[ 0] Initialized system mapping! [ 47] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.exe" [ 265] Initialized system mapping! [ 344] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe" -steamparent:12484 [ 344] Initializing Steam parent. [ 359] Initializing Steam parent: Steam's running. [ 406] Initializing Steam parent: Initializing presence. [ 406] Initializing Steam parent: Attempting to run processes. [ 484] hello from "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.exe" [ 500] Initialized system mapping! [ 547] Got ros:launcher process - pid 17800 [ 562] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_SteamChild.exe" -steamchild:12484 [ 562] Initializing Mono [ 562] game parent PID: 12484 [ 562] waiting for process to exit... [ 562] Initializing Mono completed [ 578] C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 CitizenFX.Core.pdb is not a platform image (even though the dir matches). [ 578] Hello! [ 640] Initialized system mapping! [ 672] Replacing function table list entry 0x142ce2000 with 0x142ce2000 [ 719] hello from "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSLauncher" ros:launcher --parent_pid=12484 "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe" [ 750] launcher! "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSLauncher" ros:launcher --parent_pid=12484 "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe" [ 750] Initialized system mapping! [ 781] Skipping XAudio2 patches - XAudio 2.7 is present. [ 781] Replacing function table list entry 0x140560000 with 0x140560000 [ 797] [FontRenderer] Initializing DirectWrite. [ 3281] versioning: /prod/gtav/launcher_online_config.xml [ 3281] versioning: /prod/gtav/launcher_online_config.xml [ 3422] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml [ 3422] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml [ 3437] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml [ 3687] Got ROS subprocess - pid 12236 [ 3781] Initialized system mapping! [ 3875] hello from "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSSubProcess" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --rgsc_pid=17800 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_4588 --rgsc_home_dir=C:\Users\Drakogoro\Documents\Rockstar*%20*Games\Social*%20*Club\Launcher\Renderer\ --no-proxy-server --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-spell-checking --disable-extensions --disable-gpu --lang=fr --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [ 3906] sub! "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSSubProcess" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --rgsc_pid=17800 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_4588 --rgsc_home_dir=C:\Users\Drakogoro\Documents\Rockstar*%20*Games\Social*%20*Club\Launcher\Renderer\ --no-proxy-server --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-spell-checking --disable-extensions --disable-gpu --lang=fr --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [ 3906] Initialized system mapping! [ 3922] Replacing function table list entry 0x1400b3000 with 0x1400b3000 [ 3969] Got ROS subprocess - pid 10832 [ 4062] Initialized system mapping! [ 4140] hello from "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSSubProcess" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --type=renderer --no-sandbox --primordial-pipe-token=BA345A1DB84A9C112EBD838D196F9C85 --lang=en-US --lang=fr --log-file="C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\debug.log" --log-severity=disable --disable-extensions --disable-spell-checking --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=4 --content-image-texture-target=3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553 --video-image-texture-target=3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553 --disable-accelerated-video-decode --disable-webrtc-hw-encoding --disable-gpu-compositing --channel="12236.0.655384720\1791292871" --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1852 /prefetch:1 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_4588_channel_1 --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [ 4172] sub! "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSSubProcess" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --type=renderer --no-sandbox --primordial-pipe-token=BA345A1DB84A9C112EBD838D196F9C85 --lang=en-US --lang=fr --log-file="C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\debug.log" --log-severity=disable --disable-extensions --disable-spell-checking --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=4 --content-image-texture-target=3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553 --video-image-texture-target=3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553 --disable-accelerated-video-decode --disable-webrtc-hw-encoding --disable-gpu-compositing --channel="12236.0.655384720\1791292871" --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1852 /prefetch:1 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_4588_channel_1 --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [ 4172] Initialized system mapping! [ 4187] Replacing function table list entry 0x1400b3000 with 0x1400b3000 [ 4265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET //scui/v2/desktop [ 4281] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/font-awesome.css [ 4281] versioning: /prod/gtav/font-awesome.css [ 4297] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/splash.png [ 4297] versioning: /prod/gtav/splash.png [ 4328] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/roboto.ttf [ 4344] versioning: /prod/gtav/roboto.ttf [ 5328] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cfx/login [ 6359] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/CreateScAuthToken [ 8812] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/entitlements.asmx/GetEntitlementBlock [ 9359] C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 MsgPack.dll is not a platform image (even though the dir matches). [ 9390] Failed to get instance for guid 9c268449-7af4-4a3b-995a-3b1692e958ac and iid 567634c6-3bdd-4d0e-af39-7472aed479b7: System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains no matching element [ 9406] at System.Linq.Enumerable.First[TSource] (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1[T] source, System.Func`2[T,TResult] predicate) [0x00011] in <31b946cfddcc4ab993dd6d559e89c25f>:0 [ 9406] at CitizenFX.Core.RuntimeManager.CreateObjectInstance (System.Guid guid, System.Guid iid) [0x00014] in C:\gl\builds\aaf2d114\0\cfx\fivem\code\client\clrcore\RuntimeManager.cs:39 [ 11594] GetScSdkStub [ 11594] RgscStub::QueryInterface [ 11594] RgscStub::Initialize [ 11687] Got ROS subprocess - pid 11856 [ 11687] RgscStub::m_05 [ 11703] RgscStub::m_04 [ 11703] RgscStub::m_14 [ 11703] RgscStub::m_07 [ 11703] RgscStub::m_09 [ 11719] RgscStub::m_10 [ 11719] RgscStub::m_06 [ 11719] RgscStub::GetUI [ 11719] RgscStub::m_08 [ 11734] RgscStub::m_11 [ 11734] RgscStub::m_15 [ 11734] RgscStub::m_16 [ 11734] RgscStub::m_17 [ 11750] NullInitializeGraphics [ 11797] Initialized system mapping! [ 11875] hello from "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSSubProcess" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --rgsc_pid=12484 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_30c4 --rgsc_home_dir=C:\Users\Drakogoro\Documents\Rockstar*%20*Games\Social*%20*Club\Renderer\ --no-proxy-server --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-spell-checking --disable-extensions --disable-gpu --lang=fr --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [ 11922] sub! "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSSubProcess" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --rgsc_pid=12484 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_30c4 --rgsc_home_dir=C:\Users\Drakogoro\Documents\Rockstar*%20*Games\Social*%20*Club\Renderer\ --no-proxy-server --safebrowsing-disable-auto-update --disable-spell-checking --disable-extensions --disable-gpu --lang=fr --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [ 11922] Initialized system mapping! [ 11937] Replacing function table list entry 0x1400b3000 with 0x1400b3000 [ 12015] somefunc found TitleUpdateDLC:/! [ 12015] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12031] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12031] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12031] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12031] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12047] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12047] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12047] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12047] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12047] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12062] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12062] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12062] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12078] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12078] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12078] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12078] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12094] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12094] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12094] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12094] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12109] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12109] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12109] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12109] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12109] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12125] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12125] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12125] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12125] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12140] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12140] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12140] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12140] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12156] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12156] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12156] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12156] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12172] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12172] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12172] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12187] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12187] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12187] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12187] del cfxcollection 0x42c863f0 [ 12203] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY15NG:/! [ 12203] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY15NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12203] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY14NG:/! [ 12203] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY14NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12219] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY13NG:/! [ 12219] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY13NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12219] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY12NG:/! [ 12234] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY12NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12234] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY11NG:/! [ 12234] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY11NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12234] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY10NG:/! [ 12250] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY10NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12250] somefunc found dlc_patchday9NG:/! [ 12250] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchday9NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12250] somefunc found dlc_PATCHDAY8NG:/! [ 12265] LoadDefDats: dlc_PATCHDAY8NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12265] somefunc found dlc_patchDay7NG:/! [ 12265] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay7NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12281] somefunc found dlc_patchDay6NG:/! [ 12281] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay6NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12281] somefunc found dlc_patchDay5NG:/! [ 12281] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay5NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12281] somefunc found dlc_patchDay4NG:/! [ 12297] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay4NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12297] somefunc found dlc_patchDay3NG:/! [ 12297] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay3NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12312] somefunc found dlc_patchDay2bNG:/! [ 12312] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay2bNGCRC:/content.xml [ 12312] somefunc found dlc_patchDay2NG:/! [ 12312] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay2NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12328] somefunc found dlc_patchDay1NG:/! [ 12328] LoadDefDats: dlc_patchDay1NGCRC:/content.xml [ 12328] somefunc found dlc_mpPatchesNG:/! [ 12344] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpPatchesNGCRC:/content.xml [ 12703] Initialized system mapping! [ 12719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_CORE init functions [ 12734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (52 total) [ 12734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking InitSystem INIT_CORE init (1 out of 52) [ 12734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderLib INIT_CORE init (2 out of 52) [ 12797] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_CORE init (3 out of 52) [ 12797] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_CORE init (4 out of 52) [ 12812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_CORE init (5 out of 52) [ 12812] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ChromeBrowser" --type=renderer --disable-gpu-vsync --enable-experimental-web-platform-features --force-gpu-rasterization --no-sandbox --use-fake-ui-for-media-stream --primordial-pipe-token=DF41B977E02E6DAECD74DA56A3CBF7CC --lang=en-US --lang=en-US --locales-dir-path="C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\bin/cef/" --log-file="C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\debug.log" --log-severity=disable --resources-dir-path="C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\bin/cef/" --enable-speech-input --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1.5 --num-raster-threads=4 --enable-main-frame-before-activation --content-image-texture-target=0,0,3553;0,1,3553;0,2,3553;0,3,3553;0,4,3553;0,5,3553;0,6,3553;0,7,3553;0,8,3553;0,9,3553;0,10,3553;0,11,3553;0,12,3553;0,13,3553;0,14,3553;0,15,3553;0,16,3553;1,0,3553;1,1,3553;1,2,3553;1,3,3553;1,4,3553;1,5,3553;1,6,3553;1,7,3553;1,8,3553;1,9,3553;1,10,3553;1,11,3553;1,12,3553;1,13,3553;1,14,3553;1,15,3553;1,16,3553;2,0,3553;2,1,3553;2,2,3553;2,3,3553;2,4,3553;2,5,3553;2,6,3553;2,7,3553;2,8,3553;2,9,3553;2,10,3553;2,11,3553;2,12,3553;2,13,3553;2,14,3553;2,15,3553;2,16,3553;3,0,3553;3,1,3553;3,2,3553;3,3,3553;3,4,3553;3,5,3553;3,6,3553;3,7,3553;3,8,3553;3,9,3553;3,10,3553;3,11,3553;3,12,3553;3,13,3553;3,14,3553;3,15,3553;3,16,3553;4,0,3553;4,1,3553;4,2,3553;4,3,3553;4,4,3553;4,5,3553;4,6,3553;4,7,3553;4,8,3553;4,9,3553;4,10,3553;4,11,3553;4,12,3553;4,13,3553;4,14,3553;4,15,3553;4,16,3553 --service-request-channel-token=DF41B977E02E6DAECD74DA56A3CBF7CC --renderer-client-id=3 --mojo-platform-channel-handle=7960 /prefetch:1 [ 12859] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 52) [ 12859] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 52) [ 12859] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_CORE init (8 out of 52) [ 13062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_CORE init (9 out of 52) [ 13078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_CORE init (10 out of 52) [ 13078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCullZones INIT_CORE init (11 out of 52) [ 13078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExpensiveProcessDistributer INIT_CORE init (12 out of 52) [ 13094] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_CORE init (13 out of 52) [ 13094] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CutSceneManagerWrapper INIT_CORE init (14 out of 52) [ 13094] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xd2cfbc62 INIT_CORE init (15 out of 52) [ 13094] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortalTracker INIT_CORE init (16 out of 52) [ 13109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_CORE init (17 out of 52) [ 13172] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_CORE init (18 out of 52) [ 13172] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_CORE init (19 out of 52) [ 13172] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPlantMgr INIT_CORE init (20 out of 52) [ 13203] Got ROS subprocess - pid 2064 [ 13297] binder on 17185 is 0x25b4 [ 13297] binder on 6672 is 0x2600 [ 13297] Initialized system mapping! [ 13375] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CShaderHairSort INIT_CORE init (21 out of 52) [ 13390] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_CORE init (22 out of 52) [ 13390] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_CORE init (23 out of 52) [ 13390] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_CORE init (24 out of 52) [ 13406] hello from "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSSubProcess" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --type=renderer --no-sandbox --primordial-pipe-token=6E61E9DB0334EEA4E533B629C74FCA72 --lang=en-US --lang=fr --log-file="C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\debug.log" --log-severity=disable --disable-extensions --disable-spell-checking --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=4 --content-image-texture-target=3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553 --video-image-texture-target=3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553 --disable-accelerated-video-decode --disable-webrtc-hw-encoding --disable-gpu-compositing --channel="11856.0.1893755721\929647660" --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1856 /prefetch:1 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_30c4_channel_1 --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [ 13437] sub! "C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\cache\subprocess\FiveM_ROSSubProcess" ros:subprocess "C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\subprocess.exe" --type=renderer --no-sandbox --primordial-pipe-token=6E61E9DB0334EEA4E533B629C74FCA72 --lang=en-US --lang=fr --log-file="C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\debug.log" --log-severity=disable --disable-extensions --disable-spell-checking --enable-pinch --device-scale-factor=1 --num-raster-threads=4 --content-image-texture-target=3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553 --video-image-texture-target=3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553,3553 --disable-accelerated-video-decode --disable-webrtc-hw-encoding --disable-gpu-compositing --channel="11856.0.1893755721\929647660" --mojo-platform-channel-handle=1856 /prefetch:1 --rgsc_ipc_channel_name=rgsc_ipc_30c4_channel_1 --remote-debugging-port=13171 --ignore-certificate-errors [ 13453] Initialized system mapping! [ 13453] Replacing function table list entry 0x1400b3000 with 0x1400b3000 [ 13562] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /scui/v2/desktop [ 13578] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/font-awesome.css [ 13578] versioning: /prod/gtav/font-awesome.css [ 13594] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /prod/gtav/splash.png [ 13594] versioning: /prod/gtav/splash.png [ 13640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xcaf18c95 INIT_CORE init (25 out of 52) [ 13656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x93ae9b6e INIT_CORE init (26 out of 52) [ 13656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlayback INIT_CORE init (27 out of 52) [ 13656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking VideoPlaybackThumbnailManager INIT_CORE init (28 out of 52) [ 13656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (29 out of 52) [ 13734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFrontendStatsMgr INIT_CORE init (30 out of 52) [ 13750] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControllerLabelMgr INIT_CORE init (31 out of 52) [ 13750] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_CORE init (32 out of 52) [ 13750] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_CORE init (33 out of 52) [ 13969] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_CORE init (34 out of 52) [ 13984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_CORE init (35 out of 52) [ 13984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_CORE init (36 out of 52) [ 13984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_CORE init (37 out of 52) [ 13984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_CORE init (38 out of 52) [ 13984] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWaypointRecording INIT_CORE init (39 out of 52) [ 14000] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_CORE init (40 out of 52) [ 14000] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskClassInfoManager INIT_CORE init (41 out of 52) [ 14000] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTuningManager INIT_CORE init (42 out of 52) [ 14031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAppDataMgr INIT_CORE init (43 out of 52) [ 14031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetRespawnMgr INIT_CORE init (44 out of 52) [ 14031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAgitatedManager INIT_CORE init (45 out of 52) [ 14031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioActionManager INIT_CORE init (46 out of 52) [ 14047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_CORE init (47 out of 52) [ 14047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPostScan INIT_CORE init (48 out of 52) [ 14047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr INIT_CORE init (49 out of 52) [ 14047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_CORE init (50 out of 52) [ 14062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CIplCullBox INIT_CORE init (51 out of 52) [ 14062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking perfClearingHouse INIT_CORE init (52 out of 52) [ 14062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (11 total) [ 14062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScene INIT_CORE init (1 out of 11) [ 14422] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_CORE init (2 out of 11) [ 14422] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_CORE init (3 out of 11) [ 14484] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInit INIT_CORE init (4 out of 11) [ 14500] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_CORE init (5 out of 11) [ 14500] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_CORE init (6 out of 11) [ 14515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLightManager INIT_CORE init (7 out of 11) [ 14515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLODLights INIT_CORE init (8 out of 11) [ 14515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AmbientLights INIT_CORE init (9 out of 11) [ 14515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_CORE init (10 out of 11) [ 14531] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_CORE init (11 out of 11) [ 14531] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (21 total) [ 14531] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_CORE init (1 out of 21) [ 14547] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking cStoreScreenMgr INIT_CORE init (2 out of 21) [ 14547] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xa05ca7da INIT_CORE init (3 out of 21) [ 14547] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xd81097fd INIT_CORE init (4 out of 21) [ 14547] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xa3200712 INIT_CORE init (5 out of 21) [ 14547] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xfaab3737 INIT_CORE init (6 out of 21) [ 14562] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x602ee6e2 INIT_CORE init (7 out of 21) [ 14562] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_CORE init (8 out of 21) [ 14562] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_CORE init (9 out of 21) [ 14578] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking WarningScreen INIT_CORE init (10 out of 21) [ 14578] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_CORE init (11 out of 21) [ 14578] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_CORE init (12 out of 21) [ 14578] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDLCScript INIT_CORE init (13 out of 21) [ 14578] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameStreamMgr INIT_CORE init (14 out of 21) [ 14640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4d167300 INIT_CORE init (15 out of 21) [ 14640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMetaDataStore INIT_CORE init (16 out of 21) [ 14640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x7ef069c3 INIT_CORE init (17 out of 21) [ 14640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xc90b32b2 INIT_CORE init (18 out of 21) [ 14656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking UI3DDrawManager INIT_CORE init (19 out of 21) [ 14656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x4f916676 INIT_CORE init (20 out of 21) [ 14656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0x71cb65d7 INIT_CORE init (21 out of 21) [ 14672] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_CORE init functions! [ 15234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cfx/login [ 16359] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/CreateScAuthToken [ 17406] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 17828] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/achievements.asmx/GetPlayerAchievements [ 18094] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 18297] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 18656] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/CountAll [ 18984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetBlocked [ 19406] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 19422] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Inbox.asmx/GetUnreadMessages [ 19437] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/matchmaking.asmx/UnadvertiseAll [ 19484] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 19500] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetRelayServers [ 19531] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Clans.asmx/GetMine [ 19672] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 19672] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1479822297/secure/gta5/RosGamersSettings.json [ 19734] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1479822297/secure/gta5/0x1a098062.xml [ 19765] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/store/fr/commerceData.xml [ 19812] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0xb47cc3ea.json [ 19828] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/entitlements.asmx/GetEntitlements [ 19859] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/news/news.json [ 19922] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Clans.asmx/GetInvites [ 19953] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Inbox.asmx/GetMessages [ 20187] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [ 20234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/store/commerceData.xml [ 20609] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [ 20656] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/entitlements.asmx/GetEntitlementBlock [ 20984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [ 21140] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [ 21187] binder on 5350 is 0x2e88 [ 21203] binder on 0 is 0x2e4c [ 22078] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 22203] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Presence.asmx/ReplaceAttributes [ 23469] Pinging specified servers... [ 25062] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 26203] binder on 0 is 0x2e4c [ 26781] Getting auth ticket for pipe appID 218 - should be 218. [ 27781] [spawnmanager] [ 27781] [Script7] [ 27781] [dmvschool] [ 27797] [skin] [ 27797] [fivem] [ 27797] [Script2] [ 27797] [fivem-map-hipster] [ 27797] [vdk_inventory] [ 27797] [scoreboard] [ 27812] [chasse] [ 27812] [mapmanager] [ 27812] [banking] [ 27812] [es_admin] [ 27812] [Script1] [ 27828] [essentialmode] [ 27828] [es_bank] [ 27828] [accessories_switcher] [ 27828] [es_freeroam] [ 27828] [gcidentity] [ 27828] [ply_prefecture] [ 27844] [es_holdup] [ 27844] [gcphone] [ 27844] [chat] [ 27844] [LockSystem] [ 27844] [paycheck] [ 27859] [Stream06] [ 27859] [gcillegal] [ 27859] [loadingscreen] [ 27859] [Script3] [ 27859] [MapMaker] [ 27875] [mellotrainer] [ 27875] [mysql-async] [ 27875] [nameOfPlayers] [ 27875] [co_locvelo] [ 27875] [Script4] [ 27875] [msq-directions-hud] [ 27890] [Script5] [ 27890] [Script6] [ 27890] [co_basejump] [ 27890] [Spike] [ 27890] [vdk_recolt] [ 27906] [vehiclehealth] [ 27906] [hardcap] [ 27906] [rconlog] [ 27906] [co_pvp] [ 27906] [lastpostodb] [ 27906] [sessionmanager] [ 27922] [disclaimer] [ 27922] [ambulancier] [ 27922] [metiers] [ 27922] [taxi] [ 27922] [face] [ 27937] [player_state] [ 27937] [wlcheck] [ 27937] [barbershop] [ 27937] [clotheshop] [ 27953] [es_weashop] [ 27953] [gb_foodshops] [ 27953] [veh_shop] [ 27953] [assets] [ 27953] [handling] [ 27969] [skinvoiture] [ 27969] [Stream01] [ 27969] [Stream02] [ 27969] [Stream03] [ 27969] [Stream04] [ 27984] [Stream05] [ 27984] [afkkick] [ 27984] [cotd_teleport] [ 27984] [gb_vocal] [ 27984] [gcinteraction] [ 28000] [gc_utils] [ 28000] [neverwanted] [ 28000] [nomsjoueurs] [ 28000] [td_death] [ 28000] [carhud] [ 28015] [carwash] [ 28015] [customs] [ 28015] [helicam] [ 28015] [es_AdvancedFuel] [ 28015] [garages] [ 28031] [indicators] [ 28031] [sirencontrols] [ 28578] Loaded NativeUI, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_433219084 [ 28578] Instantiated instance of script NativeUI.BigMessageThread. [ 28578] Loaded vehiclecontrols.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_433219084 [ 28609] Instantiated instance of script VehicleControls.VehicleControls. [ 29062] Failed to load script headlights.lua. [ 29562] Loaded vehiclehealth.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_292308950 [ 29578] Instantiated instance of script VehicleHealth.VehicleHealth. [ 29984] Failed to load script vehicle_names.lua. [ 30015] polociError parsing script data/vehicle_names.lua in resource Stream02: data/vehicle_names.lua:2: expected near 'end' [ 30015] Failed to load script data/vehicle_names.lua. [ 30078] Failed to load script client.lua. [ 30547] Loaded sirencontrols.net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null into ScriptDomain_1834176025 [ 30547] Instantiated instance of script SirenControls.SirenSound. [ 30547] Instantiated instance of script SirenControls.BlipSiren. [ 30562] Instantiated instance of script SirenControls.SilentSirens. [ 30890] connectOK, our id 54, host id 1 [ 30969] Triggering LoadGameFirstLaunch() [ 31047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions [ 31047] Loading default meta overrides (total: 0) [ 31047] Done loading default meta overrides! [ 31047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (31 total) [ 31062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 31) [ 31062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 31) [ 31062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 31) [ 31078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 31) [ 31094] Loading 254 handling entries from commoncrc:/data/handling.meta [ 31109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking INSTANCESTORE INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 31) [ 31109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 31) [ 31109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwMapTypesStore INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 31) [ 31109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CModelInfo INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 31) [ 31109] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPatrolRoutes INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 31) [ 31125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 31) [ 31125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 31) [ 31125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 31) [ 31125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 31) [ 31140] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 31) [ 31140] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking COcclusion INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 31) [ 31140] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 31) [ 31140] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 31) [ 31156] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 31) [ 31156] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTVPlaylistManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 31) [ 31156] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientModelSetManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 31) [ 31172] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CLadderMetadataManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 31) [ 31172] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 31) [ 31219] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CConditionalAnimManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 31) [ 31234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleMetadataMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 31) [ 31281] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRandomEventManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 31) [ 31281] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCrimeInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 31) [ 31281] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWitnessInformationManager INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 31) [ 31297] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPortal INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 31) [ 31297] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking LightEntityMgr INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 31) [ 31297] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking AnimBlackboard INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (30 out of 31) [ 31312] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitBeforeMapLoaded INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init (31 out of 31) [ 31312] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_BEFORE_MAP_LOADED init functions! [ 31406] instrumented function 0x1408c73e0 (51) took 19394msec [ 31406] instrumented function 0x1415054b4 (0) took 0msec [ 31422] instrumented function 0x1408fa800 (1) took 0msec [ 31562] instrumented function 0x140d4ffb4 (2) took 139msec [ 31562] instrumented function 0x140006700 (3) took 0msec [ 31578] instrumented function 0x1408eae94 (4) took 0msec [ 31578] instrumented function 0x1408d2f20 (52) took 0msec [ 31578] instrumented function 0x1415054b4 (53) took 1msec [ 31844] instrumented function 0x1408c008c (54) took 258msec [ 31844] instrumented function 0x1415054b4 (55) took 1msec [ 31844] instrumented function 0x1407b4fbc (56) took 0msec [ 32859] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 32890] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 32906] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 32953] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33000] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33015] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33078] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33109] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33125] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33140] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33156] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33156] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33187] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33203] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33219] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33265] level hash match - was custom: 0 [ 33328] instrumented function 0x1407b29d8 (57) took 1478msec [ 33328] instrumented function 0x140006700 (5) took 0msec [ 33344] instrumented function 0x140d4ff50 (6) took 0msec [ 33344] instrumented function 0x1408f8d20 (7) took 1msec [ 33359] instrumented function 0x1401c4038 (8) took 5msec [ 33359] instrumented function 0x1407bc940 (9) took 3msec [ 33375] instrumented function 0x1408e8ef0 (10) took 2msec [ 33375] instrumented function 0x1408e98ac (11) took 0msec [ 33375] instrumented function 0x1408e9bec (12) took 1msec [ 33375] instrumented function 0x1408eabe4 (13) took 1msec [ 33390] instrumented function 0x1408eac28 (14) took 0msec [ 33390] instrumented function 0x1408eac74 (15) took 1msec [ 33390] instrumented function 0x1408eb714 (16) took 1msec [ 33406] instrumented function 0x1408eb6d0 (17) took 0msec [ 33406] instrumented function 0x1408e8eac (18) took 1msec [ 33406] instrumented function 0x1408ea114 (19) took 1msec [ 33406] instrumented function 0x1408e96ec (20) took 0msec [ 33422] instrumented function 0x1408ea158 (21) took 1msec [ 33422] instrumented function 0x1408e9774 (22) took 1msec [ 33422] instrumented function 0x1408ea19c (23) took 1msec [ 33515] instrumented function 0x1408e9a0c (24) took 77msec [ 33515] instrumented function 0x1408ead18 (25) took 0msec [ 33515] instrumented function 0x1408fe3d0 (26) took 1msec [ 33531] instrumented function 0x14154017c (27) took 0msec [ 33531] instrumented function 0x1408eb8f0 (28) took 0msec [ 33531] instrumented function 0x1408eb924 (29) took 0msec [ 33547] instrumented function 0x140c14fe4 (30) took 13msec [ 33562] instrumented function 0x1408eacb8 (31) took 11msec [ 33562] instrumented function 0x1408eb7f0 (32) took 1msec [ 33687] instrumented function 0x1408eb79c (33) took 116msec [ 33687] instrumented function 0x14052f860 (34) took 0msec [ 33703] instrumented function 0x140006700 (35) took 0msec [ 36265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Presence.asmx/SetAttributes [ 36781] Changing video mode. [ 37453] Changing video mode success: 1. [ 42922] instrumented function 0x1408c87e8 (36) took 9219msec [ 42922] instrumented function 0x140006700 (37) took 1msec [ 42984] instrumented function 0x140dacb5c (38) took 52msec [ 42984] instrumented function 0x1408e9c30 (39) took 1msec [ 43000] instrumented function 0x1415310e8 (58) took 0msec [ 43000] instrumented function 0x1416f1734 (59) took 0msec [ 43000] instrumented function 0x1411ff508 (60) took 1msec [ 43015] instrumented function 0x1407b7454 (61) took 1msec [ 43015] instrumented function 0x1407b8fe4 (62) took 0msec [ 43015] instrumented function 0x1408ea040 (66) took 0msec [ 43015] instrumented function 0x1408ea040 (66) took 0msec [ 43031] instrumented function 0x1407a5a84 (69) took 0msec [ 43031] instrumented function 0x1415310e8 (58) took 0msec [ 43031] instrumented function 0x1416f1734 (59) took 0msec [ 43047] instrumented function 0x1411ff508 (60) took 0msec [ 43047] instrumented function 0x1407b7454 (61) took 0msec [ 43047] instrumented function 0x1407b8fe4 (62) took 0msec [ 43062] instrumented function 0x1407a5a84 (69) took 0msec [ 43062] instrumented function 0x1415310e8 (58) took 0msec [ 43062] instrumented function 0x1416f1734 (59) took 0msec [ 43078] instrumented function 0x1411ff508 (60) took 1msec [ 43078] instrumented function 0x1407b7454 (61) took 1msec [ 43078] instrumented function 0x1407b8fe4 (62) took 0msec [ 43094] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43094] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43094] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43094] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43109] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43109] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43109] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43125] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43125] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43125] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43281] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43281] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43281] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43297] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43297] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43297] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43312] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43312] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43312] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43328] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43328] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43328] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43328] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43344] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43344] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43344] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43359] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43359] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43359] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43375] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43375] instrumented 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instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43453] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43453] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43469] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43469] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43469] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43484] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43484] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43484] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43500] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43500] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43500] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43500] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43515] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43515] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43515] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43531] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43531] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43531] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43531] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43547] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43547] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43547] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43562] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43562] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43562] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43578] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43578] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43578] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43609] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43609] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43609] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43640] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43640] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43640] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43656] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43656] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43656] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43656] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43672] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43672] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43672] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43687] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 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function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43984] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 43984] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44000] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44000] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44000] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44000] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44015] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44015] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44015] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44015] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44031] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44031] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44031] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44047] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44047] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44047] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44047] 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44125] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44125] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44281] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 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function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44578] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44578] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44609] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44609] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44609] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44640] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44640] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44640] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44656] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44656] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44656] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44672] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44672] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44672] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44672] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44687] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44687] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44687] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44703] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44703] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44703] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 1msec [ 44703] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44719] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44719] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44719] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44734] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44734] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44734] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44750] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44750] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44750] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44750] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44765] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44765] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44765] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44781] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44781] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44781] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44781] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44797] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44797] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44797] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44812] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44812] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44812] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44812] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44828] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44828] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44828] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44844] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44844] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 1msec [ 44844] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44844] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44859] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44859] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44859] instrumented function 0x1407a5a84 (69) took 0msec [ 44875] instrumented function 0x1415310e8 (58) took 0msec [ 44875] instrumented function 0x1416f1734 (59) took 0msec [ 44875] instrumented function 0x1411ff508 (60) took 1msec [ 44890] instrumented function 0x1407b7454 (61) took 0msec [ 44890] instrumented function 0x1407b8fe4 (62) took 0msec [ 44890] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44890] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44906] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44906] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44906] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44922] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44922] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44922] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44922] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44937] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44937] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44937] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44953] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44953] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44953] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44969] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44969] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44969] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44969] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44984] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44984] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 44984] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45000] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45000] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45000] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45000] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45015] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45015] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45015] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45031] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45031] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45031] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45031] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45047] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45047] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45047] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45062] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45062] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45062] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45078] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45078] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45078] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45078] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45094] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45094] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45094] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45109] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45109] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45109] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45109] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 1msec [ 45125] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45125] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45125] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45140] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45156] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45172] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45187] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45203] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45219] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45234] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45250] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45265] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45281] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45281] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45281] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45297] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45297] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45297] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45297] instrumented function 0x1407a5a84 (69) took 0msec [ 45312] instrumented function 0x1415310e8 (58) took 0msec [ 45312] instrumented function 0x1416f1734 (59) took 0msec [ 45312] instrumented function 0x1411ff508 (60) took 0msec [ 45328] instrumented function 0x1407b7454 (61) took 0msec [ 45328] instrumented function 0x1407b8fe4 (62) took 0msec [ 45328] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45328] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45344] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45344] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45344] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45359] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45359] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45359] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45375] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45375] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45375] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45375] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45390] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45390] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45390] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45406] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45406] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45406] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45406] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45422] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45422] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45422] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45437] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45437] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45437] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45453] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45453] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45453] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45453] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45469] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45469] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45469] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 1msec [ 45484] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45484] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45484] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45500] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45500] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45500] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45500] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45515] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45515] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45515] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45531] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45531] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45531] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45531] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45547] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45547] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45547] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45562] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45562] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45562] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45578] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45578] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45578] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45578] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45594] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45609] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45609] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45609] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45625] instrumented function 0x1408e7f54 (63) took 0msec [ 45625] instrumented function 0x1407a5a84 (69) took 0msec [ 45625] instrumented function 0x140006700 (40) took 0msec [ 47265] instrumented function 0x1408c8764 (41) took 1635msec [ 47281] instrumented function 0x140006700 (42) took 0msec [ 47281] instrumented function 0x140903a58 (43) took 0msec [ 47281] instrumented function 0x1408bfad8 (44) took 1msec [ 47312] instrumented function 0x1408edee0 (45) took 19msec [ 47312] instrumented function 0x1408f6cfc (46) took 2msec [ 47328] instrumented function 0x1407b4fbc (47) took 1msec [ 47328] instrumented function 0x140605304 (48) took 2msec [ 47328] instrumented function 0x1408e9730 (49) took 1msec [ 47344] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions [ 47344] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (29 total) [ 47359] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 29) [ 47359] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClock INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 29) [ 47359] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CEventDataManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (3 out of 29) [ 47375] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CHandlingDataMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (4 out of 29) [ 47375] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (5 out of 29) [ 47375] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (6 out of 29) [ 47390] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (7 out of 29) [ 47406] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopZones INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (8 out of 29) [ 47406] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMapZoneManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (9 out of 29) [ 47422] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreamingWrapper INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (10 out of 29) [ 47422] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (11 out of 29) [ 47422] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (12 out of 29) [ 47437] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (13 out of 29) [ 47437] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (14 out of 29) [ 47437] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (15 out of 29) [ 47515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (16 out of 29) [ 47515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking Water INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (17 out of 29) [ 47531] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldHeightMap INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (18 out of 29) [ 47531] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorldWaterHeight INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (19 out of 29) [ 47547] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAnimationManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (20 out of 29) [ 47547] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAmbientAudioManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (21 out of 29) [ 47547] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (22 out of 29) [ 47562] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (23 out of 29) [ 48015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (24 out of 29) [ 48562] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Presence.asmx/GetAttributes [ 49484] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (25 out of 29) [ 49484] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (26 out of 29) [ 49484] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CThePopMultiplierAreas INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (27 out of 29) [ 49500] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking MeshBlendManager INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (28 out of 29) [ 49515] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProceduralInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (29 out of 29) [ 49531] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (2 total) [ 49531] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (1 out of 2) [ 49672] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init (2 out of 2) [ 49703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_AFTER_MAP_LOADED init functions! [ 49703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running INIT_SESSION init functions [ 49703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 1 (5 total) [ 49719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleRecordingMgr INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 5) [ 49719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreaming INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 5) [ 49719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CFocusEntityMgr INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 5) [ 49719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngine INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 5) [ 51265] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGtaAnimManager INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 5) [ 51281] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 2 (84 total) [ 51297] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CModelInfo::Init INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 84) [ 51312] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CInstanceListAssetLoader::Init INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 84) [ 51609] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 51703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTask INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 84) [ 51703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioPointManagerInitSession INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 84) [ 51719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderPhaseCascadeShadowsInterface INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 84) [ 51719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwAnimDirector INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 84) [ 51719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwClipSetManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 84) [ 51719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwExpressionSetManager INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 84) [ 51734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwFacialClipSetGroupManager INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 84) [ 51734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTaskRecover INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 84) [ 51750] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking camManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 84) [ 51765] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CAssistedMovementRouteStore INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 84) [ 51765] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBuses INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 84) [ 51781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCheat INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 84) [ 51781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CControlMgr INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 84) [ 51781] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameLogic INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 84) [ 51797] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameWorld INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 84) [ 51797] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGarages INIT_SESSION init (18 out of 84) [ 51797] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGps INIT_SESSION init (19 out of 84) [ 51797] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CJunctions INIT_SESSION init (20 out of 84) [ 51812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathZoneManager INIT_SESSION init (21 out of 84) [ 51812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMessages INIT_SESSION init (22 out of 84) [ 51812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetwork INIT_SESSION init (23 out of 84) [ 51828] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CObjectPopulationNY INIT_SESSION init (24 out of 84) [ 51828] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathFind INIT_SESSION init (25 out of 84) [ 51828] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPed INIT_SESSION init (26 out of 84) [ 51953] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedModelInfo INIT_SESSION init (27 out of 84) [ 51984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 52015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedPopulation INIT_SESSION init (28 out of 84) [ 52015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPerformance INIT_SESSION init (29 out of 84) [ 52015] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPedAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (30 out of 84) [ 52031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleAILodManager INIT_SESSION init (31 out of 84) [ 52031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhoneMgr INIT_SESSION init (32 out of 84) [ 52031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhotoManager INIT_SESSION init (33 out of 84) [ 52031] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPhysics INIT_SESSION init (34 out of 84) [ 52047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupManager INIT_SESSION init (35 out of 84) [ 52047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNetworkTelemetry INIT_SESSION init (36 out of 84) [ 52047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopCycle INIT_SESSION init (37 out of 84) [ 52047] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CProcObjectMan INIT_SESSION init (38 out of 84) [ 52062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xcaf18c95 INIT_SESSION init (39 out of 84) [ 52062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRestart INIT_SESSION init (40 out of 84) [ 52062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScaleformMgr INIT_SESSION init (41 out of 84) [ 52062] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSlownessZonesManager INIT_SESSION init (42 out of 84) [ 52078] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStreamingRequestList INIT_SESSION init (43 out of 84) [ 52094] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStuntJumpManager INIT_SESSION init (44 out of 84) [ 52094] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CActionManager INIT_SESSION init (45 out of 84) [ 52125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderTargetMgr INIT_SESSION init (46 out of 84) [ 52125] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTheScripts INIT_SESSION init (47 out of 84) [ 52187] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptAreas INIT_SESSION init (48 out of 84) [ 52187] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptCars INIT_SESSION init (49 out of 84) [ 52187] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPeds INIT_SESSION init (50 out of 84) [ 52187] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptEntities INIT_SESSION init (51 out of 84) [ 52203] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptDebug INIT_SESSION init (52 out of 84) [ 52203] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptHud INIT_SESSION init (53 out of 84) [ 52203] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptPedAIBlips INIT_SESSION init (54 out of 84) [ 52203] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CStatsMgr INIT_SESSION init (55 out of 84) [ 52219] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTrain INIT_SESSION init (56 out of 84) [ 52234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/legal/version/version_num.xml [ 52234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CUserDisplay INIT_SESSION init (57 out of 84) [ 52234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehiclePopulation INIT_SESSION init (58 out of 84) [ 52234] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVisualEffects INIT_SESSION init (59 out of 84) [ 52469] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDispatchData INIT_SESSION init (60 out of 84) [ 52469] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRoadBlock INIT_SESSION init (61 out of 84) [ 52469] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWeaponManager INIT_SESSION init (62 out of 84) [ 52640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScriptedGunTaskMetadataMgr INIT_SESSION init (63 out of 84) [ 52640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleCombatAvoidanceArea INIT_SESSION init (64 out of 84) [ 52640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatInfoMgr INIT_SESSION init (65 out of 84) [ 52640] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCombatDirector INIT_SESSION init (66 out of 84) [ 52656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CVehicleChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (67 out of 84) [ 52656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBoatChaseDirector INIT_SESSION init (68 out of 84) [ 52656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTacticalAnalysis INIT_SESSION init (69 out of 84) [ 52656] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCoverFinder INIT_SESSION init (70 out of 84) [ 52672] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CWorldPoints INIT_SESSION init (71 out of 84) [ 52672] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking fwTimer INIT_SESSION init (72 out of 84) [ 52672] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking PostFX INIT_SESSION init (73 out of 84) [ 52672] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRenderer INIT_SESSION init (74 out of 84) [ 52687] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking ViewportSystemInitLevel INIT_SESSION init (75 out of 84) [ 52703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGameSituation INIT_SESSION init (76 out of 84) [ 52703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetRequestManager INIT_SESSION init (77 out of 84) [ 52703] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPrioritizedClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (78 out of 84) [ 52719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CSituationalClipSetStreamer INIT_SESSION init (79 out of 84) [ 52719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CClipDictionaryStoreInterface INIT_SESSION init (80 out of 84) [ 52719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CRiots INIT_SESSION init (81 out of 84) [ 52719] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CCover INIT_SESSION init (82 out of 84) [ 52734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraMetadataMgr::ClassInit INIT_SESSION init (83 out of 84) [ 52734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking BackgroundScripts INIT_SESSION init (84 out of 84) [ 52734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Running functions of order 3 (17 total) [ 52734] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CText INIT_SESSION init (1 out of 17) [ 52750] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CMiniMap INIT_SESSION init (2 out of 17) [ 52765] coll open compcache:/assets/minimap.ytd [ 52812] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CNewHud INIT_SESSION init (3 out of 17) [ 52812] coll open compcache:/assets/hud.ytd [ 52875] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CBusySpinner INIT_SESSION init (4 out of 17) [ 52875] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking 0xb8568feb INIT_SESSION init (5 out of 17) [ 52890] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExplosionManager INIT_SESSION init (6 out of 17) [ 52890] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPickupDataManager INIT_SESSION init (7 out of 17) [ 52890] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPopulationStreaming INIT_SESSION init (8 out of 17) [ 52906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDecoratorInterface INIT_SESSION init (9 out of 17) [ 52906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CScenarioManager INIT_SESSION init (10 out of 17) [ 52906] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CGestureManager INIT_SESSION init (11 out of 17) [ 52922] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CTexLod INIT_SESSION init (12 out of 17) [ 52922] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPathServer::InitSession INIT_SESSION init (13 out of 17) [ 52922] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CPauseMenu INIT_SESSION init (14 out of 17) [ 52922] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CExtraContentWrapper INIT_SESSION init (15 out of 17) [ 52937] somefunc found dlcMPBeach:/! [ 52937] LoadDefDats: dlcMPBeachCRC:/content.xml [ 52953] Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMPBeachCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 52984] somefunc found dlc_mpChristmas:/! [ 52984] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpChristmasCRC:/content.xml [ 52984] somefunc found dlcMPValentines:/! [ 53000] LoadDefDats: dlcMPValentinesCRC:/content.xml [ 53047] Loading 1 handling entries from dlcMPValentinesCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 53078] somefunc found dlcMPBusiness:/! [ 53078] LoadDefDats: dlcMPBusinessCRC:/content.xml [ 53125] Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMPBusinessCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 53203] somefunc found dlc_mpBusiness2:/! [ 53203] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpBusiness2CRC:/content.xml [ 53250] Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpBusiness2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 53312] somefunc found dlcMPHipster:/! [ 53328] LoadDefDats: dlcMPHipsterCRC:/content.xml [ 53344] Loading 7 handling entries from dlcMPHipsterCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 53390] somefunc found dlc_mpIndependence:/! [ 53390] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpIndependenceCRC:/content.xml [ 53453] Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpIndependenceCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 53500] somefunc found dlcMPPilot:/! [ 53500] LoadDefDats: dlcMPPilotCRC:/content.xml [ 53531] Loading 4 handling entries from dlcMpPilotCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 53594] somefunc found dlcMPLTS:/! [ 53594] LoadDefDats: dlcMPLTSCRC:/content.xml [ 53656] Loading 3 handling entries from dlcMPLTSCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 53703] somefunc found dlc_mpChristmas2:/! [ 53719] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpChristmas2CRC:/content.xml [ 53734] Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpChristmas2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 53812] somefunc found dlcMPHeist:/! [ 53812] LoadDefDats: dlcMPHeistCRC:/content.xml [ 53906] Loading 16 handling entries from dlcMPHeistCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 54125] somefunc found dlc_mpLuxe:/! [ 54140] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpLuxeCRC:/content.xml [ 54203] Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLuxeCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 54281] somefunc found dlc_mpLuxe2:/! [ 54281] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpLuxe2CRC:/content.xml [ 54344] Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLuxe2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 54375] somefunc found dlc_mpReplay:/! [ 54375] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpReplayCRC:/content.xml [ 54390] somefunc found dlc_mpLowrider:/! [ 54390] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpLowriderCRC:/content.xml [ 54469] Loading 6 handling entries from dlc_mpLowriderCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 54547] somefunc found dlcMPHalloween:/! [ 54547] LoadDefDats: dlcMPHalloweenCRC:/content.xml [ 54562] Loading 2 handling entries from dlcMPHalloweenCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 54594] somefunc found dlc_mpApartment:/! [ 54594] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpApartmentCRC:/content.xml [ 54672] Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpApartmentCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 54750] somefunc found dlc_mpxmas_604490:/! [ 54750] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpxmas_604490CRC:/content.xml [ 54765] Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpxmas_604490CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 54828] somefunc found dlc_mpJanuary2016:/! [ 54828] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpJanuary2016CRC:/content.xml [ 54844] Loading 2 handling entries from dlc_mpJanuary2016CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 54890] somefunc found dlc_mpValentines2:/! [ 54890] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpValentines2CRC:/content.xml [ 54906] Loading 1 handling entries from dlc_mpValentines2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 54922] somefunc found dlc_mpLowrider2:/! [ 54922] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpLowrider2CRC:/content.xml [ 55000] Loading 7 handling entries from dlc_mpLowrider2CRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 55094] somefunc found dlc_mpExecutive:/! [ 55094] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpExecutiveCRC:/content.xml [ 55140] Loading 14 handling entries from dlc_mpExecutiveCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 55219] somefunc found dlc_mpStunt:/! [ 55219] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpStuntCRC:/content.xml [ 55265] Loading 15 handling entries from dlc_mpStuntCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 55375] somefunc found dlc_mpBiker:/! [ 55375] dlc mounted: citizen:/dlc/dlc_mpBikerCRC/ [ 55375] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpBikerCRC:/content.xml [ 55500] Loading 21 handling entries from dlc_mpBikerCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 55656] somefunc found dlc_mpImportExport:/! [ 55656] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpImportExportCRC:/content.xml [ 55719] Loading 23 handling entries from dlc_mpImportExportCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 55859] somefunc found dlc_mpSpecialRaces:/! [ 55859] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpSpecialRacesCRC:/content.xml [ 55890] Loading 4 handling entries from dlc_mpSpecialRacesCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 55922] somefunc found dlc_mpGunRunning:/! [ 55922] LoadDefDats: dlc_mpGunRunningCRC:/content.xml [ 56047] Loading 18 handling entries from dlc_mpGunRunningCRC:/common/data/handling.meta [ 56297] somefunc found dlcSPUpgrade:/! [ 56297] LoadDefDats: dlcSPUpgradeCRC:/content.xml [ 56359] Loading 12 handling entries from dlcSPUpgrade:/common/data/handling.meta [ 57906] CfxCollection[dlc.rpf]::AllocateHandle got passed a failed handle for dlc_mpSpecialRaces:/x64/data/cacheLoaderData_DLC/mpSpecialRaces_3336915258_cache_y.dat [ 57937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking CDLCScript INIT_SESSION init (16 out of 17) [ 57937] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Invoking audNorthAudioEngineDLC INIT_SESSION init (17 out of 17) [ 57969] Loading mounted data files (total: 185) [ 57984] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/_cfx_internal.rpf. [ 57984] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/_cfx_internal.rpf [ 57984] close packfile _cfx_internal.rpf [ 57984] done loading resource_surrogate:/_cfx_internal.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58000] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE _cfx_internal. [ 58000] done loading _cfx_internal in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58000] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/spawnmanager.rpf. [ 58000] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/spawnmanager.rpf [ 58000] close packfile spawnmanager.rpf [ 58015] done loading resource_surrogate:/spawnmanager.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58015] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE spawnmanager. [ 58015] done loading spawnmanager in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58015] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Script7.rpf. [ 58015] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Script7.rpf [ 58031] close packfile Script7.rpf [ 58031] done loading resource_surrogate:/Script7.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58031] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Script7. [ 58031] done loading Script7 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58031] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/dmvschool.rpf. [ 58047] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/dmvschool.rpf [ 58047] close packfile dmvschool.rpf [ 58047] done loading resource_surrogate:/dmvschool.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58047] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE dmvschool. [ 58047] done loading dmvschool in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58062] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/skin.rpf. [ 58062] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/skin.rpf [ 58062] close packfile skin.rpf [ 58062] done loading resource_surrogate:/skin.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58062] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE skin. [ 58078] done loading skin in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58078] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/fivem.rpf. [ 58078] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/fivem.rpf [ 58078] close packfile fivem.rpf [ 58078] done loading resource_surrogate:/fivem.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58094] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE fivem. [ 58094] done loading fivem in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58094] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Script2.rpf. [ 58094] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Script2.rpf [ 58094] close packfile Script2.rpf [ 58109] done loading resource_surrogate:/Script2.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58109] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Script2. [ 58109] done loading Script2 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58109] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/fivem-map-hipster.rpf. [ 58109] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/fivem-map-hipster.rpf [ 58125] close packfile fivem-map-hipster.rpf [ 58125] done loading resource_surrogate:/fivem-map-hipster.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58125] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE fivem-map-hipster. [ 58125] done loading fivem-map-hipster in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58125] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/vdk_inventory.rpf. [ 58140] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/vdk_inventory.rpf [ 58140] close packfile vdk_inventory.rpf [ 58140] done loading resource_surrogate:/vdk_inventory.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58140] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE vdk_inventory. [ 58140] done loading vdk_inventory in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58156] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/scoreboard.rpf. [ 58156] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/scoreboard.rpf [ 58156] close packfile scoreboard.rpf [ 58156] done loading resource_surrogate:/scoreboard.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58156] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE scoreboard. [ 58172] done loading scoreboard in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58172] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/chasse.rpf. [ 58172] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/chasse.rpf [ 58172] close packfile chasse.rpf [ 58172] done loading resource_surrogate:/chasse.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58187] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE chasse. [ 58187] done loading chasse in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58187] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/mapmanager.rpf. [ 58187] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/mapmanager.rpf [ 58187] close packfile mapmanager.rpf [ 58203] done loading resource_surrogate:/mapmanager.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58203] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE mapmanager. [ 58203] done loading mapmanager in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58203] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/banking.rpf. [ 58203] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/banking.rpf [ 58219] close packfile banking.rpf [ 58219] done loading resource_surrogate:/banking.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58219] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE banking. [ 58219] done loading banking in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58219] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/es_admin.rpf. [ 58234] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/es_admin.rpf [ 58234] close packfile es_admin.rpf [ 58234] done loading resource_surrogate:/es_admin.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58234] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE es_admin. [ 58234] done loading es_admin in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58234] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Script1.rpf. [ 58250] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Script1.rpf [ 58250] close packfile Script1.rpf [ 58250] done loading resource_surrogate:/Script1.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58250] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Script1. [ 58250] done loading Script1 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58265] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/essentialmode.rpf. [ 58265] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/essentialmode.rpf [ 58265] close packfile essentialmode.rpf [ 58265] done loading resource_surrogate:/essentialmode.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58265] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE essentialmode. [ 58281] done loading essentialmode in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58281] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/es_bank.rpf. [ 58281] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/es_bank.rpf [ 58281] close packfile es_bank.rpf [ 58281] done loading resource_surrogate:/es_bank.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58297] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE es_bank. [ 58297] done loading es_bank in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58297] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/accessories_switcher.rpf. [ 58297] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/accessories_switcher.rpf [ 58297] close packfile accessories_switcher.rpf [ 58312] done loading resource_surrogate:/accessories_switcher.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58312] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE accessories_switcher. [ 58312] done loading accessories_switcher in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58312] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/es_freeroam.rpf. [ 58328] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/es_freeroam.rpf [ 58328] close packfile es_freeroam.rpf [ 58328] done loading resource_surrogate:/es_freeroam.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58328] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE es_freeroam. [ 58328] done loading es_freeroam in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58328] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/gcidentity.rpf. [ 58344] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/gcidentity.rpf [ 58344] close packfile gcidentity.rpf [ 58344] done loading resource_surrogate:/gcidentity.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58344] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gcidentity. [ 58344] done loading gcidentity in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58359] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/ply_prefecture.rpf. [ 58359] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/ply_prefecture.rpf [ 58359] close packfile ply_prefecture.rpf [ 58359] done loading resource_surrogate:/ply_prefecture.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58359] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ply_prefecture. [ 58375] done loading ply_prefecture in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58375] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/es_holdup.rpf. [ 58375] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/es_holdup.rpf [ 58375] close packfile es_holdup.rpf [ 58375] done loading resource_surrogate:/es_holdup.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58390] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE es_holdup. [ 58390] done loading es_holdup in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58390] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/gcphone.rpf. [ 58390] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/gcphone.rpf [ 58390] close packfile gcphone.rpf [ 58406] done loading resource_surrogate:/gcphone.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58406] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gcphone. [ 58406] done loading gcphone in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58406] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/chat.rpf. [ 58406] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/chat.rpf [ 58422] close packfile chat.rpf [ 58422] done loading resource_surrogate:/chat.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58422] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE chat. [ 58422] done loading chat in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58422] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/LockSystem.rpf. [ 58437] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/LockSystem.rpf [ 58437] close packfile LockSystem.rpf [ 58437] done loading resource_surrogate:/LockSystem.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58437] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE LockSystem. [ 58437] done loading LockSystem in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58453] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/paycheck.rpf. [ 58453] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/paycheck.rpf [ 58453] close packfile paycheck.rpf [ 58453] done loading resource_surrogate:/paycheck.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58453] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE paycheck. [ 58469] done loading paycheck in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58469] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Stream06.rpf. [ 58469] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Stream06.rpf [ 58469] Initializing pseudo-pack C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Stream06.rpf [ 58484] Scanned packfile: 95 entries. [ 58484] close packfile Stream06.rpf [ 58484] done loading resource_surrogate:/Stream06.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58484] loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/Stream06/data/handling.meta. [ 58500] Loading 30 handling entries from resources:/Stream06/data/handling.meta [ 58500] done loading resources:/Stream06/data/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 58500] loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/Stream06/data/vehicles.meta. [ 58515] done loading resources:/Stream06/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 58515] loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/Stream06/data/carvariations.meta. [ 58515] done loading resources:/Stream06/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 58531] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Stream06. [ 58531] done loading Stream06 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58531] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/gc_utils.rpf. [ 58531] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/gc_utils.rpf [ 58531] close packfile gc_utils.rpf [ 58547] done loading resource_surrogate:/gc_utils.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58547] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gc_utils. [ 58547] done loading gc_utils in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58547] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/gcillegal.rpf. [ 58547] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/gcillegal.rpf [ 58562] close packfile gcillegal.rpf [ 58562] done loading resource_surrogate:/gcillegal.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58562] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gcillegal. [ 58562] done loading gcillegal in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58562] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/loadingscreen.rpf. [ 58578] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/loadingscreen.rpf [ 58578] close packfile loadingscreen.rpf [ 58578] done loading resource_surrogate:/loadingscreen.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58578] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE loadingscreen. [ 58578] done loading loadingscreen in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58594] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Script3.rpf. [ 58594] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Script3.rpf [ 58594] close packfile Script3.rpf [ 58594] done loading resource_surrogate:/Script3.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58609] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Script3. [ 58609] done loading Script3 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58609] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/MapMaker.rpf. [ 58609] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/MapMaker.rpf [ 58609] close packfile MapMaker.rpf [ 58625] done loading resource_surrogate:/MapMaker.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58625] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE MapMaker. [ 58625] done loading MapMaker in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58625] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/mellotrainer.rpf. [ 58625] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/mellotrainer.rpf [ 58640] close packfile mellotrainer.rpf [ 58640] done loading resource_surrogate:/mellotrainer.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58640] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE mellotrainer. [ 58640] done loading mellotrainer in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58640] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/mysql-async.rpf. [ 58656] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/mysql-async.rpf [ 58656] close packfile mysql-async.rpf [ 58656] done loading resource_surrogate:/mysql-async.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58656] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE mysql-async. [ 58656] done loading mysql-async in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58672] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/nameOfPlayers.rpf. [ 58672] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/nameOfPlayers.rpf [ 58672] close packfile nameOfPlayers.rpf [ 58672] done loading resource_surrogate:/nameOfPlayers.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58687] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE nameOfPlayers. [ 58687] done loading nameOfPlayers in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58687] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/co_locvelo.rpf. [ 58687] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/co_locvelo.rpf [ 58687] close packfile co_locvelo.rpf [ 58703] done loading resource_surrogate:/co_locvelo.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58703] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE co_locvelo. [ 58703] done loading co_locvelo in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58703] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Script4.rpf. [ 58703] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Script4.rpf [ 58719] close packfile Script4.rpf [ 58719] done loading resource_surrogate:/Script4.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58719] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Script4. [ 58719] done loading Script4 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58719] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/msq-directions-hud.rpf. [ 58734] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/msq-directions-hud.rpf [ 58734] close packfile msq-directions-hud.rpf [ 58734] done loading resource_surrogate:/msq-directions-hud.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58734] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE msq-directions-hud. [ 58734] done loading msq-directions-hud in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58750] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Script5.rpf. [ 58750] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Script5.rpf [ 58750] close packfile Script5.rpf [ 58750] done loading resource_surrogate:/Script5.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58765] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Script5. [ 58765] done loading Script5 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58765] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Script6.rpf. [ 58765] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Script6.rpf [ 58765] close packfile Script6.rpf [ 58781] done loading resource_surrogate:/Script6.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58781] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Script6. [ 58781] done loading Script6 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58781] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/co_basejump.rpf. [ 58781] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/co_basejump.rpf [ 58797] close packfile co_basejump.rpf [ 58797] done loading resource_surrogate:/co_basejump.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58797] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE co_basejump. [ 58797] done loading co_basejump in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58797] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Spike.rpf. [ 58812] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Spike.rpf [ 58812] close packfile Spike.rpf [ 58812] done loading resource_surrogate:/Spike.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58828] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Spike. [ 58828] done loading Spike in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58828] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/vdk_recolt.rpf. [ 58828] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/vdk_recolt.rpf [ 58828] close packfile vdk_recolt.rpf [ 58844] done loading resource_surrogate:/vdk_recolt.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58844] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE vdk_recolt. [ 58844] done loading vdk_recolt in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58844] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/vehiclehealth.rpf. [ 58859] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/vehiclehealth.rpf [ 58859] close packfile vehiclehealth.rpf [ 58859] done loading resource_surrogate:/vehiclehealth.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58859] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE vehiclehealth. [ 58859] done loading vehiclehealth in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58875] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/hardcap.rpf. [ 58875] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/hardcap.rpf [ 58875] close packfile hardcap.rpf [ 58875] done loading resource_surrogate:/hardcap.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58890] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE hardcap. [ 58890] done loading hardcap in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58890] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/rconlog.rpf. [ 58890] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/rconlog.rpf [ 58890] close packfile rconlog.rpf [ 58906] done loading resource_surrogate:/rconlog.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58906] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE rconlog. [ 58906] done loading rconlog in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58906] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/co_pvp.rpf. [ 58906] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/co_pvp.rpf [ 58922] close packfile co_pvp.rpf [ 58922] done loading resource_surrogate:/co_pvp.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58922] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE co_pvp. [ 58922] done loading co_pvp in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58937] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/lastpostodb.rpf. [ 58937] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/lastpostodb.rpf [ 58937] close packfile lastpostodb.rpf [ 58937] done loading resource_surrogate:/lastpostodb.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58937] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE lastpostodb. [ 58953] done loading lastpostodb in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58953] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/sessionmanager.rpf. [ 58953] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/sessionmanager.rpf [ 58953] close packfile sessionmanager.rpf [ 58953] done loading resource_surrogate:/sessionmanager.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58969] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE sessionmanager. [ 58969] done loading sessionmanager in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58969] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/disclaimer.rpf. [ 58969] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/disclaimer.rpf [ 58984] close packfile disclaimer.rpf [ 58984] done loading resource_surrogate:/disclaimer.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 58984] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE disclaimer. [ 58984] done loading disclaimer in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 58984] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/ambulancier.rpf. [ 59000] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/ambulancier.rpf [ 59000] close packfile ambulancier.rpf [ 59000] done loading resource_surrogate:/ambulancier.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59000] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE ambulancier. [ 59000] done loading ambulancier in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59015] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/metiers.rpf. [ 59015] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/metiers.rpf [ 59015] close packfile metiers.rpf [ 59015] done loading resource_surrogate:/metiers.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59015] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE metiers. [ 59031] done loading metiers in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59031] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/taxi.rpf. [ 59031] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/taxi.rpf [ 59031] close packfile taxi.rpf [ 59031] done loading resource_surrogate:/taxi.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59047] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE taxi. [ 59047] done loading taxi in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59047] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/face.rpf. [ 59047] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/face.rpf [ 59047] close packfile face.rpf [ 59062] done loading resource_surrogate:/face.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59062] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE face. [ 59062] done loading face in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59062] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/player_state.rpf. [ 59078] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/player_state.rpf [ 59078] close packfile player_state.rpf [ 59078] done loading resource_surrogate:/player_state.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59078] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE player_state. [ 59078] done loading player_state in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59094] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/wlcheck.rpf. [ 59094] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/wlcheck.rpf [ 59094] close packfile wlcheck.rpf [ 59094] done loading resource_surrogate:/wlcheck.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59094] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE wlcheck. [ 59109] done loading wlcheck in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59109] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/barbershop.rpf. [ 59109] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/barbershop.rpf [ 59109] close packfile barbershop.rpf [ 59109] done loading resource_surrogate:/barbershop.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59125] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE barbershop. [ 59125] done loading barbershop in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59125] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/clotheshop.rpf. [ 59125] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/clotheshop.rpf [ 59140] close packfile clotheshop.rpf [ 59140] done loading resource_surrogate:/clotheshop.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59140] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE clotheshop. [ 59140] done loading clotheshop in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59140] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/es_weashop.rpf. [ 59156] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/es_weashop.rpf [ 59156] close packfile es_weashop.rpf [ 59156] done loading resource_surrogate:/es_weashop.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59156] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE es_weashop. [ 59156] done loading es_weashop in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59172] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/gb_foodshops.rpf. [ 59172] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/gb_foodshops.rpf [ 59172] close packfile gb_foodshops.rpf [ 59172] done loading resource_surrogate:/gb_foodshops.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59187] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gb_foodshops. [ 59187] done loading gb_foodshops in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59187] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/veh_shop.rpf. [ 59187] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/veh_shop.rpf [ 59187] close packfile veh_shop.rpf [ 59203] done loading resource_surrogate:/veh_shop.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59203] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE veh_shop. [ 59203] done loading veh_shop in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59203] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/assets.rpf. [ 59203] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/assets.rpf [ 59219] close packfile assets.rpf [ 59219] done loading resource_surrogate:/assets.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59219] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE assets. [ 59219] done loading assets in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59234] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/handling.rpf. [ 59234] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/handling.rpf [ 59234] close packfile handling.rpf [ 59234] done loading resource_surrogate:/handling.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59234] loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/handling/handling.meta. [ 59281] Loading 427 handling entries from resources:/handling/handling.meta [ 59297] done loading resources:/handling/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 59297] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE handling. [ 59297] done loading handling in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59297] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/skinvoiture.rpf. [ 59297] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/skinvoiture.rpf [ 59312] Initializing pseudo-pack C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/skinvoiture.rpf [ 59312] Scanned packfile: 29 entries. [ 59312] close packfile skinvoiture.rpf [ 59312] done loading resource_surrogate:/skinvoiture.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59312] loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/skinvoiture/data/vehicles.meta. [ 59328] Couldn't find handling data for hash 0x3fc23496 [ 59328] done loading resources:/skinvoiture/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 59328] loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/skinvoiture/data/carcols.meta. [ 59344] done loading resources:/skinvoiture/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 59344] loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/skinvoiture/data/carvariations.meta. [ 59344] done loading resources:/skinvoiture/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 59344] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE skinvoiture. [ 59359] done loading skinvoiture in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59359] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Stream01.rpf. [ 59359] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Stream01.rpf [ 59359] close packfile Stream01.rpf [ 59359] done loading resource_surrogate:/Stream01.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59375] loading HANDLING_FILE resources:/Stream01/handling.meta. [ 59375] Failed to load DLC handling file resources:/Stream01/handling.meta [ 59375] done loading resources:/Stream01/handling.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleHandlingFileMounter. [ 59375] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Stream01. [ 59375] done loading Stream01 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59390] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Stream02.rpf. [ 59390] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Stream02.rpf [ 59390] Initializing pseudo-pack C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Stream02.rpf [ 59390] Scanned packfile: 13 entries. [ 59406] close packfile Stream02.rpf [ 59406] done loading resource_surrogate:/Stream02.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59406] loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/Stream02/data/vehicles.meta. [ 59406] done loading resources:/Stream02/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 59422] loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/Stream02/data/carcols.meta. [ 59422] done loading resources:/Stream02/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 59437] loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/Stream02/data/carvariations.meta. [ 59437] done loading resources:/Stream02/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 59437] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Stream02. [ 59437] done loading Stream02 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59437] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Stream03.rpf. [ 59453] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Stream03.rpf [ 59453] Initializing pseudo-pack C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Stream03.rpf [ 59453] Scanned packfile: 5 entries. [ 59453] close packfile Stream03.rpf [ 59453] done loading resource_surrogate:/Stream03.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59469] loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/Stream03/data/vehicles.meta. [ 59469] done loading resources:/Stream03/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 59469] loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/Stream03/data/carcols.meta. [ 59469] done loading resources:/Stream03/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 59484] loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/Stream03/data/carvariations.meta. [ 59484] done loading resources:/Stream03/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 59484] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Stream03. [ 59484] done loading Stream03 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59484] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Stream04.rpf. [ 59500] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Stream04.rpf [ 59500] close packfile Stream04.rpf [ 59500] done loading resource_surrogate:/Stream04.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59500] loading VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE resources:/Stream04/data/vehicles.meta. [ 59515] done loading resources:/Stream04/data/vehicles.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleMetaDataFileMounter. [ 59515] loading CARCOLS_FILE resources:/Stream04/data/carcols.meta. [ 59515] done loading resources:/Stream04/data/carcols.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleColorsDataFileMounter. [ 59515] loading VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE resources:/Stream04/data/carvariations.meta. [ 59515] done loading resources:/Stream04/data/carvariations.meta in data file mounter class CVehicleVariationDataFileMounter. [ 59531] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Stream04. [ 59531] done loading Stream04 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59531] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/Stream05.rpf. [ 59531] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/Stream05.rpf [ 59547] close packfile Stream05.rpf [ 59547] done loading resource_surrogate:/Stream05.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59547] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE Stream05. [ 59547] done loading Stream05 in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59547] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/afkkick.rpf. [ 59562] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/afkkick.rpf [ 59562] close packfile afkkick.rpf [ 59562] done loading resource_surrogate:/afkkick.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59562] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE afkkick. [ 59562] done loading afkkick in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59578] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/cotd_teleport.rpf. [ 59578] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/cotd_teleport.rpf [ 59578] close packfile cotd_teleport.rpf [ 59578] done loading resource_surrogate:/cotd_teleport.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59594] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE cotd_teleport. [ 59594] done loading cotd_teleport in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59594] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/gb_vocal.rpf. [ 59594] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/gb_vocal.rpf [ 59594] close packfile gb_vocal.rpf [ 59609] done loading resource_surrogate:/gb_vocal.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59609] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gb_vocal. [ 59609] done loading gb_vocal in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59609] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/gcinteraction.rpf. [ 59625] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/gcinteraction.rpf [ 59625] close packfile gcinteraction.rpf [ 59625] done loading resource_surrogate:/gcinteraction.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59625] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE gcinteraction. [ 59625] done loading gcinteraction in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59640] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/neverwanted.rpf. [ 59640] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/neverwanted.rpf [ 59640] close packfile neverwanted.rpf [ 59640] done loading resource_surrogate:/neverwanted.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59656] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE neverwanted. [ 59656] done loading neverwanted in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59656] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/nomsjoueurs.rpf. [ 59656] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/nomsjoueurs.rpf [ 59656] close packfile nomsjoueurs.rpf [ 59672] done loading resource_surrogate:/nomsjoueurs.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59672] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE nomsjoueurs. [ 59672] done loading nomsjoueurs in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59672] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/td_death.rpf. [ 59687] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/td_death.rpf [ 59687] close packfile td_death.rpf [ 59687] done loading resource_surrogate:/td_death.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59687] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE td_death. [ 59687] done loading td_death in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59703] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/carhud.rpf. [ 59703] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/carhud.rpf [ 59703] close packfile carhud.rpf [ 59703] done loading resource_surrogate:/carhud.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59703] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE carhud. [ 59719] done loading carhud in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59719] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/carwash.rpf. [ 59719] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/carwash.rpf [ 59719] close packfile carwash.rpf [ 59719] done loading resource_surrogate:/carwash.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59734] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE carwash. [ 59734] done loading carwash in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59734] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/customs.rpf. [ 59734] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/customs.rpf [ 59750] close packfile customs.rpf [ 59750] done loading resource_surrogate:/customs.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59750] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE customs. [ 59750] done loading customs in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59750] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/helicam.rpf. [ 59765] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/helicam.rpf [ 59765] close packfile helicam.rpf [ 59765] done loading resource_surrogate:/helicam.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59765] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE helicam. [ 59765] done loading helicam in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59781] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/es_AdvancedFuel.rpf. [ 59781] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/es_AdvancedFuel.rpf [ 59781] close packfile es_AdvancedFuel.rpf [ 59781] done loading resource_surrogate:/es_AdvancedFuel.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59797] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE es_AdvancedFuel. [ 59797] done loading es_AdvancedFuel in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59797] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/garages.rpf. [ 59797] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/garages.rpf [ 59797] close packfile garages.rpf [ 59812] done loading resource_surrogate:/garages.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59812] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE garages. [ 59812] done loading garages in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59812] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/indicators.rpf. [ 59812] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/indicators.rpf [ 59828] close packfile indicators.rpf [ 59828] done loading resource_surrogate:/indicators.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59828] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE indicators. [ 59828] done loading indicators in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59844] loading RPF_FILE resource_surrogate:/sirencontrols.rpf. [ 59844] open packfile C:/Users/Drakogoro/AppData/Local/FiveM/FiveM.app/cache/dunno/sirencontrols.rpf [ 59844] close packfile sirencontrols.rpf [ 59844] done loading resource_surrogate:/sirencontrols.rpf in data file mounter class CfxPackfileMounter. [ 59844] loading CFX_PSEUDO_CACHE sirencontrols. [ 59859] done loading sirencontrols in data file mounter class CfxCacheMounter. [ 59859] rage::gameSkeleton::RunInitFunctions: Done running INIT_SESSION init functions! [ 60015] Triggering OnGameFinalizeLoad [ 60031] HostState transitioning from HS_IDLE to HS_LOADED [ 60031] HostState transitioning from HS_LOADED to HS_START_JOINING [ 60140] HostState transitioning from HS_START_JOINING to HS_JOINING [ 60140] HostState transitioning from HS_JOINING to HS_JOINING_NET_GAME [ 60265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/SaveMigration.asmx/GetSourcePlatforms [ 60312] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/CashTransactions.asmx/GetPackValueUSDE [ 60344] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/legal/version/version_num.xml [ 60375] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 60390] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/entitlements.asmx/GetEntitlements [ 60422] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1479822297/secure/gta5/0x1a098062.xml [ 60437] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1479822297/secure/gta5/bgscripts/bg_ng.rpf [ 60453] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1479822297/GTA5/dog/appsc.json [ 60594] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [ 60609] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/bgscripts/bg_ng_1103_1.rpf [ 60672] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1479822297/GTA5/car/gamesc.json [ 60765] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [ 60781] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/bgscripts/bg_ng_1103_1.rpf [ 60812] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 60812] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 60812] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 60812] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 60828] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 60828] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 60828] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 60875] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 60875] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 60937] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/members/sc/1479822297/GTA5/car/appsc.json [ 60969] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [ 60984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/bgscripts/bg_ng_1103_1.rpf [ 61047] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 61125] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/0x1a098062.json [ 61140] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: GET /cloud/11/cloudservices/titles/gta5/pcros/bgscripts/bg_ng_1103_1.rpf [ 61203] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 61781] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 62562] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 65078] HostState transitioning from HS_JOINING_NET_GAME to HS_JOINED [ 65125] type fivem gametype [ 65140] type fivem-map-hipster map [ 65140] Skipping LOAD_ALL_OBJECTS_NOW as loading screens haven't ended yet! [ 65359] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Presence.asmx/SetAttributes [ 65906] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_lod_128.ytd [ 66094] coll open compcache:/Stream01/ambulance.ytd [ 66469] coll open compcache:/Stream01/ambulance.yft [ 66578] Your Admin Status: falsemyPhoneNumber: 0684011840contactListallMessage : SETOUTGTISETOUTGTIget [ 66594] 6 [ 66594] v_res_fh_sofa [ 66594] prop_tree_jacada_02 [ 66594] prop_tree_lficus_06 [ 66609] prop_gazebo_03 [ 66609] v_ilev_m_sofa [ 66609] prop_picnictable_02 [ 66937] coll open compcache:/Stream05/w_pi_combatpistol_mag1.ytd [ 66937] coll open compcache:/Stream05/w_pi_combatpistol.ytd [ 67031] coll open compcache:/Stream05/w_pi_combatpistol_mag1.ydr [ 67047] coll open compcache:/Stream05/w_pi_combatpistol.ydr [ 68594] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 68625] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_spt_01.ydr [ 70250] isCopisCopisCopisCopisCopisCopisCopisCopisCopisCopisCopisCopisCopisCopError resuming coroutine: citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:445: No such export GetadminmodeActivate in resource td_testadmin [ 70250] stack traceback: [ 70250] [C]: in function 'error' [ 70250] citizen:/scripting/lua/scheduler.lua:445: in metamethod '__index' [ 70265] client.lua:13: in function [ 82594] Changing video mode. [ 82984] Changing video mode success: 1. [ 85437] Changing video mode. [ 86078] Changing video mode success: 1. [ 98125] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 98125] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 98125] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 98140] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 98140] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 98140] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 98219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 98219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 98234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 98234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 98281] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 98281] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 99000] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 100672] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 111015] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 111953] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 132609] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_hiend_08.ydr [ 142562] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 142890] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 184500] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 192437] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 221140] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 266797] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police3.ytd [ 266922] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police3.yft [ 294390] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 298500] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 319234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 345703] ResourceCacheDevice::EnsureFetched downloading s_m_m_ciasec_01.ymt (hash e3723bed7b6697c516d3129e2523810257efe2bb) from [ 345703] ResourceCacheDevice::EnsureFetched downloading s_m_m_ciasec_01.ytd (hash a4fe8cb6e4e0986b7cc0402a773e4769ec4656d2) from [ 345797] ResourceCacheDevice: downloaded s_m_m_ciasec_01.ymt in 95 msec (size 2132) [ 345812] ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:e3723bed7b6697c516d3129e2523810257efe2bb to the index cache. [ 345875] coll open compcache:/Stream05/s_m_m_ciasec_01.ymt [ 346281] ResourceCacheDevice: downloaded s_m_m_ciasec_01.ytd in 576 msec (size 7461855) [ 346328] ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:a4fe8cb6e4e0986b7cc0402a773e4769ec4656d2 to the index cache. [ 346500] coll open compcache:/Stream05/s_m_m_ciasec_01.ytd [ 346906] ResourceCacheDevice::EnsureFetched downloading s_m_m_ciasec_01.yft (hash 127faed372e594b17062a632766d65402fb5e858) from [ 346906] ResourceCacheDevice::EnsureFetched downloading s_m_m_ciasec_01.ydd (hash f52dcacfa9d484d685afbbdcf3faa2d83c661ee1) from [ 346969] ResourceCacheDevice: downloaded s_m_m_ciasec_01.yft in 65 msec (size 12579) [ 346969] ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:127faed372e594b17062a632766d65402fb5e858 to the index cache. [ 347000] coll open compcache:/Stream05/s_m_m_ciasec_01.yft [ 347062] ResourceCacheDevice: downloaded s_m_m_ciasec_01.ydd in 156 msec (size 1545171) [ 347078] ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:f52dcacfa9d484d685afbbdcf3faa2d83c661ee1 to the index cache. [ 347094] coll open compcache:/Stream05/s_m_m_ciasec_01.ydd [ 364250] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 399234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 447484] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 451406] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 485969] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 486219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 486234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 486234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 486234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 486250] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 486250] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 486328] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 486328] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 486328] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 486344] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 486390] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 486390] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 520250] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi.ytd [ 520344] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi.yft [ 550750] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 558000] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 586265] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi_hi.yft [ 587906] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police3.ytd [ 588015] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police3.yft [ 619234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 637031] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 642969] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 642969] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 642984] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 642984] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 643000] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 643000] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 643078] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 643078] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 643078] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 643094] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 643125] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 643140] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 657234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 678765] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police2.ytd [ 678906] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police2.yft [ 689984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 690531] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 705265] coll open compcache:/Stream05/v_carshowroom.ybn [ 712078] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 732609] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 768015] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 806922] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 807265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 817844] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 817859] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 817859] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 817859] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 817859] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 817875] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 817953] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 817953] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 817953] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 817969] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 818015] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 818015] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 858062] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_hiend_16.ydr [ 870219] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 871469] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 874750] coll open compcache:/assets/blimp.ytd [ 884437] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 895312] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 919250] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 924422] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 941375] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 943594] C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 Microsoft.CSharp.dll is not a platform image (even though the dir matches). [ 943750] C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 System.Configuration.dll is not a platform image (even though the dir matches). [ 943750] C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 System.Xml.dll is not a platform image (even though the dir matches). [ 959562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 959562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 959562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 959562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 974656] coll open compcache:/assets/blimp.ytd [ 998125] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 1010062] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 1043344] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 1043344] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 1043344] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 1043359] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 1075375] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 1086750] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 1086765] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 1159156] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 1162719] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 1201672] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 1204687] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 1204703] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 1204703] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 1219265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 1222672] CfxSendTo (to 98 b [ 1267453] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 1304547] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 1312234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 1366047] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 1381797] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 1439375] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi.ytd [ 1439469] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi.yft [ 1482625] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 1519265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 1526906] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 1556750] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 1556765] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 1556765] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 1556828] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 1556828] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 1556828] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 1556844] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 1556875] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 1556875] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 1586406] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 1597609] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 1607344] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 1745078] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 1750547] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 1801328] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 1819265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 1844219] gcIllegal STARTopenEvent: ArrowDownEvent: EnterEvent: ArrowDownEvent: ArrowDownEvent: ArrowDownEvent: EnterEvent: ArrowDownEvent: ArrowDownEvent: ArrowDownEvent: ArrowDownEvent: EnterEvent: BackspaceSet heli light state to true for serverID: 2Set heli light state to false for serverID: 2Set heli light state to true for serverID: 2Applying Vehicle OptionsApplying Vehicle OptionsSet heli light state to false for serverID: 2Applying Vehicle OptionsError resuming coroutine: emote.lua:57: attempt to call a nil value (global 'SetEnableYes') [ 1844234] stack traceback: [ 1844234] emote.lua:57: in function [ 1854453] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 1861187] Error resuming coroutine: emote.lua:57: attempt to call a nil value (global 'SetEnableYes') [ 1861187] stack traceback: [ 1861187] emote.lua:57: in function [ 1871703] Error resuming coroutine: emote.lua:57: attempt to call a nil value (global 'SetEnableYes') [ 1871719] stack traceback: [ 1871719] emote.lua:57: in function [ 1903281] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 1912359] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 1975781] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 2000265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 2019703] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 2081297] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 2119265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 2143359] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 2146594] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 2192109] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 2203609] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 2246234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 2256437] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 2256437] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 2256453] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 2256500] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 2256515] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 2256515] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 2256515] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 2256562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 2256562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 2322015] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 2342640] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 2342687] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_spt_01.ydr [ 2346844] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 2419281] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 2470734] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 2510625] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 2512500] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 2526812] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 2584234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 2586562] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 2693734] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 2718437] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 2719297] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 2764156] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 2793828] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 2849984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 2862062] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi.ytd [ 2862172] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi.yft [ 2863812] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police2.ytd [ 2863969] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police2.yft [ 2865172] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi2.ytd [ 2865250] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi2.yft [ 2959828] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 2967937] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 2967953] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3008547] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 3019297] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 3045172] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 3109812] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3112640] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 3202922] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 3212531] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 3254031] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3319312] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 3342687] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3369703] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 3445094] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 3474750] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3533484] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 3600875] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 3601125] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3619312] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 3696765] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 3712781] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 3739500] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 3749469] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3780047] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 3780047] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 3780062] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 3780062] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 3780062] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 3780062] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 3780172] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 3780172] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 3780187] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 3780187] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 3780234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 3780234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 3830984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3872125] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 3898609] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3919390] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 3931078] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 3988078] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 3996344] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 4032406] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 4076109] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 4076109] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 4076109] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 4076234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 4076234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 4076250] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 4076250] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 4076312] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 4076312] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 4091234] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 4145469] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 4155187] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 4164187] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 4206203] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 4206219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 4206219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 4219344] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 4220156] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 4286578] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 4312922] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 4317828] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 4318594] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 4318594] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 4318594] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 4318609] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 4320734] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi2.ytd [ 4320797] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi2.yft [ 4324640] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police2.ytd [ 4324797] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police2.yft [ 4337047] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi.ytd [ 4337156] coll open compcache:/Stream04/fbi.yft [ 4348015] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_hiend_08.ydr [ 4348875] coll open compcache:/Stream01/ambulance.ytd [ 4349203] coll open compcache:/Stream01/ambulance.yft [ 4375484] Initializing pseudo-pack resource_surrogate:/Stream06.rpf [ 4375484] Scanned packfile: 95 entries. [ 4375484] coll open compcache:/Stream06/emsf350.ytd [ 4375625] coll open compcache:/Stream06/emsf350.yft [ 4383578] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 4387281] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 4387281] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 4387297] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 4387297] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 4388234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/dlcMPHeist//x64/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/venice_metadata/hei_vb_34.ymap [ 4394640] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/venice/vb_34_3_slodb_children.ydd [ 4395890] coll open compcache:/Stream01/ambulance.ytd [ 4396219] coll open compcache:/Stream01/ambulance.yft [ 4420547] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 4420562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 4420562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 4420562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 4429594] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 4435578] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_hiend_16.ydr [ 4476984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 4480328] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/dlcMPHeist//x64/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/vb_34/hei_vb_34_2.ybn [ 4519344] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 4548750] coll open compcache:/assets/blimp.ytd [ 4569344] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 4592406] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 4593812] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 4691734] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 4694156] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 4819359] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 4834390] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 4837781] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 4911531] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 4913062] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 4915890] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 4947547] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 4947562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 4947562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 4947562] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 4947578] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 4947578] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 4947656] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 4947656] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 4947656] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 4947672] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 4947703] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 4947719] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 5068047] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 5074265] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 5084797] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 5119359] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 5140672] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 5140687] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 5140734] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 5140750] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 5140750] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 5140750] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 5140781] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 5140781] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 5147422] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 5159265] coll open compcache:/Stream06/f350cops.ytd [ 5159406] coll open compcache:/Stream06/f350cops.yft [ 5207984] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 5256890] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police2.ytd [ 5257078] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police2.yft [ 5271219] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 5276109] coll open compcache:/Stream02/police2_hi.yft [ 5276437] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 5293015] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_hiend_01.ydr [ 5298203] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 5298219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 5298219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 5298234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 5298234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 5298234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 5298328] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 5298328] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 5298328] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 5298344] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 5298390] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 5298390] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 5307922] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/auth.asmx/CreateTicketScAuthToken [ 5311062] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 5356609] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 5358922] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_spt_01.ydr [ 5363469] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_hiend_08.ydr [ 5419375] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 5450578] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 5481453] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 5513203] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Friends.asmx/GetFriends [ 5552515] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 5557969] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 5583172] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/Telemetry.asmx/SubmitCompressed [ 5616328] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 5673656] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 5696094] Applying Vehicle OptionsApplying Vehicle OptionsApplying Vehicle OptionsSet heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Set heli light state to true for serverID: 65Set heli light state to false for serverID: 65Applying Vehicle OptionsApplying Vehicle OptionsApplying Vehicle OptionsApplying Vehicle OptionsSETOUTGTIsendMessage: [{"isRead":1,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1504996703000,"transmitter":"0602374267","id":3751,"owner":1,"message":"test frero"},{"isRead":1,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1505078403000,"transmitter":"0674371337","id":5264,"owner":1,"message":"fils clalme toi si non, je vais ten coliser une"},{"isRead":1,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1505078416000,"transmitter":"0674371337","id":5265,"owner":0,"message":"mange ma graine"},{"isRead":1,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1505078478000,"transmitter":"0674371337","id":5267,"owner":0,"message":"suce moi"},{"isRead":1,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1505078916000,"transmitter":"0674371337","id":5273,"owner":0,"message":"GPS: -1810.3117675781, 2311.4055175781"},{"isRead":1,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1505081627000,"transmitter":"0686221313","id":5310,"owner":1,"message":"je t'aime :P ton mari"},{"isRead":1,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1505081632000,"transmitter":"0686221313","id":5311,"owner":0,"message":":P"},{"isRead":0,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1505082077000,"transmitter":"0674371337","id":5323,"owner":0,"message":"mange ma craine calise"},{"isRead":0,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1505082105000,"transmitter":"0674371337","id":5331,"owner":0,"message":":DDDD"},{"isRead":0,"receiver":"0684011840","time":1505089373000,"transmitter":"0686221313","id":5511,"owner":0,"message":"chéri attend ton fils au spot 5"}]error during NUI callback glasses_dressing_switcher: client.lua:172: attempt to index a nil value (field '?') [ 5696906] error during NUI callback glasses_dressing_switcher: client.lua:172: attempt to index a nil value (field '?') [ 5697719] error during NUI callback glasses_dressing_switcher: client.lua:172: attempt to index a nil value (field '?') [ 5698328] error during NUI callback glasses_dressing_switcher: client.lua:172: attempt to index a nil value (field '?') [ 5708406] SETOUTGTIerror during NUI callback hats_dressing_switcher: client.lua:175: attempt to index a nil value (field '?') [ 5708609] error during NUI callback hats_dressing_switcher: client.lua:175: attempt to index a nil value (field '?') [ 5719390] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/socialclub.asmx/GetPasswordRequirements [ 5729172] Changing video mode. [ 5729515] Changing video mode success: 1. [ 5733203] Changing video mode. [ 5733890] Changing video mode success: 1. [ 5742406] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 5787203] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_0.ytd [ 5787203] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_0.ytd [ 5787219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_0.ytd [ 5787219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_0_1.ytd [ 5787219] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_1_1.ytd [ 5787234] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_2_1.ytd [ 5787297] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_0.ytd [ 5787312] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_0.ytd [ 5787312] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_0.ytd [ 5787312] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_0_1.ytd [ 5787359] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_2_1.ytd [ 5787359] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//data/cdimages/scaleform_generic/minimap_sea_1_1.ytd [ 5823390] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/GeoLocation.asmx/GetLocationInfoFromIP [ 5836078] EndpointMapper::HandleRequest: POST /gta5/11/gameservices/presence.asmx/GetPresenceServers [ 5954890] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/dlcMPHeist//x64/levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/venice_metadata/hei_vb_34.ymap [ 5955000] coll open C:\Users\Drakogoro\AppData\Local\FiveM\FiveM.app\citizen/platform//levels/gta5/_cityw/venice_01/venice/vb_34_3_slodb_children.ydd [ 5956375] ResourceCacheDevice::EnsureFetched downloading wheel_hiend_17.ydr (hash 320c243c01dacd46455710482279d71c7200cc54) from [ 5956844] ResourceCacheDevice: downloaded wheel_hiend_17.ydr in 457 msec (size 1546210) [ 5956859] ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:ac3f2006daf65843ef858a85c53759fbda32ed39 to the index cache. [ 5956875] coll open compcache:/Stream01/wheel_hiend_17.ydr [ 5956875] Huh - we fetched wheel_hiend_17.ydr already, and it isn't in the cache now. That's strange. [ 5956875] ResourceCacheDevice::EnsureFetched downloading wheel_hiend_17.ydr (hash 320c243c01dacd46455710482279d71c7200cc54) from [ 5957281] ResourceCacheDevice: downloaded wheel_hiend_17.ydr in 402 msec (size 1546210) [ 5957281] Downloaded the same asset (wheel_hiend_17.ydr) twice in the same run - that's bad. [ 5957297] ResourceCache::AddEntry: Saved cache:v1:ac3f2006daf65843ef858a85c53759fbda32ed39 to the index cache. [ 5957312] error function called from 0x141216a52 for code 0x15559348 [ 5959640] process exited with 6128832!