hello I modified the script so that it can be used with an item cl-vape 165 insert if IsControlPressed(0, Config.RestingAnim) then Wait(Config.ButtonHoldTime) if IsControlPressed(0, Config.RestingAnim) then TriggerEvent("Vape:VapeAnimFix", 0) end Wait(1000) end cl-vape 184 insert DrawText3d(pedPos.x, pedPos.y, pedPos.z+1.08, "~c~Hold ~b~\"ALT\"~c~ to store the vape.") sv-vape replace her if Config.VapePermission == true then RegisterCommand("vape", function(source, args, rawCommand) if IsPlayerAceAllowed(source, Config.PermissionsGroup) then if (tostring(args[1]) == "start") then TriggerClientEvent("Vape:StartVaping", source, 0) elseif (tostring(args[1]) == "stop") then TriggerClientEvent("Vape:StopVaping", source, 0) elseif (tostring(args[1])) ~= nil then TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "^1 Vaping: Error, Wrong Command must use /vape ") end if Config.Debug then if (tostring(args[1]) == "fix") then TriggerClientEvent("Vape:VapeAnimFix", source, 0) elseif (tostring(args[1]) == "drag") then TriggerClientEvent("Vape:Drag", source, 0) end end else TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, Config.InsufficientMessage) end end) else RegisterCommand("vape", function(source, args, rawCommand) if (tostring(args[1]) == "start") then TriggerClientEvent("Vape:StartVaping", source, 0) elseif (tostring(args[1]) == "stop") then TriggerClientEvent("Vape:StopVaping", source, 0) elseif (tostring(args[1])) ~= nil then TriggerClientEvent("chatMessage", source, "^1 Vaping: Error, Wrong Command must use /vape ") end if Config.Debug then if (tostring(args[1]) == "fix") then TriggerClientEvent("Vape:VapeAnimFix", source, 0) elseif (tostring(args[1]) == "drag") then TriggerClientEvent("Vape:Drag", source, 0) end end end) end by that if Config.VapePermission == true then RegisterUsableItem('vape', function(source) local xPlayer = ESX.GetPlayerFromId(source) TriggerClientEvent('Vape:StartVaping', source, 0) end) end sorry my english its no perfect