Why doesn't RivaTuner Statistics work with FiveM?

Hey, kinda an unusual question but I didnt know where to post is. So if you dont know, RivaTuner Statistics is a program which displays temperatures of GPU/CPU. I tend to have it on in any game as I just like knowing the temperatures of my PC components so that when they get too hot, I know about it. The problem is, that it doesn’t seem to work with FiveM, but it worked with normal GTA, even when I tried full screen mode/tried adding it manually it still didn’t work :confused:

Anyone know how to fix this?

If your PC gets too hot while gaming you should probally increase cooling.

It’s not that it gets too hot, I just like to know the temperatures of my CPU/GPU during gaming as if there is a problem, I can see it straight away and do something about it rather than not knowing and possibly damaging the components :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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