20 MiB) [ 45688] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted screenshot-basic (24 of 226) [ 46813] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying NearestPostal (33 of 226 - 0.11/0.11 MiB) [ 46875] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted RealisticVehicleFailure (49 of 226) [ 46938] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted Flashbang (64 of 226) [ 47000] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying FireBadger (71 of 226 - 0.02/0.02 MiB) [ 47063] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying LoadingScreen (81 of 226 - 5.19/11.18 MiB) [ 47125] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying RemoveNPCArea (88 of 226 - 0.01/0.01 MiB) [ 47188] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying DavisFireStation (99 of 226 - 0.01/0.01 MiB) [ 47266] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted SandyShoresPoliceStation (109 of 226) [ 47328] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted ElcipseMedicalTower (118 of 226) [ 47391] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying LAFD-Pack11 (133 of 226 - 0.02/0.02 MiB) [ 47453] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted LAFD-Pack8 (150 of 226) [ 47532] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro (160 of 226) [ 47594] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying UM-Pack (171 of 226 - 0.14/0.14 MiB) [ 47657] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying marshal3 (184 of 226 - 0.04/0.04 MiB) [ 47719] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying Pausenmenu (196 of 226 - 0.01/0.01 MiB) [ 47782] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted PostalMap (202 of 226) [ 47907] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying LA_Revo_cities (202 of 226 - 0.01/0.01 MiB) [ 47985] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted LA_Revo_cities (203 of 226) [ 48032] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted LA_Revo_Updates (205 of 226) [ 48094] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying WeaponSounds (207 of 226 - 8.30/57.42 MiB) [ 48157] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying WeaponSounds (207 of 226 - 21.56/57.42 MiB) [ 48219] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying WeaponSounds (207 of 226 - 35.81/57.42 MiB) [ 48297] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying WeaponSounds (207 of 226 - 49.87/57.42 MiB) [ 48360] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted weapons-menu (212 of 226) [ 48422] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying MK18 (222 of 226 - 0.12/0.12 MiB) [ 49828] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Mounted fivem-map-hipster (226 of 226) [ 49828] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Downloading completed [ 49891] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Fetching info from server... [ 50000] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ OnConnectionProgress: Connecting to server... [ 50172] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ ^2Received connectOK: ServerID 33, SlotID 128, HostID 65535 [ 50235] [b2545_GTAProce] 4944/ ^2Network connected, triggering initial game load... [ 50422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions [ 50422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading default meta overrides (total: 0) [ 50422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Done loading default meta overrides! [ 50422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (31 total) [ 50422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 31) [ 50422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 31) [ 50500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 31) [ 50500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 254 handling entries from commoncrc:/data/handling.meta [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking INSTANCESTORE INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMapTypesStore INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CModelInfo INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPatrolRoutes INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTVPlaylistManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 31) [ 50516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientModelSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 31) [ 50532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLadderMetadataManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 31) [ 50532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 31) [ 50610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CConditionalAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 31) [ 50641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleMetadataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 31) [ 50750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRandomEventManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 31) [ 50750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCrimeInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 31) [ 50750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWitnessInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 31) [ 50750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortal INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 31) [ 50750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking LightEntityMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 31) [ 50750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AnimBlackboard INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (30 out of 31) [ 50750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitBeforeMapLoaded INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (31 out of 31) [ 50750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions! [ 51313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140ddbbb0 (2) took 294msec [ 52125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x1408fac78 (53) took 822msec [ 52750] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "C:\Users\sebas\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\data\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe" -steamparent:8292 [ 52750] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent. [ 52828] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent: Steam's running. [ 52907] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent: Initializing presence. [ 52922] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ Initializing Steam parent: Attempting to run processes. [ 54688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay23NGCRC:/content.xml [ 55235] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "C:\Users\sebas\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\data\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe" -steamchild:13120 [ 55235] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ game parent PID: 13120 [ 55235] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ waiting for process to exit... [ 55375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x1407e8fc4 (56) took 3243msec [ 55485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140925334 (24) took 74msec [ 55813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x1409271e4 (33) took 262msec [ 55891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140e3be38 (38) took 69msec [ 56110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ LoadScreenFuncs::OnEnd: Instrumented function 0x140929980 (45) took 157msec [ 56125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions [ 56125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (29 total) [ 56125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 29) [ 56125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 29) [ 56125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CEventDataManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 29) [ 56141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 29) [ 56141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 29) [ 56141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 29) [ 56141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 29) [ 56172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 29) [ 56172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 29) [ 56172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 29) [ 56172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 29) [ 56172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 29) [ 56172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 29) [ 56172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 29) [ 56172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 29) [ 56282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 29) [ 56282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 29) [ 56313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldHeightMap INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 29) [ 56313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldWaterHeight INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 29) [ 56313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAnimationManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 29) [ 56313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAudioManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 29) [ 56313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 29) [ 56313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 29) [ 56875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 29) [ 58485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 29) [ 58485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 29) [ 58485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CThePopMultiplierAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 29) [ 58485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 29) [ 58532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProceduralInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 29) [ 58547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (2 total) [ 58547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 2) [ 58766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 2) [ 58797] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions! [ 58797] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_SESSION init functions [ 58860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/CHP-Pitbull/pitbull.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 58860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/CHP-Pitbull/pitbull_hi.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 59125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/GrapseedSheriffStation/MAPA.cwproj: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 59641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/bh1_14_build1.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 59657] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/bh1_14_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 59688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/bh1_35_campusgnd.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 59688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/bh1_35_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 59688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/bh1_35_pav+hi.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 59688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/bh1_35_pav.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 59735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/bh1_lod_29_35_36_children.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/dt1_02_ground.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/dt1_lod_01_02_09_10_children.ydd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/hw1_16_build+hi.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/hw1_16_build.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/hw1_16_build1+hidr.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/hw1_16_build1.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/hw1_16_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/hw1_lod_08_09_16_17_18_children.ydd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities/hw1_lod_08_09_16_17_18_children.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/id2_11_build+hi.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/id2_11_build.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/id2_11_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/id2_12_build_01+hidr.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/id2_12_build_01.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/id2_12_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/id2_lod_01_06_10_11_children.ydd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/id2_lod_01_06_10_11_children.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 60985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/id2_lod_09_12_13_children.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_00b_lockups.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_00b_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_03_build+hi.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_03_build.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_03_build1+hidr.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_03_build1.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_03_build2+hidr.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_03_build2.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_03_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_04_bld_03+hidr.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_04_bld_03.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_04_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_13_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_13_slod_children.ydd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_13_stripsgn.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_lod_13_18_children.ydd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/sc1_lod_13_18_children.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_09_office_bd_02.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_09_slod1_children.ydd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_12_bld3c+hidr.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_12_bld3c.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_12_builds+hi.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_12_builds.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_12_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_12_night.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_12_night_lod.ytd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_12_slod1_children.ydd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_lod_01_02_08_09_10_11_children.ydd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_lod_01_02_08_09_10_11_children.ydd.previous: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_lod_06_06b_13_14_children.ydd.original: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_lod_slod3.ydr.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LA_Revo_cities2/ss1_lod_slod3_children.ydd.oldver: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 61875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/LaMesaHighwayPatrol/Star Leaks httpsdiscord.ggxTHKYXN.txt: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MK18/mk18_scope1.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MK18/mk18_scope2.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MK18/mk18_scope3.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MK18/mk18_scope4.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MK18/mk18_scope5.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MK18/mk18_scope6.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MK18/mk18_scope7.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MK18/mk18_scope8.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MK18/mk18_scope9.bak: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MirrorParkFireStation/CW_Decoration_project.cwproj: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MirrorParkFireStation/Decorated.cwproj: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MirrorParkFireStation/id1_33_0.obn: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/MirrorParkFireStation/testing.cwproj: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/PaletoBayFireStation/interiorproxies.meta: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/SandyShoresGasStation/Visit - leakinghub.com.txt: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/SandyShoresPoliceStation/mapa.cwproj: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 62907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/dpEmotes/README.md: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 72328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ can't register compcache:/eup-stream/w_eq_medkit_LASD.png: no streaming module (does this file even belong in stream?) [ 72375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (5 total) [ 72375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 5) [ 72375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreaming INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 5) [ 72391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFocusEntityMgr INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 5) [ 72391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 5) [ 73907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 5) [ 73907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (84 total) [ 73907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CModelInfo::Init INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 84) [ 73907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CInstanceListAssetLoader::Init INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 84) [ 74547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 84) [ 74547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioPointManagerInitSession INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 84) [ 74547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderPhaseCascadeShadowsInterface INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 84) [ 74547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 84) [ 74547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 84) [ 74547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 84) [ 74547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 84) [ 74547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskRecover INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 84) [ 74563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAssistedMovementRouteStore INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBuses INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControlMgr INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_SESSION init (18 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_SESSION init (19 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CJunctions INIT_SESSION init (20 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathZoneManager INIT_SESSION init (21 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMessages INIT_SESSION init (22 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_SESSION init (23 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_SESSION init (24 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathFind INIT_SESSION init (25 out of 84) [ 74594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_SESSION init (26 out of 84) [ 74750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_SESSION init (27 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedPopulation INIT_SESSION init (28 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPerformance INIT_SESSION init (29 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (30 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (31 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_SESSION init (32 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_SESSION init (33 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_SESSION init (34 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupManager INIT_SESSION init (35 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_SESSION init (36 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_SESSION init (37 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProcObjectMan INIT_SESSION init (38 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayMgr INIT_SESSION init (39 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRestart INIT_SESSION init (40 out of 84) [ 74813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScaleformMgr INIT_SESSION init (41 out of 84) [ 74828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSlownessZonesManager INIT_SESSION init (42 out of 84) [ 74828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_SESSION init (43 out of 84) [ 74844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_SESSION init (44 out of 84) [ 74844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CActionManager INIT_SESSION init (45 out of 84) [ 74875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderTargetMgr INIT_SESSION init (46 out of 84) [ 74875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_SESSION init (47 out of 84) [ 74922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_SESSION init (48 out of 84) [ 74922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptCars INIT_SESSION init (49 out of 84) [ 74922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPeds INIT_SESSION init (50 out of 84) [ 74922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptEntities INIT_SESSION init (51 out of 84) [ 74922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_SESSION init (52 out of 84) [ 74922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_SESSION init (53 out of 84) [ 74922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_SESSION init (54 out of 84) [ 74922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_SESSION init (55 out of 84) [ 74922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_SESSION init (56 out of 84) [ 74938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CUserDisplay INIT_SESSION init (57 out of 84) [ 74938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_SESSION init (58 out of 84) [ 74953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_SESSION init (59 out of 84) [ 75344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDispatchData INIT_SESSION init (60 out of 84) [ 75344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRoadBlock INIT_SESSION init (61 out of 84) [ 75344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWeaponManager INIT_SESSION init (62 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptedGunTaskMetadataMgr INIT_SESSION init (63 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleCombatAvoidanceArea INIT_SESSION init (64 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatInfoMgr INIT_SESSION init (65 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatDirector INIT_SESSION init (66 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (67 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBoatChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (68 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTacticalAnalysis INIT_SESSION init (69 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCoverFinder INIT_SESSION init (70 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWorldPoints INIT_SESSION init (71 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwTimer INIT_SESSION init (72 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_SESSION init (73 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_SESSION init (74 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInitLevel INIT_SESSION init (75 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameSituation INIT_SESSION init (76 out of 84) [ 75688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetRequestManager INIT_SESSION init (77 out of 84) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (78 out of 84) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSituationalClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (79 out of 84) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClipDictionaryStoreInterface INIT_SESSION init (80 out of 84) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRiots INIT_SESSION init (81 out of 84) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCover INIT_SESSION init (82 out of 84) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr::ClassInit INIT_SESSION init (83 out of 84) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_SESSION init (84 out of 84) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (18 total) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CText INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 18) [ 75703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 18) [ 75766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4bfbfa2c INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMultiplayerChat INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExplosionManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupDataManager INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreaming INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDecoratorInterface INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGestureManager INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTexLod INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitSession INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 18) [ 75844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraContentWrapper INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 18) [ 75860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPBeachCRC:/content.xml [ 75875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMPBeachCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 75922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmasCRC:/content.xml [ 75938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPValentinesCRC:/content.xml [ 75985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlcMPValentinesCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 76032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPBusinessCRC:/content.xml [ 76094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMPBusinessCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 76203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpBusiness2CRC:/content.xml [ 76266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpBusiness2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 76328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPHipsterCRC:/content.xml [ 76375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 7 handling entries from dlcMPHipsterCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 76469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpIndependenceCRC:/content.xml [ 76532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpIndependenceCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 76594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPPilotCRC:/content.xml [ 76625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMpPilotCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 76703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPLTSCRC:/content.xml [ 76766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 3 handling entries from dlcMPLTSCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 76844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmas2CRC:/content.xml [ 76891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 76953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPHeistCRC:/content.xml [ 77141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 16 handling entries from dlcMPHeistCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 77469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLuxeCRC:/content.xml [ 77578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLuxeCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 77703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLuxe2CRC:/content.xml [ 77797] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLuxe2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 77875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpReplayCRC:/content.xml [ 77891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLowriderCRC:/content.xml [ 78016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLowriderCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 78157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcMPHalloweenCRC:/content.xml [ 78203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from dlcMPHalloweenCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 78266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpApartmentCRC:/content.xml [ 78438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpApartmentCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 78594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpxmas_604490CRC:/content.xml [ 78625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpxmas_604490CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 78672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpJanuary2016CRC:/content.xml [ 78719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from dlc_mpJanuary2016CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 78782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpValentines2CRC:/content.xml [ 78813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpValentines2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 78844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpLowrider2CRC:/content.xml [ 78953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 7 handling entries from dlc_mpLowrider2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 79110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpExecutiveCRC:/content.xml [ 79235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 14 handling entries from dlc_mpExecutiveCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 79375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpStuntCRC:/content.xml [ 79516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 15 handling entries from dlc_mpStuntCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 79672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpBikerCRC:/content.xml [ 79938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 21 handling entries from dlc_mpBikerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 80266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpImportExportCRC:/content.xml [ 80422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 23 handling entries from dlc_mpImportExportCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 80719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSpecialRacesCRC:/content.xml [ 80797] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpSpecialRacesCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 80860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpGunRunningCRC:/content.xml [ 81125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpGunRunningCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 81844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpAirRacesCRC:/content.xml [ 81969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSmugglerCRC:/content.xml [ 82157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 19 handling entries from dlc_mpSmugglerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 82688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmas2017CRC:/content.xml [ 83032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 29 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2017CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 83657] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpAssaultCRC:/content.xml [ 83750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 16 handling entries from dlc_mpassaultCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 83922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpBattleCRC:/content.xml [ 84141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 14 handling entries from dlc_mpBattleCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 84500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpChristmas2018CRC:/content.xml [ 85063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 33 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2018CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 85782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpVinewoodCRC:/content.xml [ 86047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 22 handling entries from dlc_mpVinewoodCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 86469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpHeist3CRC:/content.xml [ 86813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 20 handling entries from dlc_mpHeist3CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 87297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSumCRC:/content.xml [ 87453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 15 handling entries from dlc_mpSumCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 87891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpHeist4CRC:/content.xml [ 88250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 20 handling entries from dlc_mpHeist4CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 88750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpTunerCRC:/content.xml [ 89000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 17 handling entries from dlc_mpTunerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 89344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpSecurityCRC:/content.xml [ 89672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 16 handling entries from dlc_mpSecurityCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 90094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlcSPUpgradeCRC:/content.xml [ 90203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 12 handling entries from dlcSPUpgrade:/common/data/handling.meta [ 95266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDLCScript INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 18) [ 95266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngineDLC INIT_SESSION init (18 out of 18) [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading mounted data files (total: 453) [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AITraffic/handling.meta. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/AITraffic/handling.meta [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AITraffic/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AS332/handling.meta. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AS332/handling.meta [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AS332/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/AS332/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AS332/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/AS350/handling.meta. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/AS350/handling.meta [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AS350/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/BELL412/handling.meta. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/BELL412/handling.meta [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BELL412/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/BELL412/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BELL412/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/BH-Caprice/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Caprice/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/BH-Caprice/handling2.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/BH-Caprice/handling2.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Caprice/handling2.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/BH-Tahoe/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Tahoe/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/BH-Tahoe/handling2.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/BH-Tahoe/handling2.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Tahoe/handling2.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/Bearcat/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/Bearcat/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Bearcat/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/Bearcat/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Bearcat/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/CHP-Demon/data/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/CHP-Demon/data/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Demon/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/CHP-Mustang/data/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/CHP-Mustang/data/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Mustang/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/CHP-Pack/data/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Pack/data/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/CHP-Pack/data/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/CHP-Pack/data/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Pack/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack16/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/LAFD-Pack16/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack16/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack20/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/LAFD-Pack20/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack20/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-13Explorer/data/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/LAPD-LASD-13Explorer/data/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-13Explorer/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-16Explorer/data/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/LAPD-LASD-16Explorer/data/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-16Explorer/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe/data/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe/data/handling.meta [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro/data/handling.meta. [ 96078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro/data/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-as350/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-as350/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-as350/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LAPD-Riot/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/LAPD-Riot/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-Riot/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/LAPD-Riot/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-Riot/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/LASD-Suzuki/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/LASD-Suzuki/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LASD-Suzuki/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/UM-Pack/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/UM-Pack/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Pack/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/UM-SWATCharger/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/UM-SWATCharger/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-SWATCharger/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/UM-SWATTahoe/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/UM-SWATTahoe/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-SWATTahoe/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/UM-Van/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 0 handling entries from resources:/UM-Van/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Van/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/UM-Van/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Van/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/UM-Van/riot/handling.meta. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/UM-Van/riot/handling.meta [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Van/riot/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/UM-Van/riot/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Van/riot/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/gov2/data/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/gov2/data/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov2/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usheli1/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/usheli1/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli1/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/usheli1/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli1/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usheli2/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/usheli2/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli2/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/usheli2/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli2/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usheli3/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/usheli3/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli3/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/usheli3/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli3/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usms1/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/usms1/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms1/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usms2/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/usms2/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms2/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usms3/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/usms3/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms3/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usms4/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/usms4/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms4/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usms5/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/usms5/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms5/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usms6/handling.meta. [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 2 handling entries from resources:/usms6/handling.meta [ 96110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms6/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/usms6/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms6/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/usms7/handling.meta. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading 1 handling entries from resources:/usms7/handling.meta [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms7/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE resources:/usms7/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms7/vehiclelayouts.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetadataFileMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/visn_are/stream/props.ytyp. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/visn_are/stream/props.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/dpEmotes/badge1.ytyp. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/dpEmotes/badge1.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/dpEmotes/copbadge.ytyp. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/dpEmotes/copbadge.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/dpEmotes/prideprops_ytyp. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/dpEmotes/prideprops_ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/dpEmotes/lilflags_ytyp. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/dpEmotes/lilflags_ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE dpEmotes. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading dpEmotes in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE_PATCH resources:/RealisticDamages/weapons.meta. [ 96453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/RealisticDamages/weapons.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 96453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/Flashbang/data/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 96453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Flashbang/data/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponMetaDataFileMounter. [ 96453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/Flashbang/data/weaponanimations.meta. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Flashbang/data/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponAnimationsDataFileMounter. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading LOADOUTS_FILE resources:/Flashbang/data/loadouts.meta. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Flashbang/data/loadouts.meta in data file mounter class CExtraContentFileMounter. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/Flashbang/data/weapons.meta. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Flashbang/data/weapons.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/Flashbang/data/pedpersonality.meta. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Flashbang/data/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter class CPedModelMetaDataFileMounter. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SupplyLine/stream/supplyline.ytyp. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SupplyLine/stream/supplyline.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/HoseLS/hose/weapons.meta. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/HoseLS/hose/weapons.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/HoseLS/hose/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/HoseLS/hose/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponMetaDataFileMounter. [ 96469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_SHOP_INFO resources:/HoseLS/hose/shop_weapon.meta. [ 96485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Could not add data_file resources:/HoseLS/hose/shop_weapon.meta - invalid type WEAPON_SHOP_INFO. [ 96485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/HoseLS/hose/weaponanimations.meta. [ 96563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/HoseLS/hose/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponAnimationsDataFileMounter. [ 96563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CONTENT_UNLOCKING_META_FILE resources:/HoseLS/hose/contentunlocks.meta. [ 96578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/HoseLS/hose/contentunlocks.meta in data file mounter class CExtraContentFileMounter. [ 96578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading LOADOUTS_FILE resources:/HoseLS/hose/loadouts.meta. [ 96578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/HoseLS/hose/loadouts.meta in data file mounter class CExtraContentFileMounter. [ 96578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/HoseLS/hose/pedpersonality.meta. [ 96578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/HoseLS/hose/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter class CPedModelMetaDataFileMounter. [ 96578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/FireTools/stream/firetools.ytyp. [ 96578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/FireTools/stream/firetools.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/FiveEMS/data/vehicles.meta. [ 96578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/FiveEMS/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 96594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SpikeStrips/stream/strip_prop.ytyp. [ 96594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SpikeStrips/stream/strip_prop.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE SpikeStrips. [ 96594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading SpikeStrips in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/PoliceGrappler/stream/bv_grappler.ytyp. [ 96594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PoliceGrappler/stream/bv_grappler.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading SCALEFORM_DLC_FILE resources:/HelicamHUD/stream/heli_cam.gfx. [ 96594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/HelicamHUD/stream/heli_cam.gfx in data file mounter class CScaleformPreallocationDataFileMounter. [ 96594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AITraffic/vehicles.meta. [ 96891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AITraffic/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 96891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/AITraffic/pedpersonality.ymt. [ 96891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AITraffic/pedpersonality.ymt in data file mounter class CPedModelMetaDataFileMounter. [ 96891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Casino. [ 96907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading Casino in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Halloween. [ 96907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading Halloween in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE RockfordHillsPoliceStation. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RockfordHillsPoliceStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE MissonRowPoliceStation. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading MissonRowPoliceStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading TIMECYCLEMOD_FILE resources:/MirrorParkFireStation/nxp_firedep_timecycle.xml. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MirrorParkFireStation/nxp_firedep_timecycle.xml in data file mounter class TimeCycleFileMounter. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE MirrorParkFireStation. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading MirrorParkFireStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE DavisFireStation. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading DavisFireStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE DavisSheriffStation. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading DavisSheriffStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE HighwayPoliceStation. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading HighwayPoliceStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE HighwayPoliceStation2. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading HighwayPoliceStation2 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE LaMesaHighwayPatrol. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading LaMesaHighwayPatrol in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE JusticeBuilding. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading JusticeBuilding in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_03.ytyp. [ 96953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_03.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_backarea.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_backarea.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_main.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_main.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/int_club.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/int_club.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_accs_01.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_accs_01.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/int_medical.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/int_medical.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/pill_props.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/pill_props.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/sum_int_mp_h_props.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/sum_int_mp_h_props.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/sum_prop_sum_collectibles.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/sum_prop_sum_collectibles.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_accs.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_accs.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_accs_01.ytyp. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_accs_01.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_arcade_claw.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_arcade_claw.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_arcade_street.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_arcade_street.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_accs_02.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_accs_02.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/sum_prop_sum_arcade_strength.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/sum_prop_sum_arcade_strength.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_01.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_01.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_04.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_04.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_05.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_05.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_screens.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_screens.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_main_01.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/ch_prop_ch_casino_main_01.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_02.ytyp. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresHelipad/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_02.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 96985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_03.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_03.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_backarea.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_backarea.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_main.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_main.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/int_club.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/int_club.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_accs_01.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_accs_01.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/int_medical.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/int_medical.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/pill_props.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/pill_props.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/sum_int_mp_h_props.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/sum_int_mp_h_props.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/sum_prop_sum_collectibles.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/sum_prop_sum_collectibles.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_accs.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_accs.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_accs_01.ytyp. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_accs_01.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_arcade_claw.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_arcade_claw.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_arcade_street.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_arcade_street.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_accs_02.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_accs_02.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/sum_prop_sum_arcade_strength.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/sum_prop_sum_arcade_strength.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_01.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_01.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_04.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_04.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_05.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_05.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_screens.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_screens.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_main_01.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/ch_prop_ch_casino_main_01.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_02.ytyp. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresCity/vw_prop_vw_casino_art_02.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/SandyShoresPoliceStation/sheriff.dat. [ 97016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SandyShoresPoliceStation/sheriff.dat in data file mounter class audMetadataDataFileMounter. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE SandyShoresPoliceStation. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading SandyShoresPoliceStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading TIMECYCLEMOD_FILE resources:/GrapseedSheriffStation/hedwig_sheriff3_tcm.xml. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/GrapseedSheriffStation/hedwig_sheriff3_tcm.xml in data file mounter class TimeCycleFileMounter. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_DYNAMIXDATA resources:/GrapseedSheriffStation/hedwig_sheriff3_col_mix.dat. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/GrapseedSheriffStation/hedwig_sheriff3_col_mix.dat in data file mounter class audMetadataDataFileMounter. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_GAMEDATA resources:/GrapseedSheriffStation/hedwig_sheriff3_col_game.dat. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/GrapseedSheriffStation/hedwig_sheriff3_col_game.dat in data file mounter class audMetadataDataFileMounter. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE GrapseedSheriffStation. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading GrapseedSheriffStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ParkRanger. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading ParkRanger in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE SandyShoresGasStation. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading SandyShoresGasStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE SandyShoresFireStation. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading SandyShoresFireStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading INTERIOR_PROXY_ORDER_FILE resources:/PaletoBaySheriffStation/interiorproxies.meta. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PaletoBaySheriffStation/interiorproxies.meta in data file mounter class CfxProxyInteriorOrderMounter. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE PaletoBaySheriffStation. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading PaletoBaySheriffStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading INTERIOR_PROXY_ORDER_FILE resources:/PaletoBayFireStation/interiorproxies.meta. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/PaletoBayFireStation/interiorproxies.meta in data file mounter class CfxProxyInteriorOrderMounter. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE PaletoBayFireStation. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading PaletoBayFireStation in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLC_ITYP_REQUEST resources:/SWAT/stream/qnx_ms_props.ytyp. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SWAT/stream/qnx_ms_props.ytyp in data file mounter class CfxProxyItypMounter. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE SWAT. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading SWAT in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ElcipseMedicalTower. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading ElcipseMedicalTower in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading INTERIOR_PROXY_ORDER_FILE resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/interiorproxies.meta. [ 97078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/interiorproxies.meta in data file mounter class CfxProxyInteriorOrderMounter. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading TIMECYCLEMOD_FILE resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/timecycles/ocean_h_timecycle.xml. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/timecycles/ocean_h_timecycle.xml in data file mounter class TimeCycleFileMounter. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading SCALEFORM_DLC_FILE resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int164437691.gfx. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int164437691.gfx in data file mounter class CScaleformPreallocationDataFileMounter. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading SCALEFORM_DLC_FILE resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int1855188787.gfx. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int1855188787.gfx in data file mounter class CScaleformPreallocationDataFileMounter. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading SCALEFORM_DLC_FILE resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int1975778630.gfx. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int1975778630.gfx in data file mounter class CScaleformPreallocationDataFileMounter. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading SCALEFORM_DLC_FILE resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int2439777779.gfx. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int2439777779.gfx in data file mounter class CScaleformPreallocationDataFileMounter. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading SCALEFORM_DLC_FILE resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int2574468285.gfx. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int2574468285.gfx in data file mounter class CScaleformPreallocationDataFileMounter. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading SCALEFORM_DLC_FILE resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int3680022772.gfx. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/OceanMedicalcenter/stream/minimap/int3680022772.gfx in data file mounter class CScaleformPreallocationDataFileMounter. [ 97094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 97110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 97110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE OceanMedicalcenter. [ 97110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading OceanMedicalcenter in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 97110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AS332/vehicles.meta. [ 97125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AS332/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/AS332/carcols.meta. [ 97125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AS332/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/AS332/carvariations.meta. [ 97125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AS332/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/AS350/vehicles.meta. [ 97141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AS350/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/BELL412/vehicles.meta. [ 97141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BELL412/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/BELL412/carcols.meta. [ 97141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BELL412/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/BELL412/carvariations.meta. [ 97157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1Error: Failed to parse resources:/BELL412/carvariations.meta in rage::parManager::LoadFromStructure(const char*, ...). Make sure this is a well-formed XML/PSO file.^7 [ 97157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BELL412/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/BH-Caprice/vehicles.meta. [ 97157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Caprice/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/BH-Caprice/carcols.meta. [ 97172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Caprice/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/BH-Caprice/carvariations.meta. [ 97172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Caprice/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/BH-Tahoe/vehicles.meta. [ 97172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Tahoe/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/BH-Tahoe/carcols.meta. [ 97188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Tahoe/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/BH-Tahoe/carvariations.meta. [ 97188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BH-Tahoe/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/BMW-R1200T/data/vehicles.meta. [ 97188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BMW-R1200T/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/BMW-R1200T/data/carcols.meta. [ 97188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BMW-R1200T/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/BMW-R1200T/data/carvariations.meta. [ 97203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/BMW-R1200T/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/Bearcat/vehicles.meta. [ 97203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Bearcat/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/Bearcat/carcols.meta. [ 97203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Bearcat/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/Bearcat/carvariations.meta. [ 97203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Bearcat/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/CHP-Demon/data/vehicles.meta. [ 97219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Demon/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/CHP-Demon/data/carcols.meta. [ 97219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Demon/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/CHP-Demon/data/carvariations.meta. [ 97219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Demon/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/CHP-Mustang/data/vehicles.meta. [ 97235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Mustang/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/CHP-Mustang/data/carcols.meta. [ 97235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Mustang/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/CHP-Mustang/data/carvariations.meta. [ 97235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Mustang/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/CHP-Pack/data/carcols.meta. [ 97297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Pack/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/CHP-Pack/data/vehicles.meta. [ 97313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Pack/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/CHP-Pack/data/carvariations.meta. [ 97328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Pack/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/CHP-Pitbull/vehicles.meta. [ 97328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Pitbull/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/CHP-Pitbull/carcols.meta. [ 97328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Pitbull/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/CHP-Pitbull/carvariations.meta. [ 97328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/CHP-Pitbull/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack1/vehicles.meta. [ 97344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack1/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack1/carcols.meta. [ 97344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack1/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack1/carvariations.meta. [ 97344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack1/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack10/vehicles.meta. [ 97360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack10/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack10/carcols.meta. [ 97360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack10/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack10/carvariations.meta. [ 97360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack10/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack11/vehicles.meta. [ 97375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack11/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack11/carvariations.meta. [ 97375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack11/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack12/vehicles.meta. [ 97375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack12/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack12/carvariations.meta. [ 97375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack12/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack13/vehicles.meta. [ 97391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack13/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack13/carvariations.meta. [ 97391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack13/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack14/vehicles.meta. [ 97391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack14/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack14/carvariations.meta. [ 97407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack14/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack15/vehicles.meta. [ 97407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack15/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack15/carvariations.meta. [ 97407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack15/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack16/vehicles.meta. [ 97422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack16/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack16/carvariations.meta. [ 97422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack16/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack17/vehicles.meta. [ 97422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack17/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack17/carvariations.meta. [ 97438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack17/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack18/vehicles.meta. [ 97438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack18/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack18/carvariations.meta. [ 97438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack18/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack19/vehicles.meta. [ 97453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack19/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack19/carvariations.meta. [ 97453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack19/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack2/vehicles.meta. [ 97453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack2/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack2/carcols.meta. [ 97453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack2/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack2/carvariations.meta. [ 97469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack2/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack20/vehicles.meta. [ 97469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack20/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack20/carcols.meta. [ 97469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack20/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack20/carvariations.meta. [ 97469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack20/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack3/vehicles.meta. [ 97485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack3/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack3/carcols.meta. [ 97500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack3/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack3/carvariations.meta. [ 97500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack3/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack4/vehicles.meta. [ 97500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack4/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack4/carcols.meta. [ 97500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack4/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack4/carvariations.meta. [ 97516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack4/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack5/vehicles.meta. [ 97516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack5/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack5/carcols.meta. [ 97516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack5/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack5/carvariations.meta. [ 97516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack5/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack6/vehicles.meta. [ 97532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack6/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack6/carvariations.meta. [ 97532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack6/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack7/vehicles.meta. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack7/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack7/carvariations.meta. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack7/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack8/vehicles.meta. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack8/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack8/carcols.meta. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack8/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack8/carvariations.meta. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack8/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack9/vehicles.meta. [ 97563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack9/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack9/carcols.meta. [ 97563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack9/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAFD-Pack9/carvariations.meta. [ 97563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAFD-Pack9/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-Harley-Davidson/vehicles.meta. [ 97938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-Harley-Davidson/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-Harley-Davidson/carcols.meta. [ 97938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-Harley-Davidson/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-Harley-Davidson/carvariations.meta. [ 97938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-Harley-Davidson/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/vehicles.meta. [ 97953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/carcols.meta. [ 97953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/carvariations.meta. [ 97953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-10Charger/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-13Explorer/data/vehicles.meta. [ 97953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-13Explorer/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-13Explorer/data/carcols.meta. [ 97969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-13Explorer/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-13Explorer/data/carvariations.meta. [ 97969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-13Explorer/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-14Tahor/vehicles.meta. [ 97969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-14Tahor/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-14Tahor/carcols.meta. [ 97969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-14Tahor/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 97969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-14Tahor/carvariations.meta. [ 97985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-14Tahor/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 97985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-16Explorer/data/vehicles.meta. [ 97985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-16Explorer/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 97985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-16Explorer/data/carcols.meta. [ 98000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-16Explorer/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-16Explorer/data/carvariations.meta. [ 98000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-16Explorer/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Charger/carcols.meta. [ 98000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Charger/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Charger/vehicles.meta. [ 98000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Charger/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Charger/carvariations.meta. [ 98016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Charger/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe/data/vehicles.meta. [ 98016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe/data/carcols.meta. [ 98016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe/data/carvariations.meta. [ 98016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-18Tahoe/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Bike/data/vehicles.meta. [ 98032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Bike/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Bike/data/carcols.meta. [ 98032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Bike/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Bike/data/carvariations.meta. [ 98032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Bike/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro/data/vehicles.meta. [ 98047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro/data/carcols.meta. [ 98047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro/data/carvariations.meta. [ 98047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-Camaro/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-as350/vehicles.meta. [ 98063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-CHP-as350/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/carcols.meta. [ 98078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/vehicles.meta. [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/carvariations.meta. [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-LASD-Pack/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LAPD-Riot/vehicles.meta. [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1Error: Failed to parse resources:/LAPD-Riot/vehicles.meta in rage::parManager::LoadFromStructure(const char*, ...). Make sure this is a well-formed XML/PSO file.^7 [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-Riot/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LAPD-Riot/carcols.meta. [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-Riot/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LAPD-Riot/carvariations.meta. [ 98110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1Error: Failed to parse resources:/LAPD-Riot/carvariations.meta in rage::parManager::LoadFromStructure(const char*, ...). Make sure this is a well-formed XML/PSO file.^7 [ 98125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LAPD-Riot/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LASD-QUAD/data/carcols.meta. [ 98125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LASD-QUAD/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LASD-QUAD/data/vehicles.meta. [ 98125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LASD-QUAD/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LASD-QUAD/data/carvariations.meta. [ 98125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LASD-QUAD/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/LASD-Suzuki/vehicles.meta. [ 98141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LASD-Suzuki/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/LASD-Suzuki/carcols.meta. [ 98141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LASD-Suzuki/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/LASD-Suzuki/carvariations.meta. [ 98141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/LASD-Suzuki/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/MobileCommand/carcols.meta. [ 98141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MobileCommand/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/MobileCommand/vehicles.meta. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MobileCommand/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/MobileCommand/carvariations.meta. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MobileCommand/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Charger2014/vehicles.meta. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Charger2014/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-Charger2014/carcols.meta. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Charger2014/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-Charger2014/carvariations.meta. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Charger2014/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Explorer2020/vehicles.meta. [ 98172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Explorer2020/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-Explorer2020/carcols.meta. [ 98172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Explorer2020/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-Explorer2020/carvariations.meta. [ 98172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Explorer2020/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-F150/vehicles.meta. [ 98188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling data for hash 0x0612f4b6 [ 98188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling for hash 0612f4b6 - returning ADDER instead! [ 98188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-F150/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-F150/carcols.meta. [ 98188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-F150/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-F150/carvariations.meta. [ 98188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-F150/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Fpis/vehicles.meta. [ 98203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Fpis/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-Fpis/carcols.meta. [ 98203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Fpis/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-Fpis/carvariations.meta. [ 98203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Fpis/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Impala/vehicles.meta. [ 98203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Impala/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-Impala/carcols.meta. [ 98219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Impala/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-Impala/carvariations.meta. [ 98219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Impala/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Pack/vehicles.meta. [ 98219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Pack/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-Pack/carcols.meta. [ 98235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Pack/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-Pack/carvariations.meta. [ 98235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Pack/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-SWATCharger/vehicles.meta. [ 98250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-SWATCharger/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-SWATCharger/carcols.meta. [ 98250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-SWATCharger/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-SWATCharger/carvariations.meta. [ 98250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-SWATCharger/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-SWATTahoe/vehicles.meta. [ 98266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-SWATTahoe/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-SWATTahoe/carcols.meta. [ 98266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-SWATTahoe/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-SWATTahoe/carvariations.meta. [ 98266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-SWATTahoe/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/vehicles.meta. [ 98266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/carcols.meta. [ 98282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/carvariations.meta. [ 98282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Tahoe2018/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Tahoe2021/vehicles.meta. [ 98282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Tahoe2021/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-Tahoe2021/carcols.meta. [ 98282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Tahoe2021/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-Tahoe2021/carvariations.meta. [ 98297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Tahoe2021/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Taxi/vehicles.meta. [ 98297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Taxi/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-Taxi/carcols.meta. [ 98297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Taxi/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-Taxi/carvariations.meta. [ 98313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Taxi/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Van/vehicles.meta. [ 98313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Van/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/UM-Van/carcols.meta. [ 98313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Van/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/UM-Van/carvariations.meta. [ 98313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Van/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/UM-Van/riot/vehicles.meta. [ 98328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1Error: Failed to parse resources:/UM-Van/riot/vehicles.meta in rage::parManager::LoadFromStructure(const char*, ...). Make sure this is a well-formed XML/PSO file.^7 [ 98328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/UM-Van/riot/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/gov1/data/vehicles.meta. [ 98328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov1/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading HANDLING_METADATA_FILE resources:/gov1/data/handling.meta. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Could not add data_file resources:/gov1/data/handling.meta - invalid type HANDLING_METADATA_FILE. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/gov1/data/carvariations.meta. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov1/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading DLCTEXT_METADATA_FILE resources:/gov1/data/dlctext.meta. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Could not add data_file resources:/gov1/data/dlctext.meta - invalid type DLCTEXT_METADATA_FILE. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CONTENTUNLOCKS_METADATA_FILE resources:/gov1/data/contentunlocks.meta. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Could not add data_file resources:/gov1/data/contentunlocks.meta - invalid type CONTENTUNLOCKS_METADATA_FILE. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLELAYOUTS_METADATA_FILE resources:/gov1/data/vehiclelayouts.meta. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Could not add data_file resources:/gov1/data/vehiclelayouts.meta - invalid type VEHICLELAYOUTS_METADATA_FILE. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/gov2/data/vehicles.meta. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov2/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/gov2/data/carvariations.meta. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov2/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/gov3/vehicles.meta. [ 98360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov3/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/gov3/carcols.meta. [ 98360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov3/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/gov3/carvariations.meta. [ 98360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov3/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/gov4/data/vehicles.meta. [ 98375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling data for hash 0x07ebac68 [ 98375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling for hash 07ebac68 - returning ADDER instead! [ 98375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov4/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/gov4/data/carcols.meta. [ 98375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov4/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/gov4/data/carvariations.meta. [ 98375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/gov4/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/marshal1/vehicles.meta. [ 98391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling data for hash 0xfae5a474 [ 98391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling for hash fae5a474 - returning ADDER instead! [ 98391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal1/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/marshal1/carcols.meta. [ 98391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal1/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/marshal1/carvariations.meta. [ 98391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal1/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/marshal2/vehicles.meta. [ 98407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling data for hash 0xb23a7959 [ 98407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling for hash b23a7959 - returning ADDER instead! [ 98407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal2/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/marshal2/carcols.meta. [ 98407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal2/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/marshal2/carvariations.meta. [ 98407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal2/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/marshal3/vehicles.meta. [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling data for hash 0x1e5f082a [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling for hash 1e5f082a - returning ADDER instead! [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal3/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/marshal3/carcols.meta. [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal3/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/marshal3/carvariations.meta. [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal3/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/marshal4/vehicles.meta. [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling data for hash 0x6d7d9c6d [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Couldn't find handling for hash 6d7d9c6d - returning ADDER instead! [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal4/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/marshal4/carcols.meta. [ 98438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal4/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/marshal4/carvariations.meta. [ 98438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/marshal4/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usheli1/vehicles.meta. [ 98438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli1/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usheli1/carcols.meta. [ 98438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli1/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usheli1/carvariations.meta. [ 98453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli1/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usheli2/vehicles.meta. [ 98453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli2/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usheli2/carcols.meta. [ 98453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli2/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usheli2/carvariations.meta. [ 98453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1Error: Failed to parse resources:/usheli2/carvariations.meta in rage::parManager::LoadFromStructure(const char*, ...). Make sure this is a well-formed XML/PSO file.^7 [ 98453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli2/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usheli3/vehicles.meta. [ 98469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli3/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usheli3/carcols.meta. [ 98469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli3/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usheli3/carvariations.meta. [ 98469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usheli3/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usms1/vehicles.meta. [ 98485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms1/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usms1/carcols.meta. [ 98485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms1/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usms1/carvariations.meta. [ 98485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms1/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usms2/vehicles.meta. [ 98485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms2/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usms2/carcols.meta. [ 98500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms2/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usms2/carvariations.meta. [ 98500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms2/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usms3/vehicles.meta. [ 98500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms3/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usms3/carcols.meta. [ 98516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms3/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usms3/carvariations.meta. [ 98516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms3/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usms4/vehicles.meta. [ 98516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms4/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usms4/carcols.meta. [ 98516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms4/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usms4/carvariations.meta. [ 98532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms4/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usms5/carcols.meta. [ 98532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms5/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usms5/vehicles.meta. [ 98532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms5/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usms5/carvariations.meta. [ 98532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms5/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usms6/vehicles.meta. [ 98547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms6/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usms6/carcols.meta. [ 98547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms6/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usms6/carvariations.meta. [ 98547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^1Error: Failed to parse resources:/usms6/carvariations.meta in rage::parManager::LoadFromStructure(const char*, ...). Make sure this is a well-formed XML/PSO file.^7 [ 98547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms6/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/usms7/vehicles.meta. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms7/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/usms7/carcols.meta. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms7/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/usms7/carvariations.meta. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/usms7/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 98563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE LA_Revo_cities. [ 98578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading LA_Revo_cities in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 98578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE LA_Revo_cities2. [ 98578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading LA_Revo_cities2 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 98578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE LA_Revo_Updates. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading LA_Revo_Updates in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE LA_Revo_In. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading LA_Revo_In in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE LA_Revo_In2. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading LA_Revo_In2 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/WeaponSounds/audio/sfx/resident. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/WeaponSounds/audio/sfx/resident in data file mounter class `private: static void __cdecl audNorthAudioEngine::RegisterDataFileMounters(void)'::`2'::audWavePackDataFileMounter. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK resources:/WeaponSounds/audio/sfx/weapons_player. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/WeaponSounds/audio/sfx/weapons_player in data file mounter class `private: static void __cdecl audNorthAudioEngine::RegisterDataFileMounters(void)'::`2'::audWavePackDataFileMounter. [ 98594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CFX_PSEUDO_ENTRY RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading RELOAD_MAP_STORE in data file mounter class CfxPseudoMounter. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_BARRELS/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_BARRELS/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponComponentDataFileMounter. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_CLIPS/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_CLIPS/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponComponentDataFileMounter. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_FLASH/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_FLASH/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponComponentDataFileMounter. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_FRAMES/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_FRAMES/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponComponentDataFileMounter. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_SLIDES/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_SLIDES/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponComponentDataFileMounter. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_SUPPRESORS/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/components/COMPONENT_G17_SUPPRESORS/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponComponentDataFileMounter. [ 98610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/weaponanimations.meta. [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponAnimationsDataFileMounter. [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/pedpersonality.meta. [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter class CPedModelMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/Glock17/meta/weapons.meta. [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Glock17/meta/weapons.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/SmokeLauncher/weaponanimations.meta. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SmokeLauncher/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponAnimationsDataFileMounter. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/SmokeLauncher/weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke.meta. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SmokeLauncher/weapon_grenadelauncher_smoke.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/M870/weapons.meta. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M870/weapons.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/M870/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M870/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponMetaDataFileMounter. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/M870/weaponanimations.meta. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M870/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponAnimationsDataFileMounter. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CONTENT_UNLOCKING_META_FILE resources:/M870/contentunlocks.meta. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M870/contentunlocks.meta in data file mounter class CExtraContentFileMounter. [ 98750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading LOADOUTS_FILE resources:/M870/loadouts.meta. [ 98766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M870/loadouts.meta in data file mounter class CExtraContentFileMounter. [ 98766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_COMPONENTS resources:/M870/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 98766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Could not add data_file resources:/M870/weaponcomponents.meta - invalid type WEAPON_COMPONENTS. [ 98766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE_PATCH resources:/Lesslethal/weapons.meta. [ 99094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/Lesslethal/weapons.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 99094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9-components.meta. [ 99110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9-components.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponComponentDataFileMounter. [ 99110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9-archetypes.meta. [ 99110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9-archetypes.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponMetaDataFileMounter. [ 99110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9-animations.meta. [ 99110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9-animations.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponAnimationsDataFileMounter. [ 99110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9-pedpersonality.meta. [ 99110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9-pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter class CPedModelMetaDataFileMounter. [ 99110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9.meta. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/NSR9/meta/markomods-nsr9.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/AR15/weapons.meta. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AR15/weapons.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/AR15/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AR15/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponMetaDataFileMounter. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/AR15/weaponanimations.meta. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AR15/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponAnimationsDataFileMounter. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading CONTENT_UNLOCKING_META_FILE resources:/AR15/contentunlocks.meta. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AR15/contentunlocks.meta in data file mounter class CExtraContentFileMounter. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading LOADOUTS_FILE resources:/AR15/loadouts.meta. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/AR15/loadouts.meta in data file mounter class CExtraContentFileMounter. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_COMPONENTS resources:/AR15/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Could not add data_file resources:/AR15/weaponcomponents.meta - invalid type WEAPON_COMPONENTS. [ 99125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/M4A1/meta/components/markomods-m4-components.meta. [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M4A1/meta/components/markomods-m4-components.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponComponentDataFileMounter. [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/M4A1/meta/markomods-m4-archetypes.meta. [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M4A1/meta/markomods-m4-archetypes.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponMetaDataFileMounter. [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/M4A1/meta/markomods-m4-animations.meta. [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M4A1/meta/markomods-m4-animations.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponAnimationsDataFileMounter. [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/M4A1/meta/markomods-m4-pedpersonality.meta. [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M4A1/meta/markomods-m4-pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter class CPedModelMetaDataFileMounter. [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/M4A1/meta/markomods-m4.meta. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/M4A1/meta/markomods-m4.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONCOMPONENTSINFO_FILE resources:/MK18/meta/components/weaponcomponents.meta. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MK18/meta/components/weaponcomponents.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponComponentDataFileMounter. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_METADATA_FILE resources:/MK18/meta/weaponarchetypes.meta. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MK18/meta/weaponarchetypes.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponMetaDataFileMounter. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPON_ANIMATIONS_FILE resources:/MK18/meta/weaponanimations.meta. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MK18/meta/weaponanimations.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponAnimationsDataFileMounter. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading PED_PERSONALITY_FILE resources:/MK18/meta/pedpersonality.meta. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MK18/meta/pedpersonality.meta in data file mounter class CPedModelMetaDataFileMounter. [ 99157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading WEAPONINFO_FILE resources:/MK18/meta/weapons.meta. [ 99172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/MK18/meta/weapons.meta in data file mounter class CWeaponInfoDataFileMounter. [ 99172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading SCALEFORM_DLC_FILE resources:/SniperScope/stream/hud_reticle.gfx. [ 99172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading resources:/SniperScope/stream/hud_reticle.gfx in data file mounter class CScaleformPreallocationDataFileMounter. [ 99172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Performing deferred RELOAD_MAP_STORE. [ 99172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded amx_plus8.ybn (id 14302) [ 99172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ch2_04_1.ybn (id 10694) [ 99172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ch2_04_4.ybn (id 10706) [ 99172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ch2_04_8.ybn (id 10710) [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset apa_ch2_04_1.ybn. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64552, when there are only 2876 vertices. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset apa_ch2_04_1.ybn. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 62 vertices. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset apa_ch2_04_1.ybn. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4740, when there are only 3557 vertices. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset amx_plus8.ybn. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3056, when there are only 2909 vertices. [ 99235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded apa_ss1_11_0.ybn (id 10021) [ 99235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_06_0.ybn (id 1367) [ 99235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_09_0.ybn (id 1379) [ 99235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bh1_21_0.ybn (id 1411) [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_06_0.ybn. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65416, when there are only 646 vertices. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_06_0.ybn. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1722, when there are only 1266 vertices. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 40 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6474, when there are only 6046 vertices. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 126 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 861 vertices. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63717, when there are only 3866 vertices. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64111, when there are only 2500 vertices. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1507, when there are only 1483 vertices. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 204 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64842, when there are only 5375 vertices. [ 99282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset apa_ss1_11_0.ybn. [ 99282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65428, when there are only 2250 vertices. [ 99282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset apa_ss1_11_0.ybn. [ 99282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1913, when there are only 1358 vertices. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65445, when there are only 4878 vertices. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65145, when there are only 1411 vertices. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2461, when there are only 2291 vertices. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64985, when there are only 1748 vertices. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 95, when there are only 58 vertices. [ 99313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bm_middoc_col.ybn (id 14303) [ 99313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bt1_02_0.ybn (id 934) [ 99313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded bt1_03_0.ybn (id 937) [ 99313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_11_11.ybn (id 6526) [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_02_0.ybn. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65041, when there are only 5093 vertices. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_02_0.ybn. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64020, when there are only 5521 vertices. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_02_0.ybn. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2075 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65065, when there are only 8594 vertices. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_02_0.ybn. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 37, when there are only 36 vertices. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65405, when there are only 919 vertices. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 677 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65273, when there are only 3709 vertices. [ 99344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 27 vertices. [ 99360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bm_middoc_col.ybn. [ 99360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64540, when there are only 1386 vertices. [ 99360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_11_11.ybn. [ 99360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65455, when there are only 2708 vertices. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_11_11.ybn. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 539 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2502, when there are only 2374 vertices. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_11_11.ybn. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65304, when there are only 1188 vertices. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_11_11.ybn. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 357 vertices. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_11_11.ybn. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 17 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65507, when there are only 123 vertices. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_11_11.ybn. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65009, when there are only 1917 vertices. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_11_11.ybn. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 186 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65522, when there are only 563 vertices. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_11_11.ybn. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1339, when there are only 1315 vertices. [ 99391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_12_17.ybn (id 6549) [ 99391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ch1_roadsb_7.ybn (id 6583) [ 99391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_03c_2.ybn (id 6880) [ 99391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ch2_04_1.ybn (id 6899) [ 99407] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_04_1.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64552, when there are only 2876 vertices. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_04_1.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2168, when there are only 1920 vertices. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_04_1.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 62 vertices. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch2_04_1.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4740, when there are only 3557 vertices. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_12_17.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2491, when there are only 2019 vertices. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_12_17.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 15 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 977, when there are only 936 vertices. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_12_17.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2078 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 11313, when there are only 8288 vertices. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_12_17.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65492, when there are only 54 vertices. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_12_17.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65511, when there are only 318 vertices. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_12_17.ybn. [ 99422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65485, when there are only 54 vertices. [ 99438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ch1_12_17.ybn. [ 99438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 786, when there are only 784 vertices. [ 99469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ch3_rd1a_4.ybn (id 7976) [ 99469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cinerama_col.ybn (id 14298) [ 99469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_06_0.ybn (id 2295) [ 99469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_13_64.ybn (id 3278) [ 99500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_06_0.ybn. [ 99500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64918, when there are only 2265 vertices. [ 99500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_06_0.ybn. [ 99500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2943, when there are only 2928 vertices. [ 99500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_06_0.ybn. [ 99500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 317 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62282, when there are only 3783 vertices. [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_06_0.ybn. [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65040, when there are only 5199 vertices. [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_06_0.ybn. [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65531, when there are only 35 vertices. [ 99532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs1_16_0.ybn (id 3583) [ 99532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs2_01_5.ybn (id 3685) [ 99532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_roads_2.ybn (id 5611) [ 99532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded cs4_roads_4.ybn (id 5613) [ 99563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_roads_4.ybn. [ 99563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 660 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64978, when there are only 3316 vertices. [ 99563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_roads_4.ybn. [ 99563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 629 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65347, when there are only 1604 vertices. [ 99563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_roads_4.ybn. [ 99563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59, when there are only 26 vertices. [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1997, when there are only 1990 vertices. [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 400 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64973, when there are only 2207 vertices. [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64991, when there are only 1768 vertices. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs1_16_0.ybn. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2020, when there are only 1039 vertices. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_roads_2.ybn. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 30 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65510, when there are only 603 vertices. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_roads_2.ybn. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 338 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1361, when there are only 1172 vertices. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cs4_roads_2.ybn. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 636 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65417, when there are only 2605 vertices. [ 99610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_03_0.ybn (id 403) [ 99610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_05_0.ybn (id 411) [ 99610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_10_0.ybn (id 440) [ 99610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded dt1_20_0.ybn (id 471) [ 99625] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_10_0.ybn. [ 99625] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99625] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65211, when there are only 4837 vertices. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_10_0.ybn. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64698, when there are only 2266 vertices. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_10_0.ybn. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 67 vertices. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 116 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65314, when there are only 5182 vertices. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64878, when there are only 5454 vertices. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 89 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65316, when there are only 2987 vertices. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65259, when there are only 2894 vertices. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 13 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65472, when there are only 743 vertices. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 330 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65493, when there are only 2143 vertices. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 414 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1971, when there are only 1690 vertices. [ 99657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_05_0.ybn. [ 99657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 108 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65465, when there are only 2227 vertices. [ 99657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_05_0.ybn. [ 99657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 25 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 4013 vertices. [ 99657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_05_0.ybn. [ 99657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65054, when there are only 3914 vertices. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_05_0.ybn. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64782, when there are only 3352 vertices. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_05_0.ybn. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 61 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64411, when there are only 4735 vertices. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_20_0.ybn. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 51, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_20_0.ybn. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 624 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65522, when there are only 5222 vertices. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_20_0.ybn. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65241, when there are only 1587 vertices. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset dt1_20_0.ybn. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64958, when there are only 1891 vertices. [ 99688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded firestation_col.ybn (id 14317) [ 99688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded fstation_paleto_col.ybn (id 14311) [ 99688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hedwig_sheriff3_col.ybn (id 14293) [ 99688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hedwig_sheriff_col.ybn (id 14318) [ 99703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset firestation_col.ybn. [ 99703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65010, when there are only 2127 vertices. [ 99703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hedwig_sheriff_col.ybn. [ 99703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63633, when there are only 1962 vertices. [ 99703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset fstation_paleto_col.ybn. [ 99703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 99 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56669, when there are only 12083 vertices. [ 99735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hedwig_sheriff_garage_col.ybn (id 14319) [ 99735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_bh1_09_0.ybn (id 10116) [ 99735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_bh1_20_0.ybn (id 10125) [ 99735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_08_33.ybn (id 11156) [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_33.ybn. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65526, when there are only 1899 vertices. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_33.ybn. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5555, when there are only 2773 vertices. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_33.ybn. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 299 vertices. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_33.ybn. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65513, when there are only 938 vertices. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_33.ybn. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65534, when there are only 734 vertices. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 40 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6474, when there are only 6046 vertices. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 126 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 861 vertices. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63717, when there are only 3866 vertices. [ 99766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99782] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99782] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64111, when there are only 2500 vertices. [ 99782] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99782] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99782] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1507, when there are only 1483 vertices. [ 99782] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_09_0.ybn. [ 99782] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99782] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 204 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64842, when there are only 5375 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hedwig_sheriff_garage_col.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65368, when there are only 527 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65214, when there are only 2227 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65399, when there are only 5159 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 117 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65503, when there are only 4859 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 182 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 163, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 43 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 163, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 43 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 163, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 43 vertices. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99797] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 163, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 99813] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 99813] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99813] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 43 vertices. [ 99813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_08_35.ybn (id 11158) [ 99813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_08_36.ybn (id 11159) [ 99813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_11.ybn (id 11221) [ 99813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_3.ybn (id 11232) [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_3.ybn. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 48 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65511, when there are only 808 vertices. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_3.ybn. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 1892 vertices. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_3.ybn. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64773, when there are only 961 vertices. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_3.ybn. [ 99828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2209, when there are only 1631 vertices. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_3.ybn. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65363, when there are only 880 vertices. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_3.ybn. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65373, when there are only 238 vertices. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_36.ybn. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 315, when there are only 308 vertices. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_36.ybn. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 55 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65442, when there are only 965 vertices. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_11.ybn. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3185, when there are only 2941 vertices. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_11.ybn. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65466, when there are only 495 vertices. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_11.ybn. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65220, when there are only 1040 vertices. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_11.ybn. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 13 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 114 vertices. [ 99860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_35.ybn. [ 99860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 13 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65450, when there are only 1706 vertices. [ 99860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_35.ybn. [ 99860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2123, when there are only 1588 vertices. [ 99875] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_08_35.ybn. [ 99875] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99875] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65134, when there are only 2431 vertices. [ 99891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_4.ybn (id 11233) [ 99891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_5.ybn (id 11234) [ 99891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_6.ybn (id 11235) [ 99891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_12_8.ybn (id 11237) [ 99891] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_5.ybn. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 92 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2986, when there are only 2218 vertices. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_5.ybn. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 423, when there are only 282 vertices. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_8.ybn. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 146 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 1101 vertices. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_8.ybn. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3372, when there are only 3200 vertices. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_8.ybn. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 673, when there are only 650 vertices. [ 99907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_8.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65518, when there are only 1983 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_8.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65455, when there are only 1232 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_8.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65473, when there are only 833 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_8.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 10 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_8.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65472, when there are only 122 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_4.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 27 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65428, when there are only 3049 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_4.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 361, when there are only 264 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_4.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 893, when there are only 525 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_4.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64367, when there are only 1145 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_4.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1728, when there are only 1561 vertices. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_4.ybn. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65513, when there are only 195 vertices. [ 99938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_6.ybn. [ 99938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 72 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61692, when there are only 3035 vertices. [ 99953] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_6.ybn. [ 99953] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99953] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 50 vertices. [ 99953] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_ch3_12_6.ybn. [ 99953] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99953] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65508, when there are only 128 vertices. [ 99969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_ch3_rd1a_4.ybn (id 14294) [ 99969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_dt1_03_0.ybn (id 9556) [ 99969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_dt1_12_0.ybn (id 9567) [ 99969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_dt1_19_0.ybn (id 9570) [ 99985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_19_0.ybn. [ 99985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1376, when there are only 797 vertices. [ 99985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_19_0.ybn. [ 99985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 99985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 30, when there are only 26 vertices. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 116 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65314, when there are only 5182 vertices. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64878, when there are only 5454 vertices. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 89 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65253, when there are only 2987 vertices. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65259, when there are only 2894 vertices. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 13 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65472, when there are only 743 vertices. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 337 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65455, when there are only 2139 vertices. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_03_0.ybn. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 478 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1964, when there are only 1690 vertices. [ 100032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_dt1_20_0.ybn (id 9573) [ 100032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_heist_police_dlc.ybn (id 9526) [ 100032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_sc1_23_0.ybn (id 14287) [ 100032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_sm_16_0.ybn (id 10271) [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64517, when there are only 6639 vertices. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3221, when there are only 2849 vertices. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 25 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65479, when there are only 1926 vertices. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63, when there are only 28 vertices. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_20_0.ybn. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 51, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_20_0.ybn. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 624 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65522, when there are only 5222 vertices. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_20_0.ybn. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 12 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65241, when there are only 1587 vertices. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_dt1_20_0.ybn. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64958, when there are only 1891 vertices. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_16_0.ybn. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 817 vertices. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_16_0.ybn. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64318, when there are only 3110 vertices. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_16_0.ybn. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 24, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_sm_16_0.ybn. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100063] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61, when there are only 38 vertices. [ 100078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_heist_police_dlc.ybn. [ 100078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 115 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65224, when there are only 502 vertices. [ 100078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_heist_police_dlc.ybn. [ 100078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59086, when there are only 16148 vertices. [ 100078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_heist_police_dlc.ybn. [ 100078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100094] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 586 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3145, when there are only 2527 vertices. [ 100094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hei_vb_34_2.ybn (id 10319) [ 100094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@apa_ss1_11_0.ybn (id 10022) [ 100094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@bh1_21_0.ybn (id 1412) [ 100094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_11_2.ybn (id 6539) [ 100110] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@apa_ss1_11_0.ybn. [ 100110] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100110] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 21 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64775, when there are only 8090 vertices. [ 100110] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_11_2.ybn. [ 100110] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100110] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63452, when there are only 6201 vertices. [ 100125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_11_2.ybn. [ 100125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65335, when there are only 2967 vertices. [ 100125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_11_2.ybn. [ 100125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 19 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4089, when there are only 2440 vertices. [ 100141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 100141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 78 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3302, when there are only 2720 vertices. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 508 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65182, when there are only 8660 vertices. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 68 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64444, when there are only 1494 vertices. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 22 vertices. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 22 vertices. [ 100172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@ch1_roadsb_5.ybn (id 6595) [ 100172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_06_2.ybn (id 2298) [ 100172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@cs1_16_4.ybn (id 3600) [ 100172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_bh1_20_0.ybn (id 10126) [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 45 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64347, when there are only 7011 vertices. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63287, when there are only 1675 vertices. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_16_4.ybn. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 13 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 611 vertices. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62809, when there are only 9414 vertices. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5238, when there are only 3966 vertices. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 54 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65113, when there are only 2240 vertices. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@ch1_roadsb_5.ybn. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 712, when there are only 678 vertices. [ 100188] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_06_2.ybn. [ 100203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 286 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65069, when there are only 4317 vertices. [ 100203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@cs1_06_2.ybn. [ 100203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 21 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2809, when there are only 2505 vertices. [ 100219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_ch3_08_20.ybn (id 11187) [ 100219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_dt1_12_0.ybn (id 9568) [ 100219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_dt1_19_0.ybn (id 9571) [ 100219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_heist_police_dlc.ybn (id 9527) [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_ch3_08_20.ybn. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 37 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65284, when there are only 908 vertices. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_ch3_08_20.ybn. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2687, when there are only 2017 vertices. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_19_0.ybn. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 38 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64943, when there are only 5482 vertices. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_dt1_19_0.ybn. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65095, when there are only 378 vertices. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_heist_police_dlc.ybn. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 441 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7623, when there are only 4208 vertices. [ 100266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hei_sc1_23_0.ybn (id 14288) [ 100266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@hw1_09_0.ybn (id 540) [ 100266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id1_33_0.ybn (id 730) [ 100266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id1_rd_7.ybn (id 747) [ 100282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hw1_09_0.ybn. [ 100282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 16 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62914, when there are only 5589 vertices. [ 100282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hw1_09_0.ybn. [ 100282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3633, when there are only 3521 vertices. [ 100297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2904 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65474, when there are only 12278 vertices. [ 100297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100297] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60381, when there are only 4708 vertices. [ 100344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@id2_07_0.ybn (id 792) [ 100344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@int_cls_sheriff.ybn (id 14312) [ 100344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_cs4_09_0.ybn (id 12261) [ 100344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_cs4_10_0.ybn (id 12266) [ 100360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_07_0.ybn. [ 100360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65221, when there are only 9634 vertices. [ 100360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@id2_07_0.ybn. [ 100360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 43 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2095, when there are only 1430 vertices. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@int_cls_sheriff.ybn. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 15282, when there are only 7616 vertices. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@int_cls_sheriff.ybn. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61451, when there are only 2642 vertices. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs4_09_0.ybn. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63968, when there are only 8568 vertices. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_cs4_09_0.ybn. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100375] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63674, when there are only 1582 vertices. [ 100407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@lr_sc1_23_0.ybn (id 9987) [ 100407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sc1_19_0.ybn (id 231) [ 100407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sc1_23_0.ybn (id 251) [ 100407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@sm_01_0.ybn (id 1723) [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2974 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65469, when there are only 12302 vertices. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60381, when there are only 4708 vertices. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_19_0.ybn. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 259 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65063, when there are only 8061 vertices. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_19_0.ybn. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64287, when there are only 2829 vertices. [ 100438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sc1_19_0.ybn. [ 100438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64749, when there are only 1091 vertices. [ 100438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@sm_01_0.ybn. [ 100438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100438] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65493, when there are only 276 vertices. [ 100453] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100453] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100453] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2904 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65464, when there are only 12258 vertices. [ 100453] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@lr_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100453] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100453] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 7 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60381, when there are only 4708 vertices. [ 100469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@uj_casino_back.ybn (id 14271) [ 100469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@uj_casino_heist.ybn (id 14272) [ 100469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@uj_casino_hotel.ybn (id 14273) [ 100469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@uj_casino_utility.ybn (id 14274) [ 100516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@uj_casino_vault.ybn (id 14275) [ 100516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hi@v_firedept.ybn (id 8432) [ 100516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hism_01_0.ybn (id 14304) [ 100516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hw1_02_0.ybn (id 523) [ 100532] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hism_01_0.ybn. [ 100532] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100532] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65493, when there are only 276 vertices. [ 100532] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_02_0.ybn. [ 100532] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100532] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 103 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63426, when there are only 9275 vertices. [ 100532] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_02_0.ybn. [ 100532] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100532] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3536, when there are only 2498 vertices. [ 100547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_02_0.ybn. [ 100547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 678 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 3291 vertices. [ 100547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_02_0.ybn. [ 100547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 39 vertices. [ 100547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_02_0.ybn. [ 100547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 84, when there are only 68 vertices. [ 100563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded hw1_09_0.ybn (id 541) [ 100563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded id1_33_0.ybn (id 731) [ 100563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded id1_rd_7.ybn (id 760) [ 100563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded id2_07_0.ybn (id 793) [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_07_0.ybn. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 241 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 2174 vertices. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_07_0.ybn. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 49 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65019, when there are only 1988 vertices. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_33_0.ybn. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 149 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65149, when there are only 3739 vertices. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_33_0.ybn. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64708, when there are only 7711 vertices. [ 100594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_33_0.ybn. [ 100594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65517, when there are only 1775 vertices. [ 100594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_33_0.ybn. [ 100594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100594] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 79, when there are only 36 vertices. [ 100610] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_09_0.ybn. [ 100610] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100610] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 53 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65276, when there are only 4321 vertices. [ 100610] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_09_0.ybn. [ 100610] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100610] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1110 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5131, when there are only 2222 vertices. [ 100625] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hw1_09_0.ybn. [ 100625] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100625] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 288 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65515, when there are only 1299 vertices. [ 100641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded int_cls_sheriff.ybn (id 14313) [ 100641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded int_parkrls.ybn (id 14314) [ 100641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded kt1_06_0.ybn (id 1592) [ 100641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs4_09_0.ybn (id 12262) [ 100641] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65520, when there are only 1066 vertices. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset kt1_06_0.ybn. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65388, when there are only 1969 vertices. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_09_0.ybn. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 152 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65470, when there are only 1004 vertices. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_09_0.ybn. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65450, when there are only 629 vertices. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_09_0.ybn. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100657] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3064 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64909, when there are only 1939 vertices. [ 100672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs4_10_0.ybn (id 12267) [ 100672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_cs4_10_1.ybn (id 12268) [ 100672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded lr_sc1_23_0.ybn (id 9988) [ 100672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ma@bh1_21_0.ybn (id 1413) [ 100688] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ma@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 100688] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100688] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 453, when there are only 450 vertices. [ 100688] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 100703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 56 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65532, when there are only 1908 vertices. [ 100703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 100703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64948, when there are only 2443 vertices. [ 100703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_cs4_10_0.ybn. [ 100703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100703] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65094, when there are only 2702 vertices. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64554, when there are only 6623 vertices. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63184, when there are only 3110 vertices. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 25 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65479, when there are only 1926 vertices. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset lr_sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100719] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63, when there are only 28 vertices. [ 100735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded masi_bcso_mlo_col.ybn (id 14296) [ 100735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded nxp_firedp_col.ybn (id 14301) [ 100735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded qnx_ms.ybn (id 14316) [ 100735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_18_0.ybn (id 230) [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65462, when there are only 1190 vertices. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_18_0.ybn. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 757, when there are only 730 vertices. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedp_col.ybn. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7941, when there are only 4828 vertices. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedp_col.ybn. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100750] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61546, when there are only 3108 vertices. [ 100766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset masi_bcso_mlo_col.ybn. [ 100766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63797, when there are only 2326 vertices. [ 100766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset masi_bcso_mlo_col.ybn. [ 100766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 49, when there are only 23 vertices. [ 100766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset masi_bcso_mlo_col.ybn. [ 100766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100766] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65527, when there are only 49 vertices. [ 100813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_19_0.ybn (id 238) [ 100813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_23_0.ybn (id 253) [ 100813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_sh_shell_2_f_col.ybn (id 14290) [ 100813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sc1_shell_1_f_col.ybn (id 14291) [ 100828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_sh_shell_2_f_col.ybn. [ 100828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3028, when there are only 1346 vertices. [ 100828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_shell_1_f_col.ybn. [ 100828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 21 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65037, when there are only 20585 vertices. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64517, when there are only 6639 vertices. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3221, when there are only 2849 vertices. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 25 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65479, when there are only 1926 vertices. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_23_0.ybn. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63, when there are only 28 vertices. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_19_0.ybn. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 397 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65032, when there are only 6447 vertices. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_19_0.ybn. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65066, when there are only 1955 vertices. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_19_0.ybn. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64451, when there are only 2066 vertices. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sc1_19_0.ybn. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65179, when there are only 258 vertices. [ 100875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded shmann_ehos_col.ybn (id 14292) [ 100875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded shmann_hvj_col.ybn (id 14297) [ 100875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded shmann_rhpd_col.ybn (id 14315) [ 100875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sm_01_0.ybn (id 1725) [ 100891] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100891] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100891] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 223, when there are only 125 vertices. [ 100891] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100891] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100891] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65492, when there are only 492 vertices. [ 100891] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100891] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 100, when there are only 52 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 266, when there are only 250 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65516, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1689, when there are only 1613 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 34, when there are only 32 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65352, when there are only 236 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 386, when there are only 171 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 183, when there are only 142 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65097, when there are only 304 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 39 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65334, when there are only 248 vertices. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 261, when there are only 204 vertices. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_01_0.ybn. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 248 vertices. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_01_0.ybn. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 30940, when there are only 15851 vertices. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_01_0.ybn. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 923 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5715, when there are only 2558 vertices. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_01_0.ybn. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65470, when there are only 462 vertices. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_ehos_col.ybn. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 569 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2144, when there are only 1916 vertices. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_ehos_col.ybn. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 96 vertices. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_hvj_col.ybn. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 1016 vertices. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_hvj_col.ybn. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100938] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 238, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 100969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sm_16_0.ybn (id 1755) [ 100969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sm_ocean_hospital.ybn (id 14305) [ 100969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded sm_rd_1.ybn (id 1822) [ 100969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded tm_davisfd_col.ybn (id 14289) [ 100969] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_ocean_hospital.ybn. [ 100969] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100969] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63231, when there are only 2916 vertices. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_ocean_hospital.ybn. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 502 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 34506, when there are only 15628 vertices. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_rd_1.ybn. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65535, when there are only 2710 vertices. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_rd_1.ybn. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65513, when there are only 596 vertices. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_rd_1.ybn. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2515, when there are only 1179 vertices. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset tm_davisfd_col.ybn. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 377, when there are only 232 vertices. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset tm_davisfd_col.ybn. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 100985] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 105 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63323, when there are only 4117 vertices. [ 101000] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_16_0.ybn. [ 101000] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65524, when there are only 817 vertices. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_16_0.ybn. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64318, when there are only 3110 vertices. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_16_0.ybn. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 24, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset sm_16_0.ybn. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 9 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61, when there are only 38 vertices. [ 101032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_back.ybn (id 14276) [ 101032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_garage.ybn (id 14277) [ 101032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_heist.ybn (id 14278) [ 101032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_hotel.ybn (id 14279) [ 101047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_casino_garage.ybn. [ 101047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101047] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64375, when there are only 2119 vertices. [ 101110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_loading.ybn (id 14280) [ 101110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_main.ybn (id 14281) [ 101110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_shaft.ybn (id 14282) [ 101110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_tunnel.ybn (id 14283) [ 101125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_casino_main.ybn. [ 101125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 478 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 4927, when there are only 4824 vertices. [ 101125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_casino_main.ybn. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65523, when there are only 575 vertices. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_casino_main.ybn. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 356 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 18630, when there are only 15480 vertices. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_casino_main.ybn. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 129 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65391, when there are only 3772 vertices. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_casino_main.ybn. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65520, when there are only 152 vertices. [ 101188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_utility.ybn (id 14284) [ 101188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_casino_vault.ybn (id 14285) [ 101188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn (id 14286) [ 101188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_firedept.ybn (id 8433) [ 101203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 101203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5370, when there are only 4824 vertices. [ 101203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 101203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 575 vertices. [ 101203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 101203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101203] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 481 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 21342, when there are only 15480 vertices. [ 101219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 101219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65265, when there are only 3760 vertices. [ 101219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 101219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65514, when there are only 152 vertices. [ 101266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_garageo.ybn (id 14306) [ 101266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_matus_chp.ybn (id 14299) [ 101266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_matus_chp_basement.ybn (id 14300) [ 101266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_oceanml.ybn (id 14307) [ 101266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_garageo.ybn. [ 101266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2243, when there are only 1871 vertices. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml.ybn. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 837 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 60193, when there are only 4061 vertices. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml.ybn. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65519, when there are only 15 vertices. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml.ybn. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1543, when there are only 702 vertices. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml.ybn. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 369 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63472, when there are only 1300 vertices. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml.ybn. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1303 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 59270, when there are only 4203 vertices. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml.ybn. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 79 vertices. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml.ybn. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 92 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61950, when there are only 3299 vertices. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml.ybn. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65431, when there are only 466 vertices. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml.ybn. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101282] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65377, when there are only 363 vertices. [ 101297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_oceanml2.ybn (id 14308) [ 101297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_pablito_hp.ybn (id 14295) [ 101297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_sheriff.ybn (id 8562) [ 101297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded v_sheriff2.ybn (id 8563) [ 101313] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml2.ybn. [ 101313] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101313] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1414 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 52091, when there are only 9890 vertices. [ 101328] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml2.ybn. [ 101328] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101328] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 32 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63699, when there are only 4513 vertices. [ 101328] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_oceanml2.ybn. [ 101328] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101328] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65409, when there are only 1159 vertices. [ 101344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_pablito_hp.ybn. [ 101344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 49230, when there are only 11405 vertices. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_pablito_hp.ybn. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62427, when there are only 5794 vertices. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_pablito_hp.ybn. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65494, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_pablito_hp.ybn. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 321, when there are only 274 vertices. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_pablito_hp.ybn. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 47 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 56575, when there are only 5059 vertices. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_pablito_hp.ybn. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 492, when there are only 403 vertices. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset v_pablito_hp.ybn. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101360] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64583, when there are only 832 vertices. [ 101375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded vb_34_2.ybn (id 1935) [ 101375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded vw_ch3_additions_2.ybn (id 12721) [ 101375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded xocean_details_escalier1_shell_coli.ybn (id 14309) [ 101375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded xocean_details_escalier2_shell_coli.ybn (id 14310) [ 101391] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset xocean_details_escalier2_shell_coli.ybn. [ 101391] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101391] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 8 vertices. [ 101391] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset xocean_details_escalier1_shell_coli.ybn. [ 101391] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 101391] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62012, when there are only 6878 vertices. [ 101719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_SESSION init functions! [ 101985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Game finished loading! [ 102063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_IDLE to HS_LOADED [ 102094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_LOADED to HS_START_HOSTING [ 102250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_START_HOSTING to HS_HOSTING [ 102344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_HOSTING to HS_HOSTING_NET_GAME [ 103469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ HostState transitioning from HS_HOSTING_NET_GAME to HS_HOSTED [ 103485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for _cfx_internal [ 103500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for sessionmanager [ 103532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 103547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for monitor [ 103610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 103641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for mapmanager [ 103672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 103735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for chat [ 103735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 103782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for spawnmanager [ 103828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 103828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for basic-gamemode [ 103875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 103875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for hardcap [ 103907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 103938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rconlog [ 103969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 103985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for oxmysql [ 104016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 104016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for fivepd [ 104953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded FivePD_client.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 104953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script luHgxGT56Иኇ็ல഼ෛय़ጥઙЈСૄѣྙ፜ඝணඅጉ᏷৏፦ෆ຦മӣஔ஗ဒŲ৚๛฼ྖጏ½ਠฯ༂፺໸ፌ঒ളःᏝ࿱. [ 105047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script luHgxGT56Иኇ็ல഼ෛय़ጥઙЈСૄѣྙ፜ඝணඅጉ᏷৏፦ෆ຦മӣஔ஗ဒŲ৚๛฼ྖጏ½ਠฯ༂፺໸ፌ঒ളःᏝပ. [ 105047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script luHgxGT56Иኇ็ல഼ෛय़ጥઙЈСૄѣྙ፜ඝணඅጉ᏷৏፦ෆ຦മӣஔ஗ဒŲ৚๛฼ྖጏ½ਠฯ༂፺໸ፌ঒ളःᏝဗ. [ 105047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script luHgxGT56Иኇ็ல഼ෛय़ጥઙЈСૄѣྙ፜ඝணඅጉ᏷৏፦ෆ຦മӣஔ஗ဒŲ৚๛฼ྖጏ½ਠฯ༂፺໸ፌ঒ളःᏝမ. [ 105063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded 1Adam2Callouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ActiveShooters.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Angry Customer.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ArmedRobDexterity.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded CalloutPack.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded CommonCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded DrugDeal.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded GroupCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded HighSpeedPursuitNO-AUTO-BACKUP.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded HitAndRun.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Los_Santos_Callouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Mugging.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded NJ-SWATCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded NJ-SandyShoresCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded NeighborDispute.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded PublicIntoxication.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Sniper.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded StreetFight.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Trespassing.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly 1Adam2Callouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ALPRCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script ALPRCallouts.Config. [ 105188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly ActiveShooters.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly Angry Customer.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded AnimalCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly ArmedRobDexterity.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded BeachCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly CalloutPack.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded CarCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly CommonCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly DrugDeal.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly GroupCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly HighSpeedPursuitNO-AUTO-BACKUP.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly HitAndRun.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded KidnappingCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly Los_Santos_Callouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly Mugging.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly NJ-SWATCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly NJ-SandyShoresCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly NeighborDispute.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly PublicIntoxication.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly Sniper.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly StreetFight.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly Trespassing.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded WildernessCallouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded 1Adam2Callouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded ActiveShooters.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded CalloutPack.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded IntuitiveMenus.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly FivePD.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded MenuAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 105297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script MenuAPI.MenuController. [ 105313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering EventHandler onResourceStop for attributed method OnResourceStop, with parameters System.RuntimeType [ 105313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script IntuitiveMenus.LockerRoom. [ 105313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly 1Adam2Callouts.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly ActiveShooters.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly CalloutPack.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly IntuitiveMenus.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null [ 105328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 105344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for fivepdaudio [ 105750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded FivePDAudio_Client.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1005616124 [ 105766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed into ScriptDomain_1005616124 [ 106047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script fivepdaudio.Main. [ 106047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 106063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for vMenu [ 106469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded vMenuClient.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1431887747 [ 106516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.EntitySpawner. [ 106516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering Tick for attributed method MoveHandler [ 106532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded MenuAPI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1431887747 [ 106532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script MenuAPI.MenuController. [ 106547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering EventHandler onResourceStop for attributed method OnResourceStop, with parameters System.RuntimeType [ 106547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.EventManager. [ 106547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering EventHandler __cfx_nui:importData for attributed method ImportData, with parameters System.RuntimeType, System.RuntimeType [ 106547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering EventHandler __cfx_nui:disableImportExportNUI for attributed method DisableImportExportNUI, with parameters System.RuntimeType, System.RuntimeType [ 106563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.FunctionsController. [ 106578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering EventHandler vMenu:SetupTickFunctions for attributed method SetupTickFunctions, with parameters [ 106578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering EventHandler vMenu:PlayerJoinQuit for attributed method OnJoinQuitNotification, with parameters System.RuntimeType, System.RuntimeType [ 106594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.MainMenu. [ 106594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering EventHandler vMenu:SetServerState for attributed method SetServerState, with parameters System.RuntimeType [ 106594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering EventHandler vMenu:ReceivePlayerList for attributed method ReceivedPlayerList, with parameters System.RuntimeType [ 106594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.MpPedDataManager. [ 106594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script vMenuClient.NoClip. [ 106594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 106610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for visn_are [ 106672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^7[^5Information^7] Language Deutsch (script/languages/de.json) from Marcel135 has been loaded. [ 106672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 106703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for framework [ 106782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 106782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for show_id [ 106813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 106844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Badger_Discord_API [ 106891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 106907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for pma-voice [ 106969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Invalid key name “19” [ 106969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Invalid key name “Z” [ 106969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 106985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for rp-radio [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Error parsing script @rp-radio/config.lua in resource rp-radio: @rp-radio/config.lua:5: unexpected symbol near ',' [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load script config.lua. [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Error loading script client.lua in resource rp-radio: @rp-radio/client.lua:26: attempt to index a nil value (global 'radioConfig') [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ stack traceback: [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ @rp-radio/client.lua:26: in main chunk [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Failed to load script client.lua. [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 107047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for scully_radio2 [ 107094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 107125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for phone [ 107172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 107172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for screenshot-basic [ 107328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 107344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for eup-ui [ 107453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 107485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for NativeUI [ 107532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 107578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for LegacyFuel [ 107594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 107703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for refuelingnozzle [ 108188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded RefuelingNozzle.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_762566932 [ 108282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Thanks for using Refueling Nozzles By ToxicScripts! [ 108297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script RefuelingNozzle.Engine. [ 108297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 108328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for refuelingscript [ 108688] [b2545_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ header: 14:04 (@phone/web/dist/app.js:2) [ 108766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded RefuelingScript.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_140704294 [ 108860] [b2545_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ header: 14:04 (@phone/web/dist/app.js:2) [ 108875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded All Refueling Supported Jets: 2 Jets! [ 108875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Thanks For Using Aerial Refueling By ToxicScripts! [ 108875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script eval_a. [ 108875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 108907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for NPC-Creator [ 108922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 108953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for dpEmotes [ 109094] [b2545_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ THREE.WebGLRenderer 101dev (@screenshot-basic/dist/ui.html:15) [ 109125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for dpClothing [ 109188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for NearestPostal [ 109250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109266] [b2545_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ f? (@screenshot-basic/dist/ui.html:15) [ 109297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for PlayerHUD [ 109328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for PlaneHUD [ 109407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ This resource is created by Andyyy#7666 if you find any buggs or need support please let me know on discord: https://discord.gg/Z9Mxu72zZ6 [ 109407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for InteractSound [ 109453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for ESC-MAP [ 109516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AFK [ 109563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for 3dme [ 109610] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Binoculars [ 109657] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for TakeHostage [ 109703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for PanicButton [ 109750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AntiShuffle [ 109782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109797] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SmartTaser [ 109844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for TaserEffect [ 109891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for RealisticDamages [ 109938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 109953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for VehicleDeformation [ 109969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for RealisticVehicleFailure [ 110032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for RealisticAirControl [ 110094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for WeaponOnCest [ 110141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for HolsterWeapon [ 110188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for HolsterSounds [ 110235] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Unholster [ 110282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for WeaponRecoil [ 110328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for WeaponInferno [ 110375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for RCPAxonCamera [ 110453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for DisableCombatroll [ 110500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for AntiBunnyHop [ 110532] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for ChairBedSystem [ 110578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for PoliceShield [ 110641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110657] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for ShotSpotter [ 110688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for NightVision [ 110719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 110750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Flashbang [ 111203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Flashbang.Client.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1567277653 [ 111266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script Flashbang.Client.Main. [ 111282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 111282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for GasMask [ 111313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 111328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for K9 [ 111360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 111375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Elevator [ 111407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 111438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SupplyLine [ 111469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 111485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for HoseLS [ 111938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Client.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_102382825 [ 112125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script HoseScript.Main. [ 112157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 112188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for FireTools [ 112219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 112250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for FireScript [ 112297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 112313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for FireBadger [ 112344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 112360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for FiveEMS [ 112407] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 112422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for InteractionMenu [ 112485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 112500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SmartCuffs [ 112922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded SmartCuffs_Client.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1144785325 [ 112938] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded SharpConfig, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1144785325 [ 113078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Invalid key name , [ 113078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Invalid key name . [ 113110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script SmartCuff.Main. [ 113110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Registering command resetcuff [ 113110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 113125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Headbag [ 113172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 113188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SpikeStrips [ 113563] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded SpikeScriptV2.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1459431122 [ 113625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Thanks for using Spike Script By ToxicScripts! [ 113625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script SpikeScriptV2.Engine. [ 113688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 113688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for PlayerTag [ 113719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 113735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for PoliceGrappler [ 113766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 113766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SemArmasReward [ 113797] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 113813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for CarryPeople [ 113844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 113844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for RageUI [ 113875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^4RageUI - https://github.com/iTexZoz/RageUI - OpenSource Advanced UI Api^0 [ 113907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 113907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for lvc [ 113953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^4RageUI - https://github.com/iTexZoz/RageUI - OpenSource Advanced UI Api^0 [ 113985] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 114000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for RS9000 [ 114016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset foxdeal04.ydr. [ 114016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 114016] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65041, when there are only 2845 vertices. [ 114344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded RS9000.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_538471780 [ 114360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed into ScriptDomain_538471780 [ 114641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script RS9000.Script. [ 114641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 114657] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for HelicopterCam [ 114688] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset vtower.ydr. [ 114688] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 114688] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 339, when there are only 180 vertices. [ 114688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 114703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SpotLight [ 115094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Spotlight_client.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1276231429 [ 115125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Instantiated instance of script Spotlight_client.Spotlight_client. [ 115141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for RemoveNPCArea [ 115172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115172] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset staples.ydr. [ 115172] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 115172] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 58471, when there are only 7608 vertices. [ 115172] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for VehicleSeat [ 115203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for null_offroad [ 115250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Blips [ 115282] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for CarRepairStation [ 115313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Casino [ 115344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset cnb.ydr. [ 115344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 115344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 777 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65415, when there are only 3760 vertices. [ 115360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MirrorParkFireStation [ 115391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115422] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SWAT_IPL [ 115469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for bob74_ipl [ 115547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset wilshire.ydr. [ 115547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 115547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65363, when there are only 1970 vertices. [ 115578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for LASD-QUAD [ 115641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Pausenmenu [ 115672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for CaliforniaLicensePlates [ 115750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115766] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for CaliforniaStreetName [ 115797] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115813] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for PostalMap [ 115844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115860] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for menuv [ 115907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for weapons-menu [ 115969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 115969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for Glock17 [ 116016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 116032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for SmokeLauncher [ 116063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 116078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for NSR9 [ 116141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 116157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for M4A1 [ 116203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 116219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Creating script environments for MK18 [ 116266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Still executing script initialization routines... [ 116469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Starting script initialization [ 117032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Dropping duplicate player for netID 33 (slotID 128). [ 117125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^3[AUTH] rejected (Unauthorized: admin not found) [ 117125] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ React loaded, sending variables. [ 117203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed into ScriptDomain_1431887747 [ 117500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Script initialization finished. [ 118328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2ServerCtx updated from global state [ 118703] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loaded Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed into ScriptDomain_1281494408 [ 119000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Felony Warrant 2.0 ^2by ^01-A-2^2^0 [ 119000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Suspicious Person 1.7 ^2by ^01-A-2^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Noise Complaint 1.4 ^2by ^01-A-2^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Illegal Fishing 1.0 ^2by ^01-A-2^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Dead Body Found 1.0 ^2by ^01-A-2^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Armed Subject 1.0 ^2by ^01-A-2^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Active Shooters 1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Angry Customer 1.0 ^2by ^0Clayton Fraley^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0ArmedRobbery 0.6 ^2by ^0Kilo^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Abandonded Vehicle v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Bar Fight v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Dead Animal in Road v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Dead Body v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Domestic Disturbance v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Homeless Person In Subway v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Noise Complaint v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Public Intoxication v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Soliciting v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Stolen Vehicle 1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Tow Truck Altercation v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Trespassing v1.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0ParkingViolation 1.1 ^2by ^0NorthCam18^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0DomesticDispute 1.1 ^2by ^0NorthCam18^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Drug Deal 0.1.5 ^2by ^0GGGDunlix^2^0 [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Group Attack 1.1.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Group Gun Fight 1.1.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Group Fight 1.1.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0High Speed Pursuit (No Auto Backup) 0.2.0 ^2by ^0GGGDunlix^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Hit and Run Bicycle (Fatal) 2.0.0 ^2by ^0GGGDunlix^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Hit and Run (Fatal) 2.0.0 ^2by ^0GGGDunlix^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Hit and Run Bicycle (Normal) 2.0.0 ^2by ^0GGGDunlix^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Hit and Run (Normal) 2.0.0 ^2by ^0GGGDunlix^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Armed Robbery in Progress Del Perro 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Armed Robbery in Progress Grove 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Armed Robbery in Progress Mirror Park 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Armed Robbery in Progress Strawberry 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Armed Robbery in Progress Vinewood 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Armed Robbery in Progress Seoul 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Domestic Dispute in a La Puerta Apartment 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Domestic Dispute in a Strawberry Home 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Domestic Dispute in a Vinewood Apartment 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Domestic Dispute in a Vinewood Home 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Officer in Distress 1.0 ^2by ^0Sova Mods^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Mugging 1.0.0 ^2by ^0HuskyNinja953^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Tactical Insertion Required at Tequilala 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Drunk Person in Public 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Broadcast Equipment Tampering 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Boat Raid: Drug Trafficking 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Truck Rollover 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Airport Arrest: Dangerous Goods 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Police Assistance Required 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Vehicle Rescue 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Search & Rescue 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Refusal To Pay 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Vehicle Fleeing Drug Deal 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Public Transport Trespassing 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Welfare Check 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Person Of Concern With Weapon 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Mental Health Patient Check 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Armed Robbery 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Physical Altercation 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Active Shooters At Hotel 1.0 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Neighbor Dispute 1.1 ^2by ^0Clayton Fraley^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Public Intoxication 1.0 ^2by ^0Clayton Fraley^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Sniper 0.1.10 ^2by ^0GGGDunlix^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Street Fight 0.0.4 ^2by ^0GGGDunlix^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Trespassing 1.1 ^2by ^0FivePD^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0ALPR Hit (No Vehicle Insurance) 1.0 ^2by ^0Darihon^2^0 [ 119047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0ALPR Hit (No Vehicle Registration) 1.0 ^2by ^0Darihon^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0ALPR Hit (Owner License Revoked) 1.0 ^2by ^0Darihon^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0ALPR Hit (Owner License Suspended) 1.0 ^2by ^0Darihon^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0ALPR Hit (Warrant) 1.0 ^2by ^0Darihon^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Mountain Lion Attack 1.1.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Dog Pack Attack 1.1.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Active Shooter 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Boat Ashore 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Drug Deal 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Drunk Person 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Possible Fight 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Fireworks 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Robbery 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Oversized Vehicle Callout 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Pursuit of Armed Suspects 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Reckless Driver Callout 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Reverse Car Callout 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Slow Driver Callout 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Small Vehicle Callout 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Stolen Ambulance Car Callout 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Stolen Firetruck Callout 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Stolen Police Car Callout 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Stolen Police Car (Hostage) Callout 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Pursuit of Armed Suspects (Van) 1.0.1 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Van Kidnapping 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Kidnapping 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Cult Hostage Situation 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Hiker Stuck 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Hiker Attacked 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Dead Body Found 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Loaded: ^0Possible Weed Farm 1.0.0 ^2by ^0BGHDDevelopment^2^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^3 Warning: This is ^1NOT^3 an official FivePD Server!^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^3 Warning: FivePD or GPM does ^1NOT^3 have any official server.^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^3 Warning: For more info, visit https://fivepd.com^0 [ 119078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 ^5Do you want to create your own callouts? Visit ^6https://docs.fivepd.com^0 [ 119203] [b2545_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ ^3[NAT2K15 DEVELOPMENT] ^0This framework was made by ^1NAT2K15#2951^0. If you are in need of support please join the support server ^1https://discord.gg//RquDVTfDwu^0 (@framework/html/js/script.js:1) [ 119250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 119250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 119250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5370, when there are only 4824 vertices. [ 119250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 119250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 119250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65512, when there are only 575 vertices. [ 119250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 119250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 119250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 481 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 21342, when there are only 15480 vertices. [ 119266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 119266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 119266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65265, when there are only 3760 vertices. [ 119266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset uj_dlc_casino_main.ybn. [ 119266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 119266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65514, when there are only 152 vertices. [ 119360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^7[^5test_plugin:^0client^7] test_plugin_client.lua loaded [ 119407] [b2545_GTAProce] CrBrowserMain/ Mixed Content: The page at 'https://cfx-nui-fivepd/computer/index.html' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure element 'http://dorhq.weebly.com/uploads/5/1/5/8/51583735/gta-5-sass-davis-fire-station.png?404'. This request was automatically upgraded to HTTPS, For more information see https://blog.chromium.org/2019/10/no-more-mixed-messages-about-https.html (@fivepd/computer/index.html:0) [ 119735] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning device Kopfhörer (Galaxy Buds+ (1D80) Stereo) for GUID {5DEA2BFC-950A-48A7-92CC-126C68BA607C} [ 119860] [b2545_GTAProce] [Mumble] Audio Input/ Returning device Microphone Array (Intel® Smart Sound Technologie für digitale Mikrofone) for GUID {CB816E6C-CC31-46F4-A212-4016C67A3B90} [ 119907] [b2545_GTAProce] [Mumble] Audio Input/ MumbleAudioInput::InitializeAudioDevice: Initialized audio capture device. [ 119953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Connecting to mumble, setting targets. [ 120110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ {"stop":"~w~Bei Fuß","attack":"~w~Fass","exit":"~w~Aussteigen","enter":"~w~Einsteigen","follow":"~w~Mir folgen"}NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120375] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120469] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Finished connection logic [ 120547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 120547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 120547] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65445, when there are only 4878 vertices. [ 120563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 120563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 120563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 8 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65145, when there are only 1411 vertices. [ 120563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 120563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 120563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2461, when there are only 2291 vertices. [ 120563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64985, when there are only 1748 vertices. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65501, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 95, when there are only 58 vertices. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_hvj_col.ybn. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65528, when there are only 1016 vertices. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_hvj_col.ybn. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 120578] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 238, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 120594] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Returning previously loaded assembly Newtonsoft.Json, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=30ad4fe6b2a6aeed [ 120828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 120875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121141] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121219] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65214, when there are only 2227 vertices. [ 121219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 18 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65399, when there are only 5159 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 117 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65503, when there are only 4859 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65525, when there are only 182 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 163, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 43 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 163, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 43 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 163, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 43 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 163, when there are only 144 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 43 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 223, when there are only 125 vertices. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65492, when there are only 492 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 100, when there are only 52 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 266, when there are only 250 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65516, when there are only 48 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1689, when there are only 1613 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 34, when there are only 32 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65352, when there are only 236 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 386, when there are only 171 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 183, when there are only 142 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65530, when there are only 60 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65097, when there are only 304 vertices. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 39 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65334, when there are only 248 vertices. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset shmann_rhpd_col.ybn. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 261, when there are only 204 vertices. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 22 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 62809, when there are only 9414 vertices. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 5238, when there are only 3966 vertices. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@hei_bh1_20_0.ybn. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 54 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65113, when there are only 2240 vertices. [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121313] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121360] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121453] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121688] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121797] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 121907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 121907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 78 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 3302, when there are only 2720 vertices. [ 121907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 121907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121907] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 508 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65182, when there are only 8660 vertices. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 68 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64444, when there are only 1494 vertices. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Requested synchronization..Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65529, when there are only 22 vertices. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset hi@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65533, when there are only 22 vertices. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ma@bh1_21_0.ybn. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 453, when there are only 450 vertices. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_02_0.ybn. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65041, when there are only 5093 vertices. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_02_0.ybn. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64020, when there are only 5521 vertices. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_02_0.ybn. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2075 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65065, when there are only 8594 vertices. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset bt1_02_0.ybn. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 37, when there are only 36 vertices. [ 122000] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122032] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122063] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122110] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122157] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122188] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122219] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122250] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122297] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122391] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122438] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122485] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122547] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122578] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122625] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122672] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122719] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122782] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 122907] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NETWORK_GET_NETWORK_ID_FROM_ENTITY: no net object for entity [ 123485] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_33_0.ybn. [ 123485] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 123485] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 149 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65149, when there are only 3739 vertices. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_33_0.ybn. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 3 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64708, when there are only 7711 vertices. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_33_0.ybn. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65517, when there are only 1775 vertices. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id1_33_0.ybn. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 79, when there are only 36 vertices. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedp_col.ybn. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7941, when there are only 4828 vertices. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedp_col.ybn. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 123500] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 61546, when there are only 3108 vertices. [ 123563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_07_0.ybn. [ 123563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 123563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 241 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65500, when there are only 2174 vertices. [ 123563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset id2_07_0.ybn. [ 123563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 123563] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 49 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65019, when there are only 1988 vertices. [ 125672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_slider_01.ydr. [ 125672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 125672] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65486, when there are only 567 vertices. [ 125828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_grungeimages_01.ydr. [ 125828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 125828] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 6 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8223, when there are only 6304 vertices. [ 125844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_frames_01.ydr. [ 125844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 125844] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 50079, when there are only 18469 vertices. [ 125860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_garage_door_01.ydr. [ 125860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 125860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1262, when there are only 936 vertices. [ 125860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_garage_door_02.ydr. [ 125860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 125860] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1262, when there are only 936 vertices. [ 130157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_garage_details_01.ydr. [ 130157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 130157] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64360, when there are only 13236 vertices. [ 130235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_reception_01.ydr. [ 130235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 130235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 1096, when there are only 551 vertices. [ 130422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_reception_stairs_01.ydr. [ 130422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 130422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 1 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63529, when there are only 2428 vertices. [ 132235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_gym_details.ydr. [ 132235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 132235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65499, when there are only 24 vertices. [ 132235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_gym_stairs_01.ydr. [ 132235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 132235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 7551, when there are only 4368 vertices. [ 133344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_washing_details_01.ydr. [ 133344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 133344] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65463, when there are only 4661 vertices. [ 136094] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset wells_fargo.ydr. [ 136094] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 136094] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 8041, when there are only 3745 vertices. [ 136422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset ford.ydr. [ 136422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 136422] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 17652, when there are only 11702 vertices. [ 137032] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset citibank.ydr. [ 137032] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 137032] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 4 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 89, when there are only 52 vertices. [ 137078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset forum.ydr. [ 137078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 137078] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 6227, when there are only 2285 vertices. [ 137125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset metropolis.ydr. [ 137125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 137125] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 11 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 180, when there are only 120 vertices. [ 137235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset halloween.ydr. [ 137235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 137235] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2575, when there are only 1722 vertices. [ 137250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset korap.ydr. [ 137250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 137250] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 2 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 63809, when there are only 4584 vertices. [ 249813] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_toilet_01.ydr. [ 249813] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 249813] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 5 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 65046, when there are only 1629 vertices. [ 305672] [b2545_GTAProce] 9876/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:d9998a97b353ab077d8e3b18f3abf1895ff47679 to the index cache. [ 305735] [b2545_GTAProce] 9876/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:36cc677519a7ebd98c9c41693c7a01fa6d9ef2b9 to the index cache. [ 344141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset nxp_firedep_personal_stairs_01.ydr. [ 344141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 344141] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 0 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 64170, when there are only 1542 vertices. [ 366875] [b2545_GTAProce] 15156/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:3e11c510e44e53169785f862dc2c6635347144c0 to the index cache. [ 366907] [b2545_GTAProce] 15156/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:230a9893fed0ec4e51fdf3d42ff38637be9f3045 to the index cache. [ 367078] [b2545_GTAProce] 15156/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:70315de221337b63e67b6c5550298cc80d562a61 to the index cache. [ 422860] [b2545_GTAProce] 17336/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:0d48bae72fc93d51312096c5a73237e8fa80eb99 to the index cache. [ 424719] [b2545_GTAProce] 17336/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:301ff0f1a5a4d2a4563339479af41ab4f8c06ce2 to the index cache. [ 426016] [b2545_GTAProce] 15156/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:1e9bb2d1a88dc3cdc4a8e19fe65820a33c31cc9b to the index cache. [ 438485] [b2545_GTAProce] 15156/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:cff96c431a27a6cf1247b83625134acd96db2e76 to the index cache. [ 446875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [ Five^4PD ^0]^2 Player data has been loaded^0 [ 624969] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Physics validation failed for asset wax.ydr. [ 624969] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ This asset is **INVALID**, but we've fixed it for this load. Please fix the exporter used to export it. [ 624969] [b2545_GTAProce] ResourcePlacementThr/ Details: Poly 541 edge reference is invalid. It leads to vertex 2298, when there are only 2223 vertices. [ 631469] [b2545_GTAProce] 17024/ ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:1e7b3a741603659c41cc72790afb2d180ff2a5ee to the index cache. [ 642407] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ IDXGISwapChain::Present failed: 887a0005 [ 642407] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ Error: DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED - Die GPU-Geräteinstanz wurde angehalten. Verwenden Sie GetDeviceRemovedReason, um die erforderliche Aktion zu bestimmen. [ 642407] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ [ 642407] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ GetDeviceRemovedReason returned DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG - Die GPU antwortet auf keine weiteren Befehle mehr. Dies liegt wahrscheinlich daran, dass von der aufrufenden Anwendung ein ungültiger Befehl übergeben wurde. [ 642407] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ [ 644641] [b2545_DumpServ] 2200/ Process crash captured. Crash dialog content: [ 644641] [b2545_DumpServ] 2200/ DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error: DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_REMOVED - Die GPU-Geräteinstanz wurde angehalten. Verwenden Sie GetDeviceRemovedReason, um die erforderliche Aktion zu bestimmen. [ 644641] [b2545_DumpServ] 2200/ GetDeviceRemovedReason returned DXGI_ERROR_DEVICE_HUNG - Die GPU antwortet auf keine weiteren Befehle mehr. Dies liegt wahrscheinlich daran, dass von der aufrufenden Anwendung ein ungültiger Befehl übergeben wurde. [ 644641] [b2545_DumpServ] 2200/ [ 644719] [ SteamChild] MainThrd/ process exited with -2! [ 648250] [b2545_DumpServ] 2200/ Crash report service returned si-e378d6927a574256889365837d6f77a2