Zoov Spectate Menu - Custom UI - Easy to Use! QB/QBox/ESX & Standalone -

$16.50 - BUY HERE





zoov_spectate features a custom UI written in svelte, along with multiple usefull features.

  • :computer: Discord Integration
    Add your discord guild & both authorisation.
    View your users profiles via the spectate menu
    View your users discord name & discord ID

  • :camera: Distance Information
    View if a user is in a camera, usefull to catch cheaters that may be in freecam!

  • :arrow_forward: Player Information
    If roleplay is enabled, view character name & character last name
    If roleplay is enabled, view characters job & characters gang (grade & label)
    Users source
    Users steam username
    Users health (Turns Red if below 20)
    Users armour (Turns Bright blue if 100)
    Users ping (Green if below 200, Amber if above 200, Red if above 300)

  • :o: Quick Select
    Want to know more about who someone is while spectating?
    Shift+click near another player to quickly spectate them!

  • :scroll: Player List
    View all players in a list, including basic info (ping, citizenid, source.)
    Click to select a player and switch between them seamlessly!

:beetle: Epic Additional Features

  • This spectate script doesn’t put the player underneath the person being spectated, this makes it harder for cheaters to realise they’re being watched!
  • This script wont lose sight of a player! If a player uses a teleport action it will ask the server to find the player again and re-connect!
  • Any strange issues you might encounter in normal spectate menus can be easily fixed by pressing backspace or have been removed already!
  • This menu will recognise if a person is loading and won’t bug out if it attempts to spectate them.

Command & Keybinds
Press X to unfocus the player list and take control of your camera to look around.
Shift + Click while in the player list to try and select another player on screen.
Backspace to exit spectate menu.

You can change the command to whatever you like, it starts with “spec”
/spec - opens the spectate menu
/spec source - opens menu and spectates player already


Config = {}

Config.DiscordBotAuth = "" -- Discord Bot Auth Token || DO NOT INCLUDE "Bot" PREFIX
-- You must require a discord bot for this!
-- For more information, it is the same token needed for the zdiscord resource
-- https://github.com/zfbx/zdiscord

Config.DiscordGuild = "" -- Discord Guild ID
-- The Guild ID for the server, you can find this by right clicking and selecting copy id on your discord

Config.DiscordDisplayRoles = {
    [1] = {  id = '100000000000000', role = "Owner" },
    [2] = {  id = '100000000000001', role = "Dev" },
    [3] = {  id = '100000000000002', role = "Member" },
    -- Add your roles that will display in the UI, starting with your Top-level roles. 
    -- Get the ID by right clicking on the role and copying the ID

-- you must add this command to your permissions
RegisterCommand('spec', function(source, args, raw)
    BeginSpectateActions(source, args, raw)
end, true)

Config.Roleplay = true -- if you want to show roleplay info

Config.Framework = "qb-core" -- esx, qb-core, qbox
Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~500
Requirements Standalone OR QB-Core
Support Yes
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Update 1.0.1 -
Now Supports ESX, QB-Core & QBOX

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Extremely high quality and very optimised script

Definitely recommend anything from Zoov!

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