You need new developer?

hello , i’m a computer science student , I have some skills like (java , python , ada , sql , html , css some javascript , and know about linux , and little bit of c ).
And I am looking for a community to join and help out. i’m pretty new in Fivem server but i know some basic skill to setup and with lua .
oh and i’m french (useless information haha)
well repond here if need me !

and stay at home !

Sure, Join

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Hi, we are looking for a dev to help us out, just getting started so it could be a good opportunity to get all levels of experience.

Contact me at Ragontor#4225 on Discord if you might be interested :slight_smile:

i add you accept my friend request

bro i need help. i am from bangladesh. we dont have any good roleplay server. our all server hosted from india.

BPR is not from India

Hello if you still looking add me in discord it’s
[CAR-2} J.Espinoza#2790

hey i need help if your still available my discord is Tyler.F#5615

Here is my discord, Mackenzie_Rich#3124
I am working on a fuel work script if your interstead, add me.

DM me on discord @Soap#2104

We have a decent sized dev team and I’m sure you could learn a lot from us and would enjoy working with us as well!


If you’re still looking for a community to join, check out FreshStart Roleplay! We are run by two, Long-Term Experienced FiveM Members with backgrounds in communities such as DoJRP.

FreshStart Roleplay is a server that, after gaining full membership, I can promise you that it’ll be worth your time. Our community is like a brotherhood. We look after each other and for us, it’s not just a server, it’s a community where everyone feels comfortable and everyone gets along.

Join our discord here and we can get you started: FreshStart Roleplay Fan Server

Infinite Gaming would love some development assistance!