Staff was cool at first. But it became more and more prevalent that the owner of the server cared more about making money than RP. Would make you promises, then turn around and sell the business you grinded up to for IRL cash. Would not recommend if you want to have serious RP. Their police system is a joke, all the cops sit in one town then teleport to where you are as soon as they get a notification of a crime being committed. Though it’s high pop, you never once see a person out riding around because they all just wait in town until the teleporters open back up. The economy is not player driven, the owner sets the allowed price for everything so you as a player don’t make any real profit from your job, primarily designed for you to spend real monies to get in game currency. If that is what you are into then play here, if you want real serious RP, don’t play here. Again, I loved the server at first, but just turned into a Pay-To-Play.
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