What are the hosts and type of server allowed for fiveM?


I currently have two servers fiveM at Zap-hosting and I’m not very happy. Many bug database and server that lag enormously.

Can you tell me which are the hosts that offers good services for fiveM and which are of course allowed, because in the past I had a server at Microserum and it was impossible for me to connect to the server because “server unauthorized”

thank you for your answers


Only authorized GSP’s

Most VPS providers are allowed…

Thank you for your answer !!!*

Could you tell me where to find a good VPS?

This one you think is authorized by Fivem?

Any VPS will work fine.

https://manager.microserum.net/cart.php?gid=18 like these.

If you get the “IP is blocked”, send an email to support@fivem.net with your IP address and that you’re using a VPS and got blocked.

thank you for your answer, just one thing what do you mean by blocked?

You’re unable to play on the server.

No, I mean Nathan means when he says a vps that I blocked. I need to change the root and the password, right?



Sorry, I’m french ! I repeat his sentence “send an e-mail to support@fivem.net with your IP address and informing him that you are using a VPS and that you have blocked it.” What do I mean a VPS I blocked?

What? That isn’t said anywhere…

Concretely if fivem blocks my vps to play on my server, what must I do exactly by sending them an email, can you tell me more precisely?

In the event of that happening you will be provided with steps to rectify the situation with an error upon attempting to join the server.


In the past I had a vps at Microserum and when I logged in for the first time on fivem. They told me unauthorized server, only servers from Zap-hosting are allowed. The problem is that at home (ZAP) it’s a bit of a hit lately, a problem with comics and many lags, so I’m looking for another more efficient alternative; You advise me what and where?

Database and fluidity catastrophic

Sorry the translator does not translate what I mean

If you are blocked, email support@fivem.net with your IP since you’re using a VPS and not some game host. Since hosts re-use IP addresses someone else might have been naughty before you.

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