Z coordinate from waypoint?

Okay so after my last post (Sync Script Fired Missiles?) I have done a little bit of testing and learned that it is not that players can’t see the rockets, but that its spawning too high and doesn’t render unless they are near the spawn (we spawn the rocket in at Z 900, so that way if the script is used even on mount chilliad it will work).

So my question is, is there a way to get a Z coordinate from a player set waypoint, so that we can just have the rocket spawn 100-200 above the target area?

GetBlipCoords(GetFirstBlipInfoId(8)) returns vector3 for you.

That is only returning the X coord for me.

I tested it again, and even though you cannot assign the Z coordinate to a separate value, you can easily retrieve it:

waypoint = GetBlipCoords(GetFirstBlipInfoId(8))
print(waypoint[3]) --Z coord

Another thing I noticed is that this too is limited by render distance; outside of it, Z will be set to 20.

A heads up though is that I found a recent tutorial on finding a distant Z value for the ground level:


I keep getting this error, and when I was doing it the first way it was saying

Okay I figured it out.
My dev never defined a resource manifest version so it was breaking it.