Zap is overwriting my server.cfg file to a previous version when I restart my server

No reply from Zap in hours so I figured I’d see if anyone here has experienced this

I can’t start my Zap gameserver due to an error authenticating my license key. I add the license key to the file, save it, then connect and same error. I go back to my server.cfg and it has reverted to the old way without the license key or other changes I’d previously made. This has happened a bunch of times now.

Previous threads on this topic show people solving the issue by turning off force overwrite in the resources menu. My ESX framework was installed via FTP and therefore I do not have the option of turning this off in the resources menu.

Did u make sure the server is offline and the files the the right permissions

I managed to solve the problem

So for those who may have this issue in the future…

  1. Open your Event Log
  2. Check for a message like “Error: Could not authenticate server license key. Your key is not matching the initial IP address sufficiently (#2, IP requested is WRONG SERVER IP LISTED HERE, H(in) is MK22879-RIPE, H(ad) is MK21320-RIPE). Please create a”
  3. Copy the incorrect IP address in the error message
  4. Drop IP address into Keymaster and make a key for it
  5. Make this new Key your server key

Not sure how or why this works, but it does