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[ 58922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:input:five [ 59187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:graphics:five [ 60359] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:core:five [ 63094] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:game:five [ 63187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:mission-cleanup:five [ 63312] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component rage:formats:x [ 63312] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:streaming:five [ 65078] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ >16 GiB of system RAM, increasing streaming allocator size to 2 GiB [ 67797] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:level-loader:five [ 67812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component profiles [ 67812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component net [ 67812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component scrbind:base [ 67812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component voip:mumble [ 67812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component gta:net:five [ 69625] [b2545_GTAProce] [Mumble] Audio Input/ MumbleAudioInput::InitializeAudioDevice: Initialized audio capture device. [ 71187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:resources:gta [ 71187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component font-renderer [ 71187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ [FontRenderer] Initializing DirectWrite. [ 71187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:core [ 71187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:resources [ 71187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component net:http-server [ 71187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component devcon [ 71187] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component ros-patches:five [ 71891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:legacy-net:resources [ 71891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component debug:net [ 71891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:game:ipc [ 71891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:game:main [ 71906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component asi:five [ 71906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component scripthookv [ 71906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component extra-natives:five [ 73953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component lovely-script [ 73953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component vfs:impl:rage [ 73953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component glue [ 73953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component loading-screens:five [ 74031] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:lua [ 74031] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component handling-loader:five [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:gsclient [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:devtools [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:mono [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component nui:profiles [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component tool:formats [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:mod-loader:five [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:resources:metadata:lua [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:v8node [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component fxdk:main [ 74109] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:playernames:five [ 74484] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component citizen:scripting:lua54 [ 74484] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component discord [ 74484] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component devtools:five [ 74500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component tool:vehrec [ 74500] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ pre-gameload component adhesive [ 74859] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Hooked external (mobile) GPU drivers to force enablement. [ 74875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Hooked external (mobile) GPU drivers to force enablement. [ 75750] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ Creating backbuffer. [ 75750] [b2545_GTAProce] Render/ Done creating backbuffer. [ 79812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay26NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay25NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay24NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay22NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay21NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay20NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY19NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY18NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY17NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY16NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY15NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY14NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY13NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY12NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY11NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY10NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchday9NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_PATCHDAY8NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay7NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay6NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay5NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay4NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay3NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay2bNGCRC:/content.xml [ 79844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay2NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_patchDay1NGCRC:/content.xml [ 79859] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ Loading content XML: dlc_mpPatchesNGCRC:/content.xml [ 80437] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ NullInitializeGraphics [ 80687] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Opening \\.\pipe\GTAVLauncher_Pipe, waiting for launcher to load... [ 80687] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Launcher gave all-clear - waiting for pipe. [ 80687] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ ^2Launcher is fine, continuing to initialize! [ 80750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_CORE init functions [ 80750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (53 total) [ 80750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking InitSystem INIT_CORE init (1 out of 53) [ 80750] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderLib INIT_CORE init (2 out of 53) [ 80812] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_CORE init (3 out of 53) [ 80875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_CORE init (4 out of 53) [ 80875] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_CORE init (5 out of 53) [ 80922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 53) [ 80922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 53) [ 80922] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_CORE init (8 out of 53) [ 81203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_CORE init (9 out of 53) [ 81203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_CORE init (10 out of 53) [ 81203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCullZones INIT_CORE init (11 out of 53) [ 81203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExpensiveProcessDistributer INIT_CORE init (12 out of 53) [ 81203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_CORE init (13 out of 53) [ 81203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CutSceneManagerWrapper INIT_CORE init (14 out of 53) [ 81203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAnimSceneManager INIT_CORE init (15 out of 53) [ 81203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortalTracker INIT_CORE init (16 out of 53) [ 81203] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_CORE init (17 out of 53) [ 81344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_CORE init (18 out of 53) [ 81344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_CORE init (19 out of 53) [ 81344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPlantMgr INIT_CORE init (20 out of 53) [ 81516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderHairSort INIT_CORE init (21 out of 53) [ 81516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_CORE init (22 out of 53) [ 81516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_CORE init (23 out of 53) [ 81516] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_CORE init (24 out of 53) [ 81969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayMgr INIT_CORE init (25 out of 53) [ 81969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoRecording INIT_CORE init (26 out of 53) [ 81969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlayback INIT_CORE init (27 out of 53) [ 81969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlaybackThumbnailManager INIT_CORE init (28 out of 53) [ 81969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x8930d2f7 INIT_CORE init (29 out of 53) [ 81969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (30 out of 53) [ 82328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFrontendStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (31 out of 53) [ 82328] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControllerLabelMgr INIT_CORE init (32 out of 53) [ 82344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_CORE init (33 out of 53) [ 82344] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_CORE init (34 out of 53) [ 82828] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_CORE init (35 out of 53) [ 82844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_CORE init (36 out of 53) [ 82844] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_CORE init (37 out of 53) [ 82859] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_CORE init (38 out of 53) [ 82859] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_CORE init (39 out of 53) [ 82859] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWaypointRecording INIT_CORE init (40 out of 53) [ 82859] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_CORE init (41 out of 53) [ 82859] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskClassInfoManager INIT_CORE init (42 out of 53) [ 82859] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTuningManager INIT_CORE init (43 out of 53) [ 82891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAppDataMgr INIT_CORE init (44 out of 53) [ 82891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetRespawnMgr INIT_CORE init (45 out of 53) [ 82891] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAgitatedManager INIT_CORE init (46 out of 53) [ 82906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioActionManager INIT_CORE init (47 out of 53) [ 82906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_CORE init (48 out of 53) [ 82906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPostScan INIT_CORE init (49 out of 53) [ 82906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr INIT_CORE init (50 out of 53) [ 82906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_CORE init (51 out of 53) [ 82906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CIplCullBox INIT_CORE init (52 out of 53) [ 82906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking perfClearingHouse INIT_CORE init (53 out of 53) [ 82906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (11 total) [ 82906] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScene INIT_CORE init (1 out of 11) [ 83484] [b2545_GTAProce] 18352/ OnConnectionProgress: Requesting server variables... [ 83641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_CORE init (2 out of 11) [ 83641] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_CORE init (3 out of 11) [ 83953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInit INIT_CORE init (4 out of 11) [ 83953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_CORE init (5 out of 11) [ 83953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 11) [ 83953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLightManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 11) [ 83953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLights INIT_CORE init (8 out of 11) [ 83953] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AmbientLights INIT_CORE init (9 out of 11) [ 83969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_CORE init (10 out of 11) [ 83969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_CORE init (11 out of 11) [ 83969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (22 total) [ 83969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_CORE init (1 out of 22) [ 83969] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_SOUNDDATA menuAud:/x64/audio/dlcTuner_sounds.dat. [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading menuAud:/x64/audio/dlcTuner_sounds.dat in data file mounter class audMetadataDataFileMounter. [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ loading AUDIO_WAVEPACK menuaud:/x64/audio/sfx/dlc_Tuner_Music. [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ done loading menuaud:/x64/audio/sfx/dlc_Tuner_Music in data file mounter class `private: static void __cdecl audNorthAudioEngine::RegisterDataFileMounters(void)'::`2'::audWavePackDataFileMounter. [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking cStoreScreenMgr INIT_CORE init (2 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVideoEditorUI INIT_CORE init (3 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WatermarkRenderer INIT_CORE init (4 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMousePointer INIT_CORE init (5 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTextInputBox INIT_CORE init (6 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x602ee6e2 INIT_CORE init (7 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_CORE init (8 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_CORE init (9 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4bfbfa2c INIT_CORE init (10 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WarningScreen INIT_CORE init (11 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_CORE init (12 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_CORE init (13 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDLCScript INIT_CORE init (14 out of 22) [ 83984] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameStreamMgr INIT_CORE init (15 out of 22) [ 84047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4d167300 INIT_CORE init (16 out of 22) [ 84047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMetaDataStore INIT_CORE init (17 out of 22) [ 84047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CReplayCoordinator INIT_CORE init (18 out of 22) [ 84047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVideoEditorInterface INIT_CORE init (19 out of 22) [ 84047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking UI3DDrawManager INIT_CORE init (20 out of 22) [ 84047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4f916676 INIT_CORE init (21 out of 22) [ 84047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCreditsText INIT_CORE init (22 out of 22) [ 84047] [b2545_GTAProce] MainThrd/ rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_CORE init functions! [ 91844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (0%) [ 91844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ [ 91844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (0%) [ 91844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (1%) [ 91859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (1%) [ 91875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (2%) [ 91891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (2%) [ 91906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (3%) [ 91922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (3%) [ 91937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (4%) [ 91953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (4%) [ 91969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (4%) [ 91969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking GTA5.exe [ 91969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (4%) [ 91969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 91969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (4%) [ 91969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 91984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (5%) [ 91984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (5%) [ 92000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (6%) [ 92016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (6%) [ 92031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (7%) [ 92047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (7%) [ 92062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (8%) [ 92078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (8%) [ 92094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (9%) [ 92109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (9%) [ 92125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (10%) [ 92141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (10%) [ 92156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (11%) [ 92172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (11%) [ 92187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (12%) [ 92203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (12%) [ 92219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (13%) [ 92234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (13%) [ 92250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (14%) [ 92266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (14%) [ 92281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (15%) [ 92297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (15%) [ 92312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (16%) [ 92328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (16%) [ 92344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (17%) [ 92344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (17%) [ 92359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (18%) [ 92375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (18%) [ 92391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (19%) [ 92406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (19%) [ 92422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (20%) [ 92437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (20%) [ 92453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (21%) [ 92469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (21%) [ 92484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (22%) [ 92500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (22%) [ 92500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (23%) [ 92516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (23%) [ 92531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (24%) [ 92547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (24%) [ 92562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (25%) [ 92578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (25%) [ 92594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (26%) [ 92609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (26%) [ 92625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (27%) [ 92641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (27%) [ 92656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (28%) [ 92672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (28%) [ 92687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (29%) [ 92703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (29%) [ 92719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (30%) [ 92719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (30%) [ 92734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (31%) [ 92750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (32%) [ 92766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (32%) [ 92781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (33%) [ 92797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (33%) [ 92812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (34%) [ 92828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (34%) [ 92844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (35%) [ 92844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (35%) [ 92859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (36%) [ 92875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (36%) [ 92891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (37%) [ 92906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (37%) [ 92922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (38%) [ 92937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (38%) [ 92953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (39%) [ 92969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 92984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (39%) [ 92984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (40%) [ 93000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (40%) [ 93000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (41%) [ 93016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (41%) [ 93031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (42%) [ 93047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (42%) [ 93062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (43%) [ 93078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (43%) [ 93094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (44%) [ 93109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (44%) [ 93125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (45%) [ 93141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (45%) [ 93156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (46%) [ 93172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (46%) [ 93172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (47%) [ 93187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (47%) [ 93203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (48%) [ 93219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (48%) [ 93234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (49%) [ 93250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (49%) [ 93266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (50%) [ 93281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (50%) [ 93297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (51%) [ 93312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (51%) [ 93328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (52%) [ 93344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (52%) [ 93359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (53%) [ 93375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (53%) [ 93391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (54%) [ 93391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (54%) [ 93406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (55%) [ 93422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (55%) [ 93437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (56%) [ 93453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (56%) [ 93469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (57%) [ 93484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (57%) [ 93500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (58%) [ 93516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (58%) [ 93531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (59%) [ 93547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (59%) [ 93562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (60%) [ 93578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (60%) [ 93594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (61%) [ 93609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (61%) [ 93625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (62%) [ 93641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (62%) [ 93656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (63%) [ 93672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (63%) [ 93687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (64%) [ 93703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (64%) [ 93719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (65%) [ 93734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (65%) [ 93734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (66%) [ 93750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (66%) [ 93766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (67%) [ 93781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (67%) [ 93797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (68%) [ 93812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (68%) [ 93828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (69%) [ 93844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (69%) [ 93859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (70%) [ 93875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (70%) [ 93891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (71%) [ 93906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (71%) [ 93922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (72%) [ 93937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (72%) [ 93953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (73%) [ 93969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 93969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (73%) [ 93969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (74%) [ 94000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (74%) [ 94000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (75%) [ 94016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (75%) [ 94031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (76%) [ 94047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (76%) [ 94062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (77%) [ 94078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (77%) [ 94094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (78%) [ 94109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (78%) [ 94125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (79%) [ 94141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (80%) [ 94156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (80%) [ 94172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (81%) [ 94187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (81%) [ 94203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (82%) [ 94219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (82%) [ 94234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (83%) [ 94250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (83%) [ 94266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (84%) [ 94281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (84%) [ 94297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (85%) [ 94312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (85%) [ 94328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (86%) [ 94328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (86%) [ 94344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (87%) [ 94359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (87%) [ 94375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (88%) [ 94391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (88%) [ 94406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (89%) [ 94422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (89%) [ 94437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (90%) [ 94453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (90%) [ 94469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (91%) [ 94484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (91%) [ 94500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (92%) [ 94516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (92%) [ 94531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (93%) [ 94547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (93%) [ 94562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (94%) [ 94578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (94%) [ 94594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (95%) [ 94594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (95%) [ 94609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (96%) [ 94625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (96%) [ 94641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (97%) [ 94656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (97%) [ 94672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (98%) [ 94687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (98%) [ 94703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (99%) [ 94719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (99%) [ 94734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 94750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Verifying game content... (100%) [ 94750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 98156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (100%) [ 98156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Checking update/update.rpf [ 98562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (100%) [ 98562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 0.00/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 0.00/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 0.11/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 0.11/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 0.33/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 0.33/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 0.67/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 0.67/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 1.01/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 1.01/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 1.37/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 98937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 98937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 1.37/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 99000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 1.83/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 99000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 1.83/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 99078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 2.41/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 99078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 2.41/504.74 MB (0%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 3.14/504.74 MB (1%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 99141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 3.14/504.74 MB (1%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 99203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 4.03/504.74 MB (1%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 99203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 4.03/504.74 MB (1%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 5.27/504.74 MB (1%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 99266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 5.27/504.74 MB (1%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 99328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 6.62/504.74 MB (1%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 99328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 6.62/504.74 MB (1%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 99391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 9.02/504.74 MB (2%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 99391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 9.02/504.74 MB (2%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 99453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 11.65/504.74 MB (2%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 99453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 11.65/504.74 MB (2%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 15.01/504.74 MB (3%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 99516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 15.01/504.74 MB (3%, 0.0 MB/s) [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 19.56/504.74 MB (4%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 99578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 19.56/504.74 MB (4%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 20.51/504.74 MB (4%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 99672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 20.51/504.74 MB (4%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 99734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 99734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 25.02/504.74 MB (5%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 99734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 99734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 25.02/504.74 MB (5%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 99875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 99875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 26.97/504.74 MB (5%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 99875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 99875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 26.97/504.74 MB (5%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 99969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 99969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 27.01/504.74 MB (5%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 99969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 99969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 27.01/504.74 MB (5%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 100031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 29.52/504.74 MB (6%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 100031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 29.52/504.74 MB (6%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 100109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 31.26/504.74 MB (6%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 100109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 31.26/504.74 MB (6%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 100250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 34.29/504.74 MB (7%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 100266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 34.29/504.74 MB (7%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 100344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 37.99/504.74 MB (8%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 100344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 37.99/504.74 MB (8%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 100406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 40.12/504.74 MB (8%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 100406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 40.12/504.74 MB (8%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 100469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 46.35/504.74 MB (9%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 100469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 46.35/504.74 MB (9%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 100531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 49.67/504.74 MB (10%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 100531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 49.67/504.74 MB (10%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 100734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 100734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 52.05/504.74 MB (10%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 100734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 100734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 52.05/504.74 MB (10%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 100797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 100797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 53.16/504.74 MB (11%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 100797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 100797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 53.16/504.74 MB (11%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 100875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 100875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 53.65/504.74 MB (11%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 100875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 100875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 53.65/504.74 MB (11%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 100953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 100953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 54.69/504.74 MB (11%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 100953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 100953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 54.69/504.74 MB (11%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 56.74/504.74 MB (11%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 101016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 56.74/504.74 MB (11%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 101234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 59.39/504.74 MB (12%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 101234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 59.39/504.74 MB (12%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 101297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 60.24/504.74 MB (12%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 101297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 60.24/504.74 MB (12%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 101484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 62.11/504.74 MB (12%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 101484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 62.11/504.74 MB (12%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 101562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 62.83/504.74 MB (12%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 101562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 62.83/504.74 MB (12%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 101641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 63.14/504.74 MB (13%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 101641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 63.14/504.74 MB (13%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 101719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 63.62/504.74 MB (13%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 101719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 63.62/504.74 MB (13%, 32.5 MB/s) [ 101781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 101781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 65.47/504.74 MB (13%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 101781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 101781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 65.47/504.74 MB (13%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 101859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 101859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 68.39/504.74 MB (14%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 101859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 101859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 68.39/504.74 MB (14%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 102078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 71.14/504.74 MB (14%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 102078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 71.14/504.74 MB (14%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 102156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 72.73/504.74 MB (14%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 102156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 72.73/504.74 MB (14%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 102234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 73.55/504.74 MB (15%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 102234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 73.55/504.74 MB (15%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 102328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 75.24/504.74 MB (15%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 102328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 75.24/504.74 MB (15%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 102531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 77.06/504.74 MB (15%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 102531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 77.06/504.74 MB (15%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 102594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 78.07/504.74 MB (15%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 102609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 78.07/504.74 MB (15%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 102656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 79.43/504.74 MB (16%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 102656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 79.43/504.74 MB (16%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 102719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 81.82/504.74 MB (16%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 102719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 81.82/504.74 MB (16%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 102781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 83.54/504.74 MB (17%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 102781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 83.54/504.74 MB (17%, 13.4 MB/s) [ 102953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 102953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 84.08/504.74 MB (17%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 102953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 102953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 84.08/504.74 MB (17%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 103031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 85.64/504.74 MB (17%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 103031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 85.64/504.74 MB (17%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 103109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 87.43/504.74 MB (17%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 103109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 87.43/504.74 MB (17%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 103375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 89.54/504.74 MB (18%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 103375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 89.54/504.74 MB (18%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 103484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 90.36/504.74 MB (18%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 103484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 90.36/504.74 MB (18%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 103656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 91.87/504.74 MB (18%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 103656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 91.87/504.74 MB (18%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 103734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 97.26/504.74 MB (19%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (19%) [ 103734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 97.26/504.74 MB (19%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (19%) [ 103953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 98.47/504.74 MB (20%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 103953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 103953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 98.47/504.74 MB (20%, 18.6 MB/s) [ 104047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 104047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 99.14/504.74 MB (20%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 104047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 99.14/504.74 MB (20%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 104125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 105.93/504.74 MB (21%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 104125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 105.93/504.74 MB (21%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 104406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 107.79/504.74 MB (21%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 104406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 107.79/504.74 MB (21%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 104531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 108.69/504.74 MB (22%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 104531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 108.69/504.74 MB (22%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 104609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 111.41/504.74 MB (22%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 104609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 111.41/504.74 MB (22%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 104687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 112.86/504.74 MB (22%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 104687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 112.86/504.74 MB (22%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 104750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 114.04/504.74 MB (23%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 104750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 114.04/504.74 MB (23%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 104812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 116.82/504.74 MB (23%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 104812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 116.82/504.74 MB (23%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 104906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 119.26/504.74 MB (24%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 104906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 119.26/504.74 MB (24%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 104969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 120.23/504.74 MB (24%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 104969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 104969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 120.23/504.74 MB (24%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 105031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 105031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 122.01/504.74 MB (24%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 105031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 105031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 122.01/504.74 MB (24%, 15.1 MB/s) [ 105109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 105109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 124.11/504.74 MB (25%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 105109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 124.11/504.74 MB (25%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 105172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 124.50/504.74 MB (25%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 105172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 124.50/504.74 MB (25%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 105234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 126.22/504.74 MB (25%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 105234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 126.22/504.74 MB (25%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 105328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 127.36/504.74 MB (25%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 105328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 127.36/504.74 MB (25%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 105391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 128.75/504.74 MB (26%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 105391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 128.75/504.74 MB (26%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 105469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 131.50/504.74 MB (26%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 105469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 131.50/504.74 MB (26%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 105531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 133.17/504.74 MB (26%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 105547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 133.17/504.74 MB (26%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 105594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 133.60/504.74 MB (26%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 105594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 133.60/504.74 MB (26%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 105672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 135.92/504.74 MB (27%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 105672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 135.92/504.74 MB (27%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 105766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 136.86/504.74 MB (27%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 105766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 136.86/504.74 MB (27%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 105828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 138.15/504.74 MB (27%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 105828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 138.15/504.74 MB (27%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 105906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 139.05/504.74 MB (28%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 105906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 139.05/504.74 MB (28%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 105969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 139.45/504.74 MB (28%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 105969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 105969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 139.45/504.74 MB (28%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 106031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 106031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 140.02/504.74 MB (28%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 106031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 106031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 140.02/504.74 MB (28%, 24.7 MB/s) [ 106094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 106094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 142.12/504.74 MB (28%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 106094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 142.12/504.74 MB (28%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 106281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 144.48/504.74 MB (29%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 106281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 144.48/504.74 MB (29%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 106406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 148.62/504.74 MB (29%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 106406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 148.62/504.74 MB (29%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 106484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 149.93/504.74 MB (30%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 106484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 149.93/504.74 MB (30%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 106562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 151.96/504.74 MB (30%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 106562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 151.96/504.74 MB (30%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 106656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 153.36/504.74 MB (30%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 106656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 153.36/504.74 MB (30%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 106734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 155.14/504.74 MB (31%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 106734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 155.14/504.74 MB (31%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 106875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 157.52/504.74 MB (31%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 106875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 157.52/504.74 MB (31%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 106953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 158.45/504.74 MB (31%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 106953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 106953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 158.45/504.74 MB (31%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 161.07/504.74 MB (32%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 107016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 161.07/504.74 MB (32%, 18.3 MB/s) [ 107109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 107109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 163.19/504.74 MB (32%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 107109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 163.19/504.74 MB (32%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 107172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 165.37/504.74 MB (33%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 107172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 165.37/504.74 MB (33%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 107391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 168.40/504.74 MB (33%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 107391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 168.40/504.74 MB (33%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 107484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 169.28/504.74 MB (34%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 107484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 169.28/504.74 MB (34%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 107562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 171.43/504.74 MB (34%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 107562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 171.43/504.74 MB (34%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 107625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 173.64/504.74 MB (34%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 107625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 173.64/504.74 MB (34%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 107828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 175.77/504.74 MB (35%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 107828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 175.77/504.74 MB (35%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 107875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 179.91/504.74 MB (36%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 107875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 107875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 179.91/504.74 MB (36%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 108016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 108016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 182.36/504.74 MB (36%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 108016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 108016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 182.36/504.74 MB (36%, 21.1 MB/s) [ 108156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 108156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 182.75/504.74 MB (36%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 108156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 182.75/504.74 MB (36%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 108234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 183.14/504.74 MB (36%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 108234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 183.14/504.74 MB (36%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 108312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 184.35/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 184.35/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 184.78/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 184.78/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 185.60/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 185.60/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 186.35/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 186.35/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 188.12/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 188.12/504.74 MB (37%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 108672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 190.40/504.74 MB (38%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 108687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 190.40/504.74 MB (38%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 108937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 192.63/504.74 MB (38%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 108937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 108937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 192.63/504.74 MB (38%, 19.6 MB/s) [ 109172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 109172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 192.65/504.74 MB (38%, 9.9 MB/s) [ 109172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 109172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 192.65/504.74 MB (38%, 9.9 MB/s) [ 109641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 109641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 198.04/504.74 MB (39%, 9.9 MB/s) [ 109641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 109641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 198.04/504.74 MB (39%, 9.9 MB/s) [ 109906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 109906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 198.05/504.74 MB (39%, 9.9 MB/s) [ 109906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 109906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 198.05/504.74 MB (39%, 9.9 MB/s) [ 110109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 110109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 200.08/504.74 MB (40%, 9.9 MB/s) [ 110109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 200.08/504.74 MB (40%, 9.9 MB/s) [ 110187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 200.72/504.74 MB (40%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 200.72/504.74 MB (40%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 202.43/504.74 MB (40%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 202.43/504.74 MB (40%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 203.21/504.74 MB (40%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 203.21/504.74 MB (40%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 204.00/504.74 MB (40%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 204.00/504.74 MB (40%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 110562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 208.01/504.74 MB (41%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 110562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 208.01/504.74 MB (41%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 110766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 209.32/504.74 MB (41%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 110766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 209.32/504.74 MB (41%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 110844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 210.04/504.74 MB (42%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 110844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 110844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 210.04/504.74 MB (42%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 111094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 111094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 211.85/504.74 MB (42%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 111094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 111094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 211.85/504.74 MB (42%, 8.1 MB/s) [ 111203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 111203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 212.24/504.74 MB (42%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 111203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 111203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 212.24/504.74 MB (42%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 111266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 111266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 212.80/504.74 MB (42%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 111266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 111266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 212.80/504.74 MB (42%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 111609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 111609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 218.48/504.74 MB (43%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 111609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (43%) [ 111609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 218.48/504.74 MB (43%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 111687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (43%) [ 111687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 220.14/504.74 MB (44%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 111687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 111687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 220.14/504.74 MB (44%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 111844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 111844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 221.86/504.74 MB (44%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 111844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 111844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 221.86/504.74 MB (44%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 112156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 112156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 223.77/504.74 MB (44%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 112156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 112156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 223.77/504.74 MB (44%, 11.5 MB/s) [ 112234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 112234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 224.48/504.74 MB (44%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 112234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 224.48/504.74 MB (44%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 112297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 225.76/504.74 MB (45%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 112297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 225.76/504.74 MB (45%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 112547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 228.38/504.74 MB (45%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 112547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 228.38/504.74 MB (45%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 112703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 232.74/504.74 MB (46%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 112703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 232.74/504.74 MB (46%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 112781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 237.14/504.74 MB (47%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 112781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 237.14/504.74 MB (47%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 112859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 238.87/504.74 MB (47%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 112859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 238.87/504.74 MB (47%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 112922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 239.29/504.74 MB (47%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 112922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 112922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 239.29/504.74 MB (47%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 113219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 113219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 242.09/504.74 MB (48%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 113219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 113219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 242.09/504.74 MB (48%, 12.2 MB/s) [ 113297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 113297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 243.34/504.74 MB (48%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 113297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 243.34/504.74 MB (48%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 113359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 248.02/504.74 MB (49%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 113359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 248.02/504.74 MB (49%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 113500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 249.29/504.74 MB (49%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 113500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 249.29/504.74 MB (49%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 113609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 253.64/504.74 MB (50%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 113609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 253.64/504.74 MB (50%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 113672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 256.85/504.74 MB (51%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 113672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 256.85/504.74 MB (51%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 113891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 258.31/504.74 MB (51%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 113891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 258.31/504.74 MB (51%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 113969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 262.98/504.74 MB (52%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 113969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 113969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 262.98/504.74 MB (52%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 114047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 114047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 264.96/504.74 MB (52%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 114047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 114047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 264.96/504.74 MB (52%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 114281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 114281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 267.45/504.74 MB (53%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 114281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 114281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 267.45/504.74 MB (53%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 114344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 114344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 268.82/504.74 MB (53%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 114344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 268.82/504.74 MB (53%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 114422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 270.26/504.74 MB (54%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 114422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 270.26/504.74 MB (54%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 114484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 273.06/504.74 MB (54%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 114484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 273.06/504.74 MB (54%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 114547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 275.63/504.74 MB (55%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 114547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 275.63/504.74 MB (55%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 114766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 276.96/504.74 MB (55%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 114766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 276.96/504.74 MB (55%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 114844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 279.83/504.74 MB (55%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 114844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 279.83/504.74 MB (55%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 114906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 281.25/504.74 MB (56%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 114906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 114906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 281.25/504.74 MB (56%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 115109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 115109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 283.05/504.74 MB (56%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 115109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 115109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 283.05/504.74 MB (56%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 115187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 115187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 283.81/504.74 MB (56%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 115187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 115187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 283.81/504.74 MB (56%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 115250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 115250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 285.23/504.74 MB (57%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 115250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 115250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 285.23/504.74 MB (57%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 115312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 115312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 287.64/504.74 MB (57%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 115312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 115312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 287.64/504.74 MB (57%, 25.5 MB/s) [ 115375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 115375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 290.56/504.74 MB (58%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 115375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 115375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 290.56/504.74 MB (58%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 115891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 115891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 290.88/504.74 MB (58%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 115891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 115891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 290.88/504.74 MB (58%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 116094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 116094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 296.86/504.74 MB (59%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 116094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 116094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 296.86/504.74 MB (59%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 116172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 116172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 297.80/504.74 MB (59%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 116172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 116172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 297.80/504.74 MB (59%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 116250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 116250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 299.04/504.74 MB (59%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 116250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 116250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 299.04/504.74 MB (59%, 20.8 MB/s) [ 116469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 116469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 301.47/504.74 MB (60%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 116469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 301.47/504.74 MB (60%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 116687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 301.48/504.74 MB (60%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 116687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 301.48/504.74 MB (60%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 116750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 304.48/504.74 MB (60%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 116766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 304.48/504.74 MB (60%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 116828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 305.17/504.74 MB (60%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 116828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 305.17/504.74 MB (60%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 116906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 306.09/504.74 MB (61%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 116906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 306.09/504.74 MB (61%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 116984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 307.83/504.74 MB (61%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 116984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 116984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 307.83/504.74 MB (61%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 117281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 117281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 310.04/504.74 MB (61%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 117281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 117281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 310.04/504.74 MB (61%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 117359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 117359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 314.61/504.74 MB (62%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 117359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 117359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 314.61/504.74 MB (62%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 117437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 117437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 315.89/504.74 MB (63%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 117437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 117437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 315.89/504.74 MB (63%, 11.9 MB/s) [ 117500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 117500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 318.46/504.74 MB (63%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 117500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 117500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 318.46/504.74 MB (63%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 117750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 117750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 321.23/504.74 MB (64%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 117750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 117750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 321.23/504.74 MB (64%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 117812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 117812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 322.93/504.74 MB (64%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 117812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 117812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 322.93/504.74 MB (64%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 117906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 117906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 323.91/504.74 MB (64%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 117906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 117906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 323.91/504.74 MB (64%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 117969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 117969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 326.11/504.74 MB (65%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 117969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 117969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 326.11/504.74 MB (65%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 118234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 118234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 328.53/504.74 MB (65%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 118234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 118234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 328.53/504.74 MB (65%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 118297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 118297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 329.45/504.74 MB (65%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 118297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 118297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 329.45/504.74 MB (65%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 118359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 118359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 331.84/504.74 MB (66%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 118359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 118359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 331.84/504.74 MB (66%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 118437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 118437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 332.02/504.74 MB (66%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 118437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 118437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 332.02/504.74 MB (66%, 17.0 MB/s) [ 118656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 118656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 333.94/504.74 MB (66%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 118656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 118656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 333.94/504.74 MB (66%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 118719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 118719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 334.70/504.74 MB (66%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 118719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 118719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 334.70/504.74 MB (66%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 118953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 118953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 336.55/504.74 MB (67%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 118953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 118953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 336.55/504.74 MB (67%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 342.20/504.74 MB (68%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 119016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 342.20/504.74 MB (68%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 119094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 344.25/504.74 MB (68%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 119094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 344.25/504.74 MB (68%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 119156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 346.67/504.74 MB (69%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 119156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 346.67/504.74 MB (69%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 119219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 349.08/504.74 MB (69%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 119219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 349.08/504.74 MB (69%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 119359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 349.64/504.74 MB (69%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 119359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 349.64/504.74 MB (69%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 119437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 349.95/504.74 MB (69%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 119437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 349.95/504.74 MB (69%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 119516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 350.85/504.74 MB (70%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 119516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 350.85/504.74 MB (70%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 119594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 351.80/504.74 MB (70%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 119594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 351.80/504.74 MB (70%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 119734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 119734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 353.60/504.74 MB (70%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 119734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 119734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 353.60/504.74 MB (70%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 119797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 119797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 354.52/504.74 MB (70%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 119797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 119797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 354.52/504.74 MB (70%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 119859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 119859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 357.96/504.74 MB (71%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 119859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 119859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 357.96/504.74 MB (71%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 120312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 120312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 360.50/504.74 MB (71%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 120312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 120312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 360.50/504.74 MB (71%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 120500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 120500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 360.52/504.74 MB (71%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 120500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 120500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 360.52/504.74 MB (71%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 120625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 120625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 360.53/504.74 MB (71%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 120625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 120625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 360.53/504.74 MB (71%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 120703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 120703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 362.48/504.74 MB (72%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 120703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 120703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 362.48/504.74 MB (72%, 19.7 MB/s) [ 120922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 120922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 365.04/504.74 MB (72%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 120922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 120922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 365.04/504.74 MB (72%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 120984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 120984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 367.71/504.74 MB (73%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 120984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 120984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 367.71/504.74 MB (73%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 121094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 368.90/504.74 MB (73%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 121094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 368.90/504.74 MB (73%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 121172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 369.95/504.74 MB (73%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 121172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 369.95/504.74 MB (73%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 121250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 371.51/504.74 MB (74%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 121266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 371.51/504.74 MB (74%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 121328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 373.43/504.74 MB (74%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 121328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 373.43/504.74 MB (74%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 121406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 376.41/504.74 MB (75%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 121406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 376.41/504.74 MB (75%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 121484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 377.72/504.74 MB (75%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 121484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 377.72/504.74 MB (75%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 121547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 379.77/504.74 MB (75%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 121547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 379.77/504.74 MB (75%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 121609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 383.47/504.74 MB (76%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 121609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 383.47/504.74 MB (76%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 121781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 385.73/504.74 MB (76%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 121781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 385.73/504.74 MB (76%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 121844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 390.70/504.74 MB (77%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (77%) [ 121844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 390.70/504.74 MB (77%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (77%) [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 391.58/504.74 MB (78%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 121922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 391.58/504.74 MB (78%, 11.4 MB/s) [ 121984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 121984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 393.94/504.74 MB (78%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 121984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 121984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 393.94/504.74 MB (78%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 122047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 396.46/504.74 MB (79%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 122047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 396.46/504.74 MB (79%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 122109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 398.61/504.74 MB (79%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 122109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 398.61/504.74 MB (79%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 122203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 401.95/504.74 MB (80%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 122203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 401.95/504.74 MB (80%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 122359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 404.39/504.74 MB (80%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 122359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 404.39/504.74 MB (80%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 122422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 405.51/504.74 MB (80%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 122422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 405.51/504.74 MB (80%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 122594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 407.83/504.74 MB (81%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 122594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 407.83/504.74 MB (81%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 122656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 411.77/504.74 MB (82%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 122656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 411.77/504.74 MB (82%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 122719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 415.39/504.74 MB (82%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 122719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 415.39/504.74 MB (82%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 122891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 415.57/504.74 MB (82%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 122891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 415.57/504.74 MB (82%, 27.3 MB/s) [ 122969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 122969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 419.81/504.74 MB (83%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 122969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 122969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 419.81/504.74 MB (83%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 123031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 420.68/504.74 MB (83%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 123031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 420.68/504.74 MB (83%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 123094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 423.71/504.74 MB (84%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 123094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 423.71/504.74 MB (84%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 123187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 424.79/504.74 MB (84%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 123187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 424.79/504.74 MB (84%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 123266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 425.67/504.74 MB (84%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 123266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 425.67/504.74 MB (84%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 123328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 429.10/504.74 MB (85%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 123328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 429.10/504.74 MB (85%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 123469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 429.82/504.74 MB (85%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 123469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 429.82/504.74 MB (85%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 123531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 434.88/504.74 MB (86%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 123531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 434.88/504.74 MB (86%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 123687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 435.29/504.74 MB (86%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 123687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 435.29/504.74 MB (86%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 123750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 436.19/504.74 MB (86%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 123750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 436.19/504.74 MB (86%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 123828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 438.01/504.74 MB (87%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 123828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 438.01/504.74 MB (87%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 123891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 439.65/504.74 MB (87%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 123891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 439.65/504.74 MB (87%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 123969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 442.50/504.74 MB (88%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 123969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 123969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 442.50/504.74 MB (88%, 27.5 MB/s) [ 124062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 124062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 444.17/504.74 MB (88%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 124062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 124062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 444.17/504.74 MB (88%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 124234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 124234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 445.96/504.74 MB (88%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 124234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 124234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 445.96/504.74 MB (88%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 124406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 124406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 450.30/504.74 MB (89%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 124406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 124406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 450.30/504.74 MB (89%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 124812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 124812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 457.76/504.74 MB (91%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 124812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 124812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 457.76/504.74 MB (91%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 125000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 125000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 458.92/504.74 MB (91%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 125000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 125000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 458.92/504.74 MB (91%, 23.6 MB/s) [ 125125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 125125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 460.61/504.74 MB (91%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 125125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 125125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 460.61/504.74 MB (91%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 125547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 125547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 460.87/504.74 MB (91%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 125547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 125547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 460.87/504.74 MB (91%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 125875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 125875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 462.72/504.74 MB (92%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 125875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (92%) [ 125875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 462.72/504.74 MB (92%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 125922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (92%) [ 125922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 470.08/504.74 MB (93%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 125922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 125922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 470.08/504.74 MB (93%, 15.5 MB/s) [ 126016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 126016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 473.55/504.74 MB (94%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 126016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 473.55/504.74 MB (94%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 126328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 475.38/504.74 MB (94%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 126328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 475.38/504.74 MB (94%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 126453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 476.33/504.74 MB (94%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 126453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 476.33/504.74 MB (94%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 126516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 477.19/504.74 MB (95%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 126516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 477.19/504.74 MB (95%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 126578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 480.20/504.74 MB (95%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 126578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 480.20/504.74 MB (95%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 126672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 482.67/504.74 MB (96%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 126672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 482.67/504.74 MB (96%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 126750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 484.39/504.74 MB (96%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 126750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 484.39/504.74 MB (96%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 126812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 487.70/504.74 MB (97%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 126812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 487.70/504.74 MB (97%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 126906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 489.39/504.74 MB (97%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 126906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 489.39/504.74 MB (97%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 126984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 127000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 491.03/504.74 MB (97%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 127000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 127000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 491.03/504.74 MB (97%, 14.6 MB/s) [ 127125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 127125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 492.44/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 492.44/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 493.19/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 493.19/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 494.52/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 494.52/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 495.00/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 495.00/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 496.47/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 496.47/504.74 MB (98%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 127453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 497.83/504.74 MB (99%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 127453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 497.83/504.74 MB (99%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 127594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 499.03/504.74 MB (99%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 127594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 499.03/504.74 MB (99%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 127656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 500.17/504.74 MB (99%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 127656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 500.17/504.74 MB (99%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 127859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 502.48/504.74 MB (100%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (100%) [ 127859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Downloaded 502.48/504.74 MB (100%, 18.9 MB/s) [ 127875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (100%) [ 127875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 127875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 127875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 127875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (0%) [ 127891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 127891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 127906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 127906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 127906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 127922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 127922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 127922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (1%) [ 127937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 127937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 127953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 127953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 127953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 127969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 127969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 127969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (2%) [ 127984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 127984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 127984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 128000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 128000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 128000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 128016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 128016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 128031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (3%) [ 128031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 128031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 128031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 128047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 128062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 128062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 128062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 128078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (4%) [ 128078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 128078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 128094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 128094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 128109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 128109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 128125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (5%) [ 128125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 128125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 128141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 128141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 128141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 128156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 128156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 128156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (6%) [ 128172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 128172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 128172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 128187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 128187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 128203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 128203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 128203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (7%) [ 128219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 128219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 128219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 128234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 128234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 128234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 128250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 128266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (8%) [ 128266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 128266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 128281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 128281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 128281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 128297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 128297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 128297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (9%) [ 128312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 128312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 128328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 128328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 128328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 128344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 128344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (10%) [ 128344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 128359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 128359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 128359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 128375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 128375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 128391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 128391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (11%) [ 128391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 128406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 128406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 128406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 128422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 128422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 128422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 128437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (12%) [ 128437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 128453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 128453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 128453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 128469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 128469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 128469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 128484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (13%) [ 128484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 128500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 128500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 128500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 128516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 128516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 128516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (14%) [ 128531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 128531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 128547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 128547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 128547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 128562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 128562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 128578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (15%) [ 128578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 128578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 128594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 128594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 128594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 128609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 128609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 128625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (16%) [ 128625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 128641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 128641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 128641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 128656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 128656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 128656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 128672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (17%) [ 128672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 128687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 128687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 128703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 128703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 128703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 128719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 128719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (18%) [ 128734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (19%) [ 128734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (19%) [ 128734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (19%) [ 128750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (19%) [ 128750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (19%) [ 128766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (19%) [ 128781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (19%) [ 128781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 128797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 128797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 128812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 128812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 128828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 128828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 128844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (20%) [ 128844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 128859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 128859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 128875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 128875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 128891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 128922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 128922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (21%) [ 128937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 128937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 128953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 128953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 128953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 128969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 128969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 128984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (22%) [ 128984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 128984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 128984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 129000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 129000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 129016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 129016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 129031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 129031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (23%) [ 129031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 129047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 129047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 129062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 129062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 129078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 129078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (24%) [ 129078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 129094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 129109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 129109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 129125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 129125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 129141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 129141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (25%) [ 129156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 129156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 129172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 129172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 129187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 129187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 129187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 129203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (26%) [ 129203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 129203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 129219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 129219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 129219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 129219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 129234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 129234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (27%) [ 129234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 129234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 129250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 129250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 129250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 129266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 129266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 129266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (28%) [ 129266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 129281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 129281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 129281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 129281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 129297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 129297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (29%) [ 129297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 129312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 129312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 129312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 129328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 129328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 129328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 129328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (30%) [ 129344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 129344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 129344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 129359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 129359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 129359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 129359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 129375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (31%) [ 129375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 129391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 129406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 129406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 129422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 129422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 129437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 129437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (32%) [ 129437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 129453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 129469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 129469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 129484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 129500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 129516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 129531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (33%) [ 129531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 129547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 129547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 129562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 129578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 129578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 129594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (34%) [ 129609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 129609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 129609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 129625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 129625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 129641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 129641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 129656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (35%) [ 129656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 129672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 129687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 129687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 129703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 129703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 129719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 129719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (36%) [ 129734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 129750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 129766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 129766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 129781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 129781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 129797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 129797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (37%) [ 129812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 129812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 129828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 129828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 129844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 129844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 129859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 129875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (38%) [ 129875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 129891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 129891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 129906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 129922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 129922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 129937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (39%) [ 129937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 129953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 129953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 129969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 129969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 129984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 129984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 129984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 130000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (40%) [ 130000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 130016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 130016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 130031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 130047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 130047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 130062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 130062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (41%) [ 130078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 130094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 130094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 130109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 130109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 130109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 130125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 130141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (42%) [ 130141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (43%) [ 130156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (43%) [ 130156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (43%) [ 130172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (43%) [ 130172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (43%) [ 130187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (43%) [ 130187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (43%) [ 130203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 130203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 130219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 130234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 130250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 130250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 130266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 130281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (44%) [ 130281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 130297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 130297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 130312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 130312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 130328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 130328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 130344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (45%) [ 130344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 130359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 130359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 130375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 130391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 130391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 130406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 130406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (46%) [ 130422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 130437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 130437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 130453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 130469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 130500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 130500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 130516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (47%) [ 130516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 130531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 130531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 130531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 130578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 130594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 130594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (48%) [ 130609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 130609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 130625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 130625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 130641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 130641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 130656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 130656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (49%) [ 130672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 130672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 130687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 130687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 130703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 130703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 130719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 130719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (50%) [ 130719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 130734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 130734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 130750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 130750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 130766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 130766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 130766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (51%) [ 130781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 130781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 130797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 130797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 130812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 130812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 130828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 130828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (52%) [ 130844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 130844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 130859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 130859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 130875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 130875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 130891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (53%) [ 130906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 130906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 130922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 130937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 130937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 130953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 130969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 130969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (54%) [ 130984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 130984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 130984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 131000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 131000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 131016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 131016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 131031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 131031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (55%) [ 131031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 131047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 131047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 131062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 131062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 131062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 131078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 131078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (56%) [ 131094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 131094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 131094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 131109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 131109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 131125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 131125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 131141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (57%) [ 131141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 131156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 131156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 131156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 131172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 131172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 131187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (58%) [ 131187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 131187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 131187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 131203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 131203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 131219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 131219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 131219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (59%) [ 131234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 131234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 131234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 131250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 131250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 131266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 131266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 131281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (60%) [ 131281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 131297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 131297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 131312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 131312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 131312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 131312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 131328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (61%) [ 131328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 131344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 131344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 131344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 131359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 131359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 131375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 131375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (62%) [ 131375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 131391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 131406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 131406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 131406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 131422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 131422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (63%) [ 131437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 131437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 131453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 131453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 131453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 131469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 131469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 131469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (64%) [ 131484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 131484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 131484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 131500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 131500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 131516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 131516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 131516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (65%) [ 131531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 131531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 131547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 131547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 131547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 131562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 131562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 131578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (66%) [ 131578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 131594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 131594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 131609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 131609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 131609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 131625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 131625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (67%) [ 131625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 131641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 131641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 131656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 131656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 131656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 131672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (68%) [ 131672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 131687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 131687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 131687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 131703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 131703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 131719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 131719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (69%) [ 131734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 131734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 131750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 131750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 131766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 131766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 131781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 131797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (70%) [ 131812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 131812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 131828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 131828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 131828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 131844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 131844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 131844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (71%) [ 131859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 131859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 131875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 131875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 131891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 131891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 131891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (72%) [ 131906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 131906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 131922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 131922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 131937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 131937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 131953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 131953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (73%) [ 131969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 131969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 131984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 131984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 132000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 132016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 132016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 132016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 132031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (74%) [ 132031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 132031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 132047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 132047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 132062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 132062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 132062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 132078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (75%) [ 132078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 132094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 132094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 132094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 132109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 132109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 132125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 132125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (76%) [ 132141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (77%) [ 132141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (77%) [ 132156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (77%) [ 132156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (77%) [ 132172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (77%) [ 132172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (77%) [ 132187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (77%) [ 132187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 132203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 132203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 132203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 132203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 132219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 132219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 132234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (78%) [ 132234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 132234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 132250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 132250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 132250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 132266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 132266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 132281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (79%) [ 132281] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 132297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 132297] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 132312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 132312] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 132328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 132328] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 132344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (80%) [ 132344] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 132359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 132359] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 132375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 132375] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 132391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 132391] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 132406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (81%) [ 132406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 132406] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 132422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 132422] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 132437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 132437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 132437] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (82%) [ 132453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 132453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 132453] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 132469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 132469] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 132484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 132484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 132484] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (83%) [ 132500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 132500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 132500] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 132516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 132516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 132516] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 132531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 132531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (84%) [ 132531] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 132547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 132547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 132547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 132562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 132562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 132562] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 132578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (85%) [ 132578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 132578] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 132594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 132594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 132594] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 132609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 132609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 132609] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (86%) [ 132625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 132625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 132625] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 132641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 132641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 132641] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 132656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (87%) [ 132656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 132656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 132656] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 132672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 132672] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 132687] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 132703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 132703] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (88%) [ 132719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 132719] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 132734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 132734] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 132750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 132750] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 132766] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 132781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (89%) [ 132781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (90%) [ 132781] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (90%) [ 132797] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (90%) [ 132812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (90%) [ 132812] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (90%) [ 132828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (90%) [ 132828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (90%) [ 132828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (90%) [ 132828] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 132844] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 132859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 132859] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 132875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 132875] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 132891] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 132906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (91%) [ 132906] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (92%) [ 132922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (92%) [ 132922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (92%) [ 132922] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (92%) [ 132937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (92%) [ 132937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (92%) [ 132937] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (92%) [ 132953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 132953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 132953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132953] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 132969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 132969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 132969] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 132984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 132984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 132984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (93%) [ 132984] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 133000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 133000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 133000] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 133016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 133016] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 133031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 133031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (94%) [ 133031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 133031] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 133047] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 133062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 133062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 133062] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 133078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 133078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (95%) [ 133078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 133078] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 133094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 133094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 133094] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 133109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 133109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 133109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (96%) [ 133109] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 133125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 133125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 133125] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 133141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 133141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 133141] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (97%) [ 133156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 133156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 133156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 133156] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 133172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 133172] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 133187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 133187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (98%) [ 133187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 133187] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 133203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 133203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 133203] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 133219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 133219] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 133234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (99%) [ 133234] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (100%) [ 133250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (100%) [ 133250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (100%) [ 133250] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ OnConnectionProgress: Updating game storage... (100%) [ 133266] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Patching update/update.rpf [ 133547] [b2545_GTAProce] 4072/ Switching from build 2545 to build 2189...