Yelp Review: VisionRP

In conclusion, VisionRP offers a variety of Jobs, Heists, Cars & More for the Public. The amount of creativity and work that was put in was truly amazing and you can tell that the Staff of this city really cares about the future. The Economy was supposedly wipe? And It’s True! Amazing realistic Prices that was worked on. Another thing that showed true beauty of the server was the Community itself, I got helped out by many people who drove me around the city and took me to the city hall. I really want to give a shoutout to the staff members Puff, Makayla, TaZe, Junior, Bean, Casey, Gilbert, White boy, Love, Old Man Jones, Jesus, Ford, Bella and Whoever else I missed. I really can’t wait to play tomorrow because I truly can tell I will enjoy it even more. Shoutout to the PD and EMS for Upholding the law of the city. 10/10 RECOMMEND!


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