ZAP-Hosting Services Down

So…not sure if this is the exact right place for this…but I can’t think where else to post this to connect with the community and find out other’s opinions…is anyone else having an issue where you log into ZAP-Hosting, click onto the server, see that the server say’s it’s running when really it’s not, attempt to restart the server and the server never start again?

Now before anyone say’s anything…no it’s not something I’ve put in my server. I know that for a fact. Because I haven’t touched anything in my server, one day it was working fine, then my server didn’t work for about 24 hours, then it worked with lot’s of connectivity issues for members for several days, and now it won’t start at all and hasn’t in well over 48 hours… as I said, I haven’t done anything in my server and I have a friend who knows several people who run ZAP’s servers who are reporting the same issue…

I wanted to see how wide-spread this issue is, see if anyone has had any luck contacting ZAP on this issue, or if it’s just a small portion of their server’s. I’ve contacted ZAP and explained my issue to them and they were no help as there answer was “Please refresh the page and the server should start :)” so…

Any comments, thoughts, idea’s, or similar issues?

This is a known issue that they simply have not fixed its one of the reasons i had my buddy move to a VPS instead.

But either way any issues with Zap-Hosting should be sent to them via there support.

They finally, after several weeks, gave me a new server. I had to completely redo ESX tho

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