YFlip Phone | QB, ESX, Standalone

Yes, you can access all data. Basically, a phone is like a physical device irl.

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Changelog 0.5.0 :tools:

:gear: Settings

  • Added Biometrics(Fingerprint) - Preview.
  • Added a Config.Biometrics.CheckForGloves option in config\config.misc.lua.
  • Added Auto lock timeout. You can choose your phone to lock at a certain timeout inactive.

:earth_asia: Cell broadcast - Preview

  • Introduced cell broadcast system.
  • Check the documentation for usage.

:telephone: Phone

  • Added search functionality in contacts. - Preview

:video_game: Games

:wrench: Misc

  • YBuy - Fixed get favorites query.
  • Groups - Prevent the creation of a group with an empty name.
  • Email - Moved SendMail/DeleteMail exports to shared(can be used on client-side and server-side).

:star2: BLACK FRIDAY DEAL! :star2:

:shopping_bags: GET READY FOR THE BIGGEST SALE OF THE YEAR! :shopping_bags:

:sparkles: Enjoy an exclusive 35% OFF on YFlip Phone :sparkles:

:key: Use Promo Code: BLACKFRIDAY at checkout.

:bell: Hurry! These deals won’t last long!

:link: Visit our Store

:tada: Don’t miss out on this once-a-year opportunity! :tada:

:star2: Switch & Save PROMO :star2:

Switch to our premium phone script today and save big! If you’re currently using a paid phone script from another provider, we’re offering an unbeatable deal - save up to 25% when you make the switch to our phone. :rocket: - Open a ticket for more info!

Why settle for less? - Upgrade your experience now!

New to phone scripts? We’ve got an irresistible offer for you too! Use the promo code YFLIP10 at checkout and enjoy an exclusive 10% discount on your purchase. Our phone scripts are designed to elevate your server, so don’t miss out on this opportunity. Join our community today and start exploring the possibilities! :calling: :sparkles:

Is there a music app for the phone?

Currently - no. But we’ve planned an awesome YouTube application to be added soon. You can check our board here - Trello

Changelog v0.6.0

:camera_with_flash: Instashots(Instagram) - Preview

  • An amazing brand-new application with sleek UI/UX.
  • Posts, Comments, Stories, Likes, Follows, Messages.
  • Added an admin command to toggle the verified status - server\custom\functions\commands.lua
  • Soon - Video stories, Broadcasting, Subscribers accounts(must pay to see the content).

:calling: Y

  • Implemented notifications for - following, liking, replying, and retweeting.
  • Added verified status.
  • Added an admin command to toggle the verified status - server\custom\functions\commands.lua

:dna: Quick Share - Preview, Preview2

  • Quickly share your contacts from settings or share any contacts from the Phone/Contacts app.
  • Soon - Notes, Pictures.

:oncoming_automobile: Garage

  • Added valet functionality.
  • Added a config option to enable/disable the whole functionality. - config\config.garages.lua
  • Added a config option to set the price for each use. - config\config.garages.lua
  • Utilize the behavior in server/garage.lua

:gear: Settings

  • Added Groups app in notifications settings.
  • Dynamically load notification settings options based on available/downloaded apps.

:ambulance: Death

  • Built-in support for default QB/ESX death phone usage enable/disable,

:speaking_head: Messages

  • Fixed the last message display date in the conversations tab.

:book: Flip

  • Changed flip animation to a bit clunky at the cost of many performance improvements.
  • The current animation is temporary until we find a way to replicate the old one.

:scroll: Discord Logs

  • Instashots logs - Preview.
  • Y logs - Preview.
  • YPay logs - Preview
  • Config to set webooks - config\config.logs.lua.
  • An open-source implementation that you can modify/utilize to your needs - server\custom\functions\logs.lua.

:map: Maps

  • Added real-time location sync in the Maps app.
  • Added config option in config.misc.lua to disable real-time location.

:safety_pin: Locales

  • Added a lot of new locales. If you have a custom language, adjust it according to en.json..

:star2: End of Year MEGA SALE :star2:

:boom: Exclusive Offer :boom: For a limited time only, get the phone at an unbeatable price of €45 before tax. Seize this chance to own a top-quality product at a great value

Hello! Where can i go for support with this script? Having some issues with newest version and with version directly before this but unsure what exactly to do to fix it on either versions

Join our discord and open a ticket.

:rocket: February Exclusive Offer! :rocket:

Get your hands on the YFlip Phone for the entire month for only €40.

:date: Sale Duration:

From February 1st to February 29th, 2024

:sparkles: Act Now!

Purchase Here

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Are you able to have unique phones? Like say someone hands your character their phone, is it still their phone or does it become the players phone no matter whose it is?

Yes, you can give your phone to someone else and they can see your information.

Take a look at the latest version - [đŸ’„SALEđŸ’„] YSeries | YFlip x YPhone | FiveM Phone

We will also release a S24 Ultra lookalike skin in a few days.

Hi does the phone have instagram live and video call?

Hi, it has Video Calls, and I am currently working on Live broadcasting.


I had an issue with this phone where you can’t zoom when taking a picture like with other phones, this was a deal breaker and I tried to talk to the owner about a refund but he wouldn’t refund me for it and even banned me from his discord for asking for a refund. Be careful about making a decision, now i’m stuck with a product I paid for and can’t even use.


The zoom functionality was removed in previous updates due to the camera rework, broadcasting features, and the walkable camera. We understand its importance and have re-implemented it for the next update.

Regarding refunds, we have clear policies in place. If your refund was not approved, it did not meet the necessary conditions.

As for the ban, you may have exceeded the allowed boundaries and violated our Discord rules.

If it was removed it shouldn’t have been advertised then or I wouldn’t have bought it. The refund was not approved because they wanted a video and I didn’t feel like adding the phone back in just to make a video. ( I shouldn’t have to) instead of refunding a faulty product you scam people out of their money I guess.

I didn’t do anything to get banned, I simply asked for a refund and you permanently banned me. If you’re thinking about buying this phone I might look at other options especially when the owner bans you from their discord just for asking for a refund. Very professional :roll_eyes: