What is the name of the weapon ammunition to spawn on the fivem

What is the spawn code for minigun / rocket launcher ammo please

minigun is minigun_ammo, unfortenetly i would like to know the firework ammo id too

try these

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Giveitem (id) pump 120
120 IS munition

Found them if you still need them (for QBcore, idk if its different on a different framework)

pistol_ammo (pistol ammo)
rifle_ammo (rifle ammo)
smg_ammo (smg ammo)
shotgun_ammo (shotgun ammo)
mg_ammo (mg ammo)
snp_ammo (Sniper ammo)
emp_ammo (emp ammo)

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Still wondering if anyone was able to find the minigun and rockets id’s?

I think sniper is te same as rifle, or am i stupid XD idk did not test it

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Hey there,

If you’re using QB core you can find all of this info under qb > qb-core > shared > Items.lua

Just use control F and search what you’re after or scroll

fr brooo

It doesnt work for me can u help

Need to add new ammo in qb-weapons/server/main