Windows 7 Client

I can’t launch the client please help, i know it says that i should use windows 10 but i can’t because windows 10 makes me lag on every game, please make it so that we can play on windows 7, there are some steam.dll file that fivem can’t find.

In terms of Windows 10, You probably had incorrect drivers installed, or better worse, you didn’t do a fresh install.

I’m not so sure if there even is compatibility for Windows 7 by FiveM anymore.

Install the latest updates for Windows 7.

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I’m pretty sure it’s nothing to do with windows 7 updates, as my windows 7 is up to date at the moment, i’m having an error saying “the procedure entry point AddDllDirectory could not be located in the dynamic link libraray KERNEL32.dll, then after i click ok i get another error saying could not load component steam.dll, windows error code”.

Also sometimes the launcher stops responding as well before I even open it.

I have Windows 7 and had a similar problem. I don’t know what caused it but I know I fixed it. I copied the FiveM.exe to a new folder I made. Double click and let it do its thing. New one worked so I deleted the old one. Worked for me.

I having the same problem as Wolfexrina. I tried reinstalling FiveM and also verifying the game. I hope someone finds a fix.

How do i uninstall tho? I selected the folder it installed but i don’t know which files to delete.

I deleted the whole folder it installed

I fixed everything except the fatal error that it can’t find something like steam.dll