[1160304] Initialized system mapping! [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160319] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160335] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160335] Initializing instance of rage:allocator:five. [1160335] Initializing instance of rage:device:five. [1160335] Initializing instance of rage:graphics:five. [1160335] Initializing instance of font-renderer. [1160351] Initializing instance of net:base. [1160351] Initializing instance of net:tcp-server. [1160351] Initializing instance of net:http-server. [1160351] Initializing instance of ros:five. [1160351] Initializing instance of rage:scripting:five. [1160351] Initializing instance of vfs:core. [1160351] Initializing instance of http-client. [1160351] Initializing instance of steam. [1160351] Initializing instance of profiles. [1160351] Initializing instance of net. [1160351] Initializing instance of rage:input:five. [1160351] Initializing instance of conhost:posh. [1160366] Initializing instance of debug:net. [1160366] Initializing instance of rage:nutsnbolts:five. [1160366] Initializing instance of gta:net:five. [1160366] Initializing instance of terminal:client. [1160366] Initializing instance of asi:five. [1160366] Initializing instance of scripthookv. [1160366] Initializing instance of gta:core:five. [1160366] Initializing instance of gta:streaming:five. [1160366] Initializing instance of nui:core. [1160366] Initializing instance of lovely-script. [1160366] Initializing instance of glue. [1160366] Initializing instance of gta:game:five. [1160366] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:core. [1160366] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:client. [1160366] Initializing instance of loading-screens:five. [1160366] Initializing instance of gta:mission-cleanup:five. [1160366] Initializing instance of nui:gsclient. [1160382] Initializing instance of citizen:level-loader:five. [1160382] Initializing instance of rage:formats:x. [1160382] Initializing instance of tool:formats. [1160382] Initializing instance of vfs:impl:rage. [1160382] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:metadata:lua. [1160382] Initializing instance of scripting:gta. [1160382] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:core. [1160382] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:gta. [1160382] Initializing instance of citizen:playernames:five. [1160382] Initializing instance of nui:resources. [1160382] Initializing instance of nui:profiles. [1160382] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:lua. [1160382] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:v8. [1160397] Initializing instance of citizen:legacy-net:resources. [1160397] Initializing instance of handling-loader:five. [1160397] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:mono. [1160397] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "D:\FiveBorn\FiveReborn.exe" [1160413] hello from "D:\FiveBorn\FiveReborn.exe" [1160491] Got ROS launcher process - pid 9140 [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1160522] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160538] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160553] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1160553] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1160553] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1160553] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1160553] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160553] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1160553] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1160553] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1160616] hello from "D:\FiveBorn\FiveReborn.exe" ros:launcher --parent_pid=9724 "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe" [1160631] D:\FiveBorn\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 mscorlib.dll is a platform image. [1160663] D:\FiveBorn\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 CitizenFX.Core.dll is a platform image. [1160663] D:\FiveBorn\citizen\clr2\lib\mono\4.5 CitizenFX.Core.dll is a platform image. [1160663] Hello! [1160694] launcher! "D:\FiveBorn\FiveReborn.exe" ros:launcher --parent_pid=9724 "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\GTAVLauncher.exe" [1160709] Initialized system mapping! [1160756] Replacing function table list entry 0x14054f000 with 0x14054f000 [1160803] Replacing function table list entry 0x142be3000 with 0x142be3000 [1163393] wfsopen! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local [1163393] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local [1163393] wfsopen! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local [1163393] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local [1164048] wfsopen! C:\Users\John\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\launcher.log [1164048] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\John\Documents\Rockstar Games\GTA V\launcher.log [1164079] wfsopen! version.txt [1164079] wfsopen tail! version.txt [1164126] versioninfo D:\FiveBorn\GTA5.exe [1164204] versioninfo C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll [1164266] versioninfo D:\FiveBorn\FiveReborn.exe [1164890] closesocket 0x308 [1165577] closesocket 0x380 [1165577] getaddrinfow: wpad and a paper urn [1165577] closesocket 0x3c4 [1165577] closesocket 0x3c4 [1165577] wls: wpad [1165577] wls: wpad [1165592] getaddrinfoexw: patches.rockstargames.com [1165592] closesocket 0x41c [1165592] closesocket 0x41c [1165592] wls: [1165592] wls: [1165592] closesocket 0x450 [1165592] connect 1393ca7f [1165592] versioning: /prod/gtav/launcher_online_config.xml [1165592] HttpQueryInfoW: 5 [1165592] wfsopen! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\launcher_online_options.xml [1165608] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\launcher_online_options.xml [1165608] versioning: /prod/gtav/launcher_online_config.xml [1165608] wfsopen! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\launcher_online_options.xml [1165608] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\launcher_online_options.xml [1165717] versioninfo D:\FiveBorn\GTA5.exe [1165779] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml [1165779] HttpQueryInfoW: 5 [1165779] closesocket 0x438 [1165779] wfsopen! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\versioning.xml [1165779] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\versioning.xml [1165779] connect 1393ca7f [1165779] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml [1165779] wfsopen! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\versioning.xml [1165779] wfsopen tail! C:\Users\John\AppData\Local\Temp\versioning.xml [1165795] versioning: /prod/gtav/versioning.xml [1165795] HttpQueryInfoW: 1073741833 [1165795] closesocket 0x44c [1165811] wfsopen! [1165811] wfsopen tail! [1165857] versioninfo C:\Program Files\Rockstar Games\Social Club\socialclub.dll [1168712] Could not register with breakpad server. [1168743] Initialized system mapping! [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for net:http-server[] by net:http-server (net:http-server[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for net:tcp-server[] by net:tcp-server (net:tcp-server[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for net:base[] by net:base (net:base[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for steam[] by steam (steam[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for platform:windows[] by fx (platform:windows[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:input:five[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics:five[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:device:five[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:allocator:five[] by rage:allocator:five (rage:allocator:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts:five[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:input[] by rage:input:five (rage:input:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for ros:five[] by ros:five (ros:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting:five[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for font-renderer[] by font-renderer (font-renderer[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for gta:core[] by gta:core:five (gta:core:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for rage:graphics[] by rage:graphics:five (rage:graphics:five[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168759] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for http-client[] by http-client (http-client[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming:five[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:formats:x[] by rage:formats:x (rage:formats:x[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for vfs:core[] by vfs:core (vfs:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for conhost[] by conhost:posh (conhost:posh[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:device[] by rage:device:five (rage:device:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:scripting[] by rage:scripting:five (rage:scripting:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for gta:game[] by gta:game:five (gta:game:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for gta:mission-cleanup[] by gta:mission-cleanup:five (gta:mission-cleanup:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for gta:streaming[] by gta:streaming:five (gta:streaming:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:level-loader[] by citizen:level-loader:five (citizen:level-loader:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:core[] by citizen:resources:core (citizen:resources:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for nui:core[] by nui:core (nui:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for profiles[] by profiles (profiles[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for net[] by net (net[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:resources:client[] by citizen:resources:client (citizen:resources:client[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for rage:nutsnbolts[] by rage:nutsnbolts:five (rage:nutsnbolts:five[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for scripting[] by scripting:gta (scripting:gta[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for fx[] by fx (fx[]). [1168775] Resolving dependency for citizen:scripting:core[] by citizen:scripting:core (citizen:scripting:core[]). [1168775] Initializing instance of rage:allocator:five. [1168775] Initializing instance of rage:device:five. [1168775] Initializing instance of rage:graphics:five. [1168790] Initializing instance of font-renderer. [1168790] Initializing instance of net:base. [1168790] Initializing instance of net:tcp-server. [1168790] Initializing instance of net:http-server. [1168790] Initializing instance of ros:five. [1168790] Initializing instance of rage:scripting:five. [1168790] Initializing instance of vfs:core. [1168790] Initializing instance of http-client. [1168790] Initializing instance of steam. [1168790] Initializing instance of profiles. [1168790] Initializing instance of net. [1168790] Initializing instance of rage:input:five. [1168790] Initializing instance of conhost:posh. [1168806] Initializing instance of debug:net. [1168806] Initializing instance of rage:nutsnbolts:five. [1168806] Initializing instance of gta:net:five. [1168806] Initializing instance of terminal:client. [1168806] Initializing instance of asi:five. [1168806] Initializing instance of scripthookv. [1168806] Initializing instance of gta:core:five. [1168806] Initializing instance of gta:streaming:five. [1168806] Initializing instance of nui:core. [1168806] Initializing instance of lovely-script. [1168806] Initializing instance of glue. [1168806] Initializing instance of gta:game:five. [1168806] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:core. [1168806] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:client. [1168806] Initializing instance of loading-screens:five. [1168806] Initializing instance of gta:mission-cleanup:five. [1168806] Initializing instance of nui:gsclient. [1168806] Initializing instance of citizen:level-loader:five. [1168806] Initializing instance of rage:formats:x. [1168806] Initializing instance of tool:formats. [1168806] Initializing instance of vfs:impl:rage. [1168806] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:metadata:lua. [1168821] Initializing instance of scripting:gta. [1168821] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:core. [1168821] Initializing instance of citizen:resources:gta. [1168821] Initializing instance of citizen:playernames:five. [1168821] Initializing instance of nui:resources. [1168821] Initializing instance of nui:profiles. [1168821] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:lua. [1168821] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:v8. [1168837] Initializing instance of citizen:legacy-net:resources. [1168837] Initializing instance of handling-loader:five. [1168837] Initializing instance of citizen:scripting:mono. [1168837] CitizenFX Steam child starting - command line: "D:\FiveBorn\FiveReborn.exe" -steamchild:9724 [1168837] game parent PID: 9724 [1168837] waiting for process to exit... [1172129] [FontRenderer] Initializing DirectWrite. [1172129] [FontRenderer] IDWriteFactory2 unavailable (hr=80004002), colored font rendering will not be used [1172721] GlobalError: ROS launcher process failed before it could give all-clear? [1173704] process exited with 0!