Will Fivereborn eventually be able to support more than 32 players?

Hello there. I’m new here and I just want to know: will fivereborn eventually to support more than 32 players? Like will it eventually be able to support 60 players or even more than that or is the 32 the max we can go?

@buttesquares This has been discussed numerous times and although it’s possible, one would require to re-write certain portions of game code, re-route packets and possibly re-write bandwidth management related code in order to make it work, it’s not just a matter of making a game array bigger and before this is even deemed possible, one would require to fix the host assignment bugs and the current cap which happens after 24 peers are connected to a session. Some keywords related to this are “sync nodes” or “datanode”, “synctree” and “dissectors”.

@Jayceon Ok. thanks. :slight_smile:

That’d be Hard