[YMAP] Moved 3d Fire Station with 3ds edits

Just a speed bump for caution!

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Did the latest update fix the issue you were having?

Gonna be testing it right now, will dm you if it works!

Im a little confused over this … isnt there a fire station just a little down the road ??

There is indeed, I just used the FD badge as a placeholder. I just put it there so EMS could house their ambo.

Yep, this is a model made by redcatjack but Hayden here moved it next to the PD. The model just looks a lot cleaner and you can always use the one in the game as a volunteer. :slight_smile:

looks nice to be honest @Hayden_Williams great work dude :slight_smile:

Thanks guys. I am trying to learn 3ds so I can import/export models like he used here. I have a cabin but the textures are being dumb as hell.

Could you PM me please.

So I figured I would show everyone an update on this fire station.

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Has the double one been released yet? Saw something, but seems like it’s been removed.

It has, but it still has a major bug, I got two out of 3 problems with it fixed.

I’ve been working on a good fire station for quite a long time, i will give this one a try, Good work :+1:

How did you move it because I want to move ymaps?


How do you select multiple items at once to make it quicker

ctrl click


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